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Flesherton Advance, 3 Apr 1884, p. 3

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CURRENT_TOP1C. AN unpublished latter from Bloober, wrilteo immediately after Waterloo. oomee to light in Berlin. The much*! writes: "My child, tbo tiuest battle has been fought, tbe maet glorious victory gaiued. Details will (allow. 1 think tbe Bousparlti ntfinr IB DOW agaiu about fin- ished. L Belle Allianse, tbe 19U> early. I i- MI write 110 more, (or I tremble in all limbe. Tbe exertion WM too great." In a lonj ooaimunicttiou to tbe French Academy o( Sciences, M. Paul Bert, a high authority, tentines to tbe excellence of 8 grammes of chloroform vapor i/ >.l to 100 litres of air a* u ataettheuo. UIH experi- ments were uiude on buman being* of both exes from 17 uiuothit upwardi. Tbe mix- ture IB not disagreeable. Borne rather like it. IoMnbility reunited in 6 or 8 min- utee, and in one cue wae maintained 1J boun. There wai no DI were invented. They were coined by Mr. James Pilbrow, an eminent English oivil engineer, and were nrst uaed by Dim in a report in 1660. They aoon came into general ate, bat as they were not then in any diationary, be wa en one oooaaion summoned before the Lord Chancellor of England to Btate their exact meaning. He then explained " sewerage " ai meaning tbe complete system of eewer-pipei and druuiH ot any city or diitnot," and " new- age " ae denoting " tbe refuse which passes through mob pipes or the noil." Thin die- tinotion ii plais and ehould alwayi be ob- served. THE absurdity of tbe existing English marriage law is well illustrated, says tbe Pall Mall Gazette, by a piece of persecution about wbioh a question was asked in the Commons a few days sgo. A ot IN a letter dealing with .Laud Law He fornj, Mr. Juhu Bright expresses the belief that opinion had so far advanced on this question tbi tha British Parliament will before long couiieut to cbanges which a (ew years ago men thought almost impossible. He (eeU sati><n---d tbat in tbe main tbe owners of tbe noil will profit by those changes not IBM- tbau other classes ol our population. Hoint,' he adds, " may be timid, some may doubt, bat future years will prove ihe wiedom of tbe changes we have sugxe'trd, aud wbioh cannot now be long delayed." FROM a recent decision of the Oerman Reiobagericbt it appears that snuff it to be considered an ariiole of food. A taker of snuff di.-c-jvrred tbat bis nose was colored blue by the ue of a certain article, and chemical examination proved tbat the l>booo had been colored with ultramarine. Testimony w broUKbt forward to show that this was in accordance with long- established UHaKe, but the judge regarded tbe manipulation as an adulteration and imposed a Due upon the manufacturer under the law prohibiting the adulteration of food*, etc. LKSHIPS, tbe Suez and Panama Canal proprietor, has a running account with sleep, taking twenty -four hours at a time, and t another none for five or six nights. In travelling be gets into the first compart- ment at baud, and sita anywhere ; if be finds an sgreeable companion he tallm, if not he folds bis arm* and goes to sleep, never waking until he reaonee bis destina- tion. Wbeu be went down tbe other day to Cheanay, near B rJeaux. he requested the guarl to wake him lest he should go beyond. On a voyage from Marseilles to Alexandria be slept 107 boars oat of tbe 130 ot the voyage, aud then not for some days. par ub i oner at Eppiag and his wife were refused tbe Holy Communion by tbe vicar on the ground that tbe woman was tbe man's deceased wife's sister. Tbe bos- band was Hi years old, and tbe wife 77, and they had been married JO yean ; but Or. Claugnton, the Bishop of tbe diooeee, ap- parently held tbat they both oame within the definition of " notorious evil liven," and sustained the vicir in bin action. The Attorney-Oeneral, however, has now pointed out that the marriage, having been contracted before Lord