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Flesherton Advance, 20 Mar 1884, p. 1

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Flesherton Advance TRUTH BEFORE FAVOR."-" PRINCIPLES. WOT ME*\.' VOL. ffl., NO. 144. FLESHERTON, ONTARIO, MARCH 20, 1884. SINGLE COPIES, 5 CENTS EACH. THE ADVANCE. one of the leading IxKal and FamilT Newspapers in Nortkora Ontario. l'ut>liab4 Omtz, Xtfatt, - Flesherta*, Oni. , TERMS OK SfHKCKIPTIOH: VOOjX'rannni i advance; f I. SO If not rid . laind of one year Ko p*.lr dltountlnuixl i nUl fl JT. r4iu r |w I.I U|i , miii oo >ul*cri|>- taken fur loan ttiaji out year, excuut when ' nminu'pnioiitu Tor n anacle with Ml* publisher. , nborMr jmrlcxte are ADVKKTUINU EATEH, Jx. Casual ad*rtiM>wuu,HcoUpvr UtinMrti.m i ont per line racb Miibioinont inmiMoii ' Tranitit adv<'rtJM)iunti. to paid for when - nWwI. Ailvi.rtiiwuiM< without upwial dinr :i..i., wlU IM iuaarwed till lorhui ami oLaruud *.-eur<liufly. Liberal iiirtm-cmunt* to rrgalar adri'iMnn. Sotieee anjontf reading matter. 10 cm> pur ' me eaeh loaartiun Ko advertiwuiout ilutconliuued until all ar t raraKM ure pal<l un. Copy for a4*wrtiMinenti< ihonld reach thu office not lator than DUUU oo Tuoatlay lu euiure i naurtiou in oarrwitt leeua A. R. FAWCETT, Kdttor ,i., rf In t>v*rv tyle of tin- art. at reasonable prioea and ua abort uuUuu Ordure by luall will recuivo prompt attoutii.n. It-mi*, trictlv ca*i Flesherton Meat llarket. .SEPT. OOOD, . Vegetable Sicilian HAIR EENEWEB vai the tint preparation perfectly adapted to ear* <|lrif of the tealp, and tlie flnt IIK- Matful NKorer of laied or gruy hair to lu luUural color, growtb, ami yootliful braoly. It haa hail many loiitatora, but UUIM liavo KJ fully met all the require menu noeilful for Hi" proper irralmrnt of lb balr and ccalp. II AI.I.'M llAia RIOKWI.K hai tteadily |rowu lu favor, ami tpraad IU fame awl cf ulune tA vvery quarter of the globe. IU unparal- leled ucceM ran be attributed to but "ii oauac: tin nlirt fmfjUmnl o/ ill pmmun. The pruiirletun liare nfKu ben >urpt1ird at the receipt uf otden from remoto eoiin- trlM, when they had iMver uiadc au i Burl lur lu Introduction. The tue for a abort Uiaa of HALI.' II m IO.NKWIII uiiilfrlully lni|ivti tlie |xr- oual appearauce. 1 1 cleai w.* tb tcalp f roni all iinuirttloa, curee all tiuaiur*, fcrer, ml tlrynce*, an<l lliu* prarenU Imlituee*. It (iimill. thx weukruul ili..l. and coalilr* tbfin u> puKii forward a nrw aiwi vigoruus growth. 'Ihe effeau uf Uiii article are nut transient, llko thaw uf alouhullo prrpara- tioiii, but roiiiain a loug tuur, which uakii li> iwe a uialtor uf economy. BUCKINGHAM'S DYE ton 1 111: WHISKERS Will change tin- beard to a natural brown, or blatk. M ileMrvtf. tlpmduce*aprrmaniit culnr that will notwuh awiy. ri .ningof a itngte prriaraUon, It U an '!! withuut trouh|. ) nv To th, &kt<>r of The JuWrr. Sir, When we look around in nnd see tho strides being mudr frmii day In ilay in tlm arts and fciniceK, and the new and iug niotiB uaui f which tho miitt cuiutuon thiiigk aruund in :.n- beiii({ ap- plied, w<< Munetiiue* tliink i iic wunl " iinpuaaible" should ! struck <>ut nf our viN-abularv : but. though xmifwhat familiar withtbx preicnt UghtniiiK p< e'l uf pr>i<r'M, e wurv totally ui>prc- pared fur (he display ' f tri(puilio origiu- ality ofpeniuHdiMplayeTl ky flie man h"m we aw , tho other day flitting wood with a crubar. Q. K. Prvvn> (From uur vum There wa a very /.aunt entertain merit in the ch<Kil house here on Krulay List The chair wax ablv till. .1 l>\ by Hev. Mr. Chiihulm. Sonic ilialn^ and recitatious were well rendered Fcverfcham mi :teiirs ; a'so vocal and instrumental tnujtc by the Singhamp'on choir, Miu Druiumoud and Mr .McKay. of Maxwell. Mr. .1. nn lintham haa sold hi* farm to Mr (ienrge [...MI for ft.'.;. > Hall Bid. are dmnu u ru-luni: bnii- not* in the general itore lioe. That u 'the place to g<> for oviter" and miiud ; picklea ' [C'orreopnndeiitt will kindly i;ive ii 'their real names a a guarantee uf VO-K! faith Ki..| Ayr'i Hair \ 114. >r tiiiiiilateK the hair cell* to healthy action, and prin.'s .1 "U growth It contains all that 1 can l>c supplied to miAo the natural ti.ur IK hi-;nn-' Foundry l>< On Monday nmht Cochraiio'a large foundry in Durham was cmnpletely de- troyixl by tiru to^vther with all the machinery and a irreat quantity of tiniahed and uiitiniahed hone rake*, land roller*. horepowrr. ami innvr'r (i<nnumed Tne total low is ti- at #25.000 ; in*urance a* far ai can be ascertained 93,000. PATEI>STS MUMN A OO, of the BrinmrvcAMMUriY r,.r 'limn (Met u .dilloRon f* I'ulf ', {>! vTnO _. I THJ.. ' '- fr cliti l'it.Le-1 -*tnt.-. CWfuJ _ r. ecc. Itui.t B.t.kt- BUIj -v-n y f. . i, rj natM I , .1 i M iH7ObpTTt hi MadLftwaaa. ( I'tlene) MM ft,-... PateaHoMCnM thniwrS MfNN In-.heirtcnirif AHKHH AN. thv l ,ii . ui"t wtoeli . .- i.-i.i.Uc tj> aaji j Weekly.. rah-mlKI envm'inm ami ...ton ellmi ir- irn atri < la*] A^-. M fSMi CO.. 4S-II U Bradwar. * V'-ra. Prrparlnc for thr .ard. n. Kuni/ 'Vimi'(ia/.T JforrA. The ucoeaii of a garden depends much 'ii iu early preparation and planting ia ajiryiy. < 'rep* which Jo not Heed putting in till w.irin weather arrive*, are greatly lit-m fitted by the thorough preparation ni'l the pulverizing anH enriching of the I il. It is well, therefore, to apply in winter all tho miuinru which may be wanted. Pulverin-d by froat, and leached nt>. 'lie scil by rains and tiu-ltiiii; inuw, it i!l bu worth more than it' upreud iu lump* ftftttr iprinfc opens and U iuipiT- Itotly inU)i-iniii><l. All new gardens for vrKubl< s li'iuld be- arnuugpti for hora*- iiltivatii>i., by extending the plant* in rilln acrt it from i-n.l to end. Tint will Kruatly reduce the labour of keep- ing it cloan, and tlu- few nomilc* requir- I t.. cultivate it a wk, will be c'unptired with long and labor- hand labour The cropH will grow vi){orouly by keeping the aoil cnnntanUy iid clc*n by a frci|uont fd*.*uig of thr narrow Imrrow ur cuH tivator. (i-ir<l' MI uliii-h are already laid out may b modified by r-arrunxin.-nt, ' that much, if not mott. may b* aub- a week at homo. ! mint frw. I'ei aolutaly aur Xo rtak. Capital not t. quirtxl vuu want butlu. - ai wtaioh iwnotM at rittior awl. y-' : - mak* irrvat pay all the time t - _ auaotute rttrtalnty. write for pr. HALUTT A Co . rortlaud. r or old. work, 1 Ian to to horae-oiiltiratinn. and the ..nut _of hand h.