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Flesherton Advance, 27 Mar 1884, p. 4

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Ml THE ADVANCE. A. R- Fau'cett, Editor. FLESHERTON: THURSDAY. MAKCH 27, 1884. EDITORIAL SOTE3. -Tho Dundalk JJemld made a pow-wow recently about the ;ili",'ed use of slang phrases and val ariini3 iu THE ADVANCE. The v,,ik before last we proved to the (Kiblic t'ni the Uirald ig not tho saiut ii profess to be in regard to polite li'.iTal'jre. Its disgusting, uugentlo- inunly, aud base allusions to ua lias n. coiled on itself, and last week liko the c iwarJly poltroon it is, the Herald did n jt even apologize for its discourteous aaJ uiigentlcmauly language. EAST (iliKY Tho following are tho complete returns, with the exception of one ward in the Township of Holland, waieli will probably increase Mr. MiiCjlman's majority to over 000 : McCoLMAN. UYLES. Art.-tucdia 27ii 186 Collingwood 8:i 184 liuphrasia 2ii3 1'J'J IHprey 232 74 1'rotou 213 165 Holland 211 97 SW5 1487 Majority for McCobuan 582. It will be seen from the above that .'!.. Mylci did not even take a majority of votes in his owu Town- ship, Mr. McColiuau taltiug large majorities iu tvory Township in the riding. The total vote polled was not nearly as large as that polled in the election of 1883, or Mr. McCol- LU.J'S majority would certainly hava b.-.M inucli larger than it was. ' WW>LE*.(LE BRIBERY." Wlnlc the Ontario Lotfiilaturo wag iu wssiou a week a#o last Monday, the Speaker, on motion of Mr. Mowat, road letters from Messrs. R. McKim and D. Balfour, members of the house, tuclosing $1800, which had been paid to those gentlemen as a bribe to vote against the Mowat Government. The affair created a profound sensation on both sides of the house, aud for a time, " There wu silence dep asdeth An 1 the boldest held their breath " Then tho Ministerialists lauuohod out, hurling the "thunders " of their wrath on the devoted heads of the Opposition members, who knew no more about the alleged conspiracy t'.ivi the Emperor of China ; iu fact, if the truth must bo told, the Oppo- SKI 1:1 members in our Legislature were totally iu the dark while the Premier and his ministers were fully of the facts before tliny (p'iblic. Tlie letters from M>3*r3. McKim and Dalfour, and which were read out by the speaker, il. 1 not reflect much credit on those 1,'iMitlemcn, and are not likely to raise t . m in public estimation. The p.'.itlonn'ii implicated in the " con s t iii-acy" by these men, are Mr. Meek, a Tjronto lawyer ; Mr. Kirkland, an A.. i Ticau speculator ; Mr. Wilkinson ; aud Mr. C. W. P. iu:iu . Managing Director of the Mnil. Tue last namod K'.itlumin, Mr. I'.nuuii,', published a ritatt incut in the Mm' I, a day or two ufir the affair became public, in w'.iica be denied very emphatically Laving anything to do with the so- called " conspiracy." This statement i tn the iiuprefis of truth on it. Messrs. Wilkinson and Kirkland wjro arriMto.l at once and placed in t 4 ; policj cells. On Saturday last, tli 7 wero "bailed" by friends L I'k'.au 1 was bailed by no less a I M.i,"> than Mi-, ( Iwiu Smith, tl.o ecJebiatoJ Bj/ttunjtf. T:..J Mnl puts the legal position of tl.o usc thus : The purely legal aspect of the;, pro for conspiracy " Dei 11 made clear by the Magistrate. I'll.' present examination is not a trial, but a preliminary investigation before a