Lyndhurat's Act, is Htriotly vslid. and tbe viear has been ad vised by tb Bishop that the two pariabion era " cannot legally be repelled from tbe Holy Communion." " Had this view ot tbe law been present to my mind." adds Dr.Clanghton in a letter to the parishioners, ' I should have been spared the pain no lees to myself than to yourselves of order- ing the said repulse." No niiii.i in Britain probably has such strong reasons (or desiring tbe accession of tbe Tory party to power as tbat of tbe Duke of Aberoorn, whose sons are tbe bitterest personal assailants of memben of tbe pres- ent Government, Tbe Duke is a poor man for bis position, and tbe action of tbe Land Commission has by no means raised his income which is chiefly derived from Ire- land. His daughters have married men wbo have no need of money with their wive*, but be has five sons, three married and with children, all of whom mainly de pend upon their father's purse, while ID addition to domestic expenses four have incurred those of elections. Tbs sldest re- ceives a salary as a lord in waiting to the Prince of Wales, the second ekes oat his income by beiog Vice Chairman of a rail- road and Director of about a dozen com- panies. The ablest, Lord George Hamil- ton, married a lady with some v.VOOO a year, which bii brothers did not. It may easily be imagined tbat to men no situated exolu sioo from office year after year is a serious mortification. Tbe Duke has now to hod money to pay tbe election bills of bis son wbo has just been defeated at 1'auley. AM English judge, the late Mr. Justice Byles, always took bis notss of evidence in shorthand, and be was therefore enabled to get through owes with most exception*! rapidity. At Bristol Assizes, a few yean before bis retirement, be wae once quite floored by bis owi hieroglyphics and after a delay of some aioutes he turned for aid to the reporters' box. "Can you gentle- men kindly axMist me with a word here? I have not pat in t'je vowels, and what I have got ID my bu*k looks as if the witness had uid : Go aul call the baby.' " The witness had been referring to a policeman, which the judge bad rendered " bobby." i n MIII,,.,, far W h , , i. There are more than 10.000,000 iron IN 1813 there stood and there is every reason to believe, still stands, at Vostizs, on tbe Gulf of Depsuto, Greece, an Oriental plane tree, wboiwi girth was, in 1849, at five feet from tbe ground, 37 feet. This tree, situated in tbe middle ot tbe village, on a gradual slope, Htaudirg on a raised plat- form of ll t stones, evidently for protection to tbe roots, is a striking object on entering tbe village, aud enpt-cially noteworthy as existing in tbe days of Pausanias, tbe Greek historian, wbo. living in tbe second cen- tury, makes mention of it in bis travels ; and tbe tree must have been of considerable size and sge at tbat time to have made it worthy of remark, it* age, probably dating considerably before tbe Christian era. mak- ing it more than 2,000 yean old. It was in (all vigor in 1842. The villagers hold it in high respect. FBOM a rough draft of Prinoe Bwmarok'i Bill for insuring men against accidents aud death, it appears tbat all the various em- ployers will be required to establish in- surance rxupauieti, and to pay the whole of tbe premiums on tbe livee and limbs of their workmen, in proportion to tbe wsges earned by the latter, and to the danger tariff. Thus one element in the previous Bill, which formed suon a bone of conten- tion, bad been dropped namely, part pay- ment by tbe btate of the accident assur- ance premiums, with wbioh tbe labor-given or capitalists are now to be exclusively hardened. Bhould, however, any of the companies (Oenoesensohaften) prove un- equal to their liabilities they may be aided, or even taken over by tbe State. are more car wheels in use on American railroads,' said the master mechanic of one of the trunk lines, " and it requires about 525 pounds ot pig iron to make one wheel. About 1,250,000 