" TT" Flesherton Adyance. TRCTH BEFORE FA VOR-"-" PRINCIPLES, WOT JltEN." VOL. IU, UO. 141. FLESHERTON, ONTARIO, FEBRUARY 2$, 1884 SINGLE COPIES, 5 CENTS EACH. THE ADVANCE.; Ouc of tbe leading Local and Family Newspapers In Northern Ontario. Published Every Thura<ley, y n i H i ..Kiii. . . fUafcerfcm, Out. I I i:\I- OP M I.M I : I r I H IN : f 1.00 per wiuiitii in advance , S1.80 If not j'i-1 nt the end of one year No paper dUeontlnu*l i I all arreanHtee ar pal.l up . asat DO euboeri|> t ion tekeu tr leea thu on year. eao*|t whu - 1 il arrautfi-iivouti, for shorter perioda are . ith the publisher. RATES. *c. CaJual adverattiiens.ciitspsr leslnsertion r ui<l 1 oemte per line each ubae4jueiit Imtertioo. Transient eUvurtieemeate touopaid for when .M.Ted AdvertUemont* without iperlal direc ti.ui" will be herad till forbid and charged icvordiufty. UbawM ladesesaMSttsto regular .iv..rtl~-r Notice,* amnns; raasta* matter. 10 cent* per line each inwrtlm No a<lvrtueoMHt aseowtlDued until all ar . .i 4t,--- are paid up. Copy for uUvrtinomcntH vhoulil reach thle fflcn not later than nona on Tueidajr to ensure inwrtion la current iMue A. B FAWCETT, Editvr and I'uNuh* Book & Job Printing I In i very style of the art, at reawnable prieee aud OB short notice Order* by nieJB will receive prompt attention Teru, -tri.-tlv -- " n.l all MrofulouK disease*. Horea, Kryelpa- lat, I ... in i lil.n. b. . KIIIK "rni. 1 u- more. '*rbures. IU.il.. aiul Kruptlona ef the Skin, are Hie direct rcsalt of an Impere tlate of III* btoutl. To <ire these diseases llie blood mint be ptirtaNed, asnl restored to a health; ami iia- luraH-oiidltion. A VCH' tiAkArARiU.A >UM fur over forty jreara l*rn reeo(nlie4 by emi- nent medical anlhorltin as the nxi po*- erful l'li. I finnnrr In rtiatnicr. It trace tko \teni Ironi all dml huuion, rnricl. anil ttreuftlirni the bknl,renioTnill tram of luercu-lal treatment, and prom Ittelf a complete muter of all Mtnfuluiu illMawe. A Heeent i ur.- of aowfnlani -...-. "Sunie niontlK mgn I irtu Houble>l lih Krofulou* Korre (ulorrsi on my tegi. The Iniihe wre baJly ewullen and Inkiiird. HI..I tli. Korea dlftcbar^etl Urge quAnlillre * i>tlttn>i*e matter, kvery remedy 1 ir;r.| failed, until I utrA AvrH'a SAM*AI'AHILI.<, of vlu^i I liare now taken three UllN*, wllli > melt that Uie form ire licalml, BUSINESS } *M*M IB i.irv : arf*r Health ! - ! "Know XhyeH! n I niy grneml liejtltli grratly luiuroveti. l > ii crateful nirdicine hu iloue aie. 1 fel crateful for the luiuroveti foud )ou Flesherton Heat Market. Vovre rexpei-ifuHjr. Mm Axx O'HRIAX." H iMilInnu M.. New York, .luue .i, laet. . l> All prreoMi laiercateid are lnH>-,l to oall on Mr>. O'Brlan; atlaa upon id. II. Z. r Wllda of 111 Kaal .-.4ih Htnol, New York Clly, who will takenlrMur* In l.-"l lf\ IIIR to I li- 'ilnl.