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Flesherton Advance, 3 Apr 1884, p. 1

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Flesherton Advance. ,. 'TRUTH BEFORE FAVOR-"-" PRINCIPLES, JYOT MEW.' VOL. III., NO. 146. FLESHERTON, ONTARIO, APRIL 3, 1884. SINGLE COPIES, 5 CENTS EACH. THE ADVANCE,; One of lh leading bnoal and Ptmlly Newi|pn ID Northern Ontario. 1'ubli.hwl Ever-y Thursday, K ROM* IIP. OmcB, Street, - - Fleihtrton, Oni. A FEW HINTS NOR THI DU OF TKKMS OK 8UB8CIU1TION : 100 par annum In advance; llOOIf not paid i at tbe end of ouo year. No paper discoutiuuivl . unUl all arrar&gu are paid up , and no iub*cri|>- IKIUS takt-u for loss tban on* year, except when ' prdal Arrangement* for shorter period* are I made with tha publisher. , , ADVERTIBCVO RATES, 4c. Casual advertisement*.. Scents per lt Insertion ' aud I cent* per line each subsequent Innartlon. I Transient advertlM-meatH to ue pawl fi.r wh*n I ordered. Advt rtiseiuauts vithout sptK-ial direc- tions will lnj tuHuriud tUJ forbid aud charged I accordingly. LiberelinilncMmenti to regular advertisers. Notice* auiosat reading matter, 10 cent* per line each insertiuu. No a.lvnrt|.enieiit discontinued nnlll all ar- paid n 1 1 for advertisements should ruacb this uffloa not later tkau uuuu uu Tuuaday to ensure iuaertion In current Issue. A R. FAWCETT, Mitr and J'nWuArr. Book & Job Printing ! ID every style of tho art. at reaaonable prices svnd oa short notice Orders by mall will receive prompt attention. Tonns. strict) v cash. Flesherton Meat Market. SEPT. tiOOf), PUOPBIKTOB Cash paid for fat Cattle Sheep. Frosh Meats constantly on hand Tor Cash. Orders promptly filled. PKHHKltTON I-!P No. 1. mrtt (n their UK!: 11.NOI1. Htntlu's Mock. Toronto *trMit. uu the 1st and 3rd Mouilay it aah i.mutii at f> p in sharp. Vlsilluij brthru Wvloouie. ^L P. McUisrMit. M.W. W O. I1i-Ki.L. Bec'r . 1\> men l*f tli grutly, 2 *> 4 fUU; 4 Jo /s.':i. e tci/i <i<crf< f * prefer iiot in ueA o*. For < ..i..ii|.Mi..u. ar Co.tln-n.M. ne rsaradj Is so tttrciin as Area's PILL*. They lnjur* regular dally action, sad r star* Uw bowels to a baalthj cooilltten. For ImlicrsUoB, ur Dyspvpata, Arra'B PILL* an lrialaabl, aw] a sore euro. i!. .M 1,11 r,,. I .... of Appetite, Foul M"n. .*.',, Flmtnlency, Dlulneaa, llrarl h., Numbmrsa, Nans**, arc all relieved and cured by Area's PILLS. In LJrcr C*lnpUUnt, Billons Dlsordvi*, lu.J Junllr-. AvEa'a rn i* iaonld % flvra ID doss larg* nofh to esclM tae llrer and bowtls, and nsaore rustl|iatlon. As a rleanntng medlelD* la UM 8|>rlaf, tbsss PILLS ara unvqnalletl. Worms, canard hy s merbld condition of UM bowels, we iprlld ts> tliesu Piu*. Eruptions, Skin I>lsisis, and Pll*a. tlie result of Indlgrctlon or.>ontl|ltun, are cured l>7 tlie us* of AVI a't I'ILLS. For .ld., take ATEB*S PILLS to npen tb nnrs, remove Inflammatory secretions, and i!'.t. tbe f.-vm. For Dlarrbo* atid DvwBtcrr, esised by uj.lf n oolds, Indlftstlble fw*l. etc., AVEH'S J'ILLS ar* Hie trns remedy. Oont, Nrurml,!.. and RclaUco,nft<-n mlt from dlgMtlre Jontnjw- mcnt, or <MliU, aad disappear no mooring the <-aus by Uie us* of Aria's Pr.LS. Tumors, Dropsiy, Kidney ComplalBta. >! otbrr dlsnnlen caused by debility of obstruction, are cured by Avn's PILLS, Kuppreaalnn, au.l Palatal Mm.traa- llon, have a ufe and ready rem*ly In AVER'S PILLS. Full directions. In rarions laogvsfw, ae- tnnpany each parkige. racrAHD v Dr.J.C AyerACn .1 owall.Mis. 8oU by all Druggists. DUFFERIN LODGE NO. 186 I. O. O. F. Flestterton- MEi: TH ( -\rr\ Tuoilay Kvunlna at H o'clock. Ixxlge Hoemi, Strain's block, Toronto struct. IiKKreelxxICe. 