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Flesherton Advance, 27 Mar 1884, p. 1

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r Flesherton Advance. "TRUTH BEFORE FAVOR."-" PRINCIPLES, JVOT MEW." VOL. III., NO. 145. FLESHERTON, ONTARIO, MARCH 27, 1884. SINGLE COPIES, 5 CENTS EACH. THE ADVANCE, One of the leading Local anil Family Nuweuapun in Nut-thorn < intuit. >. I'ubllahoJ Kvei-y 'JThwi-Htln.y, KUDU THE Ornem, <'-JliH<jirouil Hirrrt. - - flmhtrtim, (hit. TEltMH OK BUH8CHTPT10X : MOOiwr annum in advance; <M SHf not paid Jit the i-tiil of one \ii\r N paper >lie.iitinu. I it i] nil arronraKeiiitre paid tip: anil uo MUiK-n|>- tioni take> for lew than uue yuar. except when -p.. mil arratiKuuittntM for ehortor perieds are mad with tli imblianer. ADVEKTIS1NU KATES, Ac. Ca*ual advertiuiinU,tirenU|Hir lt lejfwrtion And 4 rant* per line uauh miuwuucut lu*rtion. Truitiuut advertisement* to > |iaii| for when ordered A1v>rtliin<nU without |n<ciaJ direc- tioni wUl be inaerted till forbid aod ubarKed Hconrrtingly. LilxTa! itnluceincnte to regular advrrtiwn. Notieen among reading inattur, 10 01,11 U iwr lino each iuwrti.m. No advertisement dicontuiu<><i until all ar- rearage* are paid up. f'o|. for advurtiaenu'nU thould reevli tlili "ffloe not later than uoou uu Tue.lay to tmiuie ineeruon in currant ieaue. A. R. FAWCETT, hlit-r nn-i Pvhluhfr. Book & Job Printing ! In wry rtyle of the art. at reaaoualile price* ami n'n nort notice Order* by mail will receive prompt attention. Tru, strict! v ca*h. AYER'S Cherry Pectoral. Xo other complaint* are K> Inatdiooa In their tuck ailhuM affecting the throat and lunge: none eo trifled with by the majority of iiiffer- ra. The ordinary cough or cold, reuniting porliapi from a trifling or unconaciou* ex- poaure, i* often but tbe beginning of a fatal ickneu. Arm's CHKKBY PECTOIUL bae well pruren lu efficacy In a forty yean' fight with tUroal and long dlaeaaee, and ahoejd be taken in all CUM without delay. A lerrll.le rough fnre,!. 'lnK',71 took aeTereM,*hlehitiri<etri| my lung*. I bail a terrible cough.and tn nijiht after nlgbl without deep. The ilocter* gave me up. 1 tr:..t Avra'a CffFltm l>:e- TukAL, which rein-veil ray lungi, iniluced pleep. Mii.l afforded me I he reel neoenawry Meat Market. SEPT. (iOOD, I'm .rani Ton ash paid for fat Cattle and Sheep. Fresh Moats constantly on hand for Cash. Orders promptly filled. A. O. IT. AV. C*L|..8HKKTON \fu\ge No 142. meet In their '." IKK!KI llootn. Strmn'a block. Toronto (trout, >n the Iflt Mul .ir-l Monday in eacn tnontb, at TM p.m. aharp Vieiling brethren welcome. M. I 1 . UcMASTEB, M.W. W. i. IlcmJUA, Beer DUFFERIN LODGE NO. 186 i. o. o. r. Neither ton- MEETS every Tueeday K.veniiw at o'clock Lodge Koom. Htralu i bluek. Toronto atreet. I <I.-H,|H> in i noli month. Vie- H.-vt III.