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Flesherton Advance, 20 Mar 1884, p. 3

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' CURRENT TOPICS. IN the Treittekrift Jur Amalytitehe Ckemu, Knyper records the fot that be ban ascertained by distillation the presence of alcohol io the brain and liver of two persons who bad fallen into the water when drunk and had been drowned. In one brain be found about one fifth of a oubio mob of alcohol, and iu one liver a little over half a oubio inob. The reeolta of Herr Koypcr'n researches are ooneidered of high im- portance from a medico legal point tf view, ai permitting an abeolute demonstration of complete aloobolio excitation in oases where true insanity is claimed an a cause for crime. AKDOIIU, or Andorra, is not only the oldest republic, but the oldest State, in .Europe. Its preeent organization datee from the end of the eighth century, when Charlemagne, in hie expedition against the Moors, conferred the privilege! of an inde- pendent government on the inhabitant of the Andorra valley, midway between France and Spain, for their fidelity and devotion in oonduoting him through the pasees of the Pyrenees. Oue of ite two chief officers is named by the French Government, another by the Bishop of Urge), in Spaiu ; and it is in connection with the Bishop's nomination that a difficulty baa arisen wbich threatens to bring about a ori.u in the affairs of the microscopic republic. to some renent expert testi- mony as to blood stains, the Uicroicopt ays : " Human bio jd cannot be told from dog's blood, except under favorable condi- tions, and not invariably then." Mr. Woodward, of Washington. says : " The average of all the measurement* of human blood I have made is rather larger than the average of all the measurements of dog's blood. But it is not rare to flnd specimens of do^'a blood in which the cor puoles range so large that their average sue is larger than tbat of many samples of human blood." When it U remembered tbat the measurement* of human blood by so-called high authorities vary from 1 3050 to 1-4630 of ao i nebs expert testimony on this subject takes on a serious aspeet, and juries should receive it with great caution. IN illustration of the quality with which Gen. Gordon has to deal, it U related that in 1821 Ismail, son of Mshemet All, the conqueror of the Soudan, was ordered by his father to eolleet the tribute due from the tribes of Bedouins of Sbendy on the Nile, half way between Berber and Khartoum. Ismail summoned a chieftain known as the Tiger, and told him to furnish a large amount of forage and fodder in lieu of a money payment. Next morsiog Ismail and his troops found with satisfaction piles of the staff demanded placed around the eamp, but thrir satisf mo tion wan short lived. The stuff was soon set on fire, and those not burned were picked off by men lying in wait behind ths burning pilss. Mebeiuet, to avenge bin roasted son, rszsd the town of Sbeody, but the Tiger made track* iu good time into the fastnesses of the interior. PR. CHAU.IH Koum'g report to the Anthropometric Committee, as to the aver- age bodily growth of Englishmen, was based on the measurements of over 63.000 individuals, and contains some facts of general interest. Tbus, it appears that be- tween the ages of 11} and 11J itirla svre taller, and between l'J$ and 16$ are heavier than boys of the same age. The public school boy at 14 averages nearly seven inches more in height than the industrial school boy at the same sge. Prize winners are found to have a decided advsutape in bsight. The OUMOUK circumstance is stated tbat Fellows of the Royal Buoiety are more than two inobe* above the average height. It is not stated whether they held tbeir head* higher before the fellowship was con- ferred or afterward. One of the chief ob- jects of the investigation appears to bs to enable parents to note in their children any departure from the normal standard, so tbat the trouble may bo rectified by the early ue of hygienic measures, etc. indebted to Tobias Kustat, a page of the back stairs, for tbe statues of Charles II. and James II. There are two of Charles II , ose in front of Chelsea Hospital by Gibbons, and one at Windsor. One of James II. by Oibboni, tbe best of the royal statues, stands in a quist spot at tho back of Whitehall