wheels are worn oat every year, aud tbe same number of new ones most be made to take their plsoss. The iron men are called upon for only a small proportion of the 312,600 tons of material required tor these new wheels, however, for nearly 3UO.OOO tons are supplied by tbe worn-out wheels themselves. Formerly the life of a car wheel was estimated at eight yean, but tbe reduction of tbe railroads generally to tbe standard gauge, and tbe improvements in loading and unloading facilities, hsvs materially decreased tne length of service that a wheel may be depended on to perform. Tbe uni- formity in gauge keeps oars in more con- tinuous use, while tbe decrease in time of loading and unloading enable* them to be put to more active service even where they are run only on short local routes. These figures do not include tbe wheels on palace ooaches and the better class ol passenger coaches. Ths wheels on tbat grade of rolling stock are now made almost exclu- sively of paper. They are as serviceable as iron, and combine Iigbtuetm with strength, gnat desideratum where opeed and economy iu motive power are of paramos* t importance." I I I I K Of ron I A K NOVELS). The War m WUesj Ike * mo : . Cease I* M U I'pes Thess. Shortly after marrying bis first wife, wbo, though a most sweet and charming reaturs (see " David Copperlield "), wasn't vsry muoh of a housekeeper Charles Dickens jams boms from tbe lodge one morning in the wee, ems' hours, and as usual struck a bee-line for tbe pantry. Be unusually hungry even lor bim, and as be stole stealthily across tbe kitchen floor in bis stocking leet he thought to himself tbat the best half of a cola fried chicken would be about as acceptable a nitfbtoap as be could wear to bed. Dot wbsn he got there tbe cupboard was bare. From the top shelf to the bottom and from one end to tbe other of all of them there was not to be discovered so much as a pickle. It is sard that upon this occasion Oaarlee Dickecs uttered his first, last, an4 only oath. " By gad, sir I" swore tbe great n>an, " this blawsled cupboard pressnts as blank an aspect as tbe rest of the establish- ment. It's a demoiuou bleak house ," and Mr. C. Dickens was so struck with tha happy Higninoauoe of bis last remark that be im- mediately forgot bis huugbr, and, rushing up stairs to his study, wrote on tbe title- page of bis last half completed novel: 11 Bleak House, by Charles Dickens." A noted Frenchman of an alleged scientific turn of mind ran away to sea in his early youth. Failing to gain either fame or fortune in the sea-faring business, be became despondent, aud finally, re- solving to learn what tbe next world held iu store for him, plunged one day from tbe mast-head into tbe sea. Several seconds before be oame to tbe surface be bad come to the conclusion that he was hardly pre- pared to die, and wondered bow many miles it was up to daylight and air. lie wae at last discovered, hauled on board the ship, tbe water pumped out of him, and livod long enough to embody his submar- ine experience In a voluminous lie entitled "Twenty Thousand Leaguee luiler the Bea," Messrs. Gilbert .V Sullivan bad always belonged to that despised class of human beings known as land lubbers until a few years ago, wbsn they accomplished a short voyage aboard one of Her Majesty'n men- of-war. As might be expected, neither of them proved good sailors, and tbe weather throughout the satire voyage being un- usually tempestuous, they encountered no little difficulty in keeping anything on their atomaebs more than an bour or two at a time. At last, to save their shirt-fronts from utter ruin, both these gentlemen were compelled to resort to an arrangement usually applied to very yoong onildreo under similar circumstances. And " Pina- fore " was the name they naturally chose for tbe opera they subsequently produced in commemoration of that remarkable voyage. Put Yourself in Hi< Plaee " is a title wbiob U supposed to hsvs suggested itself to