-M cordially invited. Ion HI.AI nut UN N u. A. H. VorDcnn R.8. I I. -In rl. m MONTHLY CATTLE FAIR. Till: next Fair will take place on MONDAY. AFKIL :tli INH4. fur the r. -.--,. rv of my atrength. Hy the eouuuued ue of the rn IOM\I. a pernia- i.eni cure wiw effected. I am now r.' year* old, bale and hearty, and am eatuAed your < 'lira-tit J'KtToMAi.' aaved ma. II liA, K FAIKBaUTBKI," Buckingham, Vt., .(uly IS, 1NO. Croa. A Methrr** Tribute. " V. h!.- In tbp coantry laet winter my little boy. litre* )earoi>l, wa* iAkn ill with croup; U mrmea' H* If he would die Irom itrangn- latmn. ine of Hie family minreeted the niwi 01 AVKK'M I HI KK\ I'KiToKAL, a bottle of winch wa* nla> kept In the nnaiw. Tl. ii wai tried In MI, all an, I fre.juei.t *>***, and 'lehiihi in lee than half an lionr tl,.. little patient wa* breathing eartly. The doc- tor aaid that tin- < iiifciiv rn TAHAI. had aaved in* darlieg'a life. Can yon wonder at our gratitude? mneerely vnara, Mka. KM* A Orrfrv." lM\Vel l>lh Si., New tora. May !'. 11*4. "I have nard AYKB'I Our any r"n T.,KAI. In my family for aeveral yean, an,l ilo not hen! rat., to prnuouuee U the moat effeeraal remedy for oougne and col-U we have ever tried. A. .1. I'KAI Lake Crystal. Minn.. March 13, I*S. I "tillered for eight yean from DronchllU, and after trying man* rniettl- with no uc- I aa cured by the nee nf \ > r.' I'HKB- l: > 1*1. l-.M 41. ,l,.i rii W.ii.|,| -. ' liylwlim, Mi*., April 6, l>s. " 1 *nnot any enough in araiae f ArMk'l <ii nun IT. loKti , l^lietlng aa 1 do that I, ut *>r it* uee I Kin, nl. I long allice nave itied Iroui King trotlhlee K. ItUAODull." I'akMlixi, Teiai, April 23, lafctf. No raae of an affection nf the throat or lungi exuU which cannot he greatly relieved by the u*e of Arrit'a CRUIKV I'n H.KAI, and it will -i/-,i rurr when tbe dleeaae i* nut already beyoud tho control uf medicine.. I kl I-AKH. I.V Dr. J.C.Ayeri Co., Lowell, MIM. (told by all DruggUu. WILL IT PAY ? IlT Srarm, RIOTFT.] [The following poetn we* r<tft<- 1 by Rev Me- Oregor. liaptiit inininter. at tbe entertainment given lait winter in tbe Town Hall, under the aimplcc* of Fleaberton UiTlmoti. Soni of Tem- perance. -ED. I tf atds. Look Here, Do you want a new Hnuae or llarn ? If no I tuink you will Ami it to vonr a>lvatiU4fe to call Bnil MKI me. V I ilo a large litiniuvaa I can I, ml, I on ftuiall proftca. All contract* protniitly attou- iled to and work guaranteed. Tnankiuf the pub- lic for paat patronage, and In fair prioei and Koorl work, 1 nope to merit a continuance) of tbe -nni,, YCIU-H renpee.tfullv. JOHN \VHITTKN. J.F. MAKSUA1.L. L.ll.S DENTIST. GllADl'ATK of Toronto Kohnnl of Dentiavr. will l.e at Mark.lale tlio let an.l :lr,l \N e.l-i <la\ nf .'iirli iiiontli. iin.l at KWahertoii on tlie lt an.l .'Ird I nun.. lay in each tntfntli fr tl > practice of hla pn>f"ioti FROST & FROST. DAKBIiTKKS. SOI.lrPTOKS. C'ONVF.YANC US. B A C . Ofltoe PotileM Mrael, OWBM BOUID, aM every ThurKla> at H.KMIKHH S J. W. FKOST. 