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Flesherton Advance, 20 Mar 1884, p. 4

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THE ADVANCE. ~i~~^~i^~~ r ~~' n ^~^* i ^ v '~'K~i "-~^^ v -w- f.fcr J''ircctt. 'Editor. FLESHERTOK: THURSDAY. MARCH 13, 1884. EDITOltlAL -' I am sorry to think Myles is niig to be elected," said a gentle- 1.1 in to ouc of our citizens a day or so In 'fore the election. We presume the ^ ntloinan meant to say he was sorry t,) think Mylcs would be elected to t homt. -Tac Shelburne Economitt man Kotchum, of the Hanover Pott, i- about to publish a thrilling romance. entitled, " Something or Other ; or Which Way did He Go?" The jiit-l will probably be entitled, Found atTara ; or the Acton Girl's l; renge ! " -Messrs. Patterson & Watson, (uibluben of the Meaford Mirror, luve dissolved partnership. The Mirror will m future be conducted by Mr. I'attersou. We wish Mr. Watson every success in whatever sphere his Ijt may now 1>. cast. He is an excellent journalist and a gentleman. TLc Toronto Tribune is now i --'.it'll twice a week, qucuce its usefulness hanccd. aud in cousc- is greatly cn- Tuc Tribune is a vigorously (dited, and ably conducted journal. The editor ia Hon. T. W. Angliu, -^xjakcr of the House of Commons, din- of the very ablest writers in the Dominion. The Thornlmry Standard said Myles was nominated by Mr. Thus. ( r nuey. Reeve of Osprey, and ( in.. M ii by Mr. J. J. Middlcton, i; i ve of Proton. It also stated that the meeting was largely iu favor of Mylc.8. Who reported the Nomi- nations for the Standard, anyway ? Tiio three statements quoted from that iwpcrarc wrong; for (1) Mylcs was nominated by Mr. Wm. Patterson. - 1 Cameron was nominated by Mr. Thorp Wright, and (S) the meeting v.-as largely in favor of McColman. VICTORY! Mr. McColman Elected M. P.P. for East Grey. HTLES CRUSHED Tlte GniinJ old Manjicr Ri- din of Grey. TRUE TO ITS PRfNCIPLES. Mr. >1< ..IMI.-.II > .llujority, Five Hundred uud McC'olman'd fearful mismanagement (?) of the iinances of (jolliugwood Town- ship ; and then there's that Thornbury breakwater busin-bs, Taking all theso things into consideration I'll be eluded by a splendid majority sure." In the " triangular election," of 1870 Mr. Myles polled 800 votes, and in 1883 he polled over 1400 votes-- itf fact less than a hundred votes changed in his favor would have elected him. Twice- he was snubbed by the elector*) ; but with that persistence which has ever been a leadiug characteristic of this misguided man, he no sooner heard of the death of our late esteemed member, than buckling on his political armor, and brushing up the little knowledge he has of the great politi- cal questions of the day, he sallied forth into the field of battle, little dreaming of the terrible defeat he was i- a The Grtji Iteoiea says McCohnan "poor speaker," and Myles ii a ',">'xl speaker. If McColman had only ml what the Retitir reported him as having said, viz., "that he was sur- prised at the course events had taken, and said he wai a Conservative," wo unuld say the same. But there's in>t where the Review did not do Mr. MrColnum even scanty jnsticc. Mr. Mcl'oliuau had a great deal more to ii'iut the political questions of the 1 iy than Mr. Myles ; aud he showed himself better informed on those questions than tho redoubtable Robert, whoso speech consivted principally uf c'i:irse wit and contemptible personal 'illusions. When a paper pretends to give a i "I'-n-t of a public meeting, it should ."V.- it as correctly as possible. Last xvi'fk'.- (iffy Ilevieu) represents Mr. J. I. Middloton as saying in his speech i Nomination day, " they might liuvo a representative of bone and miKclo in McColman, but did not think much of hia capacity in the management of die affairs of Col- 'lingwood Township," Ac. Now, Mt. Mnldk'ton did not express his own oiiiiiioii as to how " the affairs of ( .llinwood Township" were man- i hy Nfil McColman at all ; in lu-t he rather complimented that / ntlcioan than otherwise. Hut he did say, that, /row. what Mr. Rarkr. ! i I mid in hi* specoh, he " did not tliink much of IMS capicity, in the ttunagcmcnt ofthe affair!} of Colling- V., -",<! Township," &c. Personally he f sitnl McColman. bad always been good I i.