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Flesherton Advance, 7 Feb 1884, p. 5

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f A Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all I Do you see the boy and pig 9 Yes, but why does t he boy and pig- run so fast ? The pig runs not the boy, Yes, but why do they go so fast ? Oh, the boy is in a hurry to have his picture taken at BULMER'S Photograph Gallery, Flesherton. Photo and all kinds of Picture Framing- promptly attended to. JAS. BULMBR, - -. - THE PEOPLE'S PHOTOGRAPHER. Local and Other News. ' CHEAP COXL Oil.- M. Richardson h:u jyat received a lot of tint) Coal Oil only - 11 ceuU I'.T _ iH"ii, or tivu gallons for "<> llet. LOUT. on Sunday last BvtWtM K. Trimble's Store and Methodist Church. I it (inlil Ear nag, any |>creun finding the j same will he suitably rewarded by leaving it at my store. R. TKIMBLF, SR. LEKT OVER. - -Lengthy report <>f .<*/ >,f MoiJMrMUl very successful Concert in the Town Hall hutt i-vriiint! ; letter from Mr. Tims. R. Mrxirv ; Tyrone items ; report >f Te.-i Mti-tini' at Kiitfc-iiia; lcul item* ; and a l HI T fn .HI a Maxwell onntrilnit-.r relative t the Mutual Marriage Aid \- .-ix.-mtK.ii of Hamilton. (In Monday our |>opular Ixuiker, Mr. A. MucPhenton, received a telegram from Forest -MI H'in lie-in _- tin- death <if one -if la* uncle*. He accordingly took the tint train for thut ]>laco in order t<> at tend the funentl, but will probably return home to-day or to-morrow. In the meantime Mr. E. ({. Luca of Dundalk will till his position iu this tiranch of Mr. Win. Lucas A Oo's bunking ottic*. Hcll'e Vegetable Sicilian Hair Renewr impart* a fine glosa and faeshness to the fcair, luid U highly recommended by physicians, clergymen, and scientists, us a prepuration acooniplUhint; wondnr- t'ul results. It is a certain remc'h for removing dandruti, making the icalp white aud clean, and restoring gray li.iir to its Youthful color. The Sabbath School tc- meeting held in tlu> C. M. Church, Itus- iiog, "" Friday evcninir last wan :u. < The eatable* were excellent, and the musical and literary part of the ] ru,-r:ini me was tirst-claaa. The music l.y Hr. (ieorge Hi^iiiltham on the violin. uc- o.mpaiued by Mm Higinbothaiii n the organ was well received. Ahlo addresses were delivered by Revs. Shaw and Sn,.w- ilon. Miss L. Armstrong of Flesherton, recited "Poor Little Joe" with no*erful effect. The recitations, dialogues, and readings by the school were well rvn dered. A most enjoyable evening was l>eiit by the large crowd pruaent. proceeds ware very sntiafactory. The We do not sound a n*edle.->s alarm when we (ell yon that tin- taint f scrofula y in your Mood. Inherited or acquired, it is there, ami Ayer's Saraparill.i uloue will effectually eradicate it. How TO Sror A I'AI-EK. "You have an undoubted right to stop a ne'wspapci when yon fuel di!t|Hisud, upon the pay in. -lit of all arrearage*. Do nut r to do so on account of "tenderness" for the editor. Don't you suppose he would top buying sugar of you, nr meat, elothing, or dry good, etc., if hi' thought he was not sotting his money'* worth, and why should you not exercise the i privilege with him? Ami when you discontinue a paper, do so manfully. I) in't lx! s. spiteful as to throw it Iwick to the postmaster with a contemptuous "1 iloli't want any longer!" and have "He- fud" written on the margin, mid ha\e tUe paper return. -d t.i the editor. Xi -,' ever i<t..p[x-d it in that way, PHKE.NOLOUY. A. Wallace Mam, Graduate of thu -Phrenological limtitnte, of New York, will lucturo on Man, what m anon aud --. On the evening of the L'l'.tli n't., the (teachers and schoiarm f Salem Sabbath School t.H.k possession of tin- residence ...f Mr. Robert Hawkins, assistant super- i inteiident of the school, much to the 'surprise of that worthy gentleman. After {partaking of an excellent rt-paat, Mr. Henry Meldrum, superintcnd-.nt, mi be- half of the school, presented Mr. Hawk- ins with a handsome pocket Hible, I accompanied by the following AiU'KKss : TH Mr. l!"l it ll'iuiktM, Auut'int tiufMfr- he is and oujjht to lie. Admission free. .<f*J. DEAR SIR, We the teachers and f Salem Sabluith School, have TRUTHFULNESS ! Courtesy, AIL Goods Gold, Si/rer, Rolled Plate, or (iil<i<-<l, Holft forjiixf irlnit they are in. Material and Fineness of Quality. Thute who with a nlc variety t wlect from ol PLESHBRTON pupils of Salem Public examination) after each lecture of '>"<-'" pleasure in presenting you with people chosen from the audience. Mr. tl> I'orket Hible as a mark of our r*- Mafton wiilta in the Town Hall, Flesh P'tt for you, and humbly h\-v you may erton on Monday, Feb. llth, and Eugenujl>" lu t? spared to till the p.ition..f on Wednesday, Feb. 13th. K. T. Carr, 'assistant Sii].erinteii.b-nt of our school. A-ent. Lecture at eight o'cWk. Mr. Wishing you the richest Ues*ing*frtiliM| %v,n n n ,| , t t,, their advmtag. to Mason will also give private oxamina- and for eternity, we remain, Vlicb, .Isch, ;;;::, ;,;;?; ' V and Jew -try, nwl'tei VERY FINE STOCK of Electro Silver Plate Ware ! Jewelery B. tion.s. advising ai to what each ia l>est Yours faithfully adapted for, management of children, (for the Sch.l) how to marry happily, b-.w to gut well and keep well, &c. The following are a MCLDKI'M. Mr. Hawkins rrpliexl in fitting teruis. [In conniH.-tion wnli the above we few out of many notices : might also mention the fact that several We regard him in every wy worthy of "f the Teachers have been thu recipient* confidence. FOWLKH & WELL*. "f hand.*.. in.- presents from the worthy IK is a gentleman who is widely Su|*nntiidei:t, Mr. H. Meldrum, him- acquainted with }'hreiiol<>gy. H-lf inTiitril.iited from his own pnrate Mr. Mason lectured before a Urjjc and fun.U. Ei>. ] appr.'.-iativu audience in Shaftcibury Hall Naver Give Up last evening. A/..I/. H yml are , u ff cr iiig with low and b- F. T. C*RK, Agent, pressed spirits. loa> of appetite general i debility, disordered blid, wetk con- A Good Cosmetic- *tituti.m: headache, or any disease of a The bent cosmetics arc good soap I hilioui nature, by all means procure a water, to obtaiii purity of the skin; bottle of Electric You will be while, for boils, blotches, obstinate humors ntirprised to see the rapid iuipro\enu ut snd impiiritiea of the bloiMl, Htirdock that will follow ; you mil U- inspired Blood Hitters is the best of all purifiers, with now life ; strength and actiutv will I return; pain snd misery will cease, and henceforth y-.n will rejoica in the fifty cento STORE J. R. TRIMBLE, DKALER IS Uafchrs. (locks, Jewelry, Spectacles, Violins, $c. No Bogus Discounts! Inspect My Stock I AND OKT MY PKICKS Before Purchasing Else- ir/iere. I k fnr ihtre of Put. lie 1'itruouu on Ik* bu of HoM.M I'l.U.IMi Plain told i . .MI . i; ,,,_- AJwsvs k.