^in.- materially lea- T E.P.HALL&CO,Mna : N.H. DuU by all l'aten iu MeUiclma. ; ^, ih'il r*'tr^ rr *timiv ori-r** whioh nr* Wautiful and abtiiidsat keeps the - .-,],. ,-i,,,,,,,,,,,^. pUm^j ,' ,,..,u. :l ,.j ke p, clean, fie,- from aanJruff. j-rt-veuu the !,ur ,-..,_ with hand laU.ur which may Us, 'Cash paid for fat Cattle and Krok MoaU coiisuuUy on Land for Orders proinptly rilld. . o. u. -\\~. FOB ALL THE IOR1IS or *. rofulim., MIT< in and flurrliam Itrntx. luia met with a great loai by Ixxtgp Ni HZ. mix-t in thelr< ' Ro*mi. Htrain'f* hlfwk. Toronto ntrpfft. the lit and Snl Monday in eacb month, at 7 JU p.iu iharp. V Uiimt, brathrou wvlcuuw. M r M. M <n u. M u W. IL I'lcULU Reo r '. Ihe bai rrniedy. tccaiue the muet Marching ajW Ui*>rvugh blood-putiltr, If Ayer's Sarsaparilla. S,,1J by all UroggMe ; 1. lU bottle*, fa. DUFFERIN LODGE NO. 186 i. o. o. r. Fie slier ton- Ml'.KTS cvrrv Tll.-s.lav Kvntlilli.' at H n'elnrk IxxUte Itooin. Strain > I. luck. Tomato utrfieC l>et;re IXX)KV. let TuiHulay iu *4;h month. Vie- JUutijstry. J.I'. MAKKU4LL. L.V.K U B N T 1 U T . I - in u km uv.x <; A. S. VANDCSKN. K S. anil .tnl Thurmlay iu each nwuU of his |ini(i*ioii I I. sli< MOM MONTHLY CATTLE FAIR. TMK Mtt Fair will take place o* MONDAY. U'l:l ... ..u , n.b.J Jltll\ 4*' nll tl nlllvll 11111%' fntiii U-O.UIUIK dry and, and make, ^^..^.j in (lri i|. H f ., r t!ll , .,,,,.,.. it tiwxible ami Kl"y ,,.,,., \ < v i' TIOJI T.> Tin. l'>.rr. Header, have you a linifuid, wrak ami iirr.l ftnliug, with ( t'rum our unit CurrrffXHiJent, ) n.r-. ' . illy In the early aprmi; ' I h. n y.iur lirri i maetite and circiilalH.u poor Arons li.i. torpid livt-r rlcanae tha lu((jiih blmnl aud re^rulate the a*crrtin with that pnrifyinR tonic Burdock Blood Uittri. i in ! P.- 1 1 1 or CKBM. frum thr Kural Canadian* fvr March. Tho Poultry \\YrM tbinki> it mere profitable tu raiw fgg than chickcui. Tbil u what it aj : We make in. alluaion to thoe* Uu>"' futtlilishiLenU whirr -in*::.).- chickenn a cliickvus tor a nrar citr market w iui .l.iulit.slly H |wyinK uucmeee; but we aJJrem tbf c-.iniraen poultry rtiner, liting (xrbafe .derahle Jiitancr from market, who isb to luaku. thu moil uf 1m stuvk. And to such we aay rai*- every pullet >..tir prn:i-es will arenium lut . Trout them in a uantier that t)ey 11 Uy ttw departure of Uta4 euU:rpruing, ihrvwd, and fareeeing inei, Win C'lal.ti. It w now .ibuut a year suioo that worthy ouue and i-. imitvncud in thi* place, and ha*, T doubt, atnamd a ouluMaJ fortulte durily his ihnrt ituy, t.ut has been franerous dp.uxli tu and give Home > hcr pei*on a rfiancf to X" and do likuwiae. As to whether he iin-eeedi'd riimncially (uuie aru in .|,t. 'but in one thing he moot have re.illy sur pans. >1 hm moat utii(uin uipu^'tatioiiH in ^t-'.tlll^ tip- lllwill "I tho whole llelk^hlxT hood u auch an extent that not one wan Iurth practice on hand to I. id him a friendly gumi-by, but ho seem* to liar* one friend that sin. k closer than a brother, in tho |KTH. .11 km >,f of that inexorable Iliuliff in buffal coat. Tliat he belonged t FROST & FROST. Look Here. ; (..n want a nuw Hua or lur-i .' If o 1 ink you will flu. I it to rour a.lvaniae to call ftuil << me. A I d.. a laqgn tnntlDui* I van liiul.l ri a*JMn mofMe. All r<iiitr<-t i<r"inptl>' att*n . led to and mirk guaranteed. Thanklne; 1 1- |si!