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Flesherton Advance, 31 Jan 1884, p. 4

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\ next. ./. 7/. Ftuwft. Editor. FLEgHEBTON : THriJSHAY. JAN. 31. 1884. APOLWY. LEFT OVER. You cau buy extra good If tuicml instru- ments, Sewing Machines, Shuttels, Xi-t-d- A very lengthy letter on the subject le . t oil Ae-i from c Trv adguld, Flesher- " \Vlut is AiTuiniunisui," and other ton, P. O. matter unavoidably crowded out of .. . . T H F A 1) V A VflF lhis Wllks issue; Wl11 allpear iu our ' A REMARKABLE ESCAPE 1 I I U f\L V All U. . Mrs. Mary A. Daily. ufTunkhanuook, Pa., was afflicted for .-ii years with Asthma and Bronchitis, during which time the best phy&iciaiifl could (rife no i relief. Her life wax etttpaind of until lost read- October she procured a Bottle of Dr. Kind's New Disco Yerv. when immediate relief was felt, and l>y cuntinueing its was completely cured, gaining in fli-sli 50 Ibs. iu a few months. Free Trial Bottles of thin cer- tain cure nf all Throat and Lung Diaeasut at Richrdons Drug Store. Large Bottles $1.00. "Can the F.thiopiar.. change his s'.iiu, or tin k-op.ird his spots ? " Not them nor yet c.iu the Bditor of the M.irkdalc St'imUu-d, who last week, 1 iiiul shut his mcttii without anything. We have to apologize to our ers tla* week, because we are one day . . ff\ i i ' XOtAVI > r H'.l, dill* late in issuing THK ADVANCE, aud be- Use for a ghort time cause of the paucity of reading mat- ter. Missing a train the cause. Tlie '-))ctic " soul of our irrepres- sible Fleshcrton correspondent has boon stirred to its utmost depths ; and resul: has been, as ridiculous (i lot of doggerel as ever was publishr.l in a newspjpt'r, graced the column* ol tile las', week'* issue of the seldom- quoted, almost unknown outside the vi'hvfe it is published in, and self- huportar.t l>tindalk Herald. To 8UBSCRIBRSS. Our subscribers iu arrears for 1888 AN IMPORTANT Evgriitv. Are you threat will confer a favor bv Bending in their , ened wixh Con.nmption ? if , the cause may b in the blood. Impure subscriptions withm the next two , M,od a*d Scrofula afe close companion., weeks, as we have a payment ma- and Scrofula and Conj.nini.iion aru till turmg about that time. We take the , cWer n r . elated ' ? a J? M ,\ ^ l* ' cure all forms of Scn>-iiU by cleansing present opportunity of thanking those , ihe blood and regulating the' secretions. | who 1m ve already responded and thus I enabled us to inert oue of our large NEW- Fall and Winter Goods! FOE 1883-4. The ADVANCE Job department has I .u minimi; almost night and day during the past two months in order t . meet the demands of patrons for u*at Job printing promptly. As .) lu-kly as one batch of orders were tiili'd. another batch would be received; ... 1 so it has continued up to the present time. It is needless to say, liiat we are always prepared to do payments promptly. TtiE tiKiilSTRAkSIlIP OP PEEL Another newspaper man is in luck. Mr. Pick, ediUr of tho Peel Banner (Brarnpton) has been appointed of Ihe County of Peel by the Ontario Government. The appoint- ment is a good one. Mr. Dick thus rrtVrs to his appointment in the B<mner : Tue reader* of thj Banner ' an 1 the many other friun t< who haw manifeated ao much inlereat in the appoiutuietit of Mr Dick ai I BetfUtrar for the County, will tw pleaxxl to I learn that the appointuieut haa been made, and I that Mr Dick entered upon hla new dutiea (V. TV class of book ami job printing yeatrda>. It may he aaid with truthfuliieaa that no a|.|Hiintni..nt in Ihe county bai been 111 first class style, and at city prices ; the large patronage accorded us in the i i - is ample proof that our Work and are right and honest. Burklen '* Arnira Halve. TUE BEST SALVI iu the wnrld for Cut*, Bruises, Suva, I'lcen, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapjied Hands, Chilblains, Corns, and all Skill Eruptions, and poci- tivi-ly cures Piles, or in. pay required. It is guaranteed to give ].,-i i>-t satisfactioti, or money refunded. Pried 25 cents pw box. For sale by Richardson's. Xuticet nf Birtk$, Marriaget, and beatht -'.