CURRENT TOPICS. Tui nnmosr 01 cattle in tb* State o Colorado ia estimated al not lose than tw millions, valued al 860,000,000. Neverthe leas tbsy are owned by only 800 persons who employ, perhaps, 3,000 herder* at from 35 to ISO a month and board. It requires of twenty acres per bead Tin English revsnue for the pant year amounted to i!>0,08,622 This U a ne increase over the previous year o 3,0^0,664. With the exception of miaoel laueous receipts, which show a decrease o 230,843, there is an increase in ever; branch ot revenue, including t"j. s .>-.noi from tbe property and iooom* tax, 13. 000 from tne customs, 300,78t* from stamp*, 1290,000 from th* post-oflioe 60,000 from telegraph*, and 130,000 from house duty. r- r .us rays of light ar* day by day eat ing out more and more ot th* ink in \ original parohifleut draft of th* Declaration ot Independence, which is kept in a gl case in the State Department's library Few of the name* are now legible. Near ths parchment is the original, on foolscap paper. Th* ink i* aa fresh aa it waa when it dropped from Jefferaon'a quill. Th many erasures and interlineation* b; Franklin, John Adama and other* are stil perfect as to color. Tbe paper 11 yellow with age. and worn through where it has been folded. M. BkiiTiioLjn, who ia in high spirit* over the completion of hi* mammoth statue which is to be erected at the entrance to tbe harbor of New York city, received tb* viait of tbe Burmese embassy in Paria th* other day. Tbes* men from th* orieni informed him that there was no statue ol Buddha in all tbe East India* as ooloaaa ss hi* " Liberty." They aaid that bis work ought rightly to be called one of the wonders of tbe world. M. Bartboldi thinks that tie French Government will b* williuf to furniab a ship to take tb* statue over nut sum mar. THE late Mr. Holloway gave in hia life Urn* large sums ot money to charity on the condition that the name of the donor ahould not be made known, and in bit will h* allow* hia executor*, in I heir discretion, to continue aome of these subscription! i Aoguat be endowed a college for tbs of women with the sum ol Mr. Holloway left tbe whole of bia fortune, *xopt that act apart for charitable purposes, to a near relative. Il is said by a leading dealer that Mr. Hollo way pud no 1*** than 170,000 a year for several year* in outbidding other buyer* and iu adding to bia gallery the moat notable picture* that cam* before tb* habitue* of Christie's auction rooms. TBE prize of l'>,000 offered by the French Academy of Medicine for a core for diph- theria waa demanded at their last meeting by all aorta of people, among whom were a giaaamaker, a machinist, an iron founder, a hotel keeper, and a Justice o! tbe I'eaoe; two women applied lor it, one a Uwy- s wife, and tbe other the wits of a veterinary surgeon. One man propeaed that the diph- theritic patient be beaten until he expelled tbe membrane, and another thai be b* ex poeed to aoarlatina aa a counter irritant. There were several who wanted their ex penres paid to Paria so that they might ex plain their method of cure, and a large number who refused to diocloae ths secret before receiving ths 96.000. No on* had found tbe infallible rsmady. THI London (England) police are in future to be armed with revolvers on ao- count uf tbe inoraaee of street robberies accompanied by violence andalao burglaries. About 1 000 of tha force have already been provided with tbe regulation weapon, which is altogether different from thai carried in many American cities. It is to take the .464) Briliih Government ammuni- tion, is sighted point-blank al twenty yards, and is effective even at forty yards, or I'M feet. Although the length of the barrel in only two and one-half inches, yet at twenty yarda a moderately good piatol- shot will easily place the six bullets in a six-inch circle. At thirty test, with out of these weapons, tbe whole of the six bullets were (l&oed in a two inch square. Tb* comparatively small aize of the weapon is among its chief