Chapel. William III. next finds an equestrian status is St. James' quare by Bacon, and Queen Ann three, one in front ot St. Paul's and two in tbe squares called after her. George I. stands ou tbe campanile of Bloom.bury Church, ,nd there are two of George III., a very effective ooa by Baoon in the courtyard of Somerset House and an equestrian one by Wyatt in Pall Hell. George IV.. by Chan- try, finds place on one of the pedeetals in front of the National Gallery. William IV. in Cannon street, and Queen Victoria on tbe Royal Exchange. There are two of Piiooe Albert, one by Bacon on the Hoi born Viaduct, and one under tbe canopy opposite Albert Hall by the Irish sculptor Foley, which is greatly admired. ALL uMthetio England is now in great grief over tbe prospective sale and probable Mattering of the magnificent Marlborougb collection of pictures which have hung, some ol them lor nearly two oenturiee, ou tbe walls of Blenheim Palace. Though tbe bouse is only eight miles from Oxford the gallery has been famous mainly by reputa- tion, and is familiar to but few. Only one of the pictures, " Tbe Fortune Tellers." by Reynolds, ever has been exhibited in Lon- don. Foremost among the treasures is tbe " Madonna del Ansidei," painted in 150o for the chapel of the Ansidei family iu the Church ot the Servet at Perugia, and pronounced the most pre- cious Raphael existing in any private col- lection. Then there are four by Kubens bis own portrait, his full length portrait of Helena Fourment, the " Lit with bis Wife and Daughters " and tbe " Return of the Holy Family from Egypt." .Next in value are Vandyke's portrait of Charles I., which was in tbe collection of that unfortunate KIUK. another Vandyke, tbe picture of Lord Bwafford and bis Secretary, and bait a dozen of the bent examples of Hir Joshua Reynolds. These are but specimen brick, in a collection tbe gems of which the Uriiiah Government will try to buy and keep. But it would seem as it bere was a chance for tbe members of tbeC. i'. It. Syndicate. Ill* )l!BKr* NKW HOOK k arm M-rUlli < ll r plu. Ir > > III. ID 111. Highland. At length Brown ran off to a cottage and returned after some little while with a can full of hot water, but it was no longer boil- ing when it arrived, and the tea was not good. Then all bad to be packed, and it made us very late. One of the Duke's keepers bad prepared a firend got a kettle boiling, and bere we took our tea. Afterwards I sketched, but we were surrounded by a perfect cloud ot midges which bit me dreadfully. And there the poor old woman, whom we had known and seen from the first here these twenty-one years, lay on her biar in her shroud, but with her usual cap on, peaceful and little altered, her dark skin taking from the usual terrible pallor of death. She had on the soolu I nave her the day before yesterday. She was in her tt'Jtb year. And very melancholy, and yet sweet, were my feelings when I landed and found on the path some ot the same white peb- bles which my dearest Albert had picked up and had made into a bracelet for me. I picked up and carried off a handful my- self. This was the only eontrttempi to our meet successful, enjoyable day. Uow dear- eat Albert would have enjoyee, il ! MaoAllister had broiled some fish and got tea ready for us in a very small room upitairs in this little cottage, where there was a fire. I bad my coffee. We ladies, and Leopold, all squeezed ink,, Ibis room. It was a very merry tea. We met those dreadful rerx*'ters, includ- ing the man who bebaved ao'ul on Satur- day, as we were coming back. - H I III * 4 I B 4 Quick, complete cure, all annorlnf Kidney, Bladder and Urinary Diseases. SI. Dru{Mta. According to the London Trvtk, sherry is going out of favor, and iheosly wines really largely consumed in England are claret and champagne. A good Baptitt clergyman of Herfen. N. V . a ilruaK Uuipvranca man, uflirni with kidney trouble, iieuralgta anil diizmea* almost to bliuu- DCM, over twu yean altar tie WM told tbat Hoy Hitters would eon bim, beeaua* be wen afraid of end prejudiced again** cure ne aays none need fa UttUrt. HI, Mr*. " Since nil but trait in Hop Vital No Norwegian girl is allowed to have a until she can bake bread and knit stockings, and it would do your heart good to taste the bread and wear the stockings that 15 year old Norwegian girls can make. H