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Flesherton Advance, 20 Mar 1884, p. 6

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vr*rifc \ hii. Cau the flower look sunward and lovelier grow ? Cuuisn not mcro thau i;..-i color with luVtovw flow ' Corn* not iwoelMt of oJora to float through thti MMBf \Vithlheli>DR<i.tytofsun)iuer auiij the green Can Uio river torgi t the upriog ID the height \Vlwii uiotu'rygkiauii, mountain like, glUteuiDK mil while? Doe* not Infaucr fatten iU touch on the boy ! not man mora a man for the earlier JOT '' Oh: Cowr*tiial look upward, oh! riven aud treoi, Ye mouuutni iu dlitaoo, what uiesaf*s All tell the old rtory, the toc ol life. Sometime* aoarsival, Houjenuie* ttrife; Hut ouioi Uiefl^bUnKuu'itol the earth, Tim bui. of re, j ciug u.l victory hare birth. I* not tlcop tb* tweeter that soothes weary Are iiotetara the brighter that (bine from dark Sf la uol liviug belt lived Uiat most of life in ? It ul life rnoet of life that li uearn.t to His Ne&riot fli whoae life i the truest of all? The life that lifcli t with no ilarkueu t all ; Nearwt II in whow life ii (be hunt aud thu way. \Vhoee lulle touo In tlii-.-- 1 am with you alw iy." Ob I Mee|> ol the wetry who slumber awhile, Oh I Mart far above us that Bpaikleaud Buiile, Ye aro Mugiu^ a w>og, the aout! of the soul That, fettered no oft, *ei upee.ln tovrar U its goal. Uaii'tf spirit Immortal Ram* highest of tkles Whoee tviug* uuut are u.edore upwaidahe hies, A MAIDEN FAIR. A Scottish Love Storv. II T ClUaUN Oiaao*. Ob, how brave and noble she had believed kirn to be I How much above all other men in everything bow pure, bow strong and faithful in all tbat became a man 1 And lo, there be lay helpless such a sorry sight I She oould not bear it, and she covered bar fare with ber bands, rooking berself to and fro a* abe knelt beside him. Strange, piteous criee in ber brain, but no sound coming from ber lips. The idol seemed to have fallen from iu high place fallen so low down and 'till was loved. Kbs did not care now who knew it. She loved bim and sbe would help bim, though everybody elae houl J turn from bim. Sbe knew by the sounds on deck tramp- ling of feet, load voices and the varying movements of the engine, tbat tbey were neariug port. Whether or not the noise had any effect in routing bim. Bow at length .virrt-d from hm lethargy. He moved slightly as if to turn on bis right aide. With anxiouH face and ready handa abe aumMted bim. Be mattered sometbiuK in a husky whisper, but she was unable to make out wbl he sail. She called bim by name twice and ber voice seemed to reach him at last. There was a npaamodio movement of the body, and this time bit muttering was distinct enough f >r ber to comprehend - "Starboard, xiarboard, confound ye. There'* the l>uu Uuy we must bold off." The rest of his words faded into mdn- tinotuera again. The turmoil above grew louder, and tbe movements ol the engine more eccentric than before. She dipped tbe towel iu cold water, and bathed bit face and hands He breathed more freely and regularly than be bad been doing for some time, and preaently he opened bis eyct. What weary, wild eyea they were, staring at ber without the least sign of recognition t They frightened her, and yet tbey brought the tears which relieved her own parched 1 1) j you no ken me Bob?" she hesitated a little over tbe name. Tbe wild expression disappeared and alowly there oame a smile of recognition. " No ken you, Annie I bow could that ever be? Uy lau ! But what a dream I hae had tbat 1 got fou and let tbe boat gang on tbe reck* and " But there th* tlimmer of intelligence faded, aud a vacant expression took its place. This was not tb* expression of imbecility, bat that of one who is looking at something he cannot see and searching IIIH mind for something b* cannot find. Suddenly be made an effort to nae, but fell baok helpless. " Try again," she said eagerly ; " if you could only get on to tbe seat, it would make me law wae to look at you." Mechanically be made tb* effort, and witb ber strong help succeeded, after a few trials, in getting on to tbe seat. He leaned back unable to support himself , still looking at tb* something ne oould not see. " Can you bile there that way till I get you a drink?" She brought bim a glaas of water and held it to bis lips. Hs drank greedily aa if his throat were parched, and be seeuied to revive. 