1st Tnelav In each mouth. Vis- iting r.wthrea vi.r.liail) luvlted. Jos. in. r KIII i.v. N i. A. H. VAHM-SKN. U.H. FlenlHTton MONTHLY CATTLE FAIR. THK next Fair will IsXe place nu MONDAY. APRIL 7th. IHM. From 'h- ' .' fry /,'. rvir. land beyond the netting son I qm *n suthroncj in glory T O ssother of a mighty race, H*now*>ed in snug and story t Rich in memorials of tli- past. In promise of the future, Liifteet liy the great acts i to-day K not 'unworthy future Rich i. all deeds of deathless fame. Tkat shows divine in human -Biea in tluiTfe of noMe man, And of heroic wonisn - Hi:h In that love by Jesus tauplit Which maketh all men brother* Rich in each gif'. tbst (>od U t,i-, lint passing rich in mothers. Fr<>nj Canterbury's old renown, From Windsor's quiet uii-adi<. From " Silver Avon's" holy ground. From Cheviot 1 - purple shadows. Thy children pass to iverv laud On which the xnn is shining, Tbe stunly strength ol KnglHh hand With Western nervt r.njit m u.- ; But still, when v.'r Knglish haml To Rnglish hand gives greeting Wh<r-ver in tte English breast An Knglish heart ii besting Sweet memorim of ths uiolbnr-lind Will come like guests onbiddeii, Beneath the gatherinii mosM of Time, Id 1 1 ..thug fountains hidden Su. . t memories, not of moated tower. Or ivied castle hoary. Of princely Hampton '* pn-tnr*4 halls, Or Hasting'* doubtful glory. - Hut of the primrose l,v the brook, Tli daisy in the meadow, Tke Imtterosps. on Himplod ahius That cast a golden shallow ; Of emerald turf, with violets flecked, By young f t crashed uni As pattered they aloiiif til* w> . A mother's Land leading. Brown lockt may win'., n nu the brow. Bright eyes be diia with . i-|'ii.i/ Th* child grown old tlj. mother C"1,I Beneath tbe daisy sleeping . Bui still when He who holds tho key Uf Memory's mystic portal. Shall for s space unbar the gates To sbcw tbe soul Immortal. Though Artie snows or Afric minds Strrich iliearilv Wfore ), 1.1. Tbe fragrant pales of Knglish valts Will lireuibe tlieir wwtne* u'er him U mother land 1 I) mother-land I Ye work s oi.nilroii- mission I T* brinn again a scene perchance l^'iig bidden from the viiHoii ; Ys ttfiich a harp whose trembling eords Will i ease viliratinf never. But rtretchiag through the mint of lims Go quivering on fostver. .1.1'. lllljxlltl.l. D E X T 1 8 T , for TV Our ParUh Clrrk. H v I > i \ . . GKADCATK of Toronto' Hchool of Deutistrv. rii i s> f _i i ri will be at Markitale tliu 1st au.1 :ird ' '''I a^BWDtO w<w n, sn%', sleepy llttli lay of each iinuitli. au.l at Kltmlitutou <>i\ the ut hamlet in West Kent : as you drove into ITiiiTproflss'ou 5 ' n iach m n ' it, you could catch glimpses tf the curly . wreuthua of blue smoke, that lazily tlinrtigh thu trees skyward, while the ur was fragnmt witli the sweet odor of the wall-flower and honeysuckle, win me lovely cluster* gnwl the cotters porch. Small FROST. i9i (tanls. FROST & ARRI8TEUS. SOLICITOUS. COS VKYAM Us *c. (>ffli uvery Than* duiiioiid sha|M-d panes uf -.'If lead, did duty for the windows ; Look Here. Do you wint a new House or Ham * If *o I think you will ftnd It ti> yonr a,lvsntiu;. to call an.l see me. As I do a large hiiMiness I can Imlltl mi small pront. All contractn promjitly stten- " to and work guaranteed. Thanking the put B "A" "Y>ffl"."iNmi.'Yt Mr."