l> I . II UN I 01 I. II > Knocki a Cough or Cold endwise. For children or adult*. Trochee, lie. Liquid Ma. At druggist* At the celebration of the twentieth anni- versary of a Methodist church in New York last week a church named after a certain Bishop Janes the cradle in which the bishop was rocked to sleep 76 yean ago occupied a corner cf the church. Among the moat efficacious o( remedial acnuu ar* ttio medical |.reparetiuus (rum the laboratory of lira. I,ydu E. Plnkbam. Lynu , Ask Uio vou eminent physician Of any acaoul. what it tne bent thing In Q world for quiettnc and all. y ing all imta.Uoo . tbi uerveeaod Burton di frm< of nervous com plaint*, gitiuf natural, cbildlite relnabiu* lMp always " And they will sail you uahew.Atingly ' ttome form of Bops !" cairn* i. Ask any or all of th moat eminent pUysieiaseJ ' What it the best and only remedy that cast b reliexl ou to cure all iliiM.*ao of uia kidaafs and urinary orgaoa . web i-e bngbt'e diaeaas, illshstss imnti in i r Inability Iu retain uriae, and all trie itieeaees ami ailment* peculiar k Women And tbT will Mil you explicitly and ess phaticailjr ' Buchu.' " Aak tb urn* pbyalciana ' "What 11 tho moat reliable and surest com for all liver iiieaees or dyspepsia, ooostipatioai ladajeetioa, iMltoueiiree, iu&larial (ever, agsje etc., and they will tell yon : Mandrake 1 or Daudelioo :" Deuce, when three reinodiM are combined with other* equally valuable and compounded into Hop BitUn. soon a (Concluded sext week.) It. SJ I*. I. I -' -4. S,' The earliest colonial coinage was in Massachusetts, in pursuance of an order of the general court, passed May 37th, 16AJ, whieb eetabliabed " a mint bouse" at Bos- ton. Tbe coins ordered were of the value of I'-' J , 61. and 3d. e . i. as* At present about 19,000 parsons are exiled to Siberia annually, and about 60 per oent. are nobles. ID France there are 2. 150 lady artisU. of whom 602 are oil painters, 107 sonlptors, 193 miniature painters, and 754 painters on porcelain. Russia produces annually about H 000,- 000 worth of bonsy, or ovsr 18 000 tons, boeides 6,000 Ibe ot wax, worth 000 000 It is nearly all consumed in the empire, however. There are said to have been 500,000 Christians io the world at the end of the first century. 10.000.000 in the time cf Con- atautinr, 30000,000 in the eighth century, 100,000 000 at the time of the Reformation and 450000,000 in 1883. The imports of wool in the United Btatee have increased since 1876 about 75 per cent., and last year was 7057o,478 Ibe. Tbe home clip has increased about 35 per cent., amounting now to 290.000,000 Ibe. annually. Io New York city, according to some figure* recently published, there are more than WOO rag dealers, and the picker*, who are mostly Italians, gather 1750.000 worth yearly is the streets and roads, wbile the money realized for cotton rag* alone in the United States is put at 123.000.000 per annum. Mrs. Thompson offered a New York Jus- tice twenty-four eggs ab hd brought in her pocket, in consideration of his promise to go light on her boy for stealing. Francis Veile, a New York boy of 15, want* 820 000 damages for having bis eyes picked out by Pbiletus Dorian's game cock when Veile was but two yean old. Terrance Campbell, a one armed operator ot Hartford, climbed a pole in three minutes the other day and cleared the wires of an entanglement. B. 6. Sheldon, of Buffalo, bought a New- foundland dog for bis boy to play with. Tbe animal pined after leaving boms, and a few days later drowned himself. A citizen of Washington has insane mo- ments when he believes be is going to burst, and bis family have to pour cold water on him until the strange delusion passes away. John Trapp, a New York upholsterer, because business wa bad, said to bis partner, " Corns on, let's go out and bang ourselves." His partner refused, but wbtu be left Inn slone for a time Trapp cut bis throat with an upholsterer's knife. One hundred citizens of Anoka, Minn , chartered a train last Sunday and went to St. Cloud to be shaved, the Anoka authori- ties having forbidden Sunday opetnug of barber shops. They returned in time for church in the evening and attended in a body with clean faces. no i i. H O.M < oii^- Aak for Wells' " Rough on Corns." las. oouiulaM, permanent cure. Corns, buofoue. Quick, waru, A Paris paper says tbat the Knglisb