8be took both bis bands iu liert and gazing earnestly at him, said "Can you tell me bow this happened? Try to mind. Where did you get the drink ?" I oanna tell. 1 got wbiikey, and I saw the Dun Buy and tbe Bullerx, and I wanted to keep clear of them. But something aye pulled tbo wheel out o' my bands. There was" HM ended the sentence by shaking bit head hopelessly and muttering wearily, " 1 oanna toll I diona ken." Klif saw it wa* no use pressing her ques- tions further at tbat time, and indeed Mb* liadnoopportnnity of doing to. Although th* none above continued, the engine had (top- ped, and ttbe knew tbat tbey were in port. Her father came down. Partly in conse- quence of bio dread of any further accident, really not well, and you should get a doctor to see him." " lie get a doctor for the sooondrel that nearly mined me a* weel aa drooned as a' I" exclaimed tbe oaptain, aa much as- tounded by his daughter's calmness aa by ber nrat disobedience. " I tell you he wa drinking when b* was at tbe wheel, and that would hae been enough for me even if he badua put ut a' in siooan dangar." " How do you know that be waa drinking when at tbe wheel?" she anked calmly. " Cargill told me he took a dram from him."* Ah ' " Tbe exclamation wan short, quick, witb a drawing in of the breath. " Aud ht gave it to him." ' Ay .but he maun hae been drinking before that, because ae drain wouldna mak' him like what be is. Come out o' this. Bob Koss, and thank tbe kindly thoughts I bae aye bad for you till noo tbat I dinna send you to jail instead of gieiu' you leave to walk aahore." " Father, will you not send for a doctor ?" nhe pleaded once more. " I'll no bear another word, you hiczie, but I'll hae something to say to you in a wee while." To her amazement Ross stood up, un- steadily, but still maintaining the position. He drew one band dazedly across bis eyes and said huskily No tor m, Annie no forme yon shall not suffor tor me. I'll go. Your father ia right. I begin to mind now, and it U bia kind thought tbat laves me from a jail it is not all clear yet; but it is coming baok. Me standing at tbe wheel and no power to speak and that's all." " Bide a minute and I'll get Jock Burns to go with you," and sbs darted np tbe stair. Captain Duncan was puzzled. He oould not make out tbe man ; tbia waa not tb* way be had evar before seen anybody who wa* " fou" behave. But then there was nothing else to explain hi* falling asleep at tbe wheel ; and so he answered tbe puzzle by resolving to stick to his first impression. " I am sorry for you, Bob ; but you bae brought it on yonrsel' and I cacoa pass it over. Had it been onybody else I would bae been on tbe look out for sic a tbing, but no wi' yon no wi' you." " Yon are doing kindly by me, oaptain, and I thank you," ssid tb* poor man, again passing bia band dazedly over bis eyes. " I dinna understand yet ; but it's comiag to me, and I ken that I was wrung. I thank you and I'll go." H* made a step forward, staggered, and fell baok upon tbe seat. He would have fallen on th* floor but tbat tbe sturdy cap tain caught bim in time. CHAPTER X. A HOFELK88 CA*B. Tb* first person Annie encountered on tbe deck was Cargill, and for an instant sbe nhraiik from him, clutching tbe top ol tbs cabin stair to prevent herself from falling backward. H* held out bis baud to aid her , but sbe recovered herself without taking tbe proffered hand. Daring tbe time of danger the most ter ror-fctrioken face of all on board bad been tbat of Cargill. He grasped the nearest rope of tbe rigging, aud clung to it as if be were already drowning, and Ibis waa tbe Uat traw of hope. His flabby cheeks gre yellow, and his fishy eyes started in bu bead mete prominent than ever. He bad never contemplated the possibility of wreck. When the danger was over be was tbe nrat one to recover his