Charles Heads on observing tbs hope leaaly henpecked condition ot tbe unfor- tunate man wbo married bis former sweet- heart. All tbat glitters is not gold." moaned a oertaiu song-writer wben he discovered too late tbat the coins be had received la change for a cn<p new greenback were counterfeit, lie immediately set to work and wrote a SOUK about It. Una night Wilkie Collins awoke suddenly out of a deep sleep, oppressed with s sense of horror for wbicb be could not account, but which almost deprived bim of tbe |K>wer to move or breathe. After several which seemed to him superhuman efforts be man- aged to raise himself up on one elbow, but fell quickly back with a smothered shriek, and covered bis eyes t- shut out the un- natural shape which stalked mysteriously about in tbe moonlight of tbe room. The familiar votes of Mrs. Wilkie telling bim that tbs baby bad the exilic, and tbe pare- goric was out, brought bim to. Before Mr. Collins bad returned from the drug store bs had already blocked oat that thrilling story. " Ths Woman iu White." TUB ill !- BAY Km i THE WORLD'S WORNLEIM. Will rfcrir be K BMrtfcc .a ike . T. M - What ISM aieeseval s.n Beira Olfcr r l.ul>r New*. A Montreal despatch lays ; With refer- ence to the retrenchment policy of the Grand Trunk Railway management, the officials state that no definite terms of re duoouu in wages have yet been fixed. Mr. liickson has held conferences with engin- eers, conductors and trainmen, and laid the matter before tbe men and asked them to meet the company fairly during tbe titue they are running the road at a loss, as the com- pany bad met them wben times were good and advanced wages. He assured tnem tbat wben profits increased sufficiently wages would be advanced to tbe former tigurtM. Tbe engineers appear to have is ceived the propoeition with a disposition t comply with the request, but tbe Maasgin Directors having left it to both them aud tbe conductors to propose what tbe reduc- tion should be. tbe rates are as yet an open -mention. It was understood here thai s deputation of employees on tbe Wester portion of the road wen coming down from Toronto yesterday to interview Mr. Uickson, but op to the present writing nothing baa been sees or beard of them by tbs officials. Kumon of a strike on the part ot ' -inductors and trainmen, which seem to have gamed currency more par- ticularly iu tbe west, have not yet assumed a >hape to be dealt with, as the officials bave received no intimation of such an intention . The officials state that nolwitb standing tbe recent reduction! in staffs, they could still profitably dispense with a lane number of trainmen, reading a re ply proposing a reduction from tbe em- ployees tbe matter reels for tbe tiro* being. A Port Richmond, Pa., telegram says : Tbe coal troubles ID tbe Bcbuylkill, Leg- hasb, Wyoming and Lackawanna regions are becoming worse. Continued suspension of operations and tbe half pay plan that bas been exacted by tbe leaders ol the combination are creating intense disealisf ac- tion. The miuen an organising for pro- tection. I IU ><- M II II 01 I The BUI el Va*e aaMl Bsi HI i HI i n annoylM Kidney, II. U Qatek. complete eun, all aud Urinary Ernest Dore. elder brother of tbe Gustave Dors, is dead, aged S3 years. late Th term ky Ira luy b useil to represent tnjr oiauifold eill. If you would baltU uooluily with till" inaov-bedl monster of Jii you will Dud it *i|diMit lo kMi> Itn. I'lnkhtin 's VK*tablCuui|K>uiidilwayi at baud. Dr. lion- A Dahlia despatch says Mr. Parnell has sued one of bis tenants for arrears of rent. TECHNICAL newspapers in Germany bave for some time been discussing tbe relative value of clover grown in this country. Tbe opinion lately expressed by a farmer in an agricultural association in Elbing, East Prussia, on tbe subject will be of interest. Herr Bohwaun said that he had used American oloveroeed for more than ten years, and never noticed that it suffered In winter ; that be had previously