magistrate, who pan say whether he will dismiss the case altogether, or will due hue to do so, but send on for trial to a higher court. The Magis- trate has intimated his uuwilliuguest; to try the case fully. Three of the defendants have demanded a jury. The fourth, Mr, Kirklatid, has elected to be tin I summarily. Tho throe accused persons who demanded a jury have not vet been able such is the law, a law not without wisdom to vo any sworn testimony at all. Their mouths are closed. They have to sit still and hear the testimony given of men who confess that they \ver actiug as spies and traitors at the command of the Government, to eu- tri|' the accused into illegal acts. Till a higher court hears the case ( if the Magistrate commits for trial and if tho Grand Jury should find a true bill ), they must suffer from tho en- forced necessity of not being able to give testimony on oath. All they can do is, through counsel, to intimate in cross-examination the points to their favor not in the testimony they can offer, but in the testimony concocted against them. The public will, there- fore, see the justice and necessity of suspending judgment on the matter till the accused have had the chance afforded them by the law of giving their owu testimony aud summoning their own witnesses. Auction Sale Thursday April 3rd, Farm Stock, Implements, and SoJ Grain , at Lot No. 50, N. D. R., Oleneli? ; month* credit ; to commence at 12:30 o'clock sharp. Robert T. NUbitt, proprietor; W. H. uui'iiii-iif, Auctioneer. Thursday, April 3rd, Farm Stock, Implements and Household Kurmturv ; by public auction, at Lot 14, Con. 8, Osprey, commencing at 1 o'clock p. m., sharp ; without reserve ; 10 months credit on all sums orur $5.00. Charles J. A Ulster, proprietor ; John Spcen, auctioneer. See bills. Friday March 28th. Farm Stock and Implements ; without reserve ; at Lt 140, Con 3rd range West, T. & S. Koad, Artemesia, commencing atone o'clock p. in. ; 10 months erudit on all sums over fo.OO ; Frank and Arch. Cairns, pro- prietors ; John Spoors, auctioneer. .Sue bills. Wednesdvy, April 2nd. Farm Stock; Implements and lluuswhold Furniture , at Lots 18 A l', 3rd Con., 8. D. R, Artumusia, commencing at 12 o'clock, noon ; 'J months credit on all sum* over |5 ; Angus McDonald, proprietor ; D. McCormick, uuctionoor. Sue bills. Have you a cough 1 Sleepless nights need no longer trouble you. Tho use of Ayor's Cherry Pectoral, before retiring, will sooth the cough to quiet, allay the inUammation, and allow the needed re- pose. It will, moreover, speedily heal the pulmonary organs, and give you health. The Advance till January 1, 1885, for 70 cents. To r)i*KA**9, COMI LMH-M and AeaonfT* which HARVARD'S VRLLOW OIL it ruann- <! to cur* or nlicva cither in MAM or BEAST. TUCK CK.IMT*, AUTUX.t, rot iorfiit.1, SORE TUHOAT, COLDS, Jte. 1PPLIC3 [XTIIN*LLT FOI nnrrMATtfiM, XKI-HAIMU, ClllLllLAlXlt, CALI.Or.1 LI'MI'S -"/ / / / v;-,. STIFF JtUXTS, < u : -. FKOSr niir, LA.MXXK.ia, COItttS, . COKTRACTIOS8 RHflSKlt, ' ITCH, 1-AI.V J.V BACK, Bl'RA KfH, fAIff la SIDE, Jt*. Every bonl* vuanmteed to gin latiafao- tton or money refunded. Mil ITIOW WITH IMN IOTTU. p.icr 9At>. T. HILSUIUT St 00., Propriotori TORONTO, OT. , ..n- . llon, DtazlBCSS, HrnrtlMim. d Brmth. IMS *f *i>- Jntindlrr. Ixv.. of . Wrmnr, , .,.r .lom.rh. 1.1 plulnt.or my I lln.