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Flesherton Advance, 20 Mar 1884, p. 8

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Heard's Improv'd HARROWS. Arttmttia, Jut 16th, 1883. MR. JOHN H. HEARD. Dear Sir, I Uko pleawire in Ustifying that the set of ten-bulled Harrows I purchased from you kist April has given me entire satisfaction. It being given to e on trial, I closely watched its operations when at work to find a fault witli it, but I failed to see any. It is no heavier on my team than my tix-biill wooden harrow. I am yours truly, JOHN WHITBT. That. HEALTH FOR ALL. HOUOWAY'S PILLS&OINTMENT THE PILLS Purify tbe Blood, correct all Duordara of the I .1 > i-. Stomach, Iv ;ln\\ >- and. .Dowelsu They invlgnrato and rertore to haJU> Debilitated Coiutitutiona, and an Invaluable lit all Com- plainu lUL-idonttl to Fuuialun of all agoe. For Childrun and the aged they are prioelea*. THE OINTMENT U an Infallible remedy for Bad Leg*. Bad Breasts, Old Wound*. Boron and Ulcen. It ll famous for Gout and Rheumatism. For disorders of the Cheat U ha no equal. For SORE THROAT, BRONCHITIS, COUGHS, COLDS Glandular Swellings, and all Skin Diseases it has no rival; and for contracted and stiff Joints It acts like a charm. SM. hi, n l>, ;.ili. Fri'Hl Mi 1 Tant I*<uli r. Ou Sunday afternoon Mrs. Chaa. Thump- sou, of A riiui, received a paralytic stroke, became insensible, and died early tli.i next morning. She was apnareutly in her health, during the day, enjoyed a hearty , dinner, and while sitting quietly by the flrc | at about two o'clock, suddenly complained , to her husband that sh felt a queer sena- tion iu her right side. She received immed- iate attention, was removed to bed, and Dr. Taylor summoned. I.. .ir before lit arrived she was iustusiblr. and nothing eonld bo done for her. She never regained conscious : liens, but passed quietly away at eight on ; Mnudoy . Mrs Thorupbau came to Arruu with her husliainl over thirty years o/>o, and wag well known and highly respected all over the township. She wao buried on Wednesday, the funeral beiux very largely attended. She was iu her 65th vear. Eanufaotored only at Professor HoixowiT'fc Establisbment, 7, New OxforJ Street ( late 533, Oxford M ret- 1 t. Lndn. and are sold at la. lid., 8s. M., 4s. M.. lls., 90s., and :s. each Box or Pot, and may be had of all Medi' cine Vendors throughout the World. Furchattn AoW look lo the LaM em the Pott and Bajtfi. If the addreu it not iWi*, Oxfvrd iHreet, L<nul<m, thfy art tpunmu. This is not the " Red Flag " yon have read so much about ; this is a good 9 honest price, good quality, & square dealing Flag, carried by Mr. Th os. Duncan, Tailor, Flesherton. CDBE FOB KBECMATIBM. Sufferers from either tcutu or chronic rhemnatism will find no more ready relief or better cure than Halyard's Yellow Oil, the popular household remedy for external aud iutemul use in all painful affections. The sir-rams and It i > r> Bill. From Ihf harrie Adrtinrt. Howat has re-introduced hii Riven and Streams bill with one of the objectionable feature* removed but still retaining tbe principle one. The change ii a uaeleu back down for M.IVI .it as the Dominion Govern- ment cannot authorize a bill, which carrim a lie upon it* face. The preamble to Mowat'n bill aanerti that it bus always been law when the fact 18 that it never baa been. The question of fees in a minor matter that has little bearing upon the queation at all. The man who at great expense and risk con- struct' a dam ind slide does not desire to convert himself into the toll keeper and count every log that goes down his slide and check the name nf every man that sends it. Mr. McLaren contends, and we think with reason that any one wishing to ua hi* improvementa should make n bulk bargain for the season, and !heu there would bo no further annoyance ou either side. Hut just here the noae of