used Oer- an clover, wbioh suffered considerably, and once tbe crop entirely (ailed. He has, too, noticed tbat, though American clover has a thinner stem, it grows fuller and yields more. Bo, notwithstanding be cautions of tbe papers, he intended to con- tinue sowing Ainsrioau clover. He con- sidered tbe Canadian tbe best, and recom- mended applicants to be careful to procure fresh seed. TIUI words " sewsrsge " and " sewage ' are so often confounded that even oar best dictionaries have been compelled to give each of them tbe same pair of meanings. Yet it was jast to avoid tbe embarrassment and make a useful distinction that they l ., i . -i Nw Two bridges have been carried away by the freshets at New Hamburg. On one occasion when her grandfather in his baste forgot to ask the blesniug. Dot called out, Wboa ! whoa, papa Willard ! backup and say your prayen! llarper't llazar. Tbe younger sons of peers an described iu tbe Eton school lists as " Mr. bile boys an put down Snobbery is rampant tbe names of other without any prefix. at Eton. Among the speakers at a mass meeting under the auspices of tbe Ch'irob of Bog- land Temperance Society, in Toronto, last night, were the Bishop of Huron and lion. O. W. Uoes. President MoCosb, of Princeton College, is oootidend conceited because be told a gentleman wbo complimented bim on bis ability in dissecting Kant, "Ub, it was perfectly easy to me." But most men are aware of their own ability. When Thackeray was in New York some yean ago speaking of his books one evening a lady remarked : " Mr. Thackeray, you are tbe vainest man I ever met." " Yec.iii adame," was tbe reply, " but you forget tbat I bave a great deal to be very vain of." The Smith family fills fifteen closely printed aolumns in tbe new London direc- tory, and the Drowns eight. There ii in the oily a charity for poor Smiths estab- lished by an alderman of tbe name 200 years ago. Be gave 1,000 lo captives held by Turkish pirates, ami L' 1,000 to poor kinsmen, and the latter fund bas inonased until it is worth about 160,000 a year A man was received into the Laborisiere Hospital, 1'aris, the other day, with a yard of rope banging from his mouth. Traction upon the cord revealed a section of clothes line measuring sight feet. He bad been surprised in an attempt at suicide and had tried to conceal bis design by swallow- ing tbe eord. He lived, ol course they generally do. I fcli r !tl !, ! KMfc.KI >.|ll.n Bll Ihel l n t>- . t P. t i. .1 Tbe Hudson Bay Committee met at Ottawa yesterday morning, with Mr. Royal in the chair. Mr. Wm. South, Deputy Minuter of Marios, was examined. He stated that he bad secured from tbe Iludsoo Bay Company the log-books of tbsir TCHM!S running to Hud- son Bay daring tbe past thirteen years. Tbe vessels were sailing vesssls. One of them took 42 days to reach York Factory from Stromnees. Another W days, and one on tbe 22od July met with many ice- bergs and thick fogs in tbe Straits. Tbe Ocean Nymph wae on cos occasion 1 1 djt working her way through tbe Straits. In IH;O 1H7.',. and 1483. the vessel was 17, 22 and "-' days respectively working through the ftraits. In H7'-'. H73. 1871, 1876, 1*77, 1878, 1B7U, and 1-nl the Straits were passed witbout detention. The opinion of Capt. Mollbenny was as follows on tbe subject of navigating Hudson Bay : " 1 am of opinion that steamers fitted lor tbe work oau make the passage with very little difficulty as early as August 1st, entering after tbe 1st, keeping along tbe north shore and avoiding tbe pack ice. Three months' navigation is all that can be depended upon, extended from lit August to 1st November." NT, Dee. I. 18W. / am Hu Pattor of tbe Heptui Cbaren here, tail an oUuaatvl i>bjruclau. I am Dot la prac- tice, but am my swl family |>i.)>iciau, ul ed- TIM ID many chrome oeMe tiver a year ago 1 neonuueoJw! your Hop bitten to my mv,id wife, wbo ass been unar medical treatment of All>uy'i b-t phyuciAiii several year*, hoe has Itecome tbofriufuly curtd of her \artnue com- plicate*! Uinosi by thtr use. W botli recuuu- mend then, to our friends, many of whom bave cured ot Ihcir various aliuienu by UMU. KBV. I. U. Wuiaxx. l.ieut.