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Flesherton Advance, 27 Mar 1884, p. 8

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Heard's Improv'd HARROWS. True Word* Spoken in Jest. ITHACA, Miuoh &. Yesterday morning Taylor Walls of South D.mbv. who works for Michael Hardy, said to Hardy'* iliiuxh tcr : 1 hope I shall Jilt before ui|{ht ; can you liinl a jilace to bury me if I do?" Two I hours afterward while ut work in an orchard lie was struck by a limb of a true. ID three bourn be was a corpse. !! returned to con- , sciouaiiess aftor tin accident. |in I iiimrniit Train Trlencoptd. Art^mesin, June IGth, 1883. MH. JOHN 11. HEARD. 1 V;i:' Sir, I takv i'le:istirr in testifying that the set of ten-bulled Harrows ! iiun-liust-il IVuiii you Ust April 1ms given uic entire satisfaction. It being i.'ivni to inr on trial, I closely wittilu-d its operations when nt work to find a i':inlt with it, but I failed to see any. It is no heavier on my team than my -ix-bull woodtii harrow. I am yours truly, Jons \ViniBV. HEALTH FOR ALL HOLLOVYAYS PI LLS& OINTMENT THK PILLS I urify the Blood, correct all Disorders of the Livev, Stomnoli, ll<ln'yK, and I t.>\\ They Invigorate and restore to health DeuilitaUKl CoiiKtitutioiiii, and are Invaluable in all Com plaiuti luciduntal to Females of all aeon. For Children ami the attud they are priceless. THE OINTMENT I* ..n infallible remedy for Bad Leg*. Bad Hivawi*. on \V<mi<U. Horn ami L'.cerx. It U famous for (tout and RhruuiHtiMu. For (.monk-m of the Ctir-t it ban uo equal. For SORE THROA1, BRONCHITIS. COUGHS, COLDS Ulandular Kwuillngs, and all Hkin DI-U-AMM It ha no rival; and for contracted and stiff joiuts it aots like a charm. 4'atlle lir;isr ill NKOSHO F.u.ut. Ks.. March 'J'2. Veterinary snrgoous in consulation here decide that i the cattle dUease it n< : .-.ntivious. I'r. Sal 111 "ii says aa Soon a he saw the rattle lie ; thought of ergot, iul they proceeded to ex- amine the hay. T Ilia had unt been Uoue be- fore. They found it contained a large i amount of wild rye. which was full of ergot. I The surgeons all sly they never saw cue- , twentieth part ai much ergot in A bunch of j feed. The theory is that tho ergot, by cop. l tractiuk' the l>lm nl vessel and otherwise re- tiirdmg circulation in thu cxtn iuitie. catu- t>d thu feet to f rer2e, F.anufactured only at rrnfettkor HI.I.HW\Y'H K-tahlihmeut, 7H, Xew Oxford Street ( Inlr 53, Oxford M n-.-i ), London, r.n.l are sold at la. \\ft.. tt. M., 4 M . IN., 2*.. and X3 each Itnx or I'ot. and may be bad of all Medi- cine Vendor* throughout the World. r**- i'whmtrt ihiAil<i IIK^ 1,, the lsill nn thr Pots <nul Ikisfs. If the addreu it tu>t ..I,', Oxford Ntreet, Lviidon, tit- y nn This is not the " Red Flag " you have read so much about ; this is a good, honest price, good quality, & square dca.iug Flag, carried by Mr. Thos. Duncan, Tailor, Flesherton. ~ -^^^^^^^^^^^^i^^*^^^ FLKSHERTO SASH A\D DOOR FAlJOIiy PIAMXG HILL CARRIAGE" WORKS, WILSON 4 McKECHKIE. - - Prourietors. Our fact. . ry i^ now complete with all the lak-st, best, and most improved m,,-:. iii,i-y m-ceHsary for tuniiiiR out everything in our various lines of biisi- t will be m thorough running order in a lew ,] H \ !t . CoutTloU fcr building in town or country take, i at i),,' most reasonable . . WOfli will IK' ^Mlaranteea first-class in e\vry iiarticuhir. this deiMi-t being nod* the i n.lmte supervision of H. M. MrK.clm.e. Sash and - ii. i ,1,. to order on short notice. Scroll sawing will jeceive prompt and careful attention. Planing a specialty. 1A Cania-, making our reputation for first-class work is too well known to -:i.v comment here. A lai-e und .