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Flesherton Advance, 3 Apr 1884, p. 4

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..y. THE ADVANCE. Jl. R- Fawcett. Editor. FLESHERTOi : THURSDAY. APRIL 8, 1884. EDITOKIAL XOTEH. The Ontario Legislature was prorogued last week. Prince Leopold, the Queens' youngest and favorite sou, ia dead. Mr. Cliarlton's teduc'tion bill n* defeated in the senate on Monday list. A motion tot the six months hoist Was declared carried on division. The great " conspiracy " case ia still the all-absorbing topic of the hour. Messrs. McKim, Balfour, and Dowling, have placed themselves in an unenviable light before the public. Accepting bribe money, and then tarniitg informers has left them open to all sorts of suspicions, and uuy have a tendency to teimiuate their political career rather abruptly. Ketchttm of the Hanover Pott, H the best paragraphist in Northern Uutario ; bat even ho does not come up to the Durham Chronicle man's standard not by a large majority. Arthur Henry knows how to appre- ciate a good joke about as well as he docs bad whiskey. The branch of Messrs. Win. Lucas & Co s private bank, in this village, is to be removed about the tit Ji of May, when the present popu- lar manager, Mr. A. MacPherson, re- tires from tlw management to take a 1:1 >ru important position in one of the chartered banks, in Western Canada. We have been informed that the I. ill at the Orange Hall, nsar Fleihcr- t >! Station, is in a fearful condition. '/.lit hill MM I every hill between here au4 the Station will be an eyesore to t if public until a new road is made. How m ic!i will this contem- plated improvement remain in the shade* of obscurity tlir country newspaper men, who Hre daily pestered with requests to publish this ' &uv," aud tliat " beautiful " piece, and all original, of couhte I Nine-tenths of the so-called poems out i country publiahera, are just so much wretched doggerel ; and an equal proportion of the really good poems sent in as " original contribu- tions," have been pilfered from hvtmi books or family story papers; with the name of the wilder attached, 'cading the public a largo proportion of it at least to believe it to be en- tirely original ! Whyt we have probably a score of poems in our office at the present time, said to have been written within the past year, and which to our certain knowledge, we read in books or papers twelve years ago ! Very " original " poetry that, and very fresh, to be sure ! EA'I'OSIA'G FRAUDS. The Agtnti Herald, an ably con- ducted monthly paper, published in Philadelphia, by Mr. L. Lum Smith, is down on frauds of every description. This paper haa, on more than one oc- casion, saved us from being " taken in" by Yankee sharpera, for which it ha fl our sincere thanks. What we would like to seo now, is, a paper published in Canada, having a similar mission in view, and which would be equally as fearless in exposing frauds of every description. We have quite as many sharpers in Canada as they have in the States. Foa SAIA "Not* an IngvrtM" by Ror. L A. Lambert. Thu is th in. -st effectual, most brilliant, and moat crush- ing reply to that blatant infidel, Bob Ingertoll, ever published. The pamphlut oonUini 200 pages, printed on good paper, in clear, plain type. For sale at THB A.UVANCB office, Fleaherton. Price 30 cents. The Ban Francuco Monitor aay of thii book : "We hope this pamphlet will find numerous readers among non- Catholics who dejiire to toe the rut and rant of Ingenoll rubbed out bj the learning and logic of Father Lambert." This is the Reason of the year when p )?ts are almost as plentiful as flowers in May. In one sense, poets are a tort of nuisance, viz., w'.ioa we dt'sir to do our worst enemy a mortal injury, WR s-nd him a batch cf sprin ; px'try taken promiscously from