> ic for i-ant iiatroiiM^i.. and l.\ I, or ) I work, I liupr t.. merit a vonunuai Toun re^pcotfnlly. JUHN'WHITTKN. g MlltlSTKIlS. ' every 'ThifmUy at KI.KSHKKTfN J W FROST. I.I. II. A l.r IttH KKOST. C'rowu Cuuuty Attorney. W. J. BKLLAMY. TWP. CLFRK ARTKMr.llIA. aud Up;iom .1 by 'n.'Ol.'i.'ists to )* loiit( ouniUntly lbroUt|U ihe niMUr. aud \ ago extinct, u not prob*blc, M We ar< in- i will mako more uwnvy than yon can by formed, they abound ^in IVotuli Town- | P .i,i ni; chicken to sill l,.r l.roileri iinlrm at the fancy price- -;;.-h briiur in Feiililiino iiflider, from of the night infer thai the racu i* d.x.n. -ratlin;, l>iit . M.t o..nntry hiwd.r- have uo .lich market ..n the oiiitmrr. Crabb in making iti^ 'T what thy chanc,. to hare o wll, a.,,1 th trides in the |'p.[>aati%Mi of bin |ieeic*. I mll priccr th*y obtain at the oonnt'y lio- A caHii:il obnerver who explored tlu- tul< r the lu>ue of tho wealthy citizeii, by he left, mildly iii;et that in the hotJM wan cleaned ..,,t there 1 ESTATES JXSL'HAXCK ACKNT would l.f llo scarcity of fertl!l/.,Tii: . the M n i mean* pty (< r f \lra truublu aud care that early chikcn cmt. Of course . i( you havu a Urge ntimtrr of fowli tharo would u. e.xurily be eockirvls aud ..1,1 lirn- to fat- STRAIN & LARGE, Ijtti/id'i'fi ami Contractors, r FLESHERTON. \' I'Mtpan-fl to tten.| to Brick * stonr \Vork ! all He nranehee. Order* taAat the APTAXI-I COLLECTOR, AUCTION KKlt. material, iui both insidu and ..u: il pi-e tiNKYU-anrilonooortiipcutity on the inont vaiU to an alarming elknt Inttli IKIIIIMI fav.iralile tt-rtns ami it inoitxratn rain, uf .u,,i canine, but iu the \' t v II.UIP . t I 'ral> teu (or tale, but do uot maku It your bui- iii. .re juris t<> ivll dead >tu*k inatead of makiug IUTK K've you hundred* of cjgg c very OIV could bo ex|eted than the \ery OH.S. nee oflowlifeaiid profile y. Ho,,,,,, that year ol ll-ir , ltBt the place he ban put ttottnl, well ne er will m-rivc prompt attention (tood work at Kair I'ricvi. W. S. GRIFFIN, M. 0. 1 .. .K on hix like a-.'um. r'.iisin.-ss lively at the Stenm Flour A V.u HIM. Aiti/.^us, actors. 'i^nn- nun, ID J. M. Webster-, EUGENIA, L-i-il'H 'I.. -H" I.-.T f..r th.-r ,i,f . MoOev to len.1 an .mill. lU r.,.'ml.|,. T. I t" Hiiuanin I'.n | nt<l to. John W. Annsirong, F;.KKIIEFTOS. Co. Oujtv. fk'.VlMllN t-UCIir fl.KKK. CUMMIMHIilM I: u . n K I 'Jiu.'t.i r,,t,- A.-.MH (..I )iut, l.n..- ..! "f lan.K A|iprnisnr f . c 1 i I I II A H K.K-MV Monfr tt 1 t.n . M th. '-.iiHonal>le tenfl ImnKii ur M VKItl \i.K .u. c. i: N., "V/ 1 . Will Iw kl Flhert"ii rverv Tn lo. i IJ to I p I Oi-'Vn K, in Win- Mm in t% iiii. n,l Frl.lay K utt > M t.' j;et it of a KO..I! ijualiW! They ifi ttini; in n !ai\'e stock uf cordw. Ifaet all wb, .Ireet t.. pMlllful, ,.f tlie W HI r.,-<:,,t. mi HI Ini.ri.t pai.l yearly, n. W , .,..,,,,,. , .nclmrerd si. . t in iih.uu.. So lv \V. J. I\-n-ey, the wtrpri.siiii; l,'..i, k mull -. i tins place, heV JUKI i..eix..l .1 full car-load oicoal diruct from tin and notwitliMamlmu; the hard nim-t, ! haa laid'in a full Ktock^of mm ami st. ! The Cheeso factory, w^ an- infonneil. I'urds, stiBjoiots :vud UIIHIU^ ; to ail llHwy:ird' Yi Hi w Oil it a prompt relief anil . very wtiafactorily lat vein- V> e wwh Alexander Brown, I-t-VT.r ..f ' ,. | , ,,. . , : , rt l ^l; A I . \ . : . ..:!.