-r f ol ,-m< M. t of Ayer'e Harape>rllla. net only IN the) cwre) "( title lad>. hut la hie awn cma aiul many othrre wllhla hla kDowledf<e. I lEzatninationi and Des- ' criptive OiarVs \ty PanrEmoB CAMPBELI., the well-known rhrvuolnirUt, at MUM ah.iw a Hotvl duriliK tins week. Pruf. [ Campbell is acknuwledgud everywhere t be unuircllril in hii akill in delinvatint; i-harat-ti-r Thuae who would know their own mental anil conititutioiinl qumlitiei, | with a MOW i>x|N-fially t<> huainosjaand iuc- cew in life, ihould give him a call. . OOOD, I'KorBIXTOB Cash paid for fat Cattle and Sheep. Fresh Meats constantly on hand for Cash. Onfrrs prompily filled. e*S^la>>>>tl^Sa>>*******SSa^.SSSSkWSSSa*^aWaa>lMSaHSaWS^BSB*.B.Waa^>aW-. --- t A. O. U. W. I.-.IK.' No. IM, meet In their I I Ixxifc lt<>om. stiam'i block. Toronto mi.-.-t 'u the Ut aud Srd Monday IB each month, at' i p in sharp YinltniK brethren welcome. M I' McMiiTEH. M W W (, I'l. KKIJ. H.-. I Tlie well-known trriltrim Ike DoUou n. W. HALL, of /lockeiltr, .%'.//., wrlu-i, Jiiue ", IN-. - Hairing uffrrmt MrerelT for tome yean with Kcirnm. and liailng failed to Had rellrf Ir.'iti MI|I.T rrnifNtiee. I Uave made ue, during the pa*t tlireo nioiitlil. of A VCB'I 8iKA mi i. . which l>ae rll.. lul a nmfitlt ewrt. I rotiKidcr It a maguiiK-fUt reaieoy for all blood dneaen." Ayer'sSarsaparilla puinulatw and reulaMe tfc* action of Uie I .-.-uvr awl MaitnilKtife orgaw, renew) ml utreiigtlieni the vital foree*. awl tpeeillly rnrm Khrmatlem. rll. Khruma- tlc < ...oi Catarrh. General Uehlllty. an4 all diteaae* arleing from an Impoverished or corrupted condition of the blood, and a weak- ened vitality. It I* Hi<r.i(i** IT thr rhrapeet Mood medi- dnr, An accnont <tY II conrentrMed Mrength, and great power iirer ditenM. PBEPAUD BT DrJ.C.Ayr4Co.,Lofmll, Hold by all DrugglMi. i>noe ft, eta lof (' DUFFERIfl LODGE NO. 186 I. o. o. F. Flesheiion- MI'.KTS evory Tuesday RventOC at o'clock. IjOdgfl l(..ii i si nil IK block. Toronto .tr.-.-l '.x-r.-r l..ti!f. lt 'lui-.lny III .-nil month Vis itlntf lir.-thri.il cordially m vtiwl. .!.). BL^caSCBM. N.O. A. 8. VAXIU-UN. R 8. I I. -In rum MONTHLY CATTLE FAIR. THF. nrit Kalr will take place on V AKi'H l(lh. UM. Jlnitistry. j.r. wtusinu, i..i.> DBNTliT. GIIAIU ATK of Toronto Brhol of Dentietry, will he at Markdale tlj.. lit and ard u . in. - day of oaeh month, and at Klehrton on the Ut ami 3rd Thursday lu aa. U mouth for the practice of bin profeeaiou. Look Hero. Do yon want a new House nr Barn f If so 1 Ilink you will Olid It to your advantage tn fall v.i I see ins. As I do a large business 1 can build ( u mall pi-lint*, all oeniraetsprosoDSly aueu -, luil to anil work |{uarstiU>-<l Thanking llie pub- lic for i>a*t petronaKH, and by fair prlwi and x<nd won*, I Lope tu merit a eoiitimiajico of the it i Yourt respectfully. JOHN WHITTKN STRAIN & RYDER. ttitilde-rx and Contractors, FLESHERTON. U<- prepared to attend tn Hrlck & Btone Work i all its (rancha. llnktrn left at the AHVANI r 'Mflr. will riicelvti prompt atu-nttoa. Uoodwork ut Fair Price*. J. IKE. Webster, EUGENIA, LICKNSP.D Anctloneer for the C?mintv of Orey. M onrv to lend u umial. at reasonable rates Kint autl Uff Iliaiiranct'. ('oinaiunlc-ation* *<\- ln.J to KIH.-I-II m 1' O. promptly attended tn. John W. Armstrong, FROST & FROST. BAKHUTHKIi. Si il .1. ] K HIM UONVF.TAKC'RH. A . i >iin . r. .iil.