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Flesherton Advance, 27 Mar 1884, p. 3

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A I fora. MB BDITOB I hare beeu shown your paper, air, In which you Three dollars fur the poorest poem Mat till the fifteenth day Of February. Now I can get up poor poetry With juit ae little trouble ai (ho <]Uirrli go up a tree When Widow Johnson's barn WM burnt (some think 'twa< not afire From sparks from ver acrou the lot, where they were setting tire*. The time the lout her little boy. whom erne) fate did miioilier. The neighbors kindly aet about to help her ralM another. They made her a donation call, and made me do the epeeching, The folks wer tickled, anil declared 'twai ntfb a* good a* preaching : And when we tuug tb piece I wrote, ten Tenet, '"" mon metre, And which I gave nut Hue by line laid nothing could be sweeter. Ai like at not this poetry will be too good by half, At tome you get may be to bad it would make the home* laugh, Bat uuver luiu.i ; I shall feel pleatej wherever gooU luck pitches, it'iniMirinij toe Uucxl Book aayi : 1'ut not thy truet iu riches. . ituittm, in Hack Land CourirrJ}<uttt4. Odd frl. >d I .o. Ir.. Some people think a little salt in coffee improve* the taate. In the liohtoii bird show U au eagle whose wiDgs spread nine (eet. The obauip'.ni) well-behaved baby ia in a mtueum at Dalian, Tex. It U petrified. An objection to electric lights in | lacvn of amuseujeut it that they do too muob hilling. An electric-lighted MD board with a aurfaoe of 7.000 rquare feet, io New York, ia the bixgeel thing, at to (pace, iu the way of an advertite tneut yet exhibited. Slavery itill exiaU in China. The female slaved are by far the moat nnmeroiu. The average prioe i from 140 to ISO per head. Young and healthy girls of 12 aometimei fetch aa high a* 1100. Keed and 1'earoe, of Kmporia, Kaa., have been sentenced to remain in the peniten- tiary one year *nd, at loob time thereafter as the Ooveruor shall fix, to be hanged within the priaon walla. / According to Japanese custom age is oouuied from the flrtt day of the January anooeeding birth. At that date a child in one year old. whether born the previous January, at mid-summer or on the 31st of December. A botoher of Wymore, Neb., put a band- come fat pig, ornamented with iraeettee, on the Christmas true for bit pastor. He wa very angry the uext day when he saw the pig in a lival ibop, where tbe dominie bad old it for half the market price. The blowing down of an oak near Wash- ington. Ua., revealed a little heap of gold and jeweU, diamoudi, rubiee and pearl*, said to be worth 20,000. It U supposed that they are part of tbe treaaure lost by member* of the Confederate) Cabinet. Tom Crawford, a heart-smasher 0* Crockett Co., Tenn., was arrested in Hay- wood County recently on tbe charge of bigamy, having married five wives, all of whom are aald to be liTing. He is a darkey, over 60 yean of age, and has a most repul- sive countenance. A fellow in Cleveland, O., has taught a dog to steal newepapers from tbe door- teps of bounei, wbere they have beeu left by carrier*, and bring them to him. Tbe question with the exasperated subscribers IB whether they shall kill tbe dog or punish the man. Matbew Coben, a New York youth, being found unconscious with a bottle labeled " laudanum " in it, was suspected of iiuieida. He cams to after tbe applica- tion of a stomach pump and explained that the bottle contained " holy water," which be had taken internally, having felt un- well. On tbe coldest day of the month says tin Shmta (Gal ) Courier, Rev. W. H. How- ard baptized by immersion eight residents of Big Valley, Modoe Co. Tbe pastor, however, showed some judgment in the Dullness. He loaded the baud into a big waggon, took them to the outlet of tbe bol springs and gave them a warm bath. Tbe plow iu general use in Msxioo nowa- days is the same tbe Egyptians need 5,000 years ago. II consists of a crooked stick with an iron point nailed to it or tied to it with a piece of rawhide, a small handle for tbe plowman to steer