equanimity, and to pretend tbat be bad not been at al disturbed by tbe incident. He lit a cigar, aud whilst apparently looking on at the bustle which preceded tbe arrival in port, be hovered about the cabin skylight and the stair, wmbing to go down, and, for some reason, unable to do so, straining bis ears to catch any sound tbat might oome from below. He beard nothing. He advanced to the captain several time* a* if to apeak, but saw that he wouk receive very little grace if he attempted it Then be walked baok to the cabin skylight and hovered about it as before. But when they were fast in port be met the captain on bis way to tbe cabin, told him of th dram he had riven to Rom, with man; expreaaions of regret at tbe almcst fata consequence, and taking hi* full abare o blame. At tbe same time he offered bis flank to tbe oaptain, who very willingly took a dram whilst saying " It waa a foolish thing for you to do though kindly meant; but it was a weel we'll no say nae mair about that, diona want to be in a passion when I gan doon to bim. I'm no gauo to prosecute bim, aa I might do; but out o' tint boa be goea this minute, it he baa to be oarnei out." "Don't be too hard on bim, oaptain Us moat have bad a drop before tbat b did not take into tcaount. One glaa oould never havo had such an effect upon bim." He maun bae bad a gnid wheen drape afore oonfouod bim I for you see I hae taeu a big dram the noo, aud I'm a bee tb* better o't instead o' being the waur Bat that's no to tbe purpose. He bad nae right to touch onything when he wae 01 duty." All tbe same, oaptaiu, for your ow ntke, don't be hard on bim." " Ob, I'm no gaun to be bard on him, aa l bae told yon. I bae had ower muokl liking for bim for that. I'll manage qnie euougb ; but we maun get bim ashore ; oanna thole to bae bim near me." 80 tbe oaptain went below, and Oargil as before, hovered about tbe cabin, an thus encountered Annie when she rusbe and partly out of a wise discretion, know ing bin own temper, he bad delayed coming until the " Maroiaid" waa safely moored in PeUirbead harbor. Now when became, be found her holdirg K *' baads and peaking softly to bim. His passion blazed up in npite of bimeelf. ' What are you doing there with tbat Hcoondrol ? Come out o' that tbia mo tnent," She did not move, aid Roes waa appar- ently quite UU-JDBOIOUS of tbe angry and bitter words. " Did you no bear me ?" shouted the father. " I tell you that you are no to disgrace yours*!' by speaking another word to bin." " Father, be is no weel," sbe said gently, but without releasing ber lover's bands. "No weel! -he'll be weel enough when be geta over bit drunken fit." " This U not a drunken fit, father. He is | up from below. " Do you want anything oan I get it to you'." be asked eagerly. No yes, thank you," she said excitedly aed with a little confusion. " Walt minute." She passed him and ran to tbe bow where the men stood in a group, talkin and smoking. As there waa to be no discharge of cargo till tbe following day, tbey were all taking their ease and dm ousoing tbe strange events of tbe passage. ' I want you to go down to tbe cabin, Jock," aaid rbe touching the arm of a thick- set, grey bearded man, "and bide with Bob Roes ; he U not well." " You're fashing yoursel' owe r muokle about him, missy" (that waa ber name on board tbe " Mermaid") ; " but I'll do your bidding." 11 1 tell yon all h* it not well ; be WM I not ton." Tbat'a jntt what I was saying,", a* erted a sturdy fellow named Campbell- end again he aame who had been the look-out at oaptor. ie moment of peril, " for b* waa apeak ng to me no ball an hour afoie he put tb* heel wrang, and he was as sober aj a udge." The man said this doggedly, having just Men contending with much opposition from lis matea. You are right, Campbell," said Annie, rateful to find aom* one who agreed with er. She had been much dinappoiuted by manner in wbiob Jock Huron bad beyed her ; for she bad counted upon him Hoes' friend, and found that be, too, bared tbe oommon belief regarding tbe .use of tbe pilot's blunder. Go you up to tbe town and fetch tbe it doctor you can find tbat will