^ccllrnt stock ..fcarriii-e^ [M tin.. . ( all at our show rooms and insect them. Orders fornnvtliinK in tins Ime will ren-ivv pn.mpt all, ntioi, and the fact that it is directly un .1.1 (he .siiij-i-vwion of T. 'vY. Wilsou, is a sutli.'ient (rnaraiitee that the- work ;oid i.i.iicriul used will be first-class. J. W. BATES, re Denier and Undertaker, public patronngo aud guaranteeing good work in every r.un of our business. WILSON & MACKKCHN1E- Gadd &. Campaigns, GENERAL BLACKSMITHS FLESHERTON, .'i> n,,\v fully |,re]i;iiv<i tn utteiij to all work in their line promptly, in a workmanlike miuner, iiml nt fair, honest price*. We arc in.w fully |'r<[,,m-<l (or all tbe Spring ork Hit imLlic luuy favoi Ub vutlj. Uorsr MiucEitK a 8|crlal:y. ricthcrtoD.Pvb. 12, \m. Singular <'oiMliliun uf a TOIIUK Girl. UKAMX... Pa., March 22. A 14 year old girl in a lieml-traiicu is eruatinK eummu- tuiu in leligiona circlia here. She is in a family belonging to the Itev. Musaelmuii's C"iigrei;a' of tbe evangelical meuuouite denomiiiatiou. Musselman sy the girl's soul i* in heaven at tiiuea, aud ahc in under tho game conditions in tvhieh St. John was when lie penned tho Revelation. The girl lies uu a pillow on thu floor, and her de- scriptions, of heaven and tbe augels are given in a loud ton>. f voice, and are high- ly seiiiaticnal. The lucal press here Ii no- ticing the Htrange tflair at length. . I 14)1 Cruelly Murdered. In the Province of Ontario every year thou- sand* are being slowly murdered by taking unsuitable, untried nostrums for xuch cnm- ulaiiits as CoHtiveuttM, Indigestion, Liver Complaint, Kidney Trouble*, .-te , who might easily regain lust strength and energy by u*inK McGregor'* Speedy Cure. To con- vince them that m-li is the case we will cive them free trisl I. .ttl.i it Richardson's Store. Price , r >i>c. and $1. See testi- monials from pornoiis in your own town. Manitoba Troublrs. HW II,, ,1:1. The handful of people in Manitoba who ftro talkiiiK imiepenjence and Secession can have ii. . Idea that it will amount to anytliiu^ but talk. It in hardly likely that the peo- ple of the Dominion, who purchased ami pid for the Nortli \Vet, and have spent a large amount of money in the construction of its railways would permit it to go beyond talk. What grievance have the Manitoba people which the rest of the Dominion does not have. Do they Ruppnse that the money to bnild railways u lying around loose and can be had fur tbe picking up. And in what worse a position iir. they in repiinl to rail- way monopoly than the pci.ple of Ontario or any other Province of the Dominion. Those in Ontario who are aiding and abetting the discontents in Manitoba are the mmo who ro trying to hand over the whole of Ontar- ie to the tender mercies of tho Grind Trunk monopoly. Whodors not know that the Ololx- and the (irit party made a political stalking horse of the Grand Trnuk when they had suspicioim that the officials of this railway weru t-hnwing their Influence in sup- port c.f the pre-cnt Ciovi-rnmi nt Then every accident ami every train that happen, ed to be five minute* late were faithfully re- ported, and in strong colors. But a change has taken plnco in the attitude cf the Grand Trunk lowsrds the Government. The com- pany deniandH that, certain railways in On- tario Hhnll be liainleil iivt-r to it, thereby giv- ing a complete monopoly of tbe carrying trade of thin Province to that railway. Hut what i thought to he good by the Globe is regarded as very had for Manitoba, and they sre aiding the <li*coulent then by every means in their power. It shnws very clear- Iv the spirit by which they are actuated Anything in fsct to give the (ioverum*nt trouble is their motto. Hut this Manitoba row is tons-mall , i nutter to oanre any nc- eiisiiien*. It may be a source of comfort for the present to tl. agitators, but will amount to nothing. Province and the Xorth- Wi-nt are better provide with railway nc- commodntinii, in |r,,]K.rtion to the popula- <' than sny other part of the Dominion. 