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Flesherton Advance, 27 Mar 1884, p. 5

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Death. -Mrs. McKechnie - mother of Mr. Hugh McKechnie, Flesherton -died at her residence, Cheltenham, on Sunday evening last. The funeral took place yesterday, Wednesday. rj At tJie Lowest Possible Prices at the FLE3HERTON PHOTOGRAPH GALLERY ! Framing in all its branches. Call and see stock. Mottos & Motto Frames a large assortment. Copying and Enlarging a specialty. ,* ' Local and Other News. Meat of all kintlii lower than the lowest at Sept. Good's, Floehertoii. A lut of XewTrunka for salo chvap at CLIM..V t. Meat cheaper than can lie nbtainutl elsowhero at Sept. Oood'i, FluahvrtuD. Call oiitl seo. Is Mi< a UN ploinaiiiiH .' Herself Mrs. McLeod Introduces to tho Public. K....>! Mr. \V. II. has j.un luiM-il an incultator for liatrlnn-.' Kg. UiMxlness! won't tho chickens be thick around Little- Mills this summer ! 1! vii IN. Another caao or that beautiful <Mi-;tr Itac-on will goon arrive at FleahurVin Meat M.IT..I 8. Uood. Prices vcrj- uodurate. RICHARIMON'M Nrw BUH-K. Mr. M. Uicliiti-ilanii has been in Toronto several daya during last and this week, making arran^i-menta almut ^certain iinpi>rtaiit featurua in connection with his new brick storu on tho corner of liurli.ini anil Syili-nhani streets. Among t<thor iiii|iortant iniprovt-ineiiU, he proposes ID li^lil the new store by gas; he als teinpL-itM putting up a large illuminated clock "ii tht-'t-onier facing the Imtt-l m|uare. \Vln-ti complete) we have no tloulit it will I*! tb most throut;hly ei|ui|ijx-il huainess I.I...-U in tho County A Lor. There are tin.. On Sat unlay last Mrs. Huuter. of Dundalk, had dinnrr at tho Muiihlmw hotel, Kh-shertiiii. Ik-fore K"'"i? into dinner, Mrs. Hunter left lu-r natchel in in- of the sitting rooms. \Vlu-ther the satchel was locked or not, wo do not know, but when she returned to the sitting room in question, her satchel was open. On investigation of the article* contained therein, it was discovered that veil was missing. Search was made for the imaging article, which was tin. illy ob- served, by some one of the guests whose eyes were sharp, protruding from the coat pocket of a woman named McLeod, who hails from tho neighborhood of 1'ricevillc. Quito a commotion was caused hy the discovery, but we do nut think it is tho intention of Mrs. Hunter to taku proceedings against tho wul.l ) thief. Tho theft of such a common article aii a \nl would almost lead one to tho U-la-f that the woman Mcl/eod bulonga to that s|>ecies of hu- manity calle'l Kleptomani:ica. We can not aee what else could havo induced tho w.nuaii to bo nuilty of such an nffence. 111! I ll.l. .11-1-111. On the nitfht of the l!>th inst.. some pt-ni.iii or IH 11..H.1 maliciously set tin- to Mr. Atkinson's hotel sulile, I'n. .-\ ill>-. Tin tiro w:u started in tho hay mow, but was discovered in time to prevent a very aorinus conflagration, which, with a hik'ti wind, miglit have i-ndaniji u il , \, i\ biminesa place in tho village. As it was, tin- lliunes had gained considnrable head- way when dwcoverud, but they went i|inckly ;..t under control by the aid of a Hand Ellt*rlnllllll-nt. \\\- han: to thanL Mr. John ISlythc. The liu-ntry, dr.unatK-, ami musical M. I'. IV, for S..uth lin-y. for a copy of entertainment !.'ivcii in tin- Town Hall, ThfT,irsit\i, anil i.:ii!i:unetit;iry \ Flevherton, hut Thursd.ty evening, mid. r \ t izn asked us on Tiicsday why IhTss- Making! the auspices of the Dundalk Brass Band, " statement of receipts and expeiidituri _ wthw to aauuuuev t. was attended by rut her a small gatlienn-, "f tho iM.lice villa,-.