a fox peeps out. If Mowat's bill with iU precious preamble were allowed, ('aid well, who owns a teat in the Local Legislature, and in whoae interest tbe bill is being passed, ronld not ruly run his log* through McLaren'* improvements ou a pay- ment, hut could cliiita damagea for any loaa he may chooae to nay he sustained since these improvements were made. No Gov- ernment with any sense of justice, no mat- ter what it politics might be, could justify such a measure. If therefore Cnldwell has performed services to the party that requires substantial recompense wo would recom- mend Mr. Mowat to pay him at once. The amount can lm entered iu the TnliHc Ac- counts as "dusters " Apnllinaris water," or any such littlo tiling that might tnjgest it- self to Mr. Mowat'g experience. He cer- tainly will not be allowed to balance ac- counts with C'aldwell by swindling McLar- IIIIK ral K. lorin. From th* I'nrofUo Daily Mail. MOXTKIAL, March 15. The Miuuttrml Association uf Moutretil ban bad the ques- , tiou of funeral reform uudtir US consider ation, and has i.-*ued th following seasible advice to the public on the subject :-- 1. Many funerals (re conducted too ex- pensively. While tho rich can afford it, the poor have to spend loo much, and thai at a time when they have little to spare. If those | who are wealthy were to set the example, h won! I be easy for the pour to follow. Crapes an (I badges might bo dispensed with "it"- guther. It should not be considered neees- , sary to have flowers, and even when they are used it is well tu remember that their umple and suggestive boaoty in obscured rather than enhanced by a prodigal and expensive display. 2. It is desirable to ate our ckurclies more frequently for burial services), especially in the winter see,ou. where a large attendance may be expeotexl. Many of those who attend .. funeral eaunut enter tbe house of mourning, aud after hurrying in ordr not to be late, they find they hava to stand for nome time iu the cold. Cases of serious illness are known to have arisen from this cause. 3. Our custom of waiting from tome dis- tance on the way to the cemetery might be done away with. When the fauaral service is in ehuioh the friends could escort the mortal remains from tho house t" the clmroh, and at the conclusion of the >ervic those who are to go to the cemetery conld miur the carriages at the church door, while the service is at an end so far as the genr'al body of the mourners are concerned. 4. The preaching of sermons ur the giving of addresses at funerals should be discontinu- ed excepting iu exceptional cases. The cns- t.nii of giving i sermon or addrets is gradual- ly becoming less common in the city, al- though it is still almost universal in the rural districts. A generally understood practice would not only prevent disuppiuut ment and puanibly off>ince, but it would save the time of many who wish to attend the funeral but are not able to get much time. P T. R S SASH AND DOOR I'll HHI1 PLANING MILL ^ CAERIAGEWOUKS, WILSON & McKECHHIE, - - Proprietors. O Our factory is now complete with all the latest, best, and most improved inhchinery necessary for turning out everything in our various lines of busi- ness, and it will be in thorough running order in a lew dnvs. Contracts for buildings iu town or country taken at tho most reasonable rates. Work will be guarantocd first-claaa in every particular, this depart- ment being under the immediate supervision of H. M. McKechnie. Sash and doors made to order on short notice. Scroll sawing will receive prompt aud t. ireful attention. Planing a specialty. In Carriage making our reputation for first-class work m too well known to I any further comment here. A largo and excellent stock of carria^ei*, \c. for sale. Call at our show rooms and inspect them. Orders foranything in this line will receive prompt attention and the fact that it is directly 1111- Icr tho supervision of T. W. Wilson, is a sufficient guarantee that the work :iiul material used will be first-class. SCROFULA and nil ficrofutoLU diwavft, Soy*.