1,1, II AI.FRKD FKOST. Crown County Atuirney. W. J. BELLAMY. TWP. CI.rltK ARTKMKIU. ESTATE A INSURANCE AGENT COLLECTOR. AUCTIONEER. STRAIN & LARGE, Builders and Contractors, [ FLESHERTON. Arc prepared to attend tl Hrii-k & Rtnno Work in all ft liranehea llrrtem I. -ft at the \nVAxrE ' Offlceailll re. eive prompt attention, (iinxlwork ,' Kair Price. MONKY Ix>anl on good c-curttT on tin- fm.'i r\ii|,. tT-ii Hint Ht in- nit rut** r*t*m of intiTiHt MortKiMC^ Uuinlit. OtHc in-arly ojv- p.. nit. Town Hairs KLKHHKHI N J. M. Webster, EUGENIA, LlCCNSKfi liiftioiiiKir for the County of clr.-v Money to lend an initial, at reasonable rntew Kiroanil Life In-uron,-. (_'oroiiililiicatt,>li ail ilr..<l to Kugenla P.O ptomptu utt.n.l. it,. John W. Armstrong, FLFgHERTON, C->. GRIT. DIVISION CIII-HT n.KitK. COMMISSIONER! in li H.. Conveyancer. Ac. Agent f or pnraneM miH tain of land" Apprauwr f or ( ' I. c c,..n (inil K ]' H ,v s soeletv. Moni>\ to Loan on the i moitt r*aaonable tem . Inst-Ku OK LICBNBBfl W. S. GRIFFIN, M. 0. M. C. P. N , <>.\T. i Will bo n Flealierton everv Tumday and Friday from IS to I p m In Win stinin ' Moek Money to Loan. At >>\ }*rr I ' ,,t. Int. ,, -' o/i HtruiyM I*. in. WITH Int. i,'M pi, I yearly, not In advance So i-oiiiiiii ^-IDM charged. Apply to A. <;KII:K. Tiioimii KY. Men may MM- ai aa they f4*> Of the author of ill. . And the wile* of the dteril that tea,, men aatray, Hut there'll *otu*tliinK tar wcne. A more terrible ci-eae It 1* MDimc tbe trutli for uw aake of the pay. tJkc Jadai of old, for ailver or mild. Man often baa bartered hi* conaelenee away. Ha* walked in diaguiae. And trafficked in tie*, If the proepect wu good that tbe boaineca would pay. If a fortune in made. By cheating in trade. It i* taldom if ever men quoetlvB tb* way ; Hut they make it a rule That a man i* a fool. Who rtiivee to make jiutice and honetty pajr. An example Could never Tlian that of a man jn.t a fw mile* away. %lio no'er made a move Iu religion or love, Colew be waa pore that tbe vtotnre would pay. Ho built him a hou*> That would aofjree bold a irnute. Where he managed to live la a i .1.. tiy way; Till ho aaid. on tuy life* I will take we a wife. . It 1* running a nik but I think it will pa) . Taeti he o|inod a atoat. Wlioeo fair ttiipajng *BOV. Leadtnre and direct in ileiHaetlun i broad wa\, For liquor he enld, To the young and th* eld. T* the poor and the wretchet and all who roeJd A woman once came, And In Ood'a holy naa, , Bbe pray*d him hie terrible traffic to ttav, Til at her huahand -nigot Dot He a poor drunken aoi, aa* *pen J all hi. wag** for *n*4 would vie " But the old man he \ bia whlakey hi And aaid. if yi.ur linal>and oiaifeMl llleallhlm hiadram. And I di n t care a cktfti : How you ar* *np|xiru<d if 1 q* my pay. Tiiuahe protpereil I* atn, And eontinut-1 to *i of death iu thl terrible way, Till a oouatable'a raid. Put an end to hie trade. And cloae.1 up Ilia buakneaa afwcll M hii pay. To church then h* went. \\ itli apioua intent. Of getting n-Iiiiion. ae aotne people aay, Kor lie aaid it comoech. *p. And ceatM notninct*keii<, And from cU-ar obnei . nl k It will pay: It-it tlie tax and tlwtithe Mailrthe poor uiaaco writhe, For he tin. t that the platetanie too ofl'n hi* way s. - h.