com* mmediately." Then she went back to Cargill, who wat aiting for ber with every appearance of ;olid patience in hit general bearing ; bat ie fish eye* rolled retlesly between the lore and the group of men to whom she ad been speaking. It waa the late gloaming th* hoar when ea and land appear most beautiful, ouohed by the saddest, swee' n at. most mysterious ligbta and shades. Voioei and 11 sounds seemed hushed, and the rentlrs* lash of tbe sea is like the low croon of a mother singing a lullaby. Tb* abadowt eepen slowly, and by -and -by all is hushed and yet not dark. Suddenly there eomee a glory in the sky ; reat shafts of lighu of many colors, like traight rainbows, dart across it through white stream*, and th* eye* are filled witb ouder. This is the tirjt time I have seen the Northern Ligbta, nisi Murray," aaid Car- ill aa be advanced to meet ber; "and tbey re certainly admirable." " Ay, they are fine." ahe answered ravely, checking the inclination she felt to bow her dislike for bia conventional ex- reasion of admiration : " we who bavs seen them before believe they are something more than admirable we cannot put oar onder into words.' That it exactly how I feel," be an wered, evidently quite unoonsoiooa of tbe ebuke conveyed in her simple words. But remarkable as these phenomena art, ill you believe it, there it something wbiob occupies my mind so much at pre sent tbat I am unable to give them proper .ttention ?" Indeed?' It is true. May I tell you what U if , lias Murray?" May I speak to yon first, Mr. Car- gill ?" Even bis dull self-oonceit waa taken .back by this ouriouii way of replying to lis question. He ftuoied he bad spoken n tbe tones of a charmer be did believe limaelf an invincible lady-winner and he spoiled all bis fine preparaiioLs by a (quest which be oould not refuse. He lad a great objection to be created even in rifles. Yet she bad spoken very quietly ; and .be wonder overhead now appearing as ominous white streams t imply shone on ner calm, asd face, making it so beautiful hat for tbs first time be became vaguely conscious tbat there waa something in tbe world finer and nobler than himself. He made tbe grand bow wbicb a dancing master bad tooght bim, and which be bad earned to perform witb leas grace than an wkward elephant might have tbown. Bhe smiled in a sad, half-hearted way . >ut still shs smiled, and bis goofi opinion of himself waa restored. Tbst bo * bad conquered bsr. 1 waa just going to auk you, Mr. Cargill what did Mr. UOSM look like wb*n yon ga** urn tbat dram from your flask ? Did be icok aa if b* bad been drinking ?" This wae extremely disagreeable in asv eral ways, but particularly because it took jii mind entirely away from tbe arrange mentof tb* pretty pbraaee in wbiob he was to express the thought whiob was uppermost in it. His answer wssto prompt to her quick wit il seemed to have toen studied. I really did not think so, or you may be Hure I would have been the last p*rson in tbe wcrld to add to the poor fellow's Illinium to say uothiog of the faot tbs i-i.ui- 1 li ration for our safety would have prevented ma doing so." Did yon speak to him ?" For a few minute*, yea." Aud be answered yea nensibl> enough '.'" I must say tbat HO far as my reoolleo tion goes, he did. No oue was more snr prised than I waa wheu tbe real atate o tbe case waa brought so unpleaaautl before us. Bat of eourra I had no suspicion tbat be oould be guilty of such anon nta pidity." He had hesitated over the word be shouli use ; for he desired to show a frisndly dit position toward* Rout. Thank you, Mr. Cargill. It wae a pit; you gave him tbat dram." She turned away, looking anxiously to tbe return of Campbell witb the doctor Cargill'a heavy paw retted on her arm. " Are you forgetting, Mis* Murray, tbat I asked to be allowed to speak to yon ?" "No." " Then permit me to do so now" (be had returned bis grand air and tbe flabby untile which he thought HO winning). " You know the question I want to ask ; your father wiclirH you to say >et , and I need uo, say that I desire you to say yea." She turned upon him those clear bright eyea and