-it -.tr. t. UWIM rkiu.ND, and every Thuraday at FLK8HKKTCN. J. W. FROST. A 1.KH i:|) ritOHT, Crowa County Attorney. W. J. BELLAMY. TWF. i I I l.k II. Tl Ml -It. ESTATK& I \SUKA NCR AUK NT COLLECTOR, AUCT10XKKR. Ml INKY U*ny. on f fnvormhli 1 UTIII* intTt*t Mort||i(eX*M I own Hall. Fi. l Mcuritv on tb inont l at m(*W.t rftteit of Kht (>lBc nearly o]- W. 8, GRIFFIN, M. D. jr. r /-. s.. ((.NT. Will ! in Kleabertou every Tuemlsy and Frlih\y from u t" 4 p m nil n r in Win Strain'* block. Honey to Loan. At o'^ 'Vnf. InfrrfAt XT7I ** Pa4sflatMftvtj Co. Gnr.Y. DI\'ISIO\ COTUT Cl.KItK. C()MMWHIOSl;l . 4 If I , It III B. R, Coliveyanccr.cVr .leeut for purcha-i- nut oale of land* Appralwer for r I., r (Vin ^^^^ .in I F. I'. II A K. M..ol,it\ Monev to Ixwn on tli, i -t resaeMMe torun. Isat'sn .>r MAUUIAOM ' UT.NSP.S. TH IntiTpftt paid >f>arly. iMii iu .ulv.vnce. No ni! --ion .-lmn,'f.l Apply to James Sullivan, Alexander Brown, The Tinsmith, - Fleshertoa. - - ''11 nf Marriagu I. ICOIUM Mineral Agent A 3. l.iaf THO.I A'ictloiioer for County of (ii-rv M)., Out. .'. KftvutrouRlilnic, RIU! in tmct **vry- tniii|{ in the tmsinufm will rvci'ive my prompt rin.t atrfiil Attention at ruam>nablo pi u .- !s Hslx-s is A Hi-., >n MAX \VBLL OST. n x>d aooommodatlon : lieat branila Llduor A < Hjars. Oooil HUhltnn and attentive IToatlur Tlu only Hotel In tbe place. Jos. AW.MOX, - - Paariuiro*. A /i 17\ Tr |^ij '" AbLiNl^ wanted for The Lives of all the I'renldenta of the U. 8. The largest, haudaoin mt beet book erar sold for leas than twice our price. The famest nelllliR lvn>k In America Im- meiiM> profit* to atccnti All IstolllKont peopln want It. Any one can become a Rucoeenfnl auent Tmni five If AI.I.BTT HuuK C., r-.rtlaii.l, Min, K|ir, i oilli. II. - From C'anatla l.:m<l and Law AaiMidui't Aaiociati.iii n-|H)ctiiis; title! to real es- late in Ontario. J. Heaty, H. ContU and R Rurkc, Crrtiticatus to perfurm- ance of St. Labor returned uoperfornied. Minlitor nf Kilucation cotitinoatioii of By-Law 2:20. A. Blue, Apru-iiltiiiul r. turn*. Jt-iwie McEwrii re Woman* Stiff- raue. A. R. Kuwoett bill 97.UO printing ballot*. W. Kaniav. bill fl. 60 repairing rapel* 0. \V. Kut I. ,!-.-. bill ** 2& Electiun frin<i. J. Sterling, bill <M)rU telegram. ). Rutherford, Municipal slat'- ery 110.55. Inapecttr of tre reprt. C. H. Green r.- Lot 11 Con 14. E Ste- wart, application for nftttw of Tp. Sur- veyor. J. MaxwftM, fcMpBcation M j eaiior. Hainiiiti ll<>, trLuigaid'. Pfwtt and Tracoy re Municipal. Councillors 1 Hand Book. M irt AC,,, re Cosatulidated , Municipal ActlHtC). MoTlDXl. Mclatyrc. Taylor,' TluU the following CiisaiUM! 1" appointed, The Bate**), Dep. Reeve and Joceph Tt/lor, on inaare and aaaeasment. The Rre*a. l>ep. Kwive and J. S|x-i-rn, on printing; and J. Taylor, A. Mclntvr.- and T. Johnatun on Roods and Bridal. Mclntyre, S|..