- anon fell fro*} grmco, \ I tnaile vacant l*j* plara. For he aaid. I* that religion don't pay. Still *tii\iiiK to trulie And thriving to Mvv. nit atu-utlnn waa turn, 1 1 1 .litical way. It-it li.'omlil not -av, I, Ul' part) or >le>. ( Would be tlie mot likely en ptxi'i^r and pay. He wu pm/lod, and honce He vat on tbe fence. I*r*t<aml in a inoment to Jump either way : Hut it Ml to bin fate. To ianip jaet too hie. Nor even a fat offlrn to get for In- pay. Tear pamd after fear. And there did not appear, A tpark of improvement to driehten hii wa*, I"--r hi nioralagrew wurae, \vitl. Hie weight ef 111" |>tine. At he 111 aniu;i ! to make hla raaoallty pay. At lencth be grew ill. Kn he iiiK.le up hla will. | Juat in time to -li-|rt frern hi* inajmlon of clay. And heai I to olt Death, With In- U t i-a^i of lireatli, - Don t hunt for my aoul tor I know It won't pay <> r i< -K.I t- r liearae. In prone or In na. The fault* ami toe folllaethat lead 111*11 aetra) . Kor Roll! In ont^foee. And n ter When c, i ItBt jhi>o<l are given away ;o i1. n ha\,-. ' n vetl. Then Tho I James Sullivan, Alexandar Brown* The Tinsmith, - Flesherton Ki'tiai i i T 1 1 I ' >i\ i trmli'h i mi Nti.l in f*n>t .n-.iri rsiJllH of Miirriii>i Uconeoa. General Agent; .vi: l.ii-.-nv I Aui'iionei.r for County of Ore] Pmrpvn.i.K l'() . Ont. i IM ):>IM trotlKliiliK. riixt in fiu-t I-\.TV in tin IniMltifNM will rrri'ivi- luy uini't nml rrofnl attciitiun at \lli-~oii I I <>l <-l, ifAXWELL, . . . ONT. Oood aooommndatlnn ; beet hrande Liquor* A Ciuarn. ii , .,| Rtahllnu and attentive HlilleT Tito only Hotel lu the plaoe. Jo*. r. ;: It i* lawful I -HI in ' ' -i way, Hut - tl** \\itliail of >,.m mikiir. I For it in eternal aud ,Uj, .,: pay A VAi.rui:r. HlVT. Arl^aiiK. nctort, sportKiin-n, in ehaiiio .v,,l Lil-orim- men, in firt all win. unduly i-v.-rt niu-.'iilnt <tren>;tli. are Kiibject to piuntil cuiitnicti.'iH of tin 1 Miff j"ints and I to nil "tn-li V. How OH is H prompt relief aud imrfict cure. AGENTS: wanted for The Livee of all the PreeidenU nf the J. B. Th* larneat. hamtanm eel beet book ever aeld for lee* than twice pur price. Tb* fanteet Dolling hook in America 1m ini-iiae profit* to agent*. All iBtelligent people want it. An v one ean become a necffaeinl agnt Vurui* trgf lUuJrrr |kwa Cy., rortlaad, Hain* SAMKS, Kicrt An J-'iorKts. Wjll In cliei rfiilly Ki\en by tje propritor of llur- dock Klonil ntttera, re^ardlny the manv c*rtifir>ate of wonderful cure* made by tint medirinr in rhronta dianaHp* of tbe blood, liver and kidney*, rw*eallni{ proof tbat in be- yond tbe poaajbljit* ef dl'pote by >hf> in,*! Surprise Part). r., the E>iitr of Tli, Ail*u*. t >u Haturdmy evvniog Uet a Urge num- ber nf the frii-niU tuui iifighbon uf Mr Tin*. Dale tiHik |.aar-s4ii.