-nds. We tnwt the Rtvitm will be careful how it reports such in future.. The result of Tuesday's polling has been a rough surprise to Mr. P.obert Myles and his friends throughout the East Riding of Grey. " McColman is a weak candidate," said Myles ; " McColman 13 a weak mini," echoed Mylcs' followers. And sure they all were that Mylts would defeat McCol- man,, " wid the greatest of aise." And not a stone was left unturned to secure the Liberal Conservative can- didate's defeat. The riding was can- vassed from one end to the other ; vile, trashy doggerel, reflecting on Mr. McCohnau's private and public character was scattered broad-cast ; and all sorts of villainous reports were circulated concerning the char- acter of the man chosen, by the largest and most intelligent Conser- vative convention ever held in East Grey, as the standard-bearer of tlm party. Every means fair and foul- was used to secure the election of that MfOMipM political adventurer, Robt. Miles, whose coarse wit and nusccmly language on tho hustings was enough to poison tlic atmosplicu-, let nloiie ensure his defeat at the hands of an enlightened and intelli- gent electorate. But all in vain were the efforts of Mr. McColinan's traduccrs. The electors were not to be bull-dozed, aud they admiuistercd such a rebuke to Mylcs as that gentleman will not soon forget, by returning Mr. McColm&n by the over- whelming majority of 575. The following (official) telegram was handed in to us on Wednesday even- ing by Mr. Wm. Richardson : Owen Sound, March 19th, To MR. WM. RICHARDSON : Majority for McColman 575 ; one ward from Euphrasia to hoar from. (' I W. J. HKLLAMY. Mr. McColman 's splendid majority in the Township of Osprey must be gratifying to every true Liberal Con- servative. Mr. Myles and his friends expected to carry the Tovnship by storm. Of course the electors of Os- prey could not help hut be carried away by such a brilliant star on the political horizon as Mylcs I Dut alus, alas ! how arc the mighty fallen. Holland Township was also ex- pected to -,'ive Myles a majority ; and here, a.- lin, Myles was "counting his chickcui before they were hatched." Holland pave McColman nearly a hundred of a majority. Proton was also counted in by the false prophet and (his followers ; aud Colliugwood Township should have given Myles an overwhelming majority according to that gentleman's own infallible judge- ment. Artcmcsia, ovon, was expected to " (lop over " and put the redoubt- able Robert at the head uf the poll. Of course Euphrasm, Myles' own Township, was expected to give him Had Myles culti- . \i-i lli-iit natural about to sustain. vated the really abilities he possesses ; had he been faithful and true to his originally pro- fussed political Ivrinciplcs; bud he learned to t iv.itf ii opponents, on the platform, with common courtesy ; and had ho indulged less iu coane, vulgar witticisms, and low personalities, he might possibly have been able to write M.P.P. after his name ero this. Hut he has abused his abilities ; he has lici-n unstable and wayward in hia political views ; has tieated his oppo- nents in the most discourteous man- ner on the public platform ; and has been guilty of language totally unbe- coming an individual Becking the suf- rages of an intelligent electorate. And the electors have, figuratively speaking, cuffed his cars soundly for lis presumption. Mr. McColman may well be proud I the splendid vote polled in bis favor >y the electors of Hast Grey. It was what he had a right to expect, how- 'ver, considering the man who oppos- d him ; and from the time the Con- servative convention chose Mr. Mc- \iliiiuii as their standard-bearer, we tad no fears as to the result. We will give a tabulated statement of the votes polled in each Township II our next issue. 1,1 MB at least two hundred majority I Myles reasoned something in this wny " Now, in the election of 1883 I came within 160 or so of beating Mr. I ,:u id. i a muc! i more popular man than this McColman and I am sure McColman will not take within hundred of as many votes as Mr. why he'll be beaten m his own Township as sure ai pop, to start with ; then it must be conceded that I have gained in popularity i phew ! ) since latt year ; then there's WM. "STRAI N'S FOR - SPEIGHT WAGGONS AtilUCULTlRAL - IMPLEMENTS SEWING MACHINES Ac. Repairs kept constantly on hand. Sewing machine oils to stock. Also Stoves, &c., for sale. WM. STRAIN, - - FLESHERTON. NEW- Fall and Winter Goods I FOR 1883-4. R. J, Sproule, FLESHERTON, Whilst tendering sincere thanks fur the large patronage received in the pt*t, begs to auuouiicc the arrival of an 1MMKNSK STOCK of Fall and \Vint<-i (ioodn. Having entered the market and placed onion when prices were at their lowest point, I am now prepared to give llie very best valutt poMibly to be got, to my patrons. My largo stock of I^a1i>s IVIiiiil !