-*, Krysipe- U-. 1 ... 111. l. I. UU Ill-it. ItlllKHUllll, lll- mo, i 1 1 inn" ii -. Ituils, anil lru|itluun of the Skiii. are Uie di;l rvsu-t of u impure stale of Uie Wood. To cure tlieso disease* tin- blood must b puritted, and restored to a healthy aud n- inraloumUtioii. AVKK'H SABSAPAIUU.A has for over dirty years l>eeii recognised by tmi- i.nii medical autlioiities u Uie mt IKIW- erful lii.'d (iiirirter in esistenoe. It free* Uie system I nun all fol humors, eurichw and lreugtlien* ths blood, removes all traces of mercurial tieatnieiit, and proves illf a compli'lv icHslerof all ocrofaluua difctasw. A Krcrnt furr f Scrofulous Sores. Rom* MII.UI ago I was troubled rcrufulmu norm fiileera) on my I'S". '"" llmtwwcre liaill; twnlieii and infUnn.l, :nut the orea dissbsrnd large quantities ef offensive nmller. Kvenr remedy I tr.e.l Uilwl, until I used AYKH'I BAMBAI-AIILI.A. of wtiich I liae now taken three btitt.rr, with tii" rnalt that tlie pores are hem led, ami my general hmlth greatly bnprOTSrt. 1 fel ery grateful JM lh good jour medicine |IH il'Mie me. Yoarm rewpwf fully. M n*. Ax* CKHmAX." 1 1 1 n M . Kew York, Jnnu '.I. l^v. ff- All prrsoiia liiUrrslml n> Invltril lo t.i 1 1 oil Mi- <>' Brian; also upon tl< K. v / I*. Willis of 7H Eaal ntb Mfwl. N-w York City, who will tks> pleasure In i< -i ii i .1, lo Ihe wonderful rmracy of Ayvr'a SantaiuirtlUi. not only In Ihv euro of llil. Imly, Imt III hla own IM> aU many otlirra wlthlii kla knowledge. The well-known trrtlfr Ikt notion lltralJ, B. W. BAU.,U( JlocfufUr. .V.W., .writes, June- T. I-'- ll:ivni|> suffeml severely for some rear* .fiih Ki-ien, a. HIH! having failed u> Bud relief rroniotkw leinnliei., 1 liatemad ua. during tbe pax tli r iiiniitliv. of AvSK'lt HAKSAI-A- IMI.H. in.-h Inn ellivlid a nimuUle cur*. I coimiilir it u luagiiiUveut remedy for alt blood d.>.;:m .-.." Ayer'sSarsaparilla stiiiiulate anil regulates the nctiua of lbe> dn!<-stie and awlmliatlve organs, rene and mren^ilicni! the vital forces, aud >|edily rnres KlieiimaUeni. Nvuralclat, Klwuiua- lie Gout, i ii. u in. (General IH-hillM . auJ all diseftseft .iriaiiig from an nn|X>veiishd i i rorrupud conililinn of the blood, and a caa- rned vitality. It i.. ,iifoni|iarably tbec'iespest blood nied.- niK'. on account of its concentrated strength, and i;reat power over disease. rm. r tit EH n v Dr. J.C.Ayer&Co., Lowell, Mats. Sold by all UrufftaU: price l, Si lor K. IT SB i i.D fil INV(HTIATKII If any uf oar rri.liTK are soffring from chronic diseases of the stomach, liver. k:dnyi or ml, '.hey >bould iovotigoU the iru-ritH of | liurdock blood UitUm. It i - ro.kiog ... of the moet remarkable cnre on rrcurd. NATIONAL rilJJi aota promptly ii|<un tin.- Liver, r^Kulat*- tht. llowt-U aud an a purgative are mild and thorouk'li Soliciting public patronage and guaranteeing good work in every dcpart- of onr business. WILSON & MACKECHN1E Gadd & Campaigns, GENEHAL BLACKSMITHS FLESHERTON, are now fully prepared to attend to all work in their line prumptly, in (i wnrkni:mllkc manner, aiul nt fair, honest prices. We are now fully prepared for all the S work the public mny favor us with. J. W. BATES, Furniture Dealer and Undertaker, FleehertoD, Pofc. 12, 18B4. - WBATBEK Pr.oRtniLiTiEs. -Foretelling tbe weather it uncer'.itin at the best but it is sertaiu that if \ u catch cold in this change- able climate you can beat break its ill effects with Hagyard'x Pictural liU:iui. the most reliable and plcsant remedy for coughs, cold, bronchial and limn complnints. It Is 80 sgreeakle that even a child will take it. The While Mill*, NtaVnrr. Fnmi tin' .Sfciytuw Sun. Although Rpynoldi A. Co, had the White Mill*, which win destroyed by the