recommendations. THE famous Chazie apple*, which are tbe meat admired and expensive of all Canadian varieties, and sometime* fetch as much as 6 a barrel in Covent Garden, were not (according to a horticultural correspondent of tbe St. Jamtt (lutttr) introduced from France into tbe colony, bui were discovered by a lucky accident. Chazie, a Dutchman, was well advanced in years in 1854. H* owned a farm a fsw miles di itant from tbe r'allit of Niagara, and on that farm ha found growing a wild tree bearing the apple known aa tbe Chazie or " Bwayzie. aa some writers spell tbe name. Borne one had flung away the core of an apple ; on* of tbe aeeda bad trustified and grown into a tree bearing an apple with the flavor of tbe muskmelon, double the size of ths Lower Canada pnmme yritt, th* same color and form. SOME people very worthy people, no doubt -have been shocked by tbe reoent aooouLti of the cremation of the body of tb* late Captain Hanbam, remarks Iron. For charity's sake, we will respect their feelings, but we are utterly unable to understand their arguments against such a mstbod of disposing of our dead. From a sanitary point of view their objection* are absurd, and must be rslegatad to an age of darkness which we have happily paiuied. W* will do our beett3 direct their attention to an important extract, which bean directly upon tha question, and which U taken from tbe report* from Her Msjeety's diplomatic and consular officers abroad on subjects of general interest, presented to both Houses of Parliament tbis y*ar. Th* report it by Mr. Corbett, of Rio de Janeiro, and embodies tb* investigation! ot Dr. Freireon the subject of yellow fev*r. J)r. Frsire states : " I think it a duty to divulge M soon a* poisible a circumstance of much importance to the public health Having gone to viait tbe Turajaba oeme t*ry, where those dying in tbe maritime hospital of Santa laabsl ar* interred, 1 gathered from a toot oelow tha surface aome of the earth gathered from the gravi of a person who died about a year ago of yellow fever. On examining a amal quantity with the microscope, I founc myriad* of miorobii exactly identical with those found in th* excreta of persona sick with yellow fever. Theae observations which were verified in all their details by my auxiliarie*. abow that the germs o! yellow fever perpetuate themselves in ths cemeteries, which are like so many nnraeries for tbe propagation of new gtnerationa destined to devastate our city. A gainea pig, wLee* blood examination ahowed that it was in a pur* state, was abut op in a con fined apace in which waa plaoed the earth taken from that grave. In five daya tbe animal wai dead, and it* blood proved to be literally crammed with cryptooooou* in various stage* ot avolution." Could science speak more plainly, and ia sentiment to get the better of its teachings'.' We have too great a faith in healthy public opinion ever to doubt it* verdict in tbia matter. HOW WK B/SXBKZK I > l.l \ I II til. I How lo It. .,or. I ho.. M h. ,11 . N Qallc o. .. .1 By tbe way, continued the scribe, " if 1 should happen to take it into my head tc go out to niiiht and freeze, what would be tbe process ?' ' It is very simple," replied the old doc- tor. Did you aver notice how drowiy you become in cold weather ? Ths ex treme parts of the body when subjected for a time to a temperature impressively low readily loee their vitality ; th* circulation ia the small vessels become weaker and weaker ui til it Btagnatee, and they are aaid \o b* frost bitten. I know a man, who, while on a drunken apree, lay out in the woods, and bad his toes frozen off. But to proceed. The influence of cold being ex tended and still further protracted there la peat drowsiness), with lassitude and ex- treme dislike to muscular exertion. If you succumb to tbe feeling of drowsmees and sleep you drop into the sleep of death. Yon would first suffer intense pain, afterward t ou would experience a bannmbiiig effect, and if walking your atep* would oeoome uncertain and tottering. Your