with, and a pots to bitch a yoke of oxen to. This so-called plow will scratch a furrow in tbe soil three inches deep. * Robert P. Pullman, of Carnesville, Oa., publishes tbit card iu a local paper : " I hereby give notice to all dram sellers and dram -drinkers that I have left tbe old way with the old year, and have turned into tbe new way with tbe new year, and I want all of them to give me tbe go by. I intend to redeem my name and character, and shall look npOD tbe man who offers me liquor as my deadly enemy." La-t anmmer the wife of Benjamin Smith, of Hancock, Delaware County, N. T , wan HO badly injured bv a runaway horse that she died in a few hours. After her death Smith and bis mm James, aged 16, continued to live in Hancock. Two weeks ago tbe father was driving on a steep bill near tbe village with a load of bark. He fell from tbe load in some way, and one runner of his sled passed over bis bead, crooning him to death. Tbe sou then went to live with a married sister at Lordville, a neighboring village. Last Saturday be tole a ride on the caboose of a freight train, on tbe Erie Railway, to Hanoook. Tbe train did not stop at that station. Young Smith jumped from the train, and, falling beneath tbe wheels of the caboose, was instantly killed. in I nhrnllhr Tll.lur, Before tbe Henate Committee on Public Health at New York Unarlea Momw. oleo margarine packer, testified that bi hands and feet became sore and tbe naila dropped out through handling oleomargarine. Hit yitem became so impregnated with the poison that he had to go to the hospital. The doctors said if be went to work there it would be bit death. James Gardiner sid be had a friend who worked a month in an oleomargarine factory ; his bands were poisoned by oleomargarine and he died ; a year afterwards. The oldest female sovereign living is Empreae Augusta of Germany, who is 71 years old. Tbe youngest i* the Queen of Hervia, who is 38. THE LADIES' COLUMN. Dreoaea to be Worn During the Knaming SUNDRY NOVELTIES INTKODUECD How Fashion Slavery Kills Women-New Household Hintt. (Aunt Kite's Budget) Sol. . lt r... Lent ia a capital time to plan and arrange one's spring clotbsi. Bothering over and arraying spring clothes is surely a good Lent mortification. Green is pronounced by tbe powers that be tbe color which will be most worn this apriug, though almost every other conceivable shade will share its honors. Tbe new hate are many of tbt m high and large crowned, and auiongat tbe straw bats far more colored ones are imported than white. Straw bonnets are) shown iu great quantities, but it is said that fancy mater- ials sucli as gauze*. English crape, China crape, tissues, embroidered batutes and laces over silk will be used for very dressy bonnets. It is generally predicted that long mantles will continue in favor, even for tbe spring and for young girls who have hitherto exclusively worn jackets and short wrapping*. For sptiog many elegant ladies in Paris utilize their beautiful India shawls by draping them ingeoi ouily. A few agrafes of old chased silver are used here and there to fasten the shawl at the waist, neck and shoulders, which they wear with true Parisian grace. If the pretty pink ginghams now so muob worn by children are dipped iu water with enough vinegar in it to give it a sour taste, the pink will be brighter than if rinsed in water alone. If you have any old muslin dresses that are good, and still are faded and so unfit to wear, it is a good lime to try the experiment of bleaching them, and if of good quality they will do much service ae common white dreeaee. Most of tbe delicate bued muelin can be bleached by boiling them in strong soap nu Jr. and then laying them on the gram for a day or two ; others may have weak ammonia added to the water. Colors which were once considered inad- missible, worn together, are now fashion- ably combined. Whether their combination is in any better taste than ever is a ques- tion ; but certain it is that from becoming aoouatomed to see them so, they do not look quite so strange as formerly. A fancy costume