gam- blers at Monaco are the most determined, and 1 jas the most. It is said tbat each day when the play begins the bank has in band tJOO.OOO; as play becomes briaker this is sometimes raised to v600,OuO mor. -se- A pint of the finest ink for families or ecboola rau be mado from a loo cent package of Diamond Dye. Try them. AM attempt at cremation at Cardiff, Wales, came before the Glamorganshire Assises, where Dr. Price, described as a Welsh Draid, wan charged with unlawfully attempting to burn the body of his infant child after neglecting to give notice to the coroner ot its death. Presiding Justice Stephen charged the Grand Jury tht a person who burns instead of buries a dead body does not o uuiuil a criminal act unless be does it in such a manner as to amount to a public nuinanoe. The Justice, after tue fullest examination ot the authorities, had come to the oonolu-ion tbat orematiun could not be considered even amisdemeanor, and bs decided tbat to burn a dad body decently and inoffenoivsly M lawful. He said that every practice which startles or jar* upon the religious sentiments of the majority of the population is not for tbat reaaon a misdemeanor at common law. Tbi decision will tend to call attention to the subject ot cremation and make it as much of a sensation in Old K gland a* it seems to be juit now in New England. I. . r * The most faithful mail messenger of Sullivan county is a dog belonging to the station agent at Winterton. When near the time lor the arrival of tbe train the dog takes it* place en the depot platform, and upon receiving the bag carries it to tbe post office. A bone in Uayreville, Pa., has to haul nix ty-fivs loads of clay and one load of ojal dust every day. lie receives DO orders, yet never fails to go the right number of times to the clay pit, and then to tbe coal heap on tbe pier. He has his own idea of how much eiaoh load ought to be. and rears and kioki if too much is put on bis cart. For fifteen years a horse belonging to Col. Molt, of Westbury, has been driven st a certain hour to town for tbe family mail. Iteoently tbe animal was declared entitled to a rest, but at the usual time be broke from tbe stable and was soon at the poet office. Tbe animal has ever since appeared daily at the regular hour at the poet ofkoe. iWw ) or* Sun. A Uns of the most remarkable fungi of which there is any record grew in tbe wine cellar of Sir Joseph Banks. He received a oaskof wins as a gift, and, finding it too sweet, bad it looked up in a cellar to ripen. Tbere it remained for three yean, proba- bly during tbe time be was with Captain Cooks in bis voyage around the world. At tbe end of tbat period be directed his butler to ascertain the state of the wine, but the cellar door could not be opened on account of some powerful obstacle within. Tbe door was cut down, when tbe celler was found to be completely filled with a fur.gus so dense and firm at to require an axe for its removal. It was then discovered that tbe fungus had consumed every drop of me and raised the empty cask to|lue ceiling. Pair. HULL, who has returned with his party from Palestine, brings with him materials for the construction of a geologi oal map of tbe Holy Land very much in advance of anytfaiug wbiob could hitherto be attempted. The Professor is of opinion tbat at tbe time of the Exodux there wan a oontinuout connection of the Mediterranean and tbe Keel Sea. At regardx tbe Dead Sea, he nas discovered tbat it formerly stood at an elevation ol 1.400 feet above its present level thai is to say, 150fet above the level ot tbe Mediterranean. Tbe his- tory of this gradual lowering of ths waters will form a special feature in Prof. Hull's forthcoming report Be ban alto found evidence of a chain ot ancient lakes in tbe Sinaitio distnol, and ol another chain in tbe centre) of the Wady Arabab, not far from the waterabed. Tbe terraces of the Jordan have been examined, tbe most important one heing 000 feet above tbe present surface of tbe Dead Sea. CIURLKS I. was the first English sovereign who had a statue raised to him in London. A ...< J Deal ! *!