our waste basket. Tiuxt usually floors him, and whun next heard from oar enemy has been consigned to the tanler mercies of some guardian of the law, for using profane language ! After that he usually gives ns a wide birth. Last week an tupiring youth from tomewhcrc in tha neighbourhood of t'.ie swamps of MeUncthon, and who,. ancestors have evidently been all boni l5ets f tr t'.ie last sixteen generations, Hjut us a poem ia blank verse, which lie r i:i-id-:ivil worthy a prominent place in the columns of THE ADVANCE. He said he " slightly imitated the style of Shakespeare." but his in- herent modesty prevented him draw- in,; comparisons ! We read the poem, which was entitled " A Dark ftprin;{ Tragedy." We read it a secjud time, but failing to perceive where tht ' dark tragedy " canio in, w.- came to the conclusion to put it carefully away, ami send it to' the Hiiuover 1'ott man the next time he Keif! (Mir dander up by gottingoff jokes at otrr expense. If it doesn't annihi- late him, we'll get Jenkins to shoot him with- one of the Chro*ide't political editorialu, wliioh, like ancient cannons, are as liable to shout t!it shooter, as anybody els. Hut all jokes aside, this spring /try busiuaM u a gcoat auisauoe to Prominent amoag the great*** maiHul du- r.,mf by ttuBsoy cares it h&s 9coi*d McGregor's Speedy Care leads the Tan. Sub- jected to the minutest chemical analysis, it ban been found to contain none of tbote in- jurious ingredient! coaracterising the worth lean specifics daily offered to the public. K very ingredient possesses a peculiar adap- tability to the viriuas complaints for which it haa been compounded, and iU efficacy ii being establised by testimonials hourly re- ceived. We are therefore confident that we have a preparation which w* can offer to the public with the assurance that it will be found not only a relief but an absolute cure for Dyippaia, I.ivor Complaint, ludigeitiou. Constipation and Impure Blood. Free trial bottles a Richardson's Drug Store. year, was received and adopted, and the Clerk was instructed to call for leader* for the printing of 700 copies. Orders were issued a* follows : It Fawcett f7C.39i, for repairs of Hearer River Bridge tideroad24 and 25 ; Andrew UriBr |3.40, Ueorge Clark #1.40, George Korku 3.40, being for servics on Arbitra- tion re S S. No. 1 and 4 , T. and J. N. Andrews and Co. fc>, Rent of Division Court Hull , \Vm. Uuy $15, balance of Kepairt to Indian River Bridge ; James Campbell *2, Wm. Wilson |5, Dougaid McLean $2, binK for Statute Labor charged on mil and performed ; Carmi- ohael and drier f4 and J. Farewell $15, fur printing , Richard Cook flO, work on road* ; J. H. Dickitson and chas. Pye $16 each, salary as Auditors ; John Park $35, part aalarv as Assessor ; E. Rorke $40, part salary as clerk ; R. Hamilton $17,80, goods to T. Munroe, indigent, H McLeod $10, tor Mrs. McKay, indigent. Council aiijounifU to uicrt Friday, April llth, at the Tuwnsbip Hall, Raven- na. EDWARD RORKE. Twp. Clerk- BT V A i. K N T i N K MUOOINS. Once more the bright sunshine and bal- 017 breeses of gentla spring have ewme to relieve the monotoiy of a stormy, cold, ssowy winter. Again the songs of the birds art heard, and the earth will soon be wrapped in its most becoming cloak. The snow covered many ' ' deformities," and now a* it rapidly melt* in the warm ray* of the sun, queer looklag things are brought to light in many of the back- yards and alleys <>f our towns an*) village* Decayed vegetables, and all sort* of filth are revealed to vie*, Ashes strewn about in all directions, old oyster cans, and all sorts of rubbish are exposed te view sending forth odor* tbe reverse of plea sant. Filth, filth, filth every yard, every alley, yea, even the very streets abound with it, and the pure air of heaved is di- filed with its nauseating