|H. All Watch work _. REPAIREI BY MYSELF! * Jlfi'll lt<>|>.lil'ill- and Wu-no*l. or other Clap-Trap men /.v offered* hu t .sy// you (food* an low ti x they run be figured consistent with TRADE. W. A. BROWN. Markdale. a specialty. All Work Guaranteed- The i;ri'.it Winter Carnival in Montreal, 4thto!*th Febinary. i ittra-tin', 1 thous- nnds upon th.nisandi of sight-seers from all parts of the continent. The Ornngr ( l. e iicefi.|lh y.n will reii'icn Tht'( (range S.uive held in the Town of Eli ctru Hitter*, told at Hall.,, on Friday evening Ian!, boltl " ^ Iti.'hsnlnwo*. under the aupiees of Fl-sliert"li L.O'L., was a decided success. There was a large attendance, anil the programme mcluil- ing the edibles, of miinte - was all that sny one c-ouM liave deaii-ed. After the feastmi; nun., tbe intelK-vtual puit of the programme. Mr. .lamcn Hnxlie, District Master, was called to Uia chair, snd tillotl the position ably. Revs. McGregor ami Wilson and Dr. Christue gave .id dresses which were listened to with much attention by the amlii-n.v Messrs. Walter Wood, Frank McDowi-ll. the Harks Hros., ami the Mirsn Mcllowell and Campbell, the musical piu^ ol the programme ; while Mi. .1. H Canon and Mi>s Maiy lirodie ably siu- tainc.l the reeitative part Tbe music by tbe Parks Itriui. .i.s p.titu ulaiU ad- imr. -d. Tin v were aocni|u>nie.l on the bv Mr. Fiank Mcltow.-ll. Mr GORDON'S II ai Kleaherton Meal Market. KEPT. GOOD, . no matter if his head i.s covered with grey hairs that should lie hoiioinl.le. you do not longer wish to r. c.-iv. \ news-' pa;>er, write a not- to t!u- oditor like a man, saying so and lie sure that arrc-ar- i,'< are paid. newj.aper. " NYood's sung "111 maki! you Prove it m The MoriniiB," eicited much mirth, and fairly brmivlit down the lioiisc, so to speak. Mr. Frank .Mi-Dow. 11 miiig "Tho .Minute (inn at Sea" with K'""l elFfr*. .Miss Mary l!rdii- biiU fair to Ix-anex- ei -Ili-iit rucitur at n distant date. Mr. .1 II. ('arson r--ited "Ivan, the t'/ar" in giMid dtyle. Tin- Parks linn., Mr. Walter W ..... 1, and Mr. Frank McDowell HIT. heartily i-neon-d several dnnni" the evening. The pro e HIM nbly stixtainril llir. 'mjlvmt, mill tin- 111:111 t'.'k 0,-casion to con- itwl grnmiiiur, the sno sh..<- torchlight pMcesaioli In thoiisandit of snow-shiwrs, the tobogganing fete on Mount Royal, the great sleigh drive turn- out, embracing five thousand sii}M-rb sleighing |inp:igi*, tin- living an-h man n.-d In tin- snow-shovni in club unifonn, i beering then KxcelU ncies t be ( iovernor- I i.-Tieral and Ijidy I n-d . lie, as t!o\ are drawn thnnigh tin. tminiplml arch, all these MtrikniK Mid startling featun-s nf the -.Teat fete, and many otbein, are to 1* splvndully illimtniti-il in the Carnival nnniU-r of the Montreal W ir, print. .1 n i superior papiT, with full and d'.iibh- page colored illustrati-ins. This s|M-cial Carnival numlK-r of the Montreal fitar will IN- of ni.nderful inter, st t.- nil pf.iplc in all lands. It is gotten up by the lst artists in this country, snd will 1 take tin place ..f the ''iiii'f/iiii. /'?iM/r,irn/ .