may consist of a sky-blue waist ornamented with loops of rky blue eatin ribbon and pink roses, and short round skirt of ehandroru, or copper-red velvet, decorated with clusters of jacqueminot roses. Red and pink, outrageous as such a mix- ture seemr, promise to be a favorite con- ceit for spring millinery. A capote of Tuscan straw may be encircled with a puffy cloud of pink tulle, fastened with a buoob of red roses ; or, on tbe same principle, the Hoarf may be of red China crape caught with a cluster of pink roses. Tbe newest use to which darned net has been applied ia to form yokes for chemises. The net is first out out in the form of a yoke, and then darned with linen floes iu the pretty conventional patterns so long employed for tidies, window curtains and the like. When finished tbe yoke is edged with linen lace or embroidery on net. New olors are oat straw yellow, apricot pink, tbe pale pink of the apricot blossom resembling that of tbe peach ; Panama yel- low, tbe tint of Panama straw bats , Studs, tbe iv ru shade of the long popular yanli de Stude, or undressed kid gloves. H . I I" 01,1 I '-I,., After a stove has been blackened it can be kept looking very well for a long time by rubbing it with paper every morning. Rubbing with paper is a much nicer way of keeping a tea-kettle, coffee-pot and tea- pot bright and clean than tbe old way of washing them in suds. Rubbing with paper is also tbe beet way of polish- ing knives, tinware and spoons ; they shine like new silver. For polishing mirrors, lamp chimneys, etc., paper is better than dry olotb. Preserves and pickles keep much better if brown paper instead of cloth is tied in or the jar. Canned fruit U not so apt to mold if a piece cf writing paper, out to fit the can, is laid directly on tbe fruit. Paper is much better to put under a carpet than straw. It is warmer, thinner and makes less noise when one walks over 11. W*>BM>sb Fashion kills more women than toil and sorrow. Obedience to faabion is a greater transgreision of the laws of woman's nature, a greater injury to her physical and mental constitution, than poverty and neglect. Tbe slave woman at her tanktt will live and grow old and see two or three generations of her mistresses fade and pass away. Tbe washerwoman, with soarse a ray of hope to cheer her in her toil, will live to ses her fashionable sisters die all around her. The kitchen maid is hearty and strong, when her lady has to be nursed like a sick baby. It is a sad truth that fashion-pampered women arealmost worth- less for all tbe ends of human lifs ; they have but little force of character ; they have still less powsr of moral will, and quite as little physical energy. They live for no great purpose in life ; they sooompliitb no wor- thy ends. They are only doll forms in the liandtt of milliners and servants, who dress and feed to order. They write uo books, they sst no rich examples of virtuous and womanly life. If they rear children, ser- vants and nurses do all aave give them birth, and when reared what are they ? What do they ever amount to but weak sci- ons of the old stock? Whoever heard of a fashionable woman's child exhibiting any virtue or power of mind for which it be- came eminent? Read the bi< graphics of great and good men and women. Not one of them had a fashionable mother. They nearly all sprang from a strong minded woman, who had about ae little to do with fashion as with the changing clouds. The trite saying, " A man may say too muob, even on tbe Diet of subject*," will answer here. Hint, lo llAu.rltr< prr> Mirrors used in dressing-rooms are not trimmed elaborately with plush. When birds are moulting it U tbe usual thing to put a little saffron into tbe water, otherwise a rusty nail it good. Tinned meat* and vegetables should be made hot in the tin before tbe latter ia opened, by placing it in hot water and heat- ing it for a while. If cayenne pepper ia sprinkled plenti- fully in tbe resort* of rats they will resent the inhospitable treatment, and will retire from tbe prt misea. A teaspoonful of charcoal in half a glass