-. : f . . . nil . i.f I ,1 ' ' l''i . dnl 7 M 11" tip- p.itr..|is .siu-ei .,,, knowinu that it IB a J2.P1CI kwll ilVail 1 .lyilii; 1'iirtilieJUiif proilly iiKiimL'e.l. ., ^.,-..^ ^ *- ^ , ^-^, \Ve notuoaiUMi>*uJiiiinil..i- ,,1'cre.lit Tho Tinsmltb, - Fleshertou. ^testhiM ,,., we .au B ..t ...v..unt for it Ih I'liiniif' K\t truwhiiiK, liiitl in fct 'vT', i-i [ '). I'.^UM-s^ Will i - i-i\c my I IU ICY I i'rnutj*t ami n refill nttf-nriiin it ruaMiiiablv pi too*. An Fiormn. Will IH> i In. i fully pvrn l.y the |iri'prietor4 ( ,l..i'k IH.K..I Uitten, ri-^iirdiiij; the many eeitii'n-alt'.s >'l ui'inli-iliil etui - u .nl. l>y that Ill elm. nil! JIM .!- ' livrr Hud Uidue.Mi, reveulm^ pnuif tliiit :- In. yoinl (he posiibiliry ef di'pul- l.y the m.-at Incjctiolooi, w.irkiii ^sMi.) 10 STRAYED. A \VbMe l>ruetliii(j Bow.;::. Li... ;.m-; - on ram i) uir iufuruiatlou that i UMIe load to theT. MMTB o Wr 1. Tin ec..viiry wtll b euitalily rewar- Kleehertou. TRUTHFULNESS ! Courtesy, .# Goods Gold, Si ice i, Rolled Plate, or Gilded, sold tor just what tlieij art in Matt- riii I and of ! ,:; ThoMweWiab a nice vail.tjr to tviwt Iiui . t ..Mi!'*, ,0.,.l / / / a/a/ Jewzlry, a VERY FINK STOCK uf Electro Silver Plate Ware I Will Bad it to their vlr.uUMfe to inspect My Stock ! K AXT> (iF.T MY I'HICBB He/ or* Pure kfiti ng Ei.*>- I a* foa iharr of Public ratruuanc . . boatief HDNKHTOR\l,IN(i Plata i.niil tt>lct!nic Km - AJvay ac r i Ail \\:ti ,i k REPAIREI BY MYSELF! and \Varraalxl W. A. BEOWN. Mar ltd a If?. FLESHERTON Jewelery STORK. J. E. TRIMBLE, I>K vi.r.n IN Jewelry, / No Bogus Discoun: or other ('! f>-Tr 1 1> [n>ln i li'j Siw;s Si Itee in M, \lli-. .11 I <...!. MAXW1.II.. .... (i.NT. t urti'i i"-l Stnl.liili; anil uli. .. Thu only Hotul in Hit .1! jjo. Jo, AU.IWI.V, - unmr-tt A llo" * ' M " I '' UM| lur "'" Livt * "' '"^ I> 1 " 1> *" "' "'" -r.,' iftrl!. ' f VIM! l(*r H H8 the Melliiv; of farm stock to meet the pnnic aimiiio; the haclielors un .f tlie MimieroliH pfoposaU they ly uvening from tli.w . \\iul will Ukf advantau'e of thu If they still Mouunt ai-.- Kirli it nation this year. periint u rp|. ' i-un ^. wurk is .1, MI 1 ol.i \ ' 'ml all to air>vlio nrw not Wwll i tt> J.H . K'l t lu. tl tl.-ulaj x. i.. .M ii..n~ . . ... TliHfati*t ollini'hiiok In KM.II.H 1m until tile etui f this ynkr it u ill ,i it.unK ! u it.n.i,- I > u,....- v) n, ^.-..ut.. All i..JIUi.. iH.opl tciHim.ite in the toUil Miiuli^a'.L. n of t!;e ' '"',' .'"^ 'j'""' " ..tit Anv,.i,u ( -.n IHKIHW _,._ L ._ v , .... "}w*?Mn\!!' want it Alivoliuran I..UMJU- a a-l-ll " - liCo., rciUaod, Mahra entii. bachelor cniniiiunity. A.hln > .- wi.l aou.1 *l t.ol. litii.. lu ITIIIK. !.> i ' i Watch a apccitiltij- Cuarantecd- i

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