1 1 . \ are only \\mtine their time in talking iinle-pendeiio.' cr secession, nnd perfectly well know tlii.. They in;.v injure the country by th. ir useless agitation but the time ha not yet tome when they can be allowed to t.ike tlieir neighb.m property ami 80t UMBMim up in business with it. Fluid Lightning. Fluid Lightning is the only cure for Tooth- . uche, Headache!. Karaclic and Neuralgia. It j ilo not tnl..- u day or an hour to cure it, but | iu leas than a in. nut- all pain is gone. Then- | Muds have tstd its merits within the hut yoar. Fluid Lightning is also a punitive cure (or Ithoumatism. '1 he worst ponstbl* cases have U-< n uuruianentlv ciir.-.l in o&e week. Trice 36 ccuta at lUcbardigu's Prog Btoru. A Large Party from Durham, Ont., Bouud for Manitoba, oji Board. MINNKAPOLIS, Minn.. March 22. The west- bound expreati on the Chicago, Milwaukee * St. 1'uul road IvU'bvopvd u .-]" ci il \vct- bound freight und emigrant train standing on a kidu track ut Ked \Viiig to day. Tho freight train contested of twentyeigbt ears, two c.Kiclies being crowded with emigrants aud a caboose on the rear. The caboose was entirely demolished, and thrown from the ruiU. The rear coach, containing seven- , ty emigrants, wan turned u r .un.-t thn steam- 1 boat freight house aud wrecked. Tbe en- ' gine of the passenger train ami soveral cars were budly broken up. Thu accident was the result of Bradbury, the conductor, of the emigrant tniin. forgetting to llag thu ex- press. The emigrant party is from Durham Out., and is bound for Winnfpeg. Seven- teen <( the passengers iu tl.i- last emigrant car uro terribly injured, au.l two at least will d'e. After the collision the cars took tire, but tbe flames were extinguished. The IRWS was received at the local office shortly after tho disaster, aud a special traiu with surgeons and road officers departed for Kid \Viug. Among the injured reported me ; Alciundcr Paynrr. his wife and two daugh- ters, Nina and Matilda, aud two sous, George and John, all seriously cut or bruised. The father had his arms broken. \\ illimn Rud- dy, his wife and infant Maggie, were nil w.-undeil in the head, and the child having its skull crushed. To the Ladlefc. McGregor <fc Parke's Carbolic Cerate will cure any cas of Pimples on the face or Kuugh skin on either bauds o: face and leave them soft as silk. It will also heal any sore when all other propa rations fail Thousands havu tested it. ASK your Drug, gist for McGregor A. Parke's Carbolic Cerate, aud do not be persuaded to take anything else claimed to bo as good. H is but '25 cents par box at Kichardson's Drag Store. DB. LOWS WORM BYHUP hss removed tape worm (row 16 to 3D foot in length. It also te- stroys s.11 kinds of worm. NATIONAL I'll. I. s acts promptly upon tke Llvur. regulate thu Howul* anil u a i<uir.ti v aru wild aud thorough. EE MO VAL ntss G. A. N. PAGE:, ( LIT* or OWES; SODMD ) will be found in Mrs. Uulmer's gUop, nearly oppnHite Mr. M. Richardson't general store, Flesbvrtou, where sbe will be prepared s> iiMinl to DO OVEK and MAKE VI' LADIES' andOitBTUtiiiN's FELT. STIIAW, BEAVEll AND CAMEL'S HAIR HATS, ...! m:,kc KQf ML TO \i:w. Tbe juiblii 1 are ruiijiecifull}- invit..! to gir her n trial. iii, work guaranteed at reasonable MISS G. A. N. PAGE. A MARVELOUS STORY TOLD IN TWO LETTERS. FROM THE SON I GrHtlemrn. My father resides at Ulover, VL lie has been a groat sufferer from Scrof- ula, sud lUu inclosed lUr will tell you what a mar re I ju* elloot Ayer's Sarsaparilla has had In hli cam. I think hit blood miut have contained thu humor for at least t.