of warm water often relieves a sick bead ache. It absorbs tbe gases and relieves tbe distended stomach pressing against tbe nerves that extend from the stomach to the head. Oatmeal wafers are relished by babies and older children, too. Take a pint of oat- meal and a pint of water, with almost a teaspoonful of salt. Mix and spread on buttered pans. Make it just as thin as it is possible, and yet have tbe bottom of the pan covered. Bake slowly. Iron Rust Spot Remover. ('ream of tar- tar, fifty parts ; binozalate of potassium (powdered), fifty parts ; oil of rosemary, one part. Rub to powder and mix well. Moisten the sput, place on a her*** tin plate and rub with the moistened powder. Dessert in a Hurry. A quickly made dessert is this : Make a batter aa if for common griddle oakea. then add an egg and some fruit, aay stewed or anned berries, drain the juice from them and stir them into tbo batter ; fry in a little lard and serve with pudding sauce. Arrangement of Books. -If yon have a plethora of books get a carpenter to make a wooden frame with no back, and a aerie* of shelves. Set this against tbe wall, cover the top with any fabric you may think suitable, and the sidea ; border it with ball fringe, as also tbe shelves. Put your books on these, and your chins, eto.. on tbe top and yon will have not only a useful, but a handsome piece of furniture. Tbreo slips of wood strung at each corner with blind oord, knotted when through, ao that they cannot slip, the four pieces tied together at the top. and passed over a nail, ui.c a con- venient kind of bed-room book shelve*. The U .rl.l ! Hun,,,,, Miss Eli/abeth Tuck, of Chicago, is paint- ing a hfesize portrait" of Mrs Langtry's dog. The lady who wrote tbe popular little song " In the Gloaming" is aaid to have cleared a round 110,000 out of it. Her sweetheart left her in the gloaming to some purpose. A French woman. Countess de Miramon, exhibits in the Paris Salon portrait busts that are worth seeing. Bat then great pains are taken to add that she is not a " professional sculptor " Dear, dear ! Miss Ley. of England, ia one of the observers who have been studying tbe greeu suns and red lunseta. She estimates tbe height of the mass of meteoric and volcanic dust in tbe atmoepbsre at thirteen miles. There is no end of wisdom in this remark of somebody : Tbe most ooaumon error of men and women ia that of looking tor bap- |>ineaa somewhere outside of useful work." Moreover, it it quite aa true of women aa of men. Among tbe honest industries whereby soul and body are ke^t together iu Europe ia that of finding rich American wives for tilled paupers. It is a pity. One honest American boy. with bis hereditary respect for women, is worth all the titled libertines of Europe. Tbe other day at a circus in Brussels Mme. Marquise Hautefeuille went into the lion's cage with tbe keeper and played with the beasts as if they had been so many cats During the performance there was a heathenish roar of applause and tbe band played a national sir, "La Brabanoonne." Goethe advocated marriagea for five years. By that time oouplea would have time to become acquainted, and if they didn't like it they oould change off and get somebody else. A Polish woman in Cbioo- pee, Maaa . tried to carry this pleasant poetic fancy into practice. She applied for a license to be married for three years only, aa her present husband was oommg over from tbe old country at tbe end of that time. > i r !>../, The London Lancrt diaoussea the subject of rising at the end of sleep. Doxing, it declare*, is not admissible from any health point of view. Tbe brain is tbe first to fall asleep, and is followed by the active organs, and it is only perfect and natural when shared by all tbe several part* cf tbe organism. All the par la of the system are not equally exhausted, and those leaat fatigued soonest wake, while those moat exhausted are aroused with the greatest difficulty. The several parts of tbe organ- ism should need rest at the same time. To bring this about a person should "wake early and feel ready to rise ; this fair and equal start of the sleepers should be secured, and a wise self -manager should Dot allow a drowsy feeling of the ooDsciousoeae, or weary senses, or an exhausted system to beguile him into the folly of going to sleep again when once bis consciousness has beeu aroused." Tbe writer declare*) that a mail who will not allow himself to do/.i will, in a few days, find himself almost uncon- sciously an " early riser." !