>niif that jjcntl.' man M rueiiiencv, Arteinoim, prior to hii depMtont fur Manitoba. A pleaMiit ev ung waa-auont by thoee tirveent Th iill.iviuj addretx waa read in the course f the evening : o Mr. ad Mr*. Dab OK Dear Knenda : W*. your feel thftt we cannot allow you to dr|r< fnmi ajiiunKit iu without otf, rini; yuu thin hurt addr**!, mi in aume meaeure show ^- ..ur itpprecuttion of your many good i(u.ilitii-, aummetl up in toe word* ""<1 ritizuni in ti cat anae of tiiat trni. And truly au are wu that you ihouid think it beet to le.iv,. uor noighburhootl. Ktt that we, one and all, feul a lively uitvruel in y.'iir future welfare ; and that wu may continue to do ao, we beg a* a favor, that you will from time to time communicate to Sec. of our Grange, (No. 468) any ad- vantage* or diaadvantatfve you may han to contend with iu the far-away land whither you go, for tht> future infortna tiiin of your old neighbora and fnotiiU. It will be mre to interoat all, and may in dace "tlier* to follow yiur example, knowing that we can coiitjiluntly put t run i" whatever inforniatiun you aiay fer ratter or for wurae. t>r, again, it way <Vk* " n^ttvr aatUfied with nur And, in return, we promiae y>u with anything that may tnu.Hpirv liert- Miink will mtemt yvu. ".. i y..u all a tafe and piquant 1 "*"'')' May yur liieut fall in pluaaant flux* ; . <ng niay you all lire and be hap py, ai be a bleetinx t.i the neighborhood w!ien< ni gt>, M jvith the one yiu are now I .^ -ur. ABO aliould wu mevt on orth no ..lore, may we nuet in heaven, ln-rf |irtiiio U no more. , wuhing all t., i r. in. ml. TIM! the affectionate eon and hrtlier wh > now ansiouaJy awwU y.-mr o MUIIL: in tant Manitoba^ u the earneet wiah of all. ^ WILUOUK. This Cotmoil im-t in the Town Hall, SValiertoli, mi Moiniar. M.inli itrl, S4 Pniavnt Mar*. IViUer, Ellmtt, Me- Arthur, and Hlakrly. Mr. Peiller, D.-KiTVp, in the chair M unites i if last mot'tin^ niad anU n|v It. M, I. I'tirdy. aiul ll.uiult. u Co.. |>rt*riitod anil rwul. Account*, a follows, prewnted and ur nxl to ! pnhl :- K. J. Sj.p.ul,-. |,.,t at.'"'. fJ.*' : J1rt A *.'<>., fur <iii>n> i.f the ' Mnin.-ipHl Act." *!.!'& ; W. J. HelLuiiy Div. K-,'itmr. fl iK>. The Coniniittco npjmintod to examine tin- Trciuiurvr'n l ml, rcp.-rtcd that they i-uiiiilcn-<l hi* iitn'titii KO..O!. The C.iiniiiitt.-.- ,,ii th, Hihl.'- at Eu- i'in.i. rr| that it wouM ! lu in take imiiicili.ite :iti"ii tn !n\o tlie linilijf rrj-Hii. il, ami tliat they hail '. t the niiitfiK't fur rc|*irmg tin- IAHIC nt $. Hy Uw NK. Id!'. np|Hiintiiik; p.uiiiil KO. I..TH, fi>nct<viewun, and ovrrvxTt "f lnjliwayn, waa intn>iliiittl and r.