*. Walter Wilson, of Montreal, ran away while his bride waited for bim to come to their wedding. His brother, U. Herd Wilson, notified her that Walter had fled. Imagine tbe surprise of the people of Buffalo on reading thie, for Walter Wilson is an alderman there, and his brother G. Reed Wilson is a conspicuous merchant of tbat city. Booh coincidences are not rare. In Erie Levi Daniel /mil disappeared from among his friends and relatives. His brother some time afterward saw tbe name of Levi Daniel Zmn on a hotel register. He bunted up tbe man who bore that name, and found bim to be a stranger. THE Mexican papers boss the political nominations. No conventions are held and the journals begin a discussion of can- didates about a year prevuus to tbs Presi- dential eliction. Next they " postulate," or nominate certain candidates. At the head of tbe paper will appear, " We postu- late " so and no, naming tbe journal's choice. Then, on election day, the voters assemble at the polling places, and each deposits a written ballot tor electors, who are to con- stitute tbe Electoral Board of the State. Tbe law ttipulatta that the ballot must be written, ana a table, with paper and writ- ing utensils, is provided beside tbe ballot box, and tbe ballot must be written and immediately deposited under the inspection of tbe Supervisor. Sometimes the voters of tbe different partiee will meet a few hours pnvions and sgreet upon some candi- date, but usually each voter has mads a It stands in Whitehall, tbe work of Hubert choice of candidates without any pressure le Seuear in 1638. Lonion next stood ' from party machinery It is reported that Plunger Walton will sail for the other side about the last of tbe prweut month. In view of the fact that Gsneral Htone, of tbe United States army, spent many 'are in Egypt, and is conversant with the districts referred to, the following state- ment from his pen regarding the country where the conflict between Briluh forces and Arab tribes is now in progress will not be without interset. General Stone says tbat To-kar is tbe littls where village resided the chief of the district ot '!< kart which diitrict is a manby tract of about twenty or thirty square miles, capabla of good cultivation in ordinary seasons. This district has for a long tims served as pas- turage and a watering place for the flocks and herds of tbe Hedja Arabs, and since 1871 has been somewhat improved for agricultural purposes by families of Egyp- tian peasants who have there established themselves under encouragement from tbe Kbedive's Government lor tbs cultivation of cotton, vegetables and grain. A small intermittent river, called tbe Barka or Baraka, which rises iu tbe mountains of northern Abyssinia, and flows, hrst westerly, then northerly and northeast- wardly, bere loses itself in tbe soil, but sometimes flows powerfully enough in wet eeasous to force some water into the Ited Sea at Triukitat Tbe flow of water generally somes in the months of June and July, and when suffi- cient nas ooine down to impregnate the soil tbe running stream appears. In ordi- nary seasons the whols district is mamhy during three or four months, and when winter rains come this marshy condi- tion is continued until early spring. Tbe principal settlement in tbe dis- trict after To-ker is called El Teeb, which is on the direct road between To-kar and Trinkitat. Tbe distance from Trinkitat landing to Teeb is about four- teen kilometers, say nine miles. From Teeb to To-kar ilia distance is from six to seven miles. Caravans ol camels occupy about six hours on the road from Triukitat to To-kar. The distance by eamel road from To-kar to Kassala is about 800 miles. To tbe south ot To-kar, at a distance of forty mile*, is tbs northern limit ot the country, occupied by tbe powerful tribe of Bedouins called tbe Hem Ameer, through which country the route to Kaseals passe*. The Beni-Amer are very numerous, and are rich in flocks and herds. They are warlike and fanatical Mussulmans. " What doe* tbe word pedigree ' mean, John ?" ' It means descent.' " Write a sentence ou the board containing tbat word." John went up and chalked off the following , " We pedigreed down tbe hill." llarp-r'i Ilatnar. '.'' (ireal baatc n not alwaytgood e|>eed." Tet TOI mint Dot dilly-dally In caring fr your uealtii Liver, kidney* and bowola uiuit twkept healthy by tbe taae of that prince of uiedtcinee. Kidney Wort, which coiuee in liquid form t r dry both thoroughly umeacioui Have it alwaya ready. Tbe annual rainfall in tbe States, ac- cording to tbe Wfnther Sijnal, is lowest