-t.Vvwi,M Hn'in. aud e^h side of the nriRht krick walk d.,a.FLBHHKBTCN o8TiL ' n ^ ^ ^ ^ JJ ,__, i, set in whils on AI.r'UKI) FBOftT. Crown County Attorney. . * i to tho dixir, a neat tnmmed bonliT . k. 1 1 * t_ evergreen box, gave a utuxry lnuk to the W. J. BKLLAMY. TWT. CI.F.RK AIIVEMESIA. . Uo (or pant iwitroTiaifv, and by fair prlcuM and i;cK>il work, I flop*.' t> un-rit a < ontlnunurc t.f tli.- vauie. Yourn renitectfnllv, JOHN WHITTEN. "STRAIN & LARGE, Builders and Contractors, FLESHERTON. Are prepared to attend to llrirk ft ftton Work in all its branches. Orders tuft at tlie .\IIYANI r. Offictt will riM-ujTe prompt attntlou. (lootl work at Pair Price*. DOOM. Tbe village store was reached by a flight of three t'ps. with a shop bell of ancient memory attached to the di,r t>, ESTATE* INSURANCE AGENT W>*l.the arrival of cuatomors. The dis- rnr r urrnii Airmnvi'Fit f' ay " l tht> WIIld " w w " rtlt attractive. OLLELTOR,AL TWNIEK. con .i. tinK of a ho, ,,f fragrant red her ruiL's, a l.iindle of clothes lines, a IH>I of .Tin" lui-i *v miMieraw rates 01 . . ... , , . . . . A [ages bmuiht. ufflue nearly .,|> 'tb brick, and, place*! at regular inter MONKY Ixianed on ffooil security on th favorable terms au.l at m, >, I. -rut.- i |x>lt Town Hall, r'l.miii 111 ' J. . Webster, EUGENIA, LICRNHRD Vtirt ioni'.T fur tli. County of Orey. Money to l.-inl as usual, at reasonable rates. * W. S. 6RIFFIH, M. D. M. C. P. S., ONT. Will be ui Flestierton *vrjr Tuefiday anil Friday Orrira, trow 111 to 4 p. in. -In Wm Htraln's dlock. f in- Mi<( Life Inmiraooe. i\>inniunii'tinu ml frriMt*.. Ui Kiiiconl*. P.O. proinjitl v ntt.>ii<l-l to. John W. Armstrong. KI.KHIIF.IITOX, Co. OaiT. DIVISION COCHT CI.EKK, COMMISSIONEB In I*. II., Conveyancer, Ac. Agent for purchase ' Mill sal* nf lamls. Appralner for C. L. C Com and f. I*. B. i% H. ftoclety. Money to Txian on the niiiU reasonable terms ISHUIB or MAltlllAOK > l.II'KNSKS Alexander Brown, Money to Loan. I At 6'} Frr Cent. Inifrrtt on -Stmio** Loan. TT7ITH Interest paid yearly, not In advance. No v* commisi.ion cbaived. Apply to A.4.RIER. TUORNBITRY. of MarrlaRo Mouniui*. fleneral Agent i An. Uososed Auctioneer for County ,>f (irry P.O.. Ont. A.llion liotel, MAXWELL ONT. flood acwmmovtatlnn: host brands LlnnnrsA |,<ars. il.,,, i stablliu! aad att*uuv llo*tlui. TDK only Hotel In th* plao*. iou. ALLUON, . 1'imrauTon. ( vals as guardians of tho public health a row of castor oil bi>ttles. Tho atmos- iihere was s co-mingling of randies, fish, blacking, bacon and dry gvotla, with a seasoning of paints, oifs and putty from the rear. On the opposite side of tho road stood the Parish Church, an unpretentious Inn! ding of soiuu thrw cantuties. The reno- vatinu mania, had not laid its hand oo the church at the period I writ,', its high backed oaken pews m-ere black with age. I still vividly remember the feeling of awe which I experienced on looking to- wards the Kr-'e, curtained family pew of the Dykes, with almest as much revorrnct' as the anciont priest would gazo toward the holy i if holies. The congregation were composed princi]illy of the farming com- munity, many of them bent with age, J leaning upon their ashtn ttail, whilo their long, flowing white looks g\ e them .jiiite a patriarchal a]ipearanoe. The last of the .race of old paalni sin^en, sat in the gal- lery, while the solemn notes of ihe tr,,m- jbone, sax -horn, clarionet, double. bass, ami other instruments, aonnipii|o<1 the si 1 1 gin a in a muosure.l time, which gave one full opportunity to take brrath be- tween the linos. I well remember the {man blowing tho tnmihnne. : ho appeared A .iFATTQ W<U>W>d ^l Th " U 7* 'to be fully imj.rossed with the awful maj- AU MN 1 O " "L" l 'r '*?