< eentt tacit. DIED. In Fleaherton. on the Mb of Jan.. IBM. Uabolla stiirtu'v. a^'il 77 yearn : native of County Down. Ireland. Widow of the dH-raMd Jauiua llriklow. We take the present opportunity of J^J^Jf thanking our patrons for die hearty 'ipport they have given u<. and trust hy fail , n marc dealing to merit a c j:itiuiiance of the same. mor nucuroly deeerved. or haa met with greater favour as tin. appomtuient will be received with Mr. Dick on all tide*, Irrespective of partiaa. haa received the warmeat cougratula Uona on hi. appointment. b. d*alree bar* to el It give* him to know on entering upon nil new ofloe that be does ao with thf good wlabea of thoa who have known him at leant publicly for the paM alxteen year*. whlU editor of thi* Journal. TliH II {.\l> DEATH. -Mr. Jouu Cameron, Reeve ef Ilill.iuU Township, was elected Warden of the County of Groy. at the - *->i'>n of the County Council held in ihven Sound li~' xv-. I;. Tin 1 newly iitcti-d Warden ou taking the chaii, i slid : Irnti'c yn. nt l.-ini-n. f,>r the I'.-Mior you have conteired upon me. I am avr.iro that it wa>< not because of lay ability to fullil tlir nffi.v, hut Iron', tlu l;ct of my h.-iii',' such an old in 'in'-iir of. Cosucil. I \villendeavor with your assistance mid support to d>all I cri p)-ittiv.'ly d i 1 1 carry ou t'n' b'iMne< for the present year, I -Yill do w!ut is just and fiir. Thank- in; V.M geutle'.a.Mi, fjr t!io honor t- 1 ifci-iv I i^u.i mj by tin present Council. ' Laavr* hat., tbvir time to fall ,r.J rt.iw*r to witliar at tha North windi breath, Ami -ti to avt .- but all. Tbufl bat all aaaaona fur thm own. O Dvatli 1 KKl.lclA HtMANK We arc called upon this week to chronicle the death of an esteemed neighbor and citizen oue whose cheerful deposition aud kindly spirit made her warm friends wherever she went. \Ve refer to the death of Mrs. Isabella Starkey, which sad event oc- 1 at the r<'-i'l< m-f of our much PRIVATE SALE OF FARM & FARM STOCK And Farm Im^Jfrnrtift. ALSO 50-U BE I UHI TO KIM. R. J, Sproule, FLESHERTON, Whilst tendering sincere thanks for the large putromiu'e received in tlie past, begs to announce the arrival of an IMMENSE STOCK of Fall and Winter Goods. Having entered the market and placed orderfe when prices vc- re ut their lowest point, 1 am now prepared to give the Very best value possibly to be got, to my patrons. My large stock of T~n,ili3M >I ant let* and <Joi*HetM . > immense, and for Quakty. Style, and Cheapness, far aiirpusses any shown in this part of the country. In order to be prepared for my large and steadily increasing business, 1 have placed large orders, thereby getting goods at t hv lowest possible price* ; and believing that it is mutually beneficial to work an much as possible on a Cash basis, thereby saving the purchaser the large additional |M Ui'.> that must be put on to cover loAses. I will sell goods at the closest possible price* to cask and prompt paying customers. N GROCERIES my stock is large and complete and of the choicest quality and will be ioll Frozen Grain Prices, which please note, 14 Lbx- Q'ood Preserving tiffined Sugar /or ....... 1-00- 6* Z-6.V. o'ootl Frettli ) 'uiuig Hyson Ti-a for ............ $!.()(). Another lot of tliattdtnonx ,ln fxtn J ra. H Ihx, forUOc. Another lot Lopg C/eur BomMu lincon- 1'Jkc- per lb Everything clue corresvovdingly Cheap. Bo:ts and Shoes for the Million ! DOWN, DOWN TO HOCK BOTTOM PRICKS. JUST RECEIVID: A CAR OF PRIME SALT i both in Ubls., aixi best Daisy Liwrpool Salt, for Butter, in bagr, HOKHEH KOB *AI.K 1 have one matched Team nf xood working hor- aen. and 1 y*uu Man. noud driver. To bu aold cheap for faah. F.UvM TO lF.Nf . I hav alto-acre firm to Iivui Tiiia Farm ia The Highest Market l'rir<' paid ui all timi-s fur all kinds of Funu Produce I mile fmm FlaahvrtoB, hai uood building, ou it in. if e-^. 