late boiler explosion, well insured thy will be unaldr, we understand, lo recover miy of the insur- ance. The Insurance companies interested refuse to pay on the pround that the dm- aije done was caused i ntirrly by thu es- ploHim: of the bjiler. and not by fire. As soon an this was known oympnthy expressed and felt i or Mr. \Vui. Heyuoldg, the nurviv- partuur, in \na heavy loss, took effect in a more tangible wny. A j>etitii n wg at Olio* circnlnti il and signed by n mnjority of thf village rnli p-iyus piuyiug thu council to suliiniln by-Uw 10 the ratepayers for prant- boMM of |] OIHI to Mr. Reynolds to en- able him to ippnir bi< mill. On Tuesday night unpeei^.l rnetingof the- the Council M btU for the consideration of boij peti-, lion, and tin y <Urided to submit the by-law. We believe in 11, instry (ma dona moio to keen Htayner in ivint; " tlmn it* Il,m r and (ristinr; mil!>. 'II;, - h:ive c.iusod and kept up a lively .-..!.. ,,..:;;, , ,,, ir ^^ m ^ T ket -Ur bael;b. ne ,,f stiivnr-r and it now bin tlm repn':iii. -, (,r |,,iiii^ the best on tho Northrni Iliil.. .;!. AH (hiugs ooni,lere<l tlie rateji-ij. i.. v, ill di> tbe right tiling by miNtmniir; the and feel confident ftimi r,t w, (:nv,. I,. ur d of the fe,.li,, K s ,,f thn peopli in th.. in.itU'i- tbero will bo little "r n > upiohiti.iu tu Ili'i pitsiuf.( of it. * M * " ^ H' LPH Ult ftOAP irt highly r- cjiinii I'lidod fi.r ti H i euro at t>ni>tiau. ' Ghp;Kwl Randu, Plinplen, Tin, Ac. E E M O V A L ! MISS 6. A. N. PAGE, ( LATI: or Own BOUND ) will bt> found in Mrs. Bulmer's shop, nearly opposite Mr. M. Richardson'** general (tore r'lesherton, where she will be prepared as usual to DO OVER au.l MARK CP LADIES 1 andGESTU-MEN'sFELT, STRAW, BEAVER AND CAMEL S HAIB HATS. nd make EQUAL TO .\KW. The public aru re'pucifully invited to give her a trial. Good work guaranteed at reaaouuble prlcee. MISS U. A. N. PAGE. PRIVATE SALE WILL CURE OR RELIEVE BILIOUSNESS, DIZZINESS, DYSPEPSIA, DROPSY, INDIGESTION, FLUTTERING JAUHDICC. ; W OF THE HEART, ERYSIPELAS, ACIDITY OF SALT RHEUH, f THE STOMACH, HEARTBURN, DRYNESS HEADACHE, J OF THE SKIN, And every tpcla of dlxaM wlalna; from disordered LIVER. KIDNEYS. CTOMAOH. BOWELS OR BLOOD, -OF- FARM d FARM STOCK And Farm ALSO :,'- 1 i: I. FA KM TO IMM . ITolLSKS KOH BALE. I have oiiu miiU'kiul Tun of xood work hie hnr- io, aud I yuuiiK Mai > . ' drivel. To bu sold eliuap for cash. FA11M TO RUNT. I have a .W-acru Farm to Ueuk Tfliia Kari.i i 1 mile from K1ehnrton, haa Kootl liuiltlliifx on it and ii well watered. KAHM IMri.KMF.NTK FOR 8AI,B. K'irHaleala llnrpnln 1 >>nililc HriioB. SlnRte Hiuii'-^H, \SHJ^I'IIV, sUii^hs, lii'Hin-i. Sulky Hnke, PlowK, anil a liLi-M>i iiiinilMir <>( oMirr Ililploun-iitH. For partlculam, ajiiilv iu 0. L. in l i:. Jan.iM, 1W4. FLUSHEKTOX. EUGENIA Grist Mill, Hawing made ntefwivn inijiroveiiH II(K In i: .' Grist Mill, I am enx fii1nt I can gire goo*l satisf action. CHOPPING DONE ANY DAY. 1 1. .ml Flour alwsvs on hand. Custom Sawing, and Bills filled on tbe shortest notice. Lum- ber anil Lutli alwA.yn on haul. WANTED : Cherry, Butternut, White Ash, Blank Ash, BasswooJ, Pine and Hemlock Lo^s wanted. M. AKITT, KUGEN1A May 1st. 1R83. ~1^O R T H . . ile;i. 7.JII n.1,1..... 4JOIMU. . 8 in s n. ' " ' " '" am . loan 10..'*) Toronto Ml Koront " .. 12211 |i in. Hmrision " ...1;'.. Toeswiitor, arr.... iilii Owen Hound ' ... l.M " lO.M " oio p iu GOING SOUTH. Owen Hoinul. .di'p.... .">,!> HIM .JDOii.iu .fM a in T%>u> " x.m ' tufi Hanhttoa " 11.111 4111 Mt. K..r!,r.t " ,iii .jo " Orani;..vlllo H.U; 7.0) l. p in Toronto IUT.... ll.W O.V. 5.1U W. WHYTF. D M< SICOni, Olii'r. Sort. OtiCt. ftisii. AOT. MAGYAR D^ YELLOW OIL! CURES RHEUMATISM PREZMAN'S WORM! POWDERS. Are pleasant to take Contain tbalr own Portative. Is a rnttt, sura, aod e/feerav I i in ObUdtm 01 A J u

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