utterance would became indistinct and au irresistible drowsiness would seize you. You would drop into sleep from which il would be iov o*ible to arouse yon, and death would speedily follow." " It you sbould happen along in the nick of time and find a man at ths point of reczing to death what would you do?" "The nriit thing to do it to restore rarmth, but it must be reetored gradually, it has been found that in case of icaensi- iility from cold the sudden exposure of tbe wdy to an elevated temperature ia cer- tainly fatal. If reaction takes place, it is abort and violent, and tbe patient soon dies, not nnfrequenlly in a stau. of delirium. In rder to avoid this danger tbe man should * first rubbed with snow, if at band, rhiob, though in itaslf cold, is, wbsn near b* melting point, much warmer than ths rozen body . or tbe patient should be im- mersed io a bath of vary cold water, made .-adually leas and lass cold until th* emperature ia raised to tbe natural taud.rd. A* Mxm aa UM ranaolaa and tber soft parts are sufficiently relaxed to admit uf easy motion, artificial eapiralion should be resorted to. It might be dona by throwing cold water upon be face or dashing it upon the aboulder*. 'be sudden impression of cold upon ths urfaoe is a powerful stimulus to the re* uratory process When blowing into tbe mouth is resorted to. it M beat to breathe wo or three times deeply, so aa to give tbe itient a better quality of air " " Is cold Injurious to one 'a aysUm 7" "Yes; upon th* weak and exhausted raid act* as a permanent debility. There i not, indeed, a more frsquent ei oiler of iiease than cold, when applied to the body under certain oircnmataooea. A abort ex- neure will, of course, do little barm, but hould a person be out long iu it aay for natanoe be sbould lose hi* way on a winter igbt tb* reeult would be dangcron*. It * exceedingly dangerous to go from a heated room into tbe cold air. Tbe fair votaries f pleasure and diaiipation often fall a aacri- oe to the pursuit on this account, and many a young dancer baa found in the billing blast tbe call to an early tomb." llanta Constitution. *nolh. r Po!.onln < ., A Quebec despatch lay : Tb* memory ( the Cost* case has scarcely died out ere notber fatal poisoning oa*e ia reported rom the neighborhood uf Hberbrooke. Th* iotim in tbe present instance is understood o be a miner named Rotbwell. who had been working at the Asooe copper mines, ml the poisoner is believed to be hi* Doarding bouxe mistresr, name not given, tier object being, it i* *aid, to aeoare a eon- iderable sum of money tbe unfortunate man had in hia possession. At all event* be ha* been lodged in Bberbrooke jail barged with tbe crime, and Dr. Vallee, 'oxicologidt of Laval Univeraity, here, who *ias examined tbe content* of tb* victim'* tomaob, pronounces deatli to have been aused by Pari* green, a quantity of which aa been sinoe found on the woman's reraise*. lr... n. .1 lllm.tlf ~lih Ml.< n |. A Keighley correspondent of tbe Glasgow tail aaya an extraordinary case of suicide a* occurred at Callingwortb. A middle aged man named Tbomaa Lund, occupied a cottage at Cullingworth, for tbe rent of which b* waa t t in arrears. Notice bad Men served upon him that unless th* money waa paid bia furniture would be old. On Saturday night be purchased ome petroleum, saturated hi* furniture with it. and set fire to tb* house. H* bad oat of which be was particularly fond, nd he put tb* oat in a bag. whiob be astened around bis neck, together with a al i ron and a clock weigh t. After aetting fire c the boane he proceeded to an adjoining servoir, where he drowned himself. The dy waa cot recovered till Monday morn- ig, after tbe reservoir bad been run off. 