in New Mexico (13 inches) and California (1- ioohev), and highest in Oregon i I'.'i and Alabama (50). The annual rainfall in tbe llritifh lalauds amon* tbe mountains is 41 iLcbes ; on the plains 25 inches ; 45 inches of rain falls on tbe west side of England, 27 on tbe east side. Imll.l.r. .. -ub.ui..i.r. Good points are worth remembering, for the reason tbat they assist us in avoiding many discomforts and protect us against tbe cupidity of overreaching people. When you learn from frisnde that PrTMAn's CORK EXTRACTOR is safe, prompt and effectual, don't allow druggists to palm tfl a wortb- lesa and perhaps poisonous substitute. His object is quite patent. He wishes to make a few cents difference difference between a good article and a cheap imitation or sub- stitute. Putnam's Corn Extractor. Sold sverywbere. Beware of dangerous imita- tions. 1'olson A Co , proprietor*, Kingston. I- ...talon . l*i. .11. II. Elrclrioal jewellery is worn iu 1'aris. Tbe ornament consists of glass, out and colored to imitate ruble*. diamonds and other stones and fitted in an envelope surrounding a small iuoaade*>cint lamp of low resistance. Tbe li <bt shines through tbe pieces of glass only and gtvee them all tbe appearance ol tbe stones they are intended to imitate. Tbe lamp U fed from a small battery .which is carried about the person. from s t'tikton Journal. LYDIA E. P1NKHAMT8 VEGETABLE COMPOUND. A eeV.rlae for Weaiss. lsvateeT a Wevaa. Prepared ey s Weaus. TW ijrrmli-rt ir|-' Bbtoir; Sle. Ike (m .f SUeMr* rv*:t r-i'" the droopUf eplrlu, (tit* oratfe tmt Urm^>ni>i* tb> annul? furtloDAe-i'eila**lcitT aae) grnnetat>iiMrp. reelotwlh. Baton! lne*r ol tf. aa<l i -Ua* ee. the pale cS-k of omo tl f ie CrPhlct*ss U*e II Me 1 Pretence It Freer, % II renvme fkkttanav Srt>nry . Aawrofs all < f>r Ummlftnl, and rllew wekii*ei o. liaa et-.i TtuU f~ liar of fewlnc down, raurfnfpeln. u.l !. krh.. to aln>7> pinaiaaetly nut l.y IU * Fer Ike ore T KtSMr . 1 .1 et. e Ule CeeBpwa4 U i I.TI4 r. PIHIEBIM'S Bl*n I't ill -r.liL-ie r"-rj lur M -I. At Bethany, Pa., reoeutlj, Tbos, Avery, bile shovelling snow out cf his yard discovered buried in tbe snow a hen which be had missed for ten days. She bad packed the snow down and made a room ths siza of a bushel basket. Beyond the loss of flesh incident to the long fsst tbe hen was unharmed. Geo. W. Lee and Henry Peterson have been matched to row three miles with a turn for 1400 a side on tLe Oakland oourse at San Francisco, Cal., on March I'.ili. Peterson le said to be a much better sonller than either Btevenson or Cotaford, both ol whom Lee baa defeated. nJI -J I--]p:B.r,r. AteaM, Ljnn, Mae*. ITke* for* SMrtbr nail in the fora* of PTIKT. (I l-rbem en all to, l *c*> awwa^BesSBSIl be win ..U WELLS, RICHARDSON, i. GO'S IMPROVED BUTTER COLOR A NEW DISCOVERY. f STK <r evTral jwn >.e have fnmuhed te*3 D^rymrtl o< AnM-rl.a with an i.lli;t art* 2 fl ialtx*irfbuieriii.TH..rlimh<ait *r*\ 1th rr.-l iU(N-e ewrrwInT* rlTliia- Ha-baa* aad ol/ prwi M l~t Ulnme<tlx I jrlmt by path-ol arderletslH* taeeakoal i 1 iw offer Ule M i-l>.r U OrtI i ! <r-~U. , It Will Not ColOftrie slunemilik. Will Met Turn HarxXd. It is trie tronsiext, Irifpntee* and Cheaipeet Color iisde, tw*And, whll rrrxl la oil. U eotoeapnei teTSIWAMB ' "' t *'y M * ***? *' 1!T . II "I ' ' ' ' ' " ,'.-.., rn 1 1 .111. 1 -:- . i ' ' ' |ylfT"m-n!i 't crime M liiol" r( ea Baiov vber* An.l h..w t.i .- t n * :'-'jt rural .' is 1:1. KIDNEY-WORT NEVER BE WITHOUT 13 A SURE CURE for all diseases of the) Kidneys and LIVER - Ilhaafpeetfloaeuoion UU mol lmpa**aa* orvn. tin >"- It to Uxrow off vorpulily tod , Inaction, ettmUUn tn taeV.thy eotuon of the BUe, and by keeplnc tie boweta In tree, dul ' l > r - eeuerin from ^ ar... Wort win iurly rUco nd quickly cure. In the Bprln oclauo thrBjf-nn. -y I on ^ jiou'.il IA*O a tboroutf b ooune or it. ' l SOLD BY DHUCCiOTC. "rloo COOK'S BEST SOLD BY ALL GROCERS. learn ttoam en(larln( and earn tlww per mo, th Hn<l jour name anil loe. in slampe o F Kr.ppy Engineer. Bridcwport, Ot. N. Jf. ELIXIR Has ikxxl the test for Firi v-Tn RI K YKAKS, and hat proved it* li the bnt rcmcily known for the cure of Consumption, Coughs, Colds, Whooping Cough and all Lung Diseases yx>unj c* ul-l. Sm.i> I'vr.Rvwiif Rt aaa 1 CO pr Botti*. O(5vVNS I LIXTRJ

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