odors. Why will village people persist in keep- ing <iro re* of pigs and cow* one would almost think acme of them had little farm* in the immediate vicinity. Surely on* cew and one pig onght to satisfy any rea- sonable mortal although, for my own part, I would just "about us soon keep a good healthy polecat about my prem- ises aa a pig ; in fact, if there i* differ- ence between these two Quadrupeds, it i* decidedly in fsror of the former. Cows are ureful animal*. They give a* good milk to drink, rich cream for our tea, coffee, etc., and Dice, clean butter that is when they are milked properly. But some people do not know how to milk, and that's where the difficulty cornea in. They get down to their work like experienced milken, but oh ! horror of horrors ! no sooner is a few dr,|.a drawn from the cow, than down goe* the hand ( dirty itself, perhaps ) into the milk, and up it cornea and grasps the teat*, cleaning off the filth ugh ! it is dis- gniting to thiuk about it. Of all the filthy animals under ths sun, the pig itands out in hold relief as tbe filthiest of all. And vet it form* a prin- cipal art id a of feod to a large luats of people ! It astonishes mo Low people :an eat the meat of uch a disgusting an- mal ; especially whoa it is consiiMired :hat thousands of these animals are fat- tened for the market on the refuse of but- chers' Blaugbt*r-houes ! It is horrible to contemplate. Nnit, FACTS AID FIOCBKH. Will be cheerfully given by the proprietors ol Bur- dock Blood bitters, regarding the many certificates of wonderful carts made by that mi-ill.. iiir in chronic dineaaet of the blood, liver aud kidney*, revxallng proof that ia be- yond the possibility of dlapute by tbe moat incredulous. KHKKMAN X WORM I'OwnKRfl raqnire othar purgative. They ura wfe aud sure to muvuall vanotlMof worms. DR IXWH WORM SYRUP hai romnrtd tniw worm from IS to fc.-t In luuuth It alio do- troy* all kinds of worm. IT SB. n.n| UK lTK.srioATi>^If any of our reader* are suffering from chronic diseanes of the stomach, liver. kidnjs or blood, they should invustigste the merits of Burdock Blood Bitters. It li making some of the most remarkable eures on record. < oil i II-M .H,<I Tp. Council. Tin- above Council met at Tp. Hall, on Friday March 14th all the member* pri- ent the Reeve in the chair; minutes of laat Council read and confirmed, after which communications were disposed of a> fol low* : Account* of H. Lyne t Co. , and T. & J. N. Andrews 3c Co., for naiU, tpikex, etc., for lidewalks, in 1883 wore referred to the Reeve. Accounts of John McAuslan, and others, for gooda etc., furnished Mn. McMaster. indigent also referred to the Reeve. Adam Barr, re. statute Labor for 1883, laid aver. The Clerk was instructed to notify H. S. No 4 anil I'. 8. 8. No 17 of the in- tention of the Council to attach Lot* 13 and 14 in 2nd Con to 8. S. No 4. Mr. T. H. Dyr, of the the firm of Wil- son, Evan* and Dyre, wa* appointed So- licitor of ttm Township The claim of Mr. Andrew Orier relative to nrmar* on Lot Kust half 3, Con. 12, was ruferred to the committee ou arrean. The petition! of Donald McAllister and others, W. Johntun, and other*, and W. \V. Cox, and other*, were laid over. Tlw Auditors' Report for tha. present TRUTHFULNESS ! Courtesy, All Goods, Gold, Silver, RoUed Plate, or Gilded, sold for just what they are in Material and Fineness of Quality. Those whs wish a nice varltty to Mloct frem of ,:, .Us, Ehaifis, and Jewelry, Bmldas a VERY FINE STOCK of Electro Silver Plate Ware ! Will Hud It to their advantage to Inspect My Stock I AND OET MY PRICES Before Purchasing Else- where. I uk for a *h*r* of TuUlc Patrouiuie on tli bull f HOXK8T DEALING. Plain ..t,i Weddlnv BlHgB Alwaya ksrt. All Watoh work REPAIREI BY MYSELF! / and Warraotsd W. A. BROWN. Ittarkdale. Tinware, Tinware, Tinware ! EARLE STRAIN, Is prepared to do all kinds of Tin, Sheet Iron, Copper, and tolvanizfi Iron Work. I make a specialty of Mitt Cans, 8*p Pls. Eavttronghiug in fact everything in the business will receiv* prompt and careful attention. .Repairing done Neatly and on the Shortest Notice. Just received a car load f the F si 111 tins Speight Wagons ! K3- Agricultural Implements always in stock. Plows and Plow Repairs, 4e. WM. STRAIN, - - FLESHERTON- BOOTS & SHOES; GOOD AND CHEAP. 