** I rom Ik* I ' k A Denver newspaper thn" describes a singular accident that recent ' occurred on a winding curve of the Colorado Central Railroad : Just as the train atruok that portion of tbe road but a abort distance from the suburbs of Georgetown tbe fire- man looked back and saw tbs rear end of tbe rear ooach raised bodily from tbe track. He yelled to the engineer and they both jumped from tbe eugine. Just then the wind roared past and the whole train was lifted bodily and turned completely oier. landing about 10 feet from the track and without disturbing a rail or tie. Tben there was great confusion. The bowling, roaring wind and tbe yell* and screams of tbe men and w.mien who had been so suddenly and UBOermonionsly upset made a scene of unparalleled confusion Heven of tbe passengers were injured. Laat Sunday evening aa the Rev. Mr. Gamble was delivering one of a series of lectures on the vexed theological subject of Baptism, one of bis audience, not agreeing with him, asked for proof of certain tenets, at tbe same time explaining hie own views. Victoria, B. C., Colomil. KCM . H 9ft o I . ii Aak for " Hough on Concha." for Couaha.* Bora Throat, Hoevrseneai. Troches, lie. Liquid, X) Notice baa been given in the British House o( Lords that when army matter* ar* be- fore tbe lioosu tbe proposition to change tbe uniform of the force* from red to grey will be opposed. In ike M.ur of Nee* You want not to try experiment*. Mt resort to the old aud well-Meted uaaae that aflor.le.1 relief in Uie past. Wheo your corn* uhe don't take the rirst article offered yo, bat flud out j nit the Ihmg to answer your purpose, TIL, to remote the troublesome corns, and to do Una without pain, ami to do it promptly, Putnam' i Ptinlai Corn Ettrtutvr haJi beeu used for many years. It ha* Merer b*eo known to fail. 1'utuaui'* Kztraetor luakee uo deep hole* iu the Hash, bard to Deal aud more troublesotus than the original Ji- cumf .rie. It works nicely and emciontTy. A Port Glasgow firm of shipbuilders launched a tog of 1,500 horse power, said to be the most powerful in tbe world, for service ia the Booghly. I -. With Diamond llyee any lady can gat at good rusultt an the belt practical dyer. Every uj* warranted true to name and aaiuple. A City of Mexico despatch says yellow fever ia raging at Tshnponepeo oily. John Meyer*, ou American railroad contractor, died of tbe disease yeeterday morning. Many people are leaving the city. JIVTHBM WAFTM WOH.H HI KIP Infallible, taavslea*. harmless, cathartic; for foreriahnete. rastleeaneea, worm* eonstipa- teoo. flfic. What is the par value of a Southern gentleman's sacred honor," anyhow T Here ia Colonel Cash promising, " on his sacred honor," that he will cause hie eon to give himself up to justice, and then using tbe opportunity tbui gained to help tbe young gentleman off to the woods. A Northern tramp oould do no wor*e. Brcrywhcrr. If any invalid or slek person has the lea*! doubt of the power and efnoaoy of Hop Kluewe lo care them, they can Bud ca** exactly like their own. In their own neighborhood, with proof jHjsitive that they can be easily and per- uiauently cared at a uuliun cost- or a*k your druggist or pbyelclan. (iBIBHWirtl. Feb. 11, MO. Hop Bitlrn Co. Bus, 1 wasgiTsn op by the Incurs lo die of scrofula oouiumpuoa. Two bottle* of you/ Hitlers cured me. Once) loosen the latch-strings of honor, tbe door to crime and folly swings easily. H. ah Lydia K. Pkikbam's Vegetable Com- pound and blood Pander are prepared at ia aadas* Wetleru aTeuuu, Lyuu. Mass. Price of cither, ti. Hit hollies for }. Bent by uisll in the form of {'ilia, or of Io/.eucr0. on receipt of price, *l per box for cither, lira. 1'iukliaui freely auiwun all letters of inquiry Enclose Jc. itauip. bend for i>eu:i Met. Mention Uii* |>air. On Victor Hugo's recent birthday bis H3rd tbe Government struck a medal m bis honor. Tbe presentation of this medal was the feature of tbe celebration. Crowds of friend* and admirers docked to bn bouse, tbe drawing rooom of which waa tilled with choice dowers asnt from many parts et Franc*. in i i i M or RAN. Nervous Weakness. Dyspepsia, Impotence. Keiual Debility, cured by ' Wells' Health Be newer. 