- of Klctth.-rton f.-i MlSS StQWtLI't tmmtr co*ott NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. U-..-11 publiflhc.l, We do m it know. as <>n J^ no doubt owing to the lar-^- numlH-r of ent.-rt.tinmeiitit held in the same place former yean this season. Tin- entertainment, i.n the whole, was a very god one. The sel- ections t,iveii l.y the band wen- very well Mr "* M' K., hnu. Kh-^lu-it -n -died rendered indeed, especially when' it is :lt '"' r residence < 'heltenham, on Sunday ' ' .','. DrvTH. >lr. McKuch-niu mother of c..iuiidered that tho uiaj.inty of it* ni. MI ' Vl '"" lt <' liult ; Tho bers are, eompnratively s|N*kiiig, groun- , >' c ' Ur ' 1:l - v ' w "-dm-*.lay. h.mis. It In. In fair to take a (runt rank annum' tl,c lamia ,f ;-> at an early daU 1 . Mr. Ketchum'it Holn on the c.>rn. t t.H.k , 1. o IT SBOCLO lie nr readers ar -..iili-rin^ fruiu any <>( chronic butchers in Markdale, who, not satisfied witli tho patronage accorded them by tho people of that village and locality gener- ally, have coiau to the conclusion to visit FleshrrUm uccasionally to solicit orders for m at ; and in order to do any kind of a buBiirss at all. they sell mrat here at buflalo robe and a few paik of water, very k<w prices. Mow, our butcher, Mr. Sept. Good, U a square, upright business man, and charges honest price* for every pound of meat he sells, and we advise our citizens to give these greedy outsiders the cold ahouldor. Tun chances to one but thaw Markdale butchers charge their patrons higher prices than Mr. . charges his. NEW PUWRYTEKIAX ('ill Hill The hMitiaomo Presbyterian Church, Fleslmr- ton, is now rapidly approaching com- pletion. Tlio plasterers are this week putting on tho finishing touches on tho ceiling, which when completed will pre- sent a fine appearance. The stucco work reflects credit on tho contractors, Momm. Largo & Strain/mite furnace, rogisters and other neoeaaary apimratus i.i connection with thr heatini; f the church, have already been put in. Tin- iwittA will In- [nit ill their pl.iocn as toon a* ponsiblo, the paintini^ will In 1 tnt]>editcd, and it in exported the church will IK- furinally ..|-ml l.y il... K. \ D. J. MacdoniiL-ll . .11 tho 24th of May. 4 t* Biltlo Prize. The putilisht-ra f liutl, i , '* M,,,,Uilii fifler twelve valuahlo rewards in their Mimthly for April, ainon^ which is tin following : Wo will give $iW.OO to th porm.n telling nt how many word* tliorv are in tho EpistU uf Judu, as rec.. tiled in the New Testament Scripture* (not the Nrw N.) by April 10th, 18H4. Should two or mure curract answers tie received, the reward will be divided. The money will be forwarded to the winner April IVli 18H4. Persona trying for the re- ward mint send 20 cents in silver (no postage Utnpa taken ) with their answer, for which they will receive thti Mny in which tin- name an<l addrv-sH of the winner ef tho ruward and correct answer will lie published, and in which several more valuable ruwardi will Ixi otfured. Addruu RCTLRHOB PUBLUBINO ('< MPANY, Easton, Pa. is nfo as to the identity of the perpetrator ur pcq etratoM, fi.r whuse apprehension and conviction, Mr. AtLin- son announces l.y printed hand-hills, $50 reward will bv given. We trust thn ooiindrel or scoundreU, who would thus endanger the lives and property of a com- munity of rospectable atucn.i, will bo speedily brought U> justice. llrr. Thi: n-sitleni-i- f Mr. Aaron Teeter, 3rd line, Kuohra*ia, was dustroyed by fire last Saturday night. The tire was tint was loudly and d. icrr. .lly applauded. Messrs. McKachi-rn and (iardncr Rani; " /xirt"~ir.