that fair troubled face. " I will rpeak honestly, Mr. Carf-ill, and it will save you and me a heap of vexation, maybe. I kuow what you mean, and I tell you once for all that an long as I live my answer will bo the same to you as it is now yon oan never have yen from me." " But your father would like it." " Ay, but be would never wish me to do what I do not like MM! do not think would be right." Tbe man WM not a wooer ; be bad not the feelings of one. bo, instead of persuad- ing, instead of fueling tbat b* muat giv* everything to win the oue object he desirtd, be felt his pride wounded, be drew np hit big frame and nned reproach. " It cannot be tbat after what ha hap- pened you ttill think of thin man, Rom! Yon yourself said tbat a man who oould dingraoe himself aa be has done would not be worth thinking about." Hbe felt her cheeks tingling and the looked down M abe spoke in a low voice. " You have no bnsineea with what I msy think, Mr. Cargill." Then she looked np and her eyes bright a* she oned: "Here's tbe It was curious bow th* pnde puffed form of Cargill appeared to oollapae at that an- inuooement, and he slunk baok a few looe*. Campbell oame forward with a grey- laired, muscular looking gentleman, whose 'resh healthy face gave evidence tbat b* ivd much out of doors. On tbe way to th* tteamer Campbell had told Dr. Pratt the oiroumatanoe* of tbe oaee, so that he wa* ready to see tbe patieat at one*. Annie went down to tbe cabin with him, aud, ml ter some hesitation, Cargill followed, but stopped at tbe foot of th* stair. Koss waa lying on th* seat where he had 'alien when he made bis attempt to leave. :lu wat again in a atate of atupor. Cap- .am Dunoa.ii was moving restlessly about ; Took Burns was standing by, stolid aud ndiffsrent. Annie watched the doctor's face eagerly whilst he was examining tbe patient ; and waited, breathless, for tbe verdict. Tbe doctor treated the oaae in a brit-k, off-band way as one of mere drunkenness, and Annie'a heart ached with aharne. " He U a strong healthy fellow," he said, and there is nothing tbe matter with him except tbat b* baa had a drop too much. ;'ut bim into a berth aud let him sleep it iff. lie' II be all right when be wakens." Then tbe doctor, too, WM against her ; ie also found tbat common explanation for .he condition of Boas, Annie felt that tbe aat hope of convincing her father that there waa a mistake wa* gone. According ,o tb* doctor, there bad been no " fit," no udden attack of illness only tbat vulgar crime of drunkenness). But i-hu had faith, and she did not de apair even now. Boss wakened in hi* berth early in tbe morning ; bat be waa not yet " all right," tbs doctor bad predicted be would be. He was certainly much better ; but be was till confused, and tor a little while unable to comprehend bis position. Then it flatbed upon him with cruel vividness the dnuk tbe dirgraoe. He could not yet recollect all tbat bad happened, but enough was clear to make bim anxious to get away from tbe " Mer- maid" without causing more pe>in to Annie. With that thought he tamed out of tbe berth and soused bis head well in cold water. Then b* bad only to pull on bia boots and faslsu bis necktie, for kit clothe* had not been taken off. That done, be made his way to the deck, purposing to go on chore and take tbe first train home. Whai was to be don* afterwards would b* decidec when his head was clearer. Early aa it was, however, Captain Dun oan was already astir, and aa toon as Ross appeared from below, they met. I am aorrv for you. Bob, but ita tbe best tbiug you can do to gang hame by train. I dinna think I oould thole to bae yon on board after what baa taen place Had you don* it at ony othtr time, ] wouldua bae thought muokle about it ; but when yon were at tbe wheel and at such a place ob, eobfouud it, I oanna think aboot it wi' ony patience." Ross bowed bit bead and oould not speak. Presently the oaptain went on Hows'ever, yon oan mak' your mine eaay tae far tbat I'll no tpeak a word about it, aud the lads will band their tongues for your sake. At tbe same time I am done i' yon." " It'* very good of