91. Emperor William's eyesight i* failing rapidly, and it is feared that he may be- came blind, more especially aa he objects tu any mode of treatment. '. " A doubtful friend is won* tban a certain enemy." and fit* rrrt a certain friend I* infill itely better than a doubtful enemy. Tuus, Kidney- Wort is an Incomparably better friend to the human ra>ce than wuole catalogue* full of doubtful nostrum*, ll is au unfailing remedy for that tormenting liltease pile*, ll moves thu bowels gently aud free!?, ana Ibus reuioTss the cause. Do not fall to try It faithfully either iu dry or liquid forui. AI a sporting place in Meriden, Conn. Alfred Elsoo, a pedestrian, wagered < that he could run tbne aud one-half miles iu thirty uiiuut*)*, giuug tbe man who bet with him permission to choose tbe track. Tbe track chosen waa about tbe red hot stove in the place. Elaoo accepted. Tbe draughts of tbe stove were opened and coal put on. The course required 176 to the mile. Elaon ran 400 laps and then fell iosesuible. A MBftr Trial Is all that ia needed to prove Poison's NaHviLDd ia the moat rapid and certain remedy for paic iu the world. It only coat* 10 cent* for a trial bottle. A single trial bottle will prove Nerviline to be equally effioaoion* as an external or in- ternal remedy, and for pain of every de- scription it baa no equal. Try a lo cent ample bottle. Sold at any drug store. Large bottles 2,". cents, at all druggists. luii. ike Mrlaas. Haul ons of the most sacotsful merchsute of Cleveland. O , to a lad who waa opening a parcel : " Young man, untie the strings ; do not out them." It wa* tbe first remark that he had made to a new employee. II waa the first lesson the lad had to learn, and it involved tbe principle! of suooeas or failure in his busi- ness career. Pointing to a well-dressed man behind tbe counter be said : " There i* a man who always whip* out his soiaaoni and cult the string* of the psokages in three or four places. U* is a good salesman, but b* never will be any- thing more. I presume he lives from hand to mouth, and is more or leew iu debt. Tbe trouble with him ii that b* wa* never taught to save. I told the boy just now to untie the trings, not so much for the value of tbe itring aa to teach him that everything is to be laved and nothing wa*t*d. If tbe idea can be firmly impressed upon tbe mind of a beginnsr in life that nothing waa made to be waatad, you have laid the foundation of uooesai." L'Amistanoft Publi.(U<> of 1'arin. took charge io 18H2, a* U shown by a reoeut re- port, of '.liH bad children. Of the** 767 were taken to the director by their parents, 1-M'i were sent by tbe poliae, and 95 som- mitted by magistrates. These children are sent to trade schooli, and are aaaiited by tu* Government until able to make an honest living. A small portion of their wages is retained by tba Government to aid in aeonring them agsinat future want. The lystem is regarded ai a preventive measure agaiuBt both poverty ana crime. Hex The "He veu Wonders of tbe World* were the Egyptian Pyramids, tbe Teapia of l>iaoa at Epbocu*. the Hanging Garden* of Babylon, tbe Colossus of Rhodea, the) Statue of Jupiter Olvmpua at Elia, the Temple of Beta* and Lake M.I ns. Th* Britiab royal ooat-of arms, with iM rampant lion and unicorn, baa been a com- mon feature of English advertising in type and mgn-boards. A new law, whicb ha* just gone into effect, imposes a fins of 1100 for tuing tbe royal arms, or an imitation of it, without the conaeut of either royally or tbe Government. Bool* wba ha* wi' Wallace bled " waa written by Barns, to the national air of " Hy tntti tutu " It ia tba oldest air now kuowo. and it mentioned in l!