( tt'ntfli !/(.'" with ._'..i>i| affect ; but tho accompaniment on the organ was wretched, and t.. a certain extent, spoiled the .-fleet tins grand aoug might otherwise h.tve had U[m the audience. Mr. M.u>l.\l. the ik-ntist, cored a good hit in his sdo, on the violin "Tlf M'l. ii'i H'r-l" Tho <>r. chestra did exceedingly well. Mr M I i. -hern's rvailini; from l'.d'> /In/ I '!." i-ii-ateil Home In. I nnn-lit. It was lengthy, however, and rather I- r.ii tho audience than th>-r'--. Mr I: i ' \\ hitl'V ri -eiled (v parad\ "II I^iti.-fi Mow's faun . UK P.X-III, /;,.,/. Mr. \\lntl.y Ki;s Incited rather rapidly; ot!iri-i-.. I,. , nrulo a u....d Int. Mr MeRacli.-ni .tang a solo, iiccoiupaiiiid ..n tin- OI-,MII by a ; young -.'.-lit Lilian of rather remarkable j musical talentu This \.iiii- griitl.-inan acconipann-d Mr M.KM'I.-III abnut hail way through tin- -.. .in-, wln-n ho auddupiy .h~ -.. eiwl that he was |.layiut- the a]blig aaooinpaiiiini-iit, ainl atopit-d ithort, to the entiro satisfaction of the audit-mo, who nw had the j.)eai<ure of heann-i Mr. McKachern's clusir voice to sonn- advan- tage. Twu comi. Irish anga were riv-n by a R.-iitleniHii li.nw name we did not ascertain Wrnwvcr he was, we must nay ! he is as giMHl a tU-lineat<ir of character as niany so-cnllrd "professionals" wo have ihesrd The farce, "/',r*fy Miln' Bu*," was capitally }>ut on. Mr. MeEachern, as the nn-pn wil-lc " I'sddy Miles' Boy," fairly brought down the house, by his splendid dt-limntion of that rullickinc; Triah chiwacter. Tho other characters were very ably sustained. disputes of tin- stomach. lirrr. kidneys or . they should investigate the meritii of Itlood Bittern. It i>< uiskiug so3.e of tho most n-markal.l.' cnrea on r. - G. >ul> CHK.STKIt UHIIK I1DAK KoK >\l C'litutj. \|-|'.\ t . \\ 11 i i-.n t:..sK.. Llltlt UlUs. Arteumla. Mi-am Mom- Mill A T FLES11ERTOX ST.l T10X, For Sale! t^.i iii. ^*--. . . *-t. - .it i-- STRAW AND FELT HATS ' C1asnl ..r '!>. <l au I > i : : . -t trial r. - talui. in ' 1' Ir.u.'... -. i.U. "I Threshing Machins f:r Sal: tNi t-ph . . . niiiniuu unlvr Kor parthiilai-, t.> J-iHk or HKMII >- an "lin|ir.-l I. r h : M..) PITT L.' Mai-liine, niaiiiifft. > t-ph Hr.M . Milton. Out . u. i > n. .r at'- Cotlingwood Townhii> . tl.-n.itn by luttar to ClarkiburK I' i THE FAMILY WELCOME. TI.IH i ,nir of the laru.-n an. I !>>t tory i>ai)i ' pill'llthiwl in Aln-rti-it It IN full of Morvailtl Koin-i in . . \\ U anil Iliiinor. t n< i dolr .ili.l V it \ i ill iir i . In fat-t. tln-r.- wilt not I'.- i\ 1,'ii.lll:^ 111 It t'llbl month I". HUH i in.- lolUr |-,-r n AK- nt wantMt t-varywhrt< -* fo-i- AJdr* "The Kai (Jut. > \tt\ ill'talrm-ntt w it. I, -lial.i.-.. witli .-rut p. r antiuni N I ..i, I V>H li O _ Tp /V T5 .l,.wn ; l.alanin ill *:H)aTar ' ; *ionr of I Ma- Or TO I _ TO RENT OR SELL. w " r * 1 - A " ln tb Towiuhlp of To SI tl.KIl TKMlKKS illi.l. r-lk'i^.-l \lilillt 1 .1- ' aii'l t;.lo: . , I .. ! . . ' JTtli Man-]i t.-r th,- .-r.H-t. .u i f i p. r^.1 with Hri r . -. IMali" an I |<orUleti.ial an .- ^->-n , TWO DURHAM BULLS ! : wii-liii- i l>i. -. Au adTane* of M<i oil! I- i. !. ti tl> c..ntrrt<ir on th OMMancv -( Tli Trutu.iu not biti'l t)i> ...-....- -. > tli. , -t ,.f an. tvlidvr \N \l Mil NT n|-rev, lOtli March. 1*1 M\wi: GORDON'S HARNESS 81101* -J at aU>ut 11 clock, and by that time had nuuli- Siich htuulway, that Mr. Teeter and f.tinily barely escape<l with their lives. Nothing wa sme.l. 150 biuhuli of wheat, a i|iiantity nf Lai ley . pork and provisions was stored in the In. use, all of which was lost. Some of the children had a very narrow escape fnun bein* burnml aMve. The orii;in of the tire is unknown, but it is sup]H.