'he house and furniture were completely estroyed by th* fir*. LATEST OLD WORLD CO88P I h< jurru . Health Oeealetf Beya TTuslellsus BsaiT sTeeeaurtc Marrt*)r auramaa'* While I- 1. pk.oi Old faabionsd people complain of theuew style which tbe Marquis of Ktldare'i am" other weddings have recently started. Thi bride and ber maids instead of appeanni in pure white are arrayed in yellow repp, 01 terry" velvet aa it is technically called and the party look* like a gathering o canaries. In Paris, where the aeaaon ia already in full activity, the hoatesaes have adopted the plan of assuming a difleren nationality, Bud if they dress as a Spaniard or Pols, or Italian, tbe costume* of the other guests must correspond, and likewise the ilanoea and music. The boulevarder's lateat boast, .accordingly, U that he cm make a tour oA the world in forty minutes Lord RandBph Churchill, who haa dis tinguiahed hjnaelf lately by abusing Mr Gladstone, hsB been invited by the Con oervative leadVfx of Birmingham to atauc aa tbsir Tory candidate at the coming eleo tion. An explosion took placa at Aberdeen on Saturday at A gas works. Seven persona were iujured.BTue report was started thai tbe explosion a* the result of Fenianiam but there seems DO ground for the rumor. An English edition of the Princess Alice'* letter* witb s translation of tbs memoir* ol Princess Christian i* announced, also tbe correspondence of Saul Rogers, a book on America, by Miss Iza Duflua Hardy, and a new volume of essaya by Max Muller. Mr. Tennyson, on hia first appearance at the House of Lord*, will be introduced b the Lord Chamberlain and the Duke of Argyll. Prince William, the eldeat aon of the Crown Prioe* of Germany, haa given a lao- tur* before a large audience at the military caaino at Potadam on " Roman Warfare." Th* Prinoeiiaolearasd emphatic speaker, and abowed thorough atudy of bia subject. The dialik* of the working clauses to \ ao oination, especially when compulsory, has been much fomented by tbe prosecution of some poor parent* at Leicester for refusing to take their children to the doctor. They were imprisoned by the magistrate. Th* concentration of th* garrison* at Khartoum will KIVC General Gordon 17,000 troops. Th* General haa obtained full ower to evacuate or defend Khartoum and treat with or ngbt tbe Mahdi. aa h* we* It. Gordon goes without an escort through tbe deeert, and cannot reach bia destination under eighteen days, and the whole future ia atill really aa uncertain as svsr. The Emperor William's cold affected bia throat and lungs slightly. H* alao Buffered little from fever. Tbe Maomillana have issued a new and complete singls volume edition, arranged and corrected by tbe author, en tilled, The rVorks of Alfred Tennyson, Poet Laureate." S'oiliing is said about " Lord Tennyson." The Queen's " Mora leaves From a Journal of Life in the Highlands." in- ous volume notavo, ia announced by Bmitn, Elder A Co or February l-':t All the Tory leaders except Sir Stafford 4orthoole are obviously in a fighting tumor. Tbe nearer tbe opening of tbe asion approach** th* more violent become he, Tory attacks at every point upon the Government policy. air. Parnell haa again indefinitely post- _:oned lheofi*Q. anuouuocxi apeeob to bia lonati tuents in Cork. There has been a lively dispute duiiug tbe whole week as to the merits of Bar- num's elephant. Professor Flower, Preai- lent of the Zoological Society, considering t to be an interesting specimen. Numerous ixperts, reaidanta of and travellera in India and Burmab, testify that tbe animal is neither white in a technical sense nor H wired In no repeot ie it different from luudreda of other elephants commonly seen D the East. Professor Flower announce* hat the pretended religious ceremony advertlaed will not be tolerated iu tbe Zoological Gardecs. Tbe announcement in tbe Court Circular bat tbe Queen is only able to take nuort talk* ana cannot stand longer than a few miuutee waa laaued to servs as an excuse 'or tbs non-appearance of tbe Queen during .he Mason. Her Majssty ia atronger in iraltb than she has been for years. Sbs will go to Baden on April 15th to attead >b* wedding of ber granddaughters, ths Princesses Victoria and Elizabeth ot He>sse with Prince Louis of Battenburg and the Grand Duke Hergius of Russia. Tbe Em or of Germany will, if hia health per- mite, meet the Eaglisb Royal family, and th* German Imperial family will go. The marriage ceremony will be private. Dr. Keddy, a leading physician of Mori- fll . died suddenly in Dublin, Irtland. on 'needay, having been travelling for hi* ealth for several months in Europe). IMui ibu. I num. The words E Pluribu* Unam, which have ppeared on different (in ted State* coins, ml are on tbe standard ailver dollar, were uever authorised to be ao placed by law. 