- nruilng frnm tb r h. BeweU or k l.lnry^ ThnsM sals. mll.lmnd thnroogh lutbetractloo. Fnmltol Dissolution of Partuereliip. NOTICE it liwrtiy glreu that thu part*rBhip livrtttoforu littiDC butwtuii u>, tb undur- Ujoed, m ifeueral HlcKinith, b&* been tills titty .lisholvfil by imitiml coiiM-nt. All dobtii uwluK to ttiu Htti<l |'artuurnlii|. aro to l. IIHII! ti> .lalilfH I' (in. 1.1 ut r'lfhiirt<>ii, and aj) claluih against tb naid |>m tiirii.lii|. aru tu !K> i>rHnte<l to the Mai') .laiuua 1*. Uatltl. by wbum the tiame will bo tattle. 1 Dattxl at FU'Biicituu. tbi Jilli day of Marcb. Mi ,1 \MI.S I' 1,41111 J. H. CAMFAIOMC. (Witnewl W. J. BELLAMY. TRUTHFULNESS ! Courtesy, Ml Goods, Gold, Silver, Rolled Plate, or Gilded, sold for just what they are in Material and Fineness of Quality. ThoM ho wish a uico variuty to select from of Ms, ;,:;,;;, Ehiu, lisp and Jewelry, Iteiides VEHY FINE STOCK of Electro Silver Plate Ware! Will ftud It to their advautago to Inspect My Stock I AND GET MY PUICE6 Before Purchasing ivliere. I ask for a share of Public Patronage on the baaia of 11ONKHT UKAUMi. Fluiu Gold Wedding K m.>. Alwayi ki'i't. All \Yatch work REPAIREI BY MYSELF! and Warrautvil W. A. BKOWN. IVIarkdale. FLESHERTON Tinware, Tinware, Tinware ! EAELB STRAIN, Is propared to do all kinds of Tin, Sheet Iron, Copper, ami Galvanized Iron Work. I make a specialty of Milk Cans, Hap Pails, Katetroiighim; iu fact everything in the business will recciie prompt and careful attention. J{ *|>:i i rinu; done Neatl> and on tho Shortest Notice. Just received a car load of the Famous Speight Wagons ! K5"Agricultural Implements always in stock. Plows aud How Repairs, &c. WM. STRAIN, - - FLESHERTON. BOOTSJ^HOES! GOOD AND CHEAP. Jewelery STORE. J. R. TRIMBLE, DEALER IN Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, Spectacles, Violins, 8?c. No Bogus Discounts! or other Clap-Trnp Induce ments offered, but sell you Goods as low as they can be figured consistent with HONEST TRADE. Watch Repairing a specialty- All- Work Guaranteed- PATENTS IfTTTfN A CO., of t ho SrTaWTTTir AnniCA* . *.- Markn, rnpyrip hi*, fur the L'ult^l HtAti, (Simula, Btinlnd, FrrUifT. <i*rmn'. etc. Hand H<M>k ntH>ut I*i4-nn wnt f*.f Tr.irt T.'vtn ypr*' eiiM"rlfnoe. PmOnir.. .MHHHI. (hn>utfh MINN \ O > art* noticed iBtMKTBKTino AVOUC-AH. tM larffwt , hwt , and | m< >t widely * ul>tH] artontiflc pApur. & Warmer. WiM-klf HJ iillfl <tnfrniVTnir ana lrit>rvMlnu in- formntlnn W iim-n r-,p- ,f ihn rVlrnilfto AnM>r- IrttMrwt.t trm. AddmMltl'NN &<'(>, HOIBNTinO > 'k'l tlc.^ilaw.B M.xat X'. ,.a> I Jiaye received, from one of the hest factories in the Dominion, several hundred pairs Boots $ Shoes suita- ble for SPEING- AND SUMMER WEAR CALL AMD EXAMINE THEM- WM. CLAYTON. - FLESHERTOJV WILLIAM HOGG, FLESHEETON STATION. Ui-s|*ct(ully announces that he hat received a Large Supply of Hew Gocds, suitable for the aeasou, all of which have been purchased to the lx>it advantage, and il/ bo solJ cheap for Caih or Country 1'roilnce. The new arrival* are Extensive aud varied 111 Dry Goods, Winter Clothing, Boots &c., &c., &c. Alio a full supply of Hardware, t.rorrrir*. Provinlons Crockery, Ac- In pcction of the stu.-k invited. My Branch Store at EUGENIA kept fully supplied with Goods- I offer FOU SALE ur TO LET. my SAW MILL at Little Falls ; drivr. under Si: ft head of water ; all in (rood order, with about 400 aoresof Timber Land on wliirh the MiM ,. lituated. Thero are also several other (ioed Mill Bites on the property. Liberal Teriu* uu either purchase or lease to a competent man. WM. HOGG. Flesherton Station, l-l Nov., I .