-i-m. ThatJJ.tmes Elliot, 'Collector is hen-hy Mthorised tn collect ' the taxra charged againtt the fullowinK i named raU)|M|ira leea tbe fulloin|{ amounts Ix-inir f'tr ttetute labour retum- ,ed undone but now preformed, the rsjapec- , tire pathmanter ImvinR eurtisM to the due perforinaoae of twr aame. W. L. H Hamltn 6.AO: K T Heron tfci.OO ; Joseph Hill.K-k 97.00' Speprv, .lohriton, That the following named parties ho rtemptrd from paying taxes for 18X1 V-lnij i no tgent* ; Flora Mc- Queen, Martha NVilu.n aad Margan-t McLean Speen, Johnston, That Richard Ki-li er be exempted from paying taxes for 1 1 883 on aoountt f i%vislg Ins buildinKi, farm implements), and crop eonDumetl by lire lust t . I Jnhrmton. Mclntvre, Thnt Robert Jam - e<m !> i . t HM-I...I (n,(XI fur "t. labour re- turned and i-harRi-d on roll hut now ccr- titiril l>v .J. lU>.ity pnthmnster. 8pe>r, Ttylor, That tlu- VU-rk notify Mr. Roe that tlii* ( '. inn, il will takt? no action in her c.mo Speen, T.ivli.r. That the Reeve and . Cli-rk ii;ii tl><' petition in favor of tin- Woman SutTrai{ Act and forward the lame to the I Intariol/egislnture. Mclntvre, .lolnnlon, Tht the FVp. R. Omorrti be paid thiiVnun of 0.0() fscli nnd'tliu ownern i>fthc]>llini; boothst^ ."*) each for elections of 1884. Spct-rs, Me Intyre, That the following ac'tn lie iiiinl.: \V. Ramsy, n-]iirinp acraper f 1.50. J. Steiltn'K. Telegram for hnlloi*. (HI, A. R. Kawct-lt, printing H(H) l.ill.-t.H.i; IHI (V W. Hutli-'lKi-. Klei-ti.iii Stt'rs H.^5 1 A. MeCSirr. 1'. tani|M f>r Clerk S.(HI. Clerk, pii-tin^ nomination noti -. delivrriiii,' ballot hoxoit eleot'n *4. fW. Taylor. Mchitvre, That Joseph Max- well be .\Meaorf.irI8M4. Spei-r*. Mclnlyre. Tlmt tlii* Coiineil lu-reby i-xt<-ii(t the Culli-i'tors time to tin- jutli Ki-t> next. Tlie Rrcve notninnted Cliarli-i MtLrnn as hi Auditor. S|H-TS. .li.liim'.in, That Miclia-I t'nr tis be Auditor of AccuiitilH of 18ci.'<. Juliimtoii. Tuvlor, Thiit the CK-:k in- sttuct the Co. < frea*urr to redeem l/^it 31 Con 1. N .rtb, sold fur taxen ot 1HHO it being (lit-n Crovii I^and. 8peer, McJntyr*. That the Rp-ve mid sign tbe petition 10 the legislative AwM-mbly (Hit. prayiag for the sun plification of the laws fur the transfer of land. Sjwers, Mclntvre, 'That Win Council adjourn to meet at FeTershahn on the Isst Tuesday in Feb oext, tli 2ftth. WM. Man, Tp tTert BLOOD AXD FIR The above rathir startling huadiiig to thvir bi(h, annuuiiced that the Salvation Army would often die ill this place on Sunday laat, and Uiir invitation to "cooie in cr<>wv4s " TU ac- cepted very generally by the efVisMsis of Owen Sound and surrounding country The Army opened tin- .>n the market (quart- "ii Sunday morning, and after reading and prayer pnvcitli-il to their barracks at the Drill Shed, which they have rented for the next six munthi. The Army were followed by a large number of men, women, and cbilemn, in fact it seemed as if every r* ly was boand to see the opening perfcrmsnce, if w<- may so deaiguate their exerciees. Their style of conducting a lut-eting was u iinulit be expected, entirely nut <>f the ordinary course L-.nntt i. .1 with a religious KatheruiK. The Army conaistvd uf one man aud three Salvation buses, aiul the mode of conducting the meeting was novel and interesting, singing, praying, and exhortation followed each other in rapid anO continued succession. Koine of their tunes) were very lively, snd were heartily joined in by the large audience. Three meetings were held on Sunday. aud each time tho Drill Shed was crowd- ed to the dours. Many [-.