't-y were first uied in 1786. There waa no United States mint then, but there waa a private one at Newburg, and tbe motto of the United Slates waa first placed on a copper coin struck at that mint. A very few collections bsve specimens of thi* coin. They are very valuable. In 1787 a goldsmith named Brasher coined a piece, which wae known aa tbe lit) gold piece, and tbe motto placed in tbi* form, " L'nnm E Pluribna," wan stamped upon it. Tbe coin is worth to day 93,000, and only foor are known to be in existence. lu 1787 the motto also appeared on various copper coins of the Htate of New Jeraey A great many of our early coins, before there wa% any legal authority for national coinage here, were made in England. Tbe State of Kentucky bad aome peculiar copper coins, which were minted in England in 171)1, and bore the national motto. Tbe I'mted States mint waa eatablished in 1792, bat the uee of the motto on any of the gold, ailver or copper coins waa not authorized or directed by any of tbe provision* of the Act eatab lishing it. The motto had not appeared on any of our coin* since 1837, until the tandard silver dollar waa coined. Il remained on our early gold and ailver coins until 1834, when it waa omitted from the gold ooina. In 1836 it waa dropped from the K cent piece, and the following year from all ailver ooina. Boiton Tram- erift. A tramp wa* arrested in Montreal yester- day for forging the signature of Mgr. Fabre to a document recommending tbe party a* an object of charity. Fwl'NB IN I II K WOOUM. A K.lfc. r HI., ... r. ISM Hkrlrl < Omfclrr Four Ycawa % II. r Her Ul A Bruce Mines, Algoma, telegram aayi Four yean ago the daughter of Mr. Jam Mills waa lost in the woods. Mr. Mill* was living in the Township of Kirk wood, newl opened up for settlement, and far w from any neighbor. Early IB tbe at ternoo bis daughter, aged 11, started with a pai and dipper to fetch aome water from small creek a few hundred yards from tuei bouae. Aa time paaaed and she did not rs turn her father became alarmed for he safety, and having obtained assistance search waa instituted, and continued to many days without discovering anytbin more than the track of her feet in the sol mud at tb creek. A force of forty lumber men joined in tbe fruitless search for tb miaaing girl. A few day* ago some me working in the woods came upon a human skeleton, and lying i-eur by it were a ti pail and dipper, all plainly indicating tb remains to be thoae of the poor lost girl. II* v* 10 Krrst a I. od Hrr. In "Pickwick" Dickens makes repeats allusions to the care, in well managed inns to keep the poker out of reach of newly ar rived travellers in winter weather. / better economy yet in the way of Bavin coal can be applied in every house, and to either stoves or grate*. It is that of al way making a good fire, clear of chokers, elate or ashes that might impede the draft, ani aa soon aa the fire ia bright and dear, retain ing it so by covering tbe top with fine coal ujde a little damp to prevent its dribblin down among tbe hot coals. Or tbe mixer ashes and cinder* from the hearth may b used in the same way. The bright fire wil ;uen last for many hour*, and all the bea ;be ooal ia capable of giving will b* obtained There will be a v>arm and rosy glow in tbe morning instead of shivering chill. Venti ation will be checked *o far aa drat through the fire ia concerned, bat ite ever needful action can go on, even through a stove, by opening sufficiently the dooi above tbe fire. Of course there should b no damper in the flues there