*.;. FLESHERTON. MARBLE WORKS ! E. VANZANT, ALL LI.M.H <>r [ SJirils &ii Works, Such as Monuments, Tomb Tables, Headstones Counter and Table Tops iu American and Italian Marble and Granite, and made ou short notice. Also Mantles in Marble and Marbleizcd Slate, &c., &c. FlesherU.n, Au. 30, 1883. rn TT Ti -r i TT r T^mO/1 AT Tt f " r lh " ork i'' ! nd i< H Ml \ A K \ h, I S Ivlll I|c>'f'"i-I>otm<.>.a l idw.w>:im l i. J. II Jj 1 1 A J.i A lit 1 kJ \f\JliU v '" * a r ">''' v i' > '' '"' " C1T I7UIILM>rr/W .. Y. .""'"!''" ?*^*' 1 I'"* J">!' " 19 illmaii of FLESHE Hit. way of uiakiiiff nn>r . . than you uvrr tluxicht iHwoiltli. at any Flour $ 00 to 5 BO Capital nut ru.iulr.-d. \v t . . y in a (KW da) will >tart you. Yi> i can work all th- limo or in K|>arc time only. Tli.- work In nnniT-nll|'l<l l.i lth ffKi-rn, 'yoillu ()() and ol.l You can eamlv earn from !> ci>ntt. lo . 00 H5 ticulara, diroctioua. utG..wnt frvr. Fort iint'tu ill 0y btt iiiailc by thoau who ijivt- tin n wholf time t< I" th work. ftn>at HiHTi'HR abjvfnft'Pv unto l>mi:. n ](; dulay Start IK>W. Addreaa sn ixtov A C o . Purl laud. Mam* HOAX I . XI Bruwlvar. New York. /TV ^ ^ ' nk at home " '. ontflt free. Pay an- NJ\\ -"""' k ure Norlnk. Capllal not re- tflllll quired. Itoader, If you want ImMnuM at which persoiiN of either aex, younx or old. run nmkr xreat pay all the time they work, with Klwolnte certainty, write for partlou- lra to H. H AI.I.KT ! A Co., Portland, llaiuo. Fall Wheat $0 50 to 1 oi TI iktr ** ii oat .......... u ou i ./.. - -.-... - . . . _ . vv .^ ., T . . ovi-ry uwmuu. 1 hat all Khji want work Him le-t liarlejr 40 U W thu (ini, .-., ,iink. tMn miiAi,il!,-ll,-l ,.f!,.r (.. u (> II oo to nil who are not widl MtMI*9 * will .nJ i-l '_ t.. pay for the trouble of writln* ua. Kull pat lUlttcr 15 EKKB, frcsli -0 IU Potatoes H: Pork 700 Ilay.perton (! 00 Hides 4 00 Wool 18 Sheepskins 50 Geese OtJ l>ur.ks, per brace 40 Chickens, per brace.... 25 STRAYED. A White broerlinf( How, medium Mr.e, long t*IL Uttlo brown uti rump, anr lufonnation that win load to her recovery will bo nuitahly ruwardtxl at tbo Taimury, i- lintherton. I Hend olx oenU for pout- i fiti, and receive free, a coRtly box of goodi which will help you to more luomiy right away than auythiuf elw li* ihla world. All. of either MI. aiicoeed f rom rt hour. The broad road (ofortnneopna* before the- worker., abnnlutoljt arm. At auc axU.i, TBIE., A PRIZE.; TORONTO MARKETS. Fall Wheat $0 98 to $1 Spring Wheat 1 02 1 Barley 58 Oats ... 3S Peas 74 Butter 22 Eggs - 20 Potatoes, (per bag) OHO Pork 8 00 Hay 7 00 08 9 77 ! IISTI or "FAIMI Foi 8*n - MD "FAKMI w*ina o 'i'l 85 H '25 15 00 >- In (hi DAILY AND WEEKLY MAIL THI M AH ha become TtM atoeavalsrc] Mnllaiav fur Para* Ad irrll.i m< nl And cootJtn* man of them than all other CAntttUa PROF LOWS BLLPHURSOAP la highly re ooiuinendnd for the cure of EiupUon, Hauda. riniplve. Tan. i<. . v pancn com bined. It KM 350,000 ruder* of tbc ri^tit cLuv At \ I RTISFMKVTS ,,f -| ,nm be S>le" and "Plfm. Wnt,<l.' "Stock" o. "Sdlg>S*lr--M"Wajiid' Wlened 111 Till WFF.KLV MAIL. >(n<mApef otd eth Inwnion, < r*v-,ry rfmti prr word lot *w m>mwj. or In THE DAILY TUE MAft.

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