-. .[.',, cauie iu ing distances to see and hear the Anuv, and the tirst day's efforts were certainly very i-ticouraginK. Laixc nunibers of song-liookii, and uf the Salvation paper, the rr'ir Cry, were sold iluntig the day, and a large cullection miu taken up st each meeting. The Army have come to stay, and will hold meetings every even- ing henceforth. Tin- U-h.ivior of all at the muetinirs was very ili < -i.-ut, atid with the exoeptiiiii nf a fu interruptions by some huwllttsws on Sunday evening everything connect* il with the meetings passed *f in an afin>i and pleasant manner <Ht*n .*-. n( .4sjfrftir, weal in and baagtd the dooV. protesting the (hcrk of these upe*htH was tbey bad no respect for n14 families, the iden of any uan talking iu that way about that paltry liltlu sh*t. For all that tbry -li.l out hil to pot in an appearanee at the nsnal hoar. Vly wile don't like to he qaarreHonf*, so ksadea orrr the paper in uiecc*. \Vf u at it Dtit uiurning It stack to my exfswnation was, tore- bad syrnr, forlta no, they didn't use table tiaj k i only bi-u Uiey'dcumpaur. I'av b( -re y< t<-Har 1 seut ID tbe girl to aak if they w -. . I kiBohr let me have joit a loan for a minnlr of rtytwn paper. 1'a had sent it off to tl '- Old CBB*rv. cause be thon^bt Uw re wayi n-.Uuag fu it that I wonld care for.' Now 1 dont want \nu to think m* a cburli-li ili' ngrseatilv neighbor for tbe world. I'v.- j ; up wll)i ereVrtbing h'.therto. but wbeo tl ki tbe oM Rise waiting on the Jonratcn for ttierouu Wy so as be can get the panrr esuly, ind keen his family escutcheon an sallied) by avoiding being antler olligsti. n to s*e-lbn I cry fieek V Ts, U ! Of ooarse I wooldn't like to frt behind tbe tini'ii. p.. i'll run iu Imre snd have a iurreptiii..us x)<unt it tbr i :Hr oucr in a while. So Long !" NAT/ONAI. riu.s acts pr,.njutly upon Ike I. Ivor. Adulate the Bowels and aa a |>uryatl<e are wild and ihoroajrb PKKKM V> S WOhM (-. HI K- raqutre no iUier pujBjgative. Th><> aru aeje au.l sure to re- in, i. ill i .M. t:. . uf Worms. - 4 h, ,- k . From Turontti "Grip." He WM a DliU tuanni n 1 rivil aort ef a fellow, bat there was a mile of grim deler- ruination on liiifaee to dv as he entered Uie office. In tit. paper unt yet?" Yi>s. jnntoat of Ihe preai." "That'll good, hand ni<< one will joa? Thanks, uow I WAD! my paper to|ip-.l. St..p|>y<l ! my il sir ''" we gaapd, (or h<' was a prompt paver. auJ a strong polit- ical itipporter. "TiM sir. sloppts], i\-i>vrm. that ii, if fVi'i you wi>li me to M>I yf on ytxir paper frain. step smiting it st one*.'' Wr pazdl st liim long nml taitlv from nn Jer our gnU iipiK-tacleii, wbtlf < mentally | louk a retrospect uf all lit* known relations. It wt no go, not ou ha.l ilrnl iii the Innatlr asylum. \Ve abiid<>ln)il the iosaulty plea .iti.l I" i-'k:'''! Iniii t>.f\|>Uiu. - l.o>k iii-re " he Mid solfinulr -'I've put up with this - ( 'rt "f thint; f " more tlun tw.t