-:ul a Hint ami "i-ciiml tinit 1 . to receive it final reiwl- ing at next Mi Itlciiklcy ninriMl, *oci'iide<l r.y Mr Elln'tt, that Jolin M arthur be) {NLM |13 Ilia i-xivliai;* wlnlo atti-liilitiir it (iorne an li delex'iite fr^lu this C'i'Uiicil. re ix-uriiiK ArU-iuesia n jxirti- n ,,f t'rown l^itinl Improvement Kinul Car. Mi- \itlnir ItU-ukloy That A. Kllmtt IM- iiuid W for Mirvu-es uu i 'iiiunlU'e n M \rthur Hloaklry- That R.,l.t. Me- (iuwbii U- rffiindi-il M4 IMI. li..)!,.. tntcn in i-ac>M on account of rrrnr in aavaai- no ni Car. Klliott nu-alley Ttiitf John M \- tluir be and ii heruliy ap|KiiiiU><l t<i in. < t ilfllV:lll"ll .it Tollilltn i II the 4tll Hint . li- Vtti ;M,-<IR ' i-huii in the l.tiu! linprove- nn-'it Kiinil YI-.IK Klliutt .-ini! Me \rthnr. Nayn I'riller anil Ul.-.-ik ley. Council ailjoiirncil U J. KKU.IMV. Twi.. Cl.-rk. A QiTiTiiM To THI I'.isi. llea.ler. h.n. you laii k Mii.l. weak and tirivl f.elm,-. nith i>. r\'oii< rtli.iiistinn. e^jii-, fully In tin 1 e-iri-, inii; ' Tln-n J-'llr iivri < ;i;urti\.. ini-l rireiiUtion i""-r. Aion-.- the torpid ln,-r dentine th<> xlii?!h M< d tin<l r---iiUt i-'iis \\illi tlmt pnnf.MiiK ttmir I! Crnr Fun UiirfMATi-iv. Sti(Terrr frcm eitlior unit" or chronic rlieiiiiniti-ni ill t'tiil no rr.oro n ndv relief ur betUr cure than Yellow CXI, the rmpnlar hniiM'lu |,l for rxternal itnd ititrrual pc in all painful affections. I In fetation Koail. To the Eit<t.>r ,/ r/, Dear Sir, I notified i* a noent istf of tli AnvANi'E, an article hi tlio effr<z that uor citi/.i-nn wen- bent ua the c.-n Btruction el tho much talked of " lran;lit Ma<l ' t,, Kleahertun Station, md large K-ram elevator. Havu our ciuiena chaag. ed their mind* nnrt that article wae writteo, or have they err Trolly hwn en- tliuiatic in nnf matti r affrctipg the in- terests of the village? Ycnr* truly, i ; i -A HEAP. | At tlie time th article rei.-mxl to WM written, a gieat deal of euOiuaiaaui wa* inanifeitra by our citizen* in con nrctiou with tne pro|.oew.t coostnictioo uf a trai|(ht road ni 1 elovnior ; l.-il >inr> then the thernxmeter of public opinion ha* fallen "below U?T"." -Ei' Koad. from our virn C^r Mr* J Kowe, prior t.i ibu <lejiartur. of herself and family l<r M.itiit.i.i. waa on two Mpantte occatinn* mn.le Mi,> reeip- rrnt nf an .nldrx'iK and prex nt.-iti:i hy n number of her Deihl,<>r n<! friend". The first one waa a ort of a aelrcl t- (air. Mr. R. Smith, jr., loat a ralu.iblo hone by tho bunting of a Mi* .1 vfusel. Wit have a new pcittaaiter in the per- son of Mr. W. 11-itoliiaon, the purchaaer uf Mr. J. KOW< ., l.irin. Mr. C. Canon is .oin^ to live on her farm in T \T-.H.: Mr. Day haa runted Mr. C. D.IT*' farm and aawniill. Mr. VV. Gilbert bar rented Mr. J. Sow. ell farm for 3 t. nn nf v ( vtr. Mr W. J Hi.lirv^ii.l'Mi^M A. Bowl* hare agreed tn -il oxer the re>t of m- trimoDy toother in tho Mate K>t. How It Pay*. It pari to food well. L' me give T--' acaae. Having a good lot of n>wa. whi- ' I Uave bred and rrarvit m\,ell ai<d " . exf thrfm well to be kin'l nnd snitlf la ev- ery way, I >*o nut like to part M '* But hnrin.' a few .Snrt than I r." i. t*ke care of tliw v\r I nntrd out fir" nf them to i> neiglil" r <.ne of thcw cow* ia a croobred pure Ayr-lure and .ler- and witli her hrit calf gaxe '-ulit !!