yon. oaptain," sai( ROM, spaaking low and huskily ; but al though yon may bide it from other folk, you oanoot bide it from me. That'* tb* won of it. I don't know yet exactly what I have done or bow I did it ; but I dare say I abal learn it all aoou enough. Tuauk yon, auc by*." He *i nt on shore, tb* oaptain lookini after him witb something wistful in tbe ex of hit ruddy face. Uuddeuly be turned and shouted "Campbell here. You gang up to th tattoo wi' Bob Rosa and ene him safe into the train. Im donbtin' be'a uo jutt bim eel' yet." Campbell obeyed willingly ; he waa tb* only on*, except Anule, who bad the lightest doubt as to tbe cause of Rues disgrsoe. Tbeoaptaio turned to hit duties with an excess of energy, aa if antions tc forget in the bumle tbit piuful incident. When Cargill roe and learned tbat hi rival waa safely off, lie waa in high glee He bad DO doubt tbat now witb a olea oonnie before him and with her father 01 bis tide, be would speedily overcome An nie's o K jeotiout. In bit cunning schemes however, he did not take into account bi own olumsiuese. Annie did. oa just taking a daunder to see tb* kin- try ?" Oo, baith, bailh, captain ; I ever ower auld to learn, and I ha* 1 earning a heap as I cam' alarjg. Bat I would never hae started if it badna been lat nattbing would satisfy Bell Cargill xoept tbat I t-hould ga>ng anoe errand to ook after be 1 calf." What's <>.'eu tbe auld wife?" said the aptainlao .Umg;"does she think ueoanua ake care ' uimsel' ? he's auld enough." I ooul ' .a eay, but Bell baa notions, and be will *e tilt in can ied out." " Aweel, nan,, you below, and Annie will see tbat you hae somethiug to eat." " And wbar'a Jeems the-uoo?" " Up tbe town, some gate." At that Dick Baxter birpled down to the abin with unusual alacrity To Annie tarn uly aalutatiou wat, as he presented a etter " Bob Uoss sends 7 on that, miaay." Her face flushed witb pleasure ; but abe ut the uote in bsr pocket in order to at- end to tbe wants of tbe unexpected guest. Na, na." he aaid hurriedly . " read your >it lettene, and wbile your doing tbat I ant to look into Jeems' cabin. I hae got i idea in my head tbat puir Bob didua :t fair play, aud I want to try to mak* are o'l You think that ?" sbe cried joyfully. I hae nae doubt about it, and tbe doctor hat saw him in K linbru' baa nae doubt bout it for, tak' bis word for it that he anted naetbing a' day exoeptin' what Jeeme. ied him. But we want to mak' sure afore peaking. Whar's his cabin '.'" She pointed to a door. Old Dick paased nto the place, closing tbe dooi after him. Lpnie. like many others bad great faith in )iok Baxter's wisdom, for as be studied be newipapers so carefully be could always tell about every tbitg that was going on, and no one bad ever bern bold enough question bin judgment on any question of right and wrong. bbe opened ber letter with fingers which were not quite *o steady a usual, and read her tirnt lov* letter. It waa a strange one. I 1 write tbia to let yoo know I am Mtter, Annie, aud to tell you that there laa been some mistake about me some- where. Oo tb* way to the itation, Campbell told me about everything that happened, and although I oould not take it all in clearly at the time I have been able to do so ainoe. You will al think tbat I wasdrink- og. Yon will believe me 1 had nothing except what Cargill gave me, and that I look beoanre after what you bad said to me I was kind of pityiog him, and did not ike to show ill feeling. There was some- thing wrong about tbat wbiakey. Diok Baxter bad been reading something in the) paper that tuaxie bini suiipect it tbe minute 1 told bim bb >ut tbe accident. ' He it guing to you. If be should be right I will be able to face ycur father and tbe w rid again, and, bent of all, I will be able to meet you without feeling tbat there is any tbame upon me. ' It hat been a hard time for me, Annie, and I do not think Icnuld have eome through t but for you God blena you. I am hoping that there is only a wee while to wait till I may see you again ; and I am feared that aomatbiDg may oome between us yet. But nothing can change rue." To b* xnitlDned). l-.o.l I .. , .,.h.r, [f any Invalid or tick panon has tb* leas* doubt of the power and efficacy of Hop Hitters to car* Hit m. tbe; cau An l oua exactly Use their uwu, lo tbeir own neigh tiorhood, wits) proof positive tbat tbey cau beeaaily and per- uiauoully cured at a trioiug ooet or ask you niuint nr uhyaician OaEBNWica, Fab. 11, 1MB. Hop Bifiorc C'o.