never sbooli unless headaches and general prostration are invited. tn In. Id. D I Iu lk< 'I. ouulr.. While I aat in a Mormon cottage one da; a little girl of 13 yearn tapred me on tb shoulder and whispered, I know bow to make mamma mad." ' How ?" I asked, seeing she bad a twin lie in ber eye, and that ah* wanted to tell. " Why," abe said, laughing, " by aaying mamma, wboae turn is it now ?' " What do you mean by that?" I be child. Bbe said, " Why, you know papa spendsa week at each Louse, and mamma watches and waita for her turn. Sh* always knows or tbinka she does, whose turn it ia, but abe don't like tc tell. Bbe doesn't want to think about tbe other wive*." O, that's it ; i* it ? Bow do you like polygamy?" I don't like it." abe replied. What are you going to do about it when you grow older?" I asked > x MII iioing to be a Uentile and choose* msband who will love me and no one else,' tue unconditional response.-.! I atcyrr n Chicago Tribune. The t.idm BJMW. Heavei; is unusually kind this winter to men who own sleighs. Whether the days are cold or warm, dry or wet, sunny or [lootny, tb* enow remaina. It increases iverybody's store of enjoyment, for those who cannot buy or hire sleighs cannot help maginmg tbemselvea sleighing, and are ths leisure* of the imagination to be deapiaed? Jo one baa ever explained why tbe effect of a aleigh ride is peculiarly exhilarating, for no one ia in a til condition to do ao except when flying over tbe anow, and then tiius s too precious and delightful to waste on nob prosy work aa explanation. Sleighing, ike love, put* all ranks on the aame level if enjoyment ; tbe man who apenda t500 n cutler and robes aeema just a* happy ai be country youtb who aita in a home made jumper," but not a bit happier. Aa for be Bex that like* sleighing better than flirt- ng, when wae it ever known to decline a ride because tbe sleigh waa not new and landaome 1 Never ! I'm Unit II" I hi. I oil U|* P. . i. The Hamilton (Out.) Fire Department, nder the training and supervision of Chiel i. W. Aitobieon.ia not excelled in efficiency y that of any other city in tb* Dominion. Ibief Aitobieon, by tbe way, met with a ry levers accident in driving to a fir* ot long ago. Hi* bead, shoulders and lack were injured in a terribl* anner. Being asked how he ae counted for hia rapid recovery, he replied Simply enough ; Bt. Jacob* Oil can pal ny man on hi* feet, if there i* any life in mi at all. I need that wonderful ruedi ine from the atart, and the reault ia that I in to-day in prime health and condition. t. Jacobs O tbe panacea that comes to lie relief of be Fireman for rheumatism, urna, etc , served me in my trouble and ared me quickly, completely and pertcan ntlv. It is the standard medicine herein be Fir* Department." The Pill MM. The London correspondent of tbe Man- tiester Gnardian remarks that tbe life of [r. Holloway would furniab euriona if not ntoreating material for a biography. When e waa considering tbe line of his benefao- ons he waa proud of being an ocoaaional oeet at Mr. Gladstone'* breakfaat table, ml through Mn. Gladatone b* became ntereated in th* welfare of convalescent omee. When talking of bia vast affair* he said h* believed he had advertised in every respectable newspaper in existence. Ot late yean hi* business became a vast banking concern, to which tbe telling of patent medicine waa allied, and be wa* understood to say aome few years ago that hia profite a* a dealer in money approached the enormous sum ot 100,000 a year. great ism H, Vonr Hop Bitten hate been of t value to me. I wai laid up with typhoid sm for "ver two nmiitln. and ooold got no relief until I tried y nr Hop Bitten. To thon rjfTerlDg with debility or soy on* in feeble health, I cordially recommend them. J. C. BTOKT/.EL, 683 Fulton street, Chicago, III l.41/* lit PAL.ACB. lui. r. .HUM u.i,. u> *>l ike atrawratamrv -The Tb* loe Palaee which ia being built for the winter carnival at Montreal ia a perfect work of art. Th* palace will be uncovered and of a composite