-Col. Vilhers has bees examining candidates tor second elass military certificates at Belleville. Tbe examinations concluded laat evening. - it 1. 1 <- n t .. K > - Ask for Wells 1 " Roocb on Ooru." Ue. Quick, outuplete. i*nueaenl ours. Coma, waru, btiDloas. Falsehood is in a hurry ; it may be at any moment detected and punished. Truth is oalm, serene, its judgment is on high ; its king cometh out ot the chambers of eternity. A society has been recently formed in TmnsVm to advocate the improvement and cheapening of tbe diet, one of its m*in object* being to show tbat a flesh diet is much more costly than a vegetable one, and less nourishing. A number of enter- tainmsnts bave been given under tbs auspices of tbe National Food Keforai Society, of which the following supper U a specimen : One hundred and fifty persons, for tbe meet part belonging to tbe working classes, sat dowu to a bill of fan oonsisUng of Hootch breth, with slices of whole meal or graham bread, green pea pis with pota- toes, tbe pie crust being made with cotton- seed oil, and tor dessert sweetened ssmolma or farina podding with stewed prunes. Mr. P. P. Donmus. Beoretary of the so- ciety, addressed those present after tbe cloth bad been removed, and said that aj thsy had all apparently enjoyed their sap- per, they might, especially the mothers and beads of families, like to know something about its ingredients and proportions. In making the soup, or broth, there were used for svery gallon of water, four ounces ot pearl barley, one turnip, one oarrot, two ounces of groats, or oatmeal, with pepper, salt, etc.. to season, la the green pea, pie, tbe contents wen dried green peas boiled tender, a hard-boiled egg, a little tapioca and mint to flavor. For tbe dessert, one pound of semolina or farina to s gallon of water, with sugar to sweeten and served with stewed prunee. After exhibiting BOOS colored diagrams to show graphically the relative quantities of water, niuaola-forn- ing, bone-forming and heat-giving constitu- ents of bread, oatmeal and beef, be remarked tbat they would MS by tbe difference in the propor- tions ot'' V these substances. that in a pounu of butcher's meal 12 ounces represented tbe water preeeot, for which they were paying at tbe rate ot '1 penes) to 1 Uing (1H to 26 cents) per pound, while in tbe dried peas, costing 4c to 6c a pound, tbs water was a very small part of tbs whole, they getting U to 1 J ounces of solid food instead of tbe 4 ounces contained in the pound of meat they bad to pay M cents lot. Mr. Donmus stated that tbe members of tbe National Food Reform Hooisty tbemselres prac- tised what they preached. Us instanced his personal experience of four or five yean in favor of the surtioienoy. wbolssom and superiority of a diet into which bird or fish had not entered. Dr. Alii a prominent member of tbs society, also staled that for nearly two yean be bad taken no meat at all i that bis food cost him little more tnan 12 cents h day ; that be eoold do bis work as well or better witbout meat, and that be frequently worked 1'i boon oat of W. KIDNEY-WORT 18 A SURE CURE tor all diseases of the Kidners and - LIVER ll tXeM .pnftO .taTUan On Uaisl m Jwt UnpOwT*Bwt tJf Fst. brilliant and fublnnabl* an tho Diaiuund l>yo colon Oo packwi* oolcn 1 to I Ibs. ot goods. 