>< but ter in the tint week'* churning . .< her at'Coii'i , .-ill he gave twelve aiul half iMiiind* the fint we.-k ifter the miK ( the calf wan fed on skiiiuned milk only). TLiii cow ii HMW mx yan..>li|, ntnl in ii.- pnme. The inan complnine.i .>f hr an-t aaid *hc w,t* a poor e,.w " Whnt f.'-l ilo yn'l jrive IUT ' " No feed at ivll the paftttnin the <*:iinp'u- ; anil ibo >ni!k only four i|imi: a day." I brought the en* houif.and lie wan amor" skeleton in a IK.^ of li,..e skin Tin' tir*t milking w.'Wi tbrm- (ml I ' -^ i t<> feed her iu 1 knew ne dt norrwi, I |{*ve her two <|iiurtx i>f line Kn>uti<l con- meal and mid<lhpp*nuxfil with cut <WP> rurTJ finlder three tirnrn n -lay. with wha' gra*>i the pasture,l atfonl Th- fourth d.iy he iiulki'ii tiine .jtmrtK, the seventh diiy eleven :<i..l i h.ilf ijui-- tbe lint f^ur dy ln-r IIII!K in.nle tlir. poundi ii| i-u'ti r . .tin! the l.m: three ' it luadt four puiind> ti .en muieea. Tl. m not her lull vn Id. ;.- the in putting tie >li, and * ill il<> n until alu- weigh* I."-" or StM) pmind* iimre tlmn the did she came hi nut*. If we fii'im- tins n :i the pruit on h teeil e.-.n I-.- -!i, w n er\ . Mil] K aru ilny it live fi.t- - tii- pri. ;it which her nulk hiw U-eu ,,.|,| all a mer itwent\ out- i< the '. : if *wamp tiipnilow feeilinjf ^ r I a half ijimrt* a day m p'lMnl to littv ,-\ and a hlf cenf : the tY.,| i ..<< df ieiiN, RO tlint thi< fitte. n eo|. ftr- iwi-nty tw-> and u half (H V- .i ni.uho ftiafiictioiio( tin* thm^ i w'.ir' i II e; Ideal liior. Inlliir >\ i>iild U', fof I cert.lllllv ' le:xl of reg:iril tot in y e., -. w Inch I !. reared from tlu-lirti. :iinl e.vli . I ul'i . i* a pit atxl ivtrartN me with rvi- kinl!i:ii-s itnd kfl \- tho ra- nwn hy th, <.- ''."ir.- lei *nBl<l '- .*.' .." dvlv ].i-o'ii ( , r tH.. . !'iri' f ?l Ti<>, whi'-li M in it-,. 'f. iinuiv a iiH'ch mil- in i to UBport bi* whole i-itml\ upon, \ , et th' l >te ; .iMi, t ^ .n 1 Iriit \ no u i f. 'I .; '.' . V . -I IV ' V 1. ..(. - ll . tiiriniliL' duen nut p. iv I i - ,i In in vvonhl ch.i 1 e- the people in ton and citu < i ., in >! ofi i to i i K v *, iiiueii. \\liat a in lako they would in lU.v V ) . \VKTHK I'HuM'ui.rria*. -Ivn-tillin.- WPHtlier is uii.-er'Hin n tlie <>-{. . ut ll errtaiu tlmt if uni i-n'eii col. 1 1 i ii.i- .-I/* in able rlllnale >,"i ,--i I.e-t l.r.- ;'< ill i-Brcli with liaKyaiil ' 1'i-rloral I|H|IUI. the u><; relmtile and |d.-.'iint rett,, 'Iv f. r . oiiuh*, Colil, hronchial and I'm.; c..M,|i!.nnt It i* .0 a,-rorb:t that even i ebild will t^ke il.

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