tuoullia, uii'l uow I've nuiilf up my uiiiul tbat be II lit*- t.i go willi.. nt as I do." "He! Whn' 1 ' "Tan't tell yon, all I km-w i be moTjd hiiii*<'lf ml (*IUI|Y m uoxt ilour to tin, t doi- n or in all. Kor tin tint two .lay* I bad my pn|x>r nil ripht n* nstul. Kut since .ib wrll ! nt-Trr mind, ilop it anyway." " Hut my J-ar fri< u.l " " \Vi-ll. 1 snppoHe 1 owe) you an cxplanntim- 1 r'irt it ins IMeitue Mm. Hrnipn. will Mr. Ik>nii;ii kindly nliliKt-|i witli two sfoon.ln uf the i veiling paper .' be wmits to M* tlir n.|. \rriiKiiiii-nts.' All right! Second night ,litt. : third nicht. ditto ; fourth inht. ditto i tiflli nit-'bt. riviiHi' could von let pa have the paper BII hour oarlir ' lie liki* to aw tbe !!,- l.l'fori' In' JJIH-II doWII ti-Wll.' Wll, W> w.-ti a littli -ur|itim-d. hut of eonra most ol.iv H ii.-1-hl..T. All tbiit werk waited till after t-a for the ri'tiirn ,.f tin- pain-r ; nxt week tliey didn't "i-n.I it in till after HI- bail li.id K'.mi' toliod, bud t ' niiinh down tir ill i : i.l ' nl Ullil r.llnilr. >;.it u cold fVi-r MIII-I-. t- !! ttifiii I ill- |.r .M I. ili. MI With j latch ki-v. T'.n'n tb-y t V t . ,-nt!ng otlt tin- >b|'- "I i"" ti v >i, I otluT li:i, till it fume I'trk like s iii.l>iw imsb wilti Ihp |v, iu>out ; I then tin- linl'V l>.rr i-bnnli* mil of it, Tilly I triad lu-r l>sji(?s with odd roHlrrs. and thf> I old man liMiis.-lf lit bis pip with IOUK tlript of Ui n JiKin. \Vi"-n I remonstrftttxl, tli. y A SttiTtliug DUcpver>'- Mr. Win. Jobnx.u, of Hnnn'. Drk , write* that hix wife had been fn>ul>'. I with acute Hronchitis for t-iaiiy ear. ed that all rt-nti-dii-s tried gsve no p.--. lUsncDt rt-licf until )H. |.r.>rurrJ t >f Dr. Kinu's New Discover) for (' i Htimptioii. COUK>IS, and C'ulds, which h.i 1 magical etjuxt, and prwluccd a pt-ruxt out cure It i* K'iaraiite>-.l to curu a. I Disease* of Throat, Lur.fn, or Uroocluut Tutivs. Trial liottlee Free at Richanlsoas, l'i'; Store. Large Sin- ! 00. DR. l/)WH \\OIIM p,\urrii>. n-n...x..l tap- Woruifroui 15to 3U f.-.-t in Irnglu It al- aHruri all kindtof worm HMI Dr< laREnIr SAVEI. HEU Lirr. Mrs. F. Taylor, of Toronto, f - sulfjrrr from iiiflamuj^orV rlit-imuiti:.i rfcicli fur .t lont Hum bafYle.l all in *tn At latt he tritxl Ha^vafj Yellow' Oil. andietlarrsit aavmi her life. POF LOWHUflO-HL-BUOAJ' in Me^ly r- oumineudeil for tb cure of Eruption, chaft Cha|i,ied HD 1. rnii|ilre. Tan. A. A CUTAI.X KExriT.- If your bloo-1 i impure it will hunt forth in Mi f<.!n-- piinples and nore*. ft-steriuc ami 1:1. i^h-ly. BurJuck lIUnxl HttwTi w tboMUifhlv cU-anto the bloul in. I dicnte all fntil humon (nun tin- >**tem. MAHH1EH r*oT-JtrTriiAiT <n the )th FI-IT-I^- tk*- ni.lvnve .< tli.- t.rltle'uniothf-r li\ tl PI' McDowell r lr.| Lrwn. Kr.~t. Kb- MM Mary Jau. .iautibier of the late Lautaoi Mrhext. all ..f i iw.-u Soua>d FLESHBRTON Jewelery STOKI;. J. R. TRIMBLE, DKALRU IN AVatches. (locks, Jewelry, Spfcfui'li'x. I 'lottns, <\V. No Bogus Discounts ! meats ujj'ci-cd. ?>uf \r7/ /// Gotxlsns loir us !Ji?;/ n be /i'>''//-f'f/ ronxititi'iit r HV.VKST TI Watch to re for the .* said 00010*1 fine M to k*