* "^ h ' 'esty of his Instrument. I onco, under a U. H. The lar|iet, handeoui ' , , t best book ever seld for less than twlee our'Pclal blt. ventured to Wok up and met price. The fastest selling book in America. In>- the fearful vision, of it pair of distended mouse profit* to agrat*. All latelllgont people want it. Anyone ean tNieotne a snncessfu] agent. '1 ui uis free. HALJjrrr Uuva Co., Pui UauU. ktau. James Sullivan, The Tinsmith, - Plesherton. Ui'pairinK. Eavotroimhinjj, *nd In fact tr-sry- tninK in thu htininr\n will reocire my proiupt and rar*ful attention at i4iam>iiablu prioef. I Iota iatock. oye-balli and niflatk'i! rod chock*, aocnni liued bf it viRoruw* thrut uf tha earthward, as the ulosinK strain of the] Tbr rancr and Itft Wrk. doxology pealed through the building. A vision of sixiiitanei'Us cumbvstnm comes before me every time I think of him. The grange s parliament was held th. Tlie old Parson wu a. great stickler for : * e * r Tor<,no. It ma<le no no... ; it the ceremonial oenancl.s ,,f the C-hurch. ' d cl '* <Hi wlth<>ut Holy days wero faithfunv olnen-ed. doc- points were duly discuased. while futamplc was made of the wimioin of the Fathers and all thu duly canonized Saints in the calendar. All hia sermons had nUxnl thu tent of time, were carefully written, well read, and known, aim, -at by heart, alike by the pastor and some , ,f the more intelligent uf his eoii|(regation. (teorge Wuller, the tilth of his race, aat in thu dsk below. He was a line figure, somewhat inclined to .-onmleiicy. itli ;t u'i..n I. full vi'ire. He sat on thu saint) seat, rrnd the siiiiie respoiiat>, fn,m the same hook, in the same tone, that the same four genenttionn of Wt-ller's had, who had passed into the unseen. Twas In- who sUiud l,y tlic lout at baptism ; hia hand helped ring the merry wrdding p<-.-tl: lie tolled the funeral knuQ ; he dug the grave, which drew to it* embrace uur frail mortality ; hi* hond endorted the " Earth to earth," fell m awful tones upon the mourner a car. Yet. away from the solemnities of his ofllce. lieorge was somewhat of a jovial temperament, and inclined to convivial habita. His in- duction into the sacred office was nttond- ed In- a i-ir, iiinstance, which, thuiiph trivial in itself, like many of our life's mistakes, stuck to him with remarkable tenacity. It was a bright June SaL'uath morning when young (ie,,rg first took his swat U-iule his venerab** pa in the clerk desk. Ilia tine, masjy figure showed to advan- tage, encased in a new black suit, exhib- iting a smitll acn-airt* of shirt front and white choker. He had a lily of the valley in his button hole, while on his counten- ance sat an invisible smile of supreme sat- isfaction, nut unmixed with quiet dignity, so befitting to the occasion. His voice noiiiuwhat tremulous at tint, soon gained coutisleiioo, until its full, manly ring gave tone to the res|N>nses, which were taken up by the emigre-ration in good hearty style, much to the discomfort of the trombone player in the gallery, wh* r- Cnnled (lenrge somewhat in the light of .in , in my The old I 'arson entered fully into the spirit of tho occasion hy inter spersing with his printed sermon, some