<-M aud Corset* i- somctlniiK immense, aud for Quality, Style, and CheapncM, far siirpabn-s any thing ever shown in thin part of the country. In order to be prepared for my large and steadily increasing busuieig, T have placed large orders, thereby getting good* at the lowest poeaible priet-H . and believing that it ia mutually beneficial to work as innch as possible on a Cash basis, thereby saving the purchaser the large additional profits that inust be pat on to cover losses. I will sell goods at the closest possible prices to cash and prompt paying customers. IN GROCERIES my stock is large and complete and of the choicest quality and will be sold at Frozen Grain Prices, which please note, 1A Lbs- good Preserving Refined Sugar for 1-00- 6 Lift good Fresh Young H i/son Tea for 31-00- Another lot of that farrious Japan 'lea, Slog, forOOc. Another lot Long Clear Boneless Bacon- l%\c- per lb- Everything else correspondingly Cheap. * Just received at R. J. Sproule's, Plcsherton, one car fiine Salt ; selling cheap for cash. "This (East Grey) is really a Reform constituency," Bid a promi- lent Artemcaia Reformer not long since, " for Lauder took a large lumber of llefonn votes that tlcColman can never hope to obtain, as you will see when the election takes place." Alicm ! so it seems McColman's majority ia only a little over 500! not worth mentioning, you (now. .Tames Brayley, Hamilton, say* : 1 read tliu testimonial ,-t fur McGregor'^ S|>vrcly Cure anil fmind tliat 1 had nut to ju to Si \v York, Philadelphia, Louiiianti. or 'IV MIS to find living witiiPMri of its value, wo have jifeiit y of |irrson right i*re tn prove its motifs. I got a bottle and it helped me right away. 1 was liaJ with Bilious Fever and luJigt-stiun oa 1 think any one could be, I have taken i! i i- imMli-s anil am nearly well anil e.-tn ent any kind of fnod without it- hurt 1113 . i may my that I inn bettrr than I evur t-x|-<-tcil to be. Free trial hottlefe Kicliardion'tDntir Stnrr. Boots and Shoes for the Million ! DOWN, DCAYN TO ROCK BOTTOM PRICES. JUST RECEIVED: . A CAR OF PRIME SALT ! both in Dbls., and best Daisy Liverpool Salt, for Butter, in bags. The Highest Market Price paid at all times for all kinds of Farm Produce also liutter and Kggs. fcs" A call is respectfully solicited. R. J- Sl'JiOULE. - - FLES1IEHTOJV. A PRIZE. more in<>m i y right sway thin world. All, of Hth.-r limir. Tin- hrood rim i t< i work or P. utmoluMlj >ure. Soufl *\\ font* for pout- ffr. null rwoolvo freo, a ontly box of goo tin which will In Ip you to than anything H-. In r KVX. succeed from tlmt furtitiieoiwuKtMjfuruthe At eiico a<VlresK, Tui'i: TORONl'O MARKETS. Fall Wheat $0 !>8 to $1 09 Spring Barley Oats Wheat ......... 1 (t-2 .................. II 58 US IVas ...................... 7t Hutter .................. -22 K^'-,'s ......... .......... (I '2O Potatoes . (per bag I . I) HO Pork ................... 8 00 Hay ....................... 7 00 1 11 o r,H 89 77 2i> " '22 85 8 25 1C 00 Wm. Clayton BOOT & SHOEMAKER ! Thankful for past favors, has always a stock of BOOTS & SHOES oil ' hand to supply his cus- tomers with. CUSTOM WORK MADE TO ORDER JMT Repairing Promptly Executed.-.?* Durham St., - - - Flesherton. DO The Advance till January 1, 1885, for 7O cents. THE MARKETS: FLE8HERTON. Flour $:> 0(1 to 5 50; Full Wheat $0 50 to 1 Spring Wheat 50 1 00 liarley 40 55l Oats ' 80 !)8 I'eas (55 Hutter 10 18 EgtfK, fresh 10 18 Potatoes K5 Pork 7 00 7 Hay, per ton CO 7 OOj Hides 4 60 C 00 Wool 17 20 SliM>r>skins 60 1 00 Geese OG OS Ducks, per brace.... .. 40 60 ICliickenc, pr brac... . U(V 40 -IT> m "FAIIU FOR SMJ- M "Turn W*imD The DAILY ANO'WCIRLY MAIL Tlir MAir Ho tXCknio f*r >nn rv of Ihrni than all t4licr Canadian [>aprs tcra bincd. Ii Ita* J50,uca fwadrn of ths ri|ihl rU... AUVrHTISFMFNTS or"F>nm lo. Sale" ad 1 ^ III. WI-:i:Kl.V MAll. (J ^w^fw'pCTrdca Insertion, w >-r*rv rr*r. i. wotd ffr 4*f tmttvf*mt, o la TMH DAILY " '/ ,rli pel r.l rai h liMitiua. TfU MAIL Tfrmlt. Cm mit ).* wofd <* *nJ * l

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