7 have received from one of the best factories in the Dominion, several hundred pairs Boots $ Shoes suita- ble for SPKING AND SUMMER WEAR CALL AND EXAMINE THEM- WM. CLAYTON, FLESHERTON. WILLIAM HOGG, FLESHERTON STATION. Bespectfnlly annoanees that be has received a Large Supply of New Gocds, suitable for tbe season, all of which have been purehawd to the best advantage, and will be (old cheap for Cash or Country Produce. The new arrivals ar* Extenalve and varied In Dry Goods, Winter Clothing, Boots &c., &c., &c. Also a full supply of Hardware, Groceries, ProTtetons, Cr*ckerr, AC. In- spection of the Stofk invited. My Branch Store at EUGENIA kept fully supplied with Good*- I offer FOB BALE or TO LET, my SAW MILL at Little Fall* ; dnves under H ft. head of water ; all in foot order, with about 400 aeresof Timber Land on which the MiH ir situated. There ar* alto several other Ooed Mill Sites on the property. Liberal Ttrnit- on either purchase or lease to a competent man. WM. HOOO. Fleshertou Station, lit Nov., 188t. FLESHERTON. ~~ MARBLE WORKS ! E. VANZANT, Al.l. KINIlft or M&rUs d Mn.lal Ms, Such aa Monuments, Tomb Tables, Headstone? Counter and Table Tops in American and Italian Marble and Granite, and made on short notice. Also Mantles in Marble aud Marbleizcd Slate, &c., ic. Fleahcrton, Aug. 30, 1883. THE FLESHERTON. Flour 15 00 to 6 Fall Wheat $0 50 to 1 Spring Wheat 050 1 Barley 40 Oat 80 Peas 00 Butter 15 Eggs, froah 10 Potatoes 85 Pork 700 7 Hay, per ton 000 7 Hides 4 00 6 Wool 18 Sheepskins 50 1 Geese 06 Dncks, per brace 40 Chickens, per brace... . 25 for the working claM. Ftond 10 oonU for iwataw. and we will mall you PRKK, a royal, valuablu boa i4 aamplo RoU that will put you III the way of making more money In a few daf* -.than you ever thought ijtwiiilile at any BVSlASSS >0<K|<ieal not required. Wo will Mart ywu Yna ri/i can work all tin- Unit* or in n|>aru time only The work in utiivi i-al! , adaptol U> tioth Rcxeft. young I III and 'M You can panily earn from 00 cent* to ' ... every veiling. That all who want work may tut 00 the buiiueM, wo inaku thin uniiarallBlled oder uu lit all who are nut wull NatlMfltxl we will *nd II ' to pay for the trouble of writing no. Full par (>O tlculam, direction*, etc.. Rent free. Fortunes will 1 w I" 1 ntiul*' by thowu who give their whole time t* ^ ~ the work, (ireat succew absolutely ture. Don't ^(J delay Start now. Addrw* STimon A Co., Port . land, Maine 46l 50' ~ DO -Z-OT7 50 M 00 OH 60* 40 TORONTO MARKETS. Fall Wheat . $0 98 to $1 09 Spring Wheat 1 02 1 11 Barley 68 68 Oats 38 89 Peas 74 77 Butter 22 25 Eggs '20 22 Potatoes . (per bag) . O 80 85 Pork 8 00 H 25 Hay 7 00 16 00 '. LOWSHL'IJ'HUnaOAP U hl4*ly r. oomni*.dd for the cure of Rru|itlon voafss , Chappa* Hand*, Quplw, Tsv, Ac ItJBBMMBS litn or "r*mt Foi IALI AMD "Funs WAmr DAILY AND WEEKLY MAIL THR MAIL ha* become riir IbTognUrrl Hi<lluiii fur farm Ail -r!Ui mi HI. An 1 (Nit tint mor* nf them tlu all other (.'wudUn pftpN cwai buted. 1 1 has jy>,goo rMulcn of the right clju*. APVERTISIMENTS of "Kiran h, to," u<1 Fn. W Tied. " ' Stock " o> ' ' Sotd U Sfc " Of Wuletl " Inxncd *. TIIK WEEKLY MAIf..yfirr,//|>f >ucduch lnuftloi>. M ftwitfr rtntt per word for 4w iitrmtit. uf hi TIM- IMILV MAIL Ul*fl*4m **fn*i pMwufdxchkMrUga. AJj,r- THE UML '

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