practical remarks on the new >i|,|H,intee to clerical honors, irn.ttlv to the glorification of tlie Clerk, who. under the heat of the dav, or strong emotional feelings, fell faat asleep. Dreams, doubtless, of future Mi-ssediiesa. in tho shape of marriage fees and funeral p. r|iirites. lulled him tit the sound sleep of the just 10 sound, that, tho at tint gentle nasal iiiiininiriir.'i _-r i I uitlly expanded into a deep, sonorous snnrv, growing longer and Kmdor, until it bid fair to eclipse the utU'raJU c i\f the t.iotlijess I'arson in thu pulpit above. cannon, or any wtber tomfoolery of a k'.i> dred sort . and its de'.iVrationt were car- ried on with as mn-jh daonram as thoneit a speaker with a cocked hat had occupied tke chair, or a gold*n saace lud been dia- iplaywd to sxercise. antliority over tlin. |rh parlian.ent was iu seaaion for a wee*. and duristg tiiat tune taembera applied tkeuiselv*8diligutly tu the work before lhu. Ther* WM no bookum talk, r.o hli"rt sxtinga, no ulntrnctioiis ol Uiins-. no m*<lh?ss motions fsr information : hut a sensible, practical, earne.1 c<,n'idernt.< of EiibjfCts that interest the whu'.e cor;- iniinfty, and especially tlie fanner. The roeoibers worked bard, a* well a* lai and early, and imtsikly tLc rusult* migj.t li.-ivi U-eu uior* satiiifactorjr Iut4 the stt- i..u Wen prolonged to a furtnight. 11'. t any who has taken care to irtfermi himself of the proceeding* uf the body cainiit fail to have observed that tli. y were marked hy food tena*, and that tb aim of memKert was to make tbe occupa- tion of the farmer more importAut an 4 more valuable than it DOW it, aoii to Ut it to a higher place in re' all otli< r flairs of Uui pmpic. Tlite are ft gr< ut many (juvaliuus of a piilil.c uature that concern farmers ouly, and tbe solutu L t which can only be arnved at by patui.t study and disoitMson. The Wai The |*tiuneo and (ieoiye's pa coulsl insulted stand it dignity of ii>t longer. him vi^onuwly in the ribs, r.ulint him by name in a loud Super TKe rosult was unite uiifxiHTted, a-< Ueorne arose in an kalf-.i->leep condition, shouting " Amen " at the top of liu vi 4<-e It is needless to descnti" the foiirkmioii which followed. While the day failed into the past, not so gather up tli* local wiidnwi. and the r* preeentatiTr* of these Imlfrei in the IV uncial Oranw meet toji-ther well <|'i,l ified to wei^li the pro* and con* of a sub- ject, to (liininatc erivr and to cryttaJlue (mnciplei. A* an fducatia^ bJv -J certainly dym- rxcellt-iu in thin I'n.viticv, niitl e kupe it will ( on and praapt-r. Tki-rv are ra*t iielt* > i Thr Mldgrl Mbrrp. The very smallert of all kin.L of hrr. ay A. AVA.iitu, is Um tuiy Brett. iht>. It is to small to be very profitable to ; futof oonrse, It cannot have much wovl, and as for eating, wlir, a hungiy n.j^ would utmost eat on* at a meal. It W M small wheo full grown that it can hx> be- hind a good siced bucket. It taka* . s name from the i>articnlar j*it of Fraovt >,. r. it i> most raised. Hm il SH>I a iT-intable sheep it is a dur litt'e creature for n pet. f,,r it is very gei , tl and lovintf, and bccaiidc it is *o .014.!, il it not such a nuisance about lie bout* as wan the celebrated lamb which l,.-l..i^- ed to a girl named Mary. It uu!d net 1 to b* a very large little gji I a glnut 1:: tU Rlrl. indeed- who eould Ukt an ... dmary hep in her Up ai.d cud-ile .1 ihere ; but any little girl c.