-Has.- I wat jtven up by tbe iloobort lo ille of aerofula consumption. Twe buttle* of your Ritteii ouretl me. Jay Oonld said : "If I were to give a> dime toobarity wberedollarsare demanded, I would be baukrupt within a year. One* half of the world M-HUM to be engaged in begging of tbe other half." I h. Mlcblf DellH Is long dixtauurrt by a 10 cent bottle of Polaon's Nerviline, tbe newest and beat pain remed>. It cures colds, or am pa, oolio, pain in the bead, toiatioa, pain in tbeobest; iu faot it is tqually emcaoiona a* an external or internal remedy. Try a U). cent sample bottle of tbe great pain remedy, Nerviline Sold at any drag tore. Large bottles only 25 cents. Try a sample bottle of Nejcviliu*. only 10 oenka. CHAPTER XL ONI FIUKND *T l.ti'T. It was a bnty day for the muter an orew of tbe " Mermaid." The cargo con Hinted obitfly of Halt, saltpeter, and a larg quantity of oil, intended for on* of tb experiments in oiling the angry waves to wbicb l' tvr bead waa become famoui Tb* oaptain was dextrous of having all cleared out before the noon of th* follow- ing day, and bis men found bim more impatient than tbey bad ever known him before. Cargill would have persuaded Annie to accompany him on an txouraion inland to view some of the beauties of Huobau, wbiob be had been told were numerous. She declined, pleasantly enough, aa it aeemed, but so firmly tbat be did not per- aiat. He counted upon bis victory daring tbe return |iamave. Meanwhile nn satin tered into the town by himself, to gratify the eyes of tbe folk with a view of hit in ,i h pemon and tlm latest style in tailor- ing Annie felt at if the atmonphere were Hoinelniw purerduriDg bit absence. Without exhibiting any deliberate detugn to avo(d him aud oertaiuly without dinoourteay ahe contrived to escape being left alone witb bim during tbe next two dayt, when the bUHiness of unloading having been completed, tbat of reloading was in pro- gress. Oa this aeoond day after the departure of ROM there was amazement on board the 11 Mermaid" at sigh* of old Diok Baxter bir ling along tbe quay, as calmly oonse- qnential aud an much at borne aa if be bad beeuat Newbaveo. " Dud, there are surely few bee* i' th* by k* when the drones oome out," exclaimed the oaptain cheerily. " Whar in tb* world do y* oome free, Baxter T" " Jum free hame, captain, and I'm wantiu' yon to tak' me baok again." "And are yon out on business, or are The cheapness of mi>e, scoot ding to the I'.ill .W.i i.' Oaxette. baa lately made that article very economical f e- d for horses and t 'i-k Tbe Loudou General Omniboa Company consumed 10,41i< toijs of maiae during tbe la-t ball year, and only 278 tuna of oatH. FOR THE PERMANENT CURE OF CONSTSPATIQN. No other diaeiwp it to pro Talent i :\ thifl ooun- r" try an Coiitr. . > i > i, n I u J rcittily lirm vr e equAllrrf Hi-- r. 1 I :.'.i-y.VVurt oar** Wh:i* ' O the cane, i PILL complicate 1 v . curt* ' And m< u. trifyi I'jaM. hjnertr olMlinM* .1 -jvcrt- jme It. 'i . I tU<trc*ins' 1^ >t l:i very apt to b* . . , . ,011. H.iinry.Wort '.r-.f.l xu-tiari'l qnlckly 4 ovrn wlirn phjiioUai PRICE $1. I U32 KIDN IIKL.P YOURSELF". ROBERT'S PERFECT WA8HEBB to h* Im. ' "lily from authrli*il agnts. If y.. waot In net anoiicy n<1 mak* uion*y rtiHrllT, don't let niMnx.iti* ilMSOt ln-.| n' you and eoure your town or nun ty r ght. T.K> RINK! to go begKlnii. Par'louUra 8 enn't. Very tulurtr* Inr l ,..i..- B. K. YuUNUKH, Agent for PaMntM Uaoanoqa* ESTABL,IBHFD 1809. All Of II - h .. V lul,rr. < h to. Pat. Bet Garrlwt luppllxl nrni. wUeltx*. * Colbom* ...I. k.ndlr I. allO ..nil. . Tullow Cetra Miah sl.rsc ioif)r-a Boslnete doaatiud or Hpnertan Pesj inaiiihiii al ihK BPENOU UN HVBunaa OOI.UMJB Olnolan fnw

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