deaign of architecture, and will contain numerous tower*. Noth- ing is in it* construction bat lor. It will oou*ist of about 10,000 blocks of ioe and will cost about |3,2OO. Tb* facade will be about 160 feet, and the greatest depth 65 feet. Tbe wall* will be castellated and of different elevations, and three thick par- titions of ioe will trisect the building. Door* will be cut in these walla, so that tbe public can roam about the building at will. Tb* main tower, which will be limehed in a few days, will be a marvel of frozen architecture, and will b* 7ti feet high. It will be in three storiea, each one different in shape from the other. Numerous windows will be left at interval* in the walla of the structure, which will be tilled in with thin ioe. On th* gala night of tbe> carnival the boildmg will be filled with volunteer*, who will defend their fort from about 1,500 snow-sboers, who will attack them, armed witb fireworks. The orosav fire of Bomaii candlea and rocketa, together ith tbe illumination of the ioe palace by twenty five electric light* by tbe I'l. . un, will be a magnificent display. Little elaei ia being spoken of in Montreal at preaent than tbe approaching winter carnival. " Ob ! husband dear," sbe cried, " I've) got auob a pain in my jaw that I can't atand it." Never mind your jaw, Lucy. You'll get used to it in time I bad to." Why are washer women like navigators? Because they often croea the line. Th* snow blockades ar* having a depreaw aing effect on railway traffic. Th* suggeation is made that Toronto be provided with quarters for tramps. C U RES Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Sciatica, LumMgo. Backicti*. Hasdtcht. Toothacft*. %.! I h> ,.l r HIM . S|.| ln. Ill nl.r. Barm*., *,-i,i> i , ,,.i in, . . II* .11 UTHSa MIIIILI rilM 1SB liaiS. THE < II Mil I A. \ in. M I 11 10 MVWA VUUlUSACU I BftlUBOTW. U4~ T. S. A. WELLS. kICUARDSON 4 GO'S IMPROVED BUTTER -COLOR A NEW DISCOVERY. swvrri y r w htr* farnlnhfxt th* DsVlryBtt<*ti of AnMrtrft with an rxrwMrni tut, aVisklrolurforbuitsirt *> m?r1tortoaBf that It m. t w|tbrrt>*4 muvw FTaM-ywh-r* rrrwlvlnf utd uulj pru.* *U U>th t *r Hut t>7 pftttcot and -imtm*> etirmkml r*. nmrrh w*> h*vt Imprurixl in trvnU polnta. ml DOW offer thU MW polur mm ttu tot f IJU tr..n.( It Will Not Color the Putrarmi'M. It Will Not Turn Hanotd. It Is the Strongest, Brightest nnQ Cheapest Color Made, | rs*And, whUii IT. -mi . -I In oil, U *o conpnnnrl t:iallll lm;Hw.l.!o f..r U t, beeom t^u< l.l I I7-3CWARE "f *.l ImitUlor,.. nd ol .11 " oil C'>1 ; f'T *' *T r" llabto to btx-ditM- -1 land *:* ,1 fi- NT. t "/"K T'U rairii't r I t h* "impro-*l" writ*- u* .n-'w whervamUtow to prl H wlthoat rural ciprntt. ( k KTUA, nt MIRIVM11 A I n.. Tir-li.**-*!. <i KIDNEY-WORT 18 A SURE CURE for all dleeaaee of the Kldneye and LIVER It li ip^-lflo icUon on thi most Important ortu. *n*l>l!ac U to ttuow off torpidity ud IntJtlon. -* -""Tig- tfec bolthr secretion of tb* Bite, and by kMjMnc th* bowels In fr** oondlUon. OkoUnf Ite racnlv dlaobar**. fASlnlorSa Xf yon ervauAarinc from iWIOICIIICI* nuhlitrU, h*v* th* ohlU*, ' *ro billons. drspcpUo. orcon.Up.tod, Kidney- Won will >unly r>UT* and qulekly aim. In th* Bprlnf tonlsenntt-ii Hjntf m. *Try on* should t*k* thorough ooune of it. il- HOLD BY DMUOGIST8. PrloeSI. KIDNEY-WORT ELI; "F y. jr. TKKilU ELIXIR Has stood the test for FlFTY-THREX YEAR >, and h proved itself the best remedy known for .the cure of Consumption, Coughs, Colds, Whooping Cough and all Lung Diseases voting ur ->M. SOLD EVERYWHERE. fries 2V ana >1. CO per Bottle. IKICIPAL RiNlI. IMPORTANT BOOK FOB MUNI CIPAL enaoaUlon and offloers, eonUlos riflt snd familiar ilyl* the msnllp%l liws nurln with form*. HOT) (>* ; bound In cloth rice on dollar. Address PRATT A TRACT Pnbllihar*. Htmford Hl,*'*t 10 **or>< a HuilMt* KdnnatiiMi or Bp^neavlaD Pen- maoehlp al th 8PKNOHB IAN BUSINKBH OOLUIOSJ *ro Mtnh Olraolam rrw O.V.aLE.RIeb.HarsJCarlni Book Tell* all Pries 7 mail, sealed, D6o. bos 680, Bo. Norwalk, Conn.