\ suspended. Tell cetit-. Ill Stamps, sent to the publishers. Or.ihanr * <'o.. will get a copy. Newsdealuls will have them for sale. R 7 . FLESH EKTOX. Gash paid for fat Cattle and Sheep. Fresh Meat* rntmtuntlr on hand for ('anil. Orders promptly tilkd. FLESHERTON. MARBLE WORKS ! E. VANZANT, ALL kIM.S of d Usuedl Ms, Sued Moniiiu. IIM. Titiiii 'I'.i'.l. -. Hca.lsl- i nit. r and Tahiti Cops in Am. in an and Italian Marbl.- ftnil (imnite. ttnd msde on hhoit initire. .11*) Mantles ill Marblo and Matldi i/ed Shiti . AC.. Ac. Am;. :>. 1^-.: {nttulate the ciniiinittee of mnnagement AUTHWSM.K rnijh-inent-. This is tin- way to stop a Farm Stock. fni| h-nn-nt. Ac. Hy If]. >n the able HKinnor in which they had |">blic a.i.-ti..n, at Lot l!7, C,.n. P.I, Kgn-- manafr,-<l th,- affair thr..ugh.nit. l """ t - i-oiniiM'ticing at I 1 .' oVIock noon, on Tin pmcei-ds amounted tu theliand- r ' nii .v, Ful>. loth, 1^4. 1J months some mini of .vim. win, -h wi!l IK, used to cr.'dit . minis ovr *u : M \-r nut. 4is III., Ail Ecd to Bono Sornplng. "Hnving received so >iiueh purchase a banner for the Lodge. count all.. wl for cauli all $5. .Fumes T. Wilson, sums over proprietor; See WILLIAM HOGG FLESHERTON STATION. K- ^jieclfUly ami. rue.* tlut lie bn rt-rr'.nd a Large Supply of \e\v (iods 9 Blood KclaUODB. \^M McCormick auctioneer. Th" !>i--t 1>1. mil relutioiis consist of a , largu poaU-T. for particulars, perfect, nculati.ii, olLeidtliy, vital fluid r '. irm Stock and Implements. -At I^.t rd, HaiTibiirg'- ; pun- blood ami p-..|..-r . n, -nlati. .,1 may |-.>, (!,,n. 1 1, Township of ( >spry. com svsinn by the use I nieiicinu fit 12 o'clock, noon, nji Friday, >r tin. season, allnf whiWi Itstn I-. . M j-iin-liu - J tn the best U.- suld cheap fur t uli or i omitry l'i..|uct>. The now artltals are Kxti-iiMve and vsri J in . and wil. benefit from Kb-ctnc Urth-rs, 1 |'ei-l it my duty to lot suffering hiiuiaiiity know it. Have had a nnming sore on my leg for eight yei rs ; my doctors told IMH 1 would have to have the bine scraj e 1 or leg ampuiatcd. I used mtad, three boltlen <>f Electric l'.i!i. i.-. and sevca lo.xeH Itucklen's Arnica Salvr, and my leg in now sound and well." Klei-ine Hitter* are sold at fifty Mints a bottle, and Bucklun'a S. t l\u at l.y of that Ljian.1 Mood purifier, HI,.. ..I llittcn. Wurtlock Keb. Hth. cr>-dit on Cure r'or Chilblainb. ll-tthe the feet for ten ur fifteen miniit.-- in water us hot ,is run be borno; then apply Hrgy ird's YJlow Oil, and a cure hn John Without reserve, ftmonthi sums over "> : Hay amliial ash. Anson Lee. propri.-t' i . Auotioni-er. Seo bills. A Lou,; Time. ' i years of suflering from th* tor. a long tin!* Also H full mipply t I s|.ection of the Stock invited. TTTl'-n -f- ^Y , W 1H 1>QT J?rr> /Cr>/->- U&V| OuO. Groceries Pro. ls*i>na, r o i i.i - t VMVJ-.I certain. Yellow Oil cuitis Itbt-uiuatuiu, ture. ..t.Uyspc-pws. i f NeuraUm, Ueafncss, Lnmeiiess, and pain A . u\*n*, blaokmnith, * CoU.urar, (renerully; and inU-rn fc lly cures CoUU. inn*. afflicted, but It only rtH,tiired Jlfy Branch Store at KIWK.YM J n-iti. (foods . suj>gUrt Sor, Cr\tf, A>thina fc au4 Biany I JK,,,**, O f Bu'rdoek Hhx * Wttert to . *n p i infill ntfect >'!!< \ I offor FOB S U.K. or TO LET. my iA\V Mil Vat I.ittl.- Faili . Jrtve, nnrtr . H- hnulof wsUir ; sll iiiKod order, with HIMII 400* jvsuf Timber Land o which the Will i*. situated. There ar*alv leteral other Jowl Mi',.^iVs on the i T<I< - Uhm T>rj H on sitber puro i 1M< f !, , C ompUm*i man. KM K ). , - .

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