*od a defective Hue was the oau*v. It is neetllem to My th public deeply sympathize wi'h the family in then mis- fortune. We liopu, li'iwuvi T, thai some- thing more t;ui.:ibli> than meru words will bo conferred ujoii Mr. Teeter in bis sad misfortune. i With ttooj tUMend I'JlrM.i FORS.lLi:. On* vean old, for SJG , an! oou 1 year old. For furttior particular* apiilr t . ROGER LEVER, /'/. Jurl M /'.()., FLESIIERTOX. If you are suffering from a sense of lurtrtmt ururiueM, try one bottle uf Ayer's Sirsa[iaril].i. It will oost you bat one dullar, and will do you incalculable good. U will do away with that tirwi feeling, ifivu you nav life aud t-imrgy A Valuable .ii i. The Travellers Inauraiicu CtunpaiiV of llartfnrd, Con., whime graceful Tribute to the American uruiM, the engraving of the " KepnMonUUvu Journals and Joun.- alists of America." was last year given such wido distriliutioii, are now giving further proof of their artistic* enterpriae. This time they have brought ut a special edition for tin- press, of tho .< engraving of the colossal French statue of Liberty, as it will appear on the gigsvntio pedestal now being erected for its nvi-ption ill New York harbor, above whoso watvra it will next year raise its flaming torch to more than double the height of Niagara Falls. This office has received a copy of this interesting work with the oompliments of tho "Travelers," to whom acknowledgments are hereby tendered. Brrvlilr*. K, joyus Rpring ! Mr. f. I'ortfr, lite of the Markdale StuM'tiitii, eallud on in lat Thumlay. Mr Ketomim, the |n.|iular leader of Dundalk Hraas band, gave us a friendly I call last Thuracay. -Mr. Jaokinan, ..f tho Markdale ttbtn.l ifl rnlled oil n-i lost Thumlay. 1'r. Christ.* still ooiitinues to im- prove in health. - Revival meetings now K-im- In-M in K:. .11 Methixiutt Clinch, larveh ^ * 1 attended evury night. Several coiivonii.nis. N..W dual i up \ -in backyards and sidewalks. Where, h whvrv are our I'ulice Trustetw} Measn. Wilsjon and McKochnio have ! exchanged tsoir pinning iiia<-liine for a Urger one. Mr. \V|i. Clayton has recoived n large Mock of hoota anil nho<v, of vry PLBSEERTON FOR Watches, Clocks, & Jewelry ! JAMESG. RUSSELL i FOHMKULY OF HAMUTON ) The lTot;d Watchmaker & Jeweler, Has now on liaiul a splouilid asKurtruent uf large Mocr or noou amt an,K>a or ererj- TTT" 4. l_ /^tl 1 /" _CK T~ de^nption, which w.ii u. *dd .t bottou, W atciies, Olo^KS, Cuff Buttons, Specks. Rings, Brooches, Chains, &c., Which he is offering at Very Low Prices. Mr. Lamofi, ban-later, Dundalk, gave us a friendly call yesterday, Wednesday, KRKKMANH WOHM I'ONVDHH* raqalra m <Hhm tmrwaiiro Thar an safe sad son to r*- i0T aU TavtoMss rf ^ price* If you want a firat-claa* phnt>graph | of yourself, go to Mr. J. liuhiu-r, the l'li..t.. ; .ra|.hi-r. Flesheltoii. Misses ('air >V lx-ver am doing a good business in tho dress and mantle making. uJr.ilXr.l-^irWEDDING RINGS MADE TO OlIDKli: ! ment in ouradvert.amg column,. Jf WftMt ft p^ , BigOranfsup|^r at Umnge Hall, At'a Very I^ow Eugenia, te-night. (; o lo ^ Parties wanting firnt-claM Leghorn' nr Hnudaii Kggs should apply to \\ Uarithtiuse, Flaherton. Mr. M. Akitt, Eugenia, has secured the services of Mr. Ueo. Bull, uf Thorn- bury, for his flouring mills Mr. Bull is a steady yawg man, and si. gosd nuUer Artk-lo, All Repairing Personally Attended tc Satin/action Guaranteed. O. KUS8ELI., 24iH. 1864. i >

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