-,,;d f..A loom in her lay for t Brrton thvrp qmt* us , . ily as for one. of those Terv uglv !.f | d"gt ealled hy the ugly nan!* .,f pn-. One uf the little cr u tuu' peci.L^.. . t il its extreme symp.tthy ; ;h ii. f, , ., n% < of ils human friends, uben it has ;.i brought up M a | . i :n [I..- bouse, and !ia Itanied to ilUtiiucnish U-luein h|.pi ul u and unliappmewi. If any pTn,:i !,, , it likua a great dual is very mucli - tbout atiytninp. mnl shows it hy the rouiembranco of the error, which, like a burr, stuck to him through life ; in ff. th "ttle sheep will frisk *boi.t while declining year, told their tale, and e '' rr J '<?" of joy ; but if. <.n the cnuti.i , his less elastic step would thread the vil , ^ I* p ">n sheds lean, tl.e tjmj^tUitc lage walks, the boys of the rising gencr- ( fri n W 'H 'vince its sorrow inn nu*..jr atlon would IM>|. their heads n.und the ! ;"i'kable way. A kind ,,id i. j IK,|. corner and wiigyiiihly call treating figure " Amen ! ' after thu i. "In the Midst of i it,. Etc. Oreat preparations wore being made at I'xbridge hy Mr. and Mrs. Hell, an ,.1,1 and respected cuuple, to celebrate the an- niversary of their golden wedding, when an event ocoiired which ban tuned gUd- noss into deep sitdneM. .Mi I ;. ii. while doing > me boiKebuld duly in tlie abeence of tbe family, ilropped ileail, und waa found lying on the ri..r when her hus- band returned. Seven sons, with tlieir wive* Mil' children were to have b<- ( ,, present at the wedding, which was to have taken place on Wednesday. They were in Time fur her funeral. Deceased was mother to Rev. Joseph Bell, of the <'. M. Church, whose wife's r< la.ivei live in this city. - Iliuntitoit Times. loving .-uress will also fi.l it with neas while a cri* w.nj , r lutrsh gesu.i will cause it evident dislrcea. For Hatching. Extremly cold weather is very jnlur- ious t,. eggs fur hatching purpose*. When tho huns are to bo set, or the iucubaton itarU'i'. be careful to collect Uieui every time a hen eacklen, in order to prevent them from bouig ex|Hiaod to thu cold. The inattention given tho fiPipient i-ol 1,-etion of ev-vn for Imtclni ^ li.t been the canm of many bad hatch.**, and the h. n and incubators have Ueen condemned, ' it. i, unjustly, because egg that have been exiiONed to luw de(rues teiuperalute diduot liatch.- .VunW Kmr Thinus nut to dj. //iMorer / u*(, Never give advice. If a mitn i <, h- don t ne.-,! it ; and if lie .s a f,x.l U won't take it. Don't sit dc>wn on tla I ui-ii.eii eu<i . f 4 tack. The shock mix'it . .m-t _>ou : t.i* pome very unparlntmeuUry Iitii^iiAKr. Dont try to UK ucovuirtu. K-iu! that eooentnc people lire sonierlv vr trusted tnlh ten ceuU ajiy fui;:.^r iii.4 they can be seen. Dont jaw hack to a man 1 IJTR, r t l,at> yonrxelf, iUiK-hS you tmv u di ne to j(. yoor hea<l damap d and er falce > Don't lend THK I'UST to your ncii:!.U.r whois too mi'iui t>> lalMfeiM f^r oj ( hi* own. Dont com* in t> Tm I\>T Pii Hotme wnen >ou are luad i>ud la k Mir t'oreinaii it the braiy-wiig^ mun of the west Don't try In |..rndo in to se<| .,.j TH* I't MTU nil-its yon |*vfor it iu.|. , Ynu would only U- waning; nwy , houn which nn'i;l|t lt HUJIsrjrsjdla a iuj omethiog that would peibai* re*^id> a certain meiuuit o| ^luc>.. Ccw KUH UUBUHAIISH. HuUrn n (r, n. "Uuor sviiU) or vurunio rheuiuausia ill ..i.d nu inure rehW ur beWrr cum ihui HaKtaid s Yellow Oil. li...i.tu.. k| remvtly lor > vtul aud interua) u k ,- iU | aflvUui>>. 1

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