10 L-euU for auy color. Uicbes are less wealth than is learning. for wisdom cannot be stolen or lost ; it is therefore thy beet friend. ."Tbe best sdvlee mav come too late' Said aiuff rurfrom Kldsey truaklM. w/hon uk*d lo try hi'luv \v Tt. "I'll try It Lot It will bcuiy last <|OM." The ruts got well ind Is now rseoui- iiKU'liuii tba nuicdy lo all lufforen. ID this oaa* good advice cam* jul iu liiuv to sa* tb* Pnde often raiMalculates, and more often mlsooaseites. The proud man places himself at s distance from other men. Seen through tbat distance, others perhaps appear little to him ; but he for- gets tbat this very dutanoe causes him to appear equally little to others. Canon Farrar is a roan, in appearance, of 56. His face is moil uncommon, and is, says Rev. Robert Laird Collier, beyond tbe power ot words to pourtray. It is not s modern face, and it is not in any way an I'.nglisb face. No morels it a Scotch fsos. Tbe complexion is fair, tbs hair almost yellow. The eyes are uncommonly small so small tbat one cannot guess their color, though I should take them to be a very pals gny. There in a oast in tbe left eye The lonhead I* narrow, tbe cheeks an wide, and tbe cheek-bones high. Tbe mouth is a straight liua and a long one. Canon Farrar stands about five feet ten inches, and bas a splendid physique, although his faeeis pale. o.tnan Digna'a martial robes consist of a sheet and a straw hat. He doss not depend upon the set of his clothes for bit Dignified One can no mon judge of the true value of a man by tbe impression be makes on the public than we can tell whether the seal was gold or brass by which the stamp was made. - stt n re>t Koooki a Conch or CeM DI|WIM. For oblldren or adults. TrochM, lc. Liquid Wo. Meissouisr is painting a largs poture which represents Francn I. and the Chevalier Bayard in tbe midst of a gor- geous company. r..n.l with ..... Success bas current value tbe wide world over. It brsaks down every barrur and holds the key tbat unlocks every door. Pre- judioe, tbe resnlt of many failures, ml the memory ol painful experiences melt away like mist before tbe convincing merit of PUTNAM'S I'IM.ISS Coax EiTaAcroi, and now wben thousands are willing and glad to testify to its wonderful efficiency, it goes forth crowned with the success that only real merit attains. Buy Putnam's I'sinleis Corn Extractor. Beware of imitations. N. C. 1'olson it Co , proprietors, Kingston. A little girl of 7 yean, daughter of Mr. George Dunontler, of St. Hauveur, Que., died suddenly on Banday. Bhe complained to ber mother ol a headache, and imme- diately tell dead at her feet. The O,K Over. Pain banished as if by magic. Poison ' NIKVUJMK is a positive and almost instan- taneous remedy for external, interoel, or local pains. The meet active remedy hith- erto known falls far short of Nervaline for potent power ID tbe relief ot nerve pain. Good lor external or internal use. Buy a 10 cent sample bottle by dealers. Largs battles 36 cents, at all druggists. ^ -------- w, ._..,. M . . sMd.vkOTpiac1.Vwboww.flj. Malaria. irjvui Wort will ma*lf r*Ufn and quukJj In the SvftBf *o alien.. hSj ll i. ou BhouJd take a tbjvjwejh essjm of it. OLD * OajUOOIHTt.. s> r KIDNEY-WORT NEVER BE WITHOUT Buenaventura Bars, ei-Preeident Banto Domingo, has; die!, ansd 7(. left a for.uue estimated at |U,6OO.OOO. Tears are softening showers which tbe seed of heaven to spring up In human heart. of He I /COOK'S\ l BEST RIENQ/ POWDEB SOLD BY ALL GROCERS. BRICK MACHINES, S' END FOR DESCRIPTIVE CIB- Cl'LAK, Fricv I. ul and T*otloumlali of llrlek MteblwM an.l Hrlek Prssm We alo msk* tbe "kuraka Oemb,s*d Hnok and Tile Machine " for hurts or t:i, powtr L CLO8K , MON. , On I. EYE. EAR AND THHMT. DR. O. 8. RIER80N, L. R. O.P. * B. K . Lvolurar on III* Kjrt, Bar and Throat, Trinity Uxlical Colleg*. Toronto. OesIM and Auriet to ilm Toronto Oeneral HovfiluL late Clinical An.iutit K">al boodoa OpbUulmle H plta! Uoor*fleld'i au.l Central Lcm loa Tkroal n I Bar Hospital. 31? Church Btree*. Toronto . r, msipr>i'.ir O 4<rM. DS. T. A. SLUtL'M. IU l.i/.Bt . . To*. i-.H'l AHMMIIKU 1800. . I Mil A* 4. \l .1 .4 >\V All kinds if tlee; Pre^wru hawt^k-J, alee Hc,.r < br,., I- f.nllr. l.ll.~ to. Pat Bga Carrier* fvpllM. 4'eels>w> rsite ee>Uruel. Oolbiirn* ekr*l TuMOts Ceero stlab n.*,< B toieer-e a Humets) R<la<mt>ii or RiienevriaoFhB) maomhlp at the HrNOB IAN BUfllNlM OOLUOB OvesJanbes

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