-n years ; but It did nt show, except In the form of a scrofulous tore on Ute wrist, until about five years ago. Prom a few spots wkloh ai.- peared at that time. It gradually spread to a* to cover hi entire, body. 1 assure you ha was" terribly arrticiwl and an objoct of pity, when be Iwgan using your medicine. Now, there aro few men of Ills IIK who mjoy as gtl lienll i as be hat. 1 oould easily name nfty pnrauus who would t ratify to the fact* in hi* case. . Yours truly, W. FROM THE FATHER:^ both a uro and , duty I. r me to state to yon the twueot I bare derived from the use of Ayer's Sarsaparilla, 8ix months ago 1 was completely covered wild. a terrible buinor and scrofulous sons. The humor caused an Incessant and Intolerable* Itching, and the salu cracked so as to causa the blood to flow to many places whenever I mored. My sufferings were great, and my life a burden. I eoiuuMoeed the use of ta* RARSAFAMUJI la April last, and hare nssi It regularly slnee that time. My oondltloa began to Improve at once. The sore* havu all healed, and I fael perfectly well in erery respect being now able to do a good ttav's work, although TS years of age. Many Inquire what has wrought such a sure ID my case, aud I tell them, as I have hare tried to tell you, Area's SAWAI-AHILUA. Glover, Vu, Oct. 21, 1*82. Yours gratefully, PHILLIP*. Arn'l SAUAFAIULLA eons BrroftaU and all Srntrulous OomplklaU, Eryalp- rlaa, KcMiua, King-worm, Hlotrhrs. -. . r. . , BollS, Til in. .m. iui.1 Km |.t I. .1 , . of the Skim. It clears the blood of all Impa- rities, aid* digestion, stlrmdak* the action of the bowels, and thus restore* vitality and strengthens tho whole system. PBKPARKD BY Dr. J.C.Ayer&Co., Lowell, Mass. SoU by all Druggists; H.siz bottles for K. PRIVATE SALE FARM & FARM STOCK Anil f'irm InifJrmrnt*. A I. SO :.-%< i: I. FAKM TO RENT. 1'OK I hsvi- one niHti'lieil Team . (,,,,<! wnrkiiiK Imr w . sii'l I VCIUIIK Marr, k'oiKl drivi*. To ! Mild uiiuap for cash. I'AHM TO KKNT. I hav a no-aorn Kami t Itont. This Fsnn In 1 mile from KUmhttrlon, Im- Roud liuildlogs uu It and in well , ,| KAK.M l.Ml'l.r.MKXTS KOK SA1.H. For Sale lit a llnnjuin l),,ul,l,. IUrn.'.. Slnulu lUrniiKK. WUgons, Sli-lvliM, Uiinpur, Sulk> Uaki-, I'lnwH. nndn luri-i- nninlier of i>ther Implemsnts. For particulitrH, npiilv tn 1. I . WHITE. Jan.24. 1HH. H.IISIIKKTOS. WILL CURE OR RELIEVE BILIOUSNESS, DIZZINESS, DYSPEPSIA, \ DROPSY, > INDIGESTION, ' FLUTTERING JAUNDICE. * H- OF THE HEART, ERYSIPELAS, ACIDITY Of SALT RHEUM, f THE STOMACH, HEARTBURN, DRYNESS HEADACHE, ^ OF THE SKIN, And vsry tpedc* of dlsssiM arlslns; from T. IILBURN & 60., TORONTO. EUGENIA Grist Mill, ::: lit. Ill Having made exteiiHive lnj|>n>Tenientn In my Orisl Mill, I am contUcnl I can giw K>'"t satitfactiou. CHOPPING DONE ANY DAY. Oood Flonr alwty* on band. Cnsiom and Bills filled mi tho shortcut nntir. Lum- ber nnd 1 .nil] nlw\ M on band. AVANTED : Cberry, Rutternut, White Ah, Black Ah, Basswuod, 1'ine and Hemloek Lugs wanted. M. AKITT, M'iKNIA May lit, 1H.S2. Toronto, iirey & llriicr Division. O O 1 N G~~iTo R T H . Toront.i. .1, |.,m 4..M) p.m.. . N.lfla m. OranRuvilla " lnuf> 7:1-, liuoiuu Ml. KMii.nt " 1-19) pin. !)(> " i . " II.M " Tiwwtr, rr.... 48N " lo:i Owoll Sound" ... l;l luju CUOp.ul. GOING SOUTH. Owen Hound,.. .ili-p. r,.]-, n.i,, , :i .,,. ,,i .?: a.m. Twwsjtsjr " :uio II.IJD Hirrlnton " (103 | .jn Mi K'irmt r.. ' ^H^ OrHiiKHTille H.V 7 " l.Mp.m. Toronto arr... nuu " B.Vi " .MO W.WHYTE. D MeNICOI.I,, CP'T. (Jus o Pin*. AOT. I in INS I.EAVK FLE8HBRTON STATION: oR Worth,, sinp.m. * 1MB pro. (.oing Houth, tU:Utin, IttWsiu, A YELLOW OIL CURES RHEUMATISM FREEMAN'S WORM | POWDERS. An pleasant to take. Contain their ow is a safe, sure, and

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