->i by Gavin Douglas. Bishop of Dunkeld. Il was th*> brilliant martial air who** note* kindled the war dame in the breasta of Bruce'* army sa be led them on to tbe field of Bao- uockburn. The quotation " Ood tempera the wind to the shorn lamb " ia from Laurence Sterna " " Kentimenlal Journey It U probable, however, that Sterne, who waa intimately acquainted with French literature and ia thought to have imitated Rabelais, para- phrased Henri Estienue, a writer of the) latter part of tbe sixteenth century, in whoee " Pre micas " ia found the sentence, I>i<-u mtturc Iffrotd a U tirebit toitdiu. " Uncle Sam " aa a nickname for tba United States arose) during the war of 1419 ai Troy, N. Y. Samuel Wilson, au inspec- tor of army supplies, who waa widely known aa I'nele Sam," having marked a number of casks with tbs Go.ernrnens iuaignia, U. 8.," wa* asked by a workman if the letters meant " Uncle Bam." The) joke travelled, and tbe phrase baa sine*) become a current American." The Eng- lish nation was first personified as "John Bull " in a political satire by Dr. John Arbuthnot, published in 1713, and intended to ridicule the Dak* of Marlborongb. The Wte* I A worldly father, after the style of Lord Chesterfield, is giving Rood advioe to hi* sou. who ia about to enter society : " And, above ail, avoid flirtations. Bat if yon mast flirt or fall in love, sir, be sure that it i* with a pretty woman. It is alwayl aster." I. Why ? ~ " Beoanae tome other fellow will be sure to be attracted and out yon oat before any harm baa been done." London I'ott. Mr. George W. Child*, the owner and editor of the Philadelphia Le Lgtr. baa hie) office back, up lairs, where b* ia not easily found. But it ii a cariosity shop, filled with bric-a-brac. KIDNEY-WORT HAS BEEN PROVED The SUREST CUM! for KIDNEY DISEASES. Dose a iMirr b*ok or dleord*rd orln* Indl-' i* lht you r a vlouin r THEM DO NOT UHUTATK. UM Kuiji-y Vtort Mono, (drug- l wUlip<lJljr Ladies. aaMVsMaii i It will aet promptly aod safely. BlthtrSex. InoetitumM. raWntlon of urine. brick JtMt or ropj dffpoaiu, and dull dragging pall*), all spdilj yi!i lo its enratlT*! power. BOLD BY Al.l. I>nUU(H9T8. KIDNEY-WORT THE ONLY VEGETABLE Loss of Appetite, Indigestion, Sour Stomach, Habitual Costiveness, Sick Headache and Biliousness. y all Dm(UU. 30 DAYS' TRIAL I H*. > .M i IK" \M|.T\U' nr.l.T (.n<! i lli.t Kir.T"i.- Amu*, 4 nn- M-H* <>n -' I ">' T> itK l 1 1. who *rr .u. r 1 mi.m l^*r VITAUTT. nit.) tJI th*n <H#>**-*n>f it In-tn A > Ml\ M V, t' Ing from LflBTCH WAVTIVI W r A K i r >us* PsssHOBAt NTiit;, <TNBB (*.(>*, S| rvtntt1n t.. H K. rrllrf ftlKl n-Blpl*Jf* u TH tit*,.* *ik<l IsUniooo .| lit oiuv fur Illuntrnioi rui|'ti!i i Voltaic fit-It Co., Marshall. Mich. Ill I I ROBERT'S PERFECT WAB1LERB to be bad only from authorise*! agents. If you want to let aceocy ami make money rapMly, H. ni' t let eotue one rise get ahead of yon and eerare your town or eoanty r'libl. Too good lo gobeaing. Particulars 3 c*nts. Very tuiial-l* for laliee. H. H. VOUMOBK. Agent for Patentee) I CURE FITS! Wh'-n I * < of i ii'< i. -t i ,.-4 H !:>.>. i t s>t.i|< ill cm fTir lln* els.4 IMW hftV" tfl*<ltl i- 'mil ,' I In- n ttfell rtlrar* I h .*. tii-,.1- I'. ' .*. r FITW. Kfll.BnT i[|AlltN<iMiKM>-<< <; . 1 w r ru t re f fwlDciT to cur* tt< ' I "**>* i-tlivr* tift*i leUllKj U Ii > rsteaeVMt f T > .-'.;,*., n ' H*tul %t two* f.-r m irwulM *n i UK l to f mr InfeUllM* ltim<l (!!>' KM"--* " ' " 1 Ist' fur trut. "i 1 ItMftmfl h . I.-".- M i>*rl H. , Xw Torfc. KSTAHLIHHKU < . 1 1 1 1 i & All kinds of dec *r*4nrt baadl<-4, also llrr. !..,.. aTsue. I-..H,. I ,ll. etc 1'at. RRI Carrion lupplled. < laret- rails etllrlirel. > OolNnne strwrt Toronto PI. AC* to eeor** a Hoainwa K Inoeilioo r Btne*ruM I'ea manablp al tbe BPBNOWl --_, UN lltMNKHM OOIOifKlal r*ro Miati Olrenlejv free Heml |nar name and lOn. In itamp* M K Karri 1 lU**r. BrUatport. Ol

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