11 ./ 11 i- j also lluttcr and Kggs. I^ A call is respectfully solicited. and la wail watvrad. KUIS1 CLASS 1--OK 8.VI.K JO .\cr; l-nii! I^-t So 171. Wat of Toronto A Sv Unl.aiu It. Ail. Townahlii of ; 3J ' R. J- SPROULE. - FLESH KRTOA'. The recent reduction of the Am- 1 1 -10:111 p wtage rate from three to two Im rsilti-l ia a very slight of the revenue derived from this s rinse. Tlio iiili returns from 1 Jll nf the principal pjst-oftices which u- iillv yii id half of tin; total revenue --for tint last three months of liu- \. ir IS-*.! show a decrease of only .lS:i.s.M, tin- total revenue from these iffi-.-i In-ill,- 8 1,*; .:i,7 -J. The falling o.i is only one and throe-tenths per ivnt.iii.stcad ol "the anticipated decrease >ifli\v per cunt. This is. of cjurse, liiglily gi-atifvi.i ,- t, the post-oll'ire :"i .ih. anl should eiu:ouragc tho ii ivi'i-iimenl to instituto a liinUaf rrt'inn. A twj-cont poatn^n wnnld be ^eiifriklly appi-caiatod by tii" public even if it caused a -i.-.'iit iliiuiuuii'j.i in the (ioxymincnt -,ur|ilu-t. Why should the Dominion )' '- il r.ite be ouc half a much again ct'eitiier IJritftin or the United States ? Cheap postage is the order of ;,.- .lav all over, and (Unada should onTucsiluy lust, the -JlUh ins:. Slu had bci n ailing for s mm time previous, so that IIIT diath was not ukot-i tin i uncxpecU'd. bht> du^l ut the riiic old U','eof 77 years, and was buriud in the Catholic ceinetiry. Township of tilen- elg. this ( Thursday i morning. IV ceased was bom in the Count \ Down. Ireland, and was throughout her long and eventful life, a siiu-i-n and devout number of the Homan Catholic church. Wo have also to reord the death of Mr. Jeremiah Allen, at Buffalo, a few days aj-o. His body was brought to Artemosia on Monday night, and Inn it d in the t'k-sherton Cemetery. II.' leaves two highly respected brothers, MeBsrs. James and John Allen, of this Township and other relatives to Uaoui-n his loss. _> m inilu- frulii tiic tt"Urlhllitl V illati.' ! and -'j nill<! from Kl. "burton station Tbvre ia no wm>te land oil till* Turin It in wt-11 fvucu.1. with tl'ioil HOIIMI. Hani, stahlo. Yonna On -hanl. and flrt la- \X . II On tlilH Kami cleared and free frosn ..tuimia and loiit.ii. Hi., l.alancu In har.l whl l.uh Then i 1. a*n.^ Betted d" ii, ami 7 acrm iu Fall \X'hat. I will Klve a Kool uhauoe on till* Kami KAKJI liirLK.MKNTS FOK HAI. I! For Hale at a llaiwaln. Double Harn... Slnulu arnuaa. \Vauion-. Sli-litli- H.-ntMir, Halkv Kali*. low -.. rt ii I a lrj--. nuinlr of utuur luiplumuut-. ror particular-. i'i'l> t > O. I . V, III I i Jan. II. Ml. FI.I Mrs. E. G. Trimble WM. ST'RAI ITS - FO R SPEIGHT WAQGONJS AttlUClLTlIUL - IMPLEM SEWIIUG MACHIItfBS Ac. |at * it.-*t^nT f.> iu (utun tu ii ifl tlmnl: hr nuu.r< li"iin*;f . and ho| rotain tin ir cimto DRESS-MAKING! \i <, . <V- FELT HATS!\ L>> r.l. Cluaiiad or Dona Ovur in any ahapo. .Lal.->t Kt>lca llajiaar I'att.-i n . I ir aaJo. ~~~ I * >vi--k itt ij.mi". #."> outnt (re. Payao- 1 - ;i '. : '. -..i.. N.. n-k fnpital not ra M" 1 ""' Hi-ili-r. if >'"iuHiit liu-ni.- at wlnrh p.-raonof i-ith.T w>n. younR ..r.ill. ran make Kruat |>i>v all tin- tun.- tli<-> work, with al~oluti- mrtaiiiiv. WTIID fur particu- lar* to II. HU.IXTT ft Co.. Portland, Maluu. TVotice. All parti.-* are cautionud again*t n<*Kotiatint; (. a n.itr .liajwn lit in.' Ill fav.ii 'il \\ilni"t(i l'i< k.-n d<r tin. mini of it i.|>. March Kth. li'i. an I liavo not ruci-irail vaJuv lor tin- aaun*. JUHTfS I'. Artemeaia. Jan. l.tli. ll i- >i> up t- . <t Ci with the procession. Ml. Hiiti-is. These Ara Solid Facts. The ln'.st hl.i.1,1 jiiiriliiT and system pnlatur ever [.laci-d within the reach I siitf< ring liiiiii:iuity, truly is Electric lunctivity uf tin- Liv.-r, Kil- Jituniiice, Constiriation, Wi-iik KiiliKVK. or nity diseuse nf the uriimry origan*, or whoeTer rciinircs in, aii[.i-ti7..T, tmiio or imM tiiiml;iiil, will always Klfi-trio Hitiem the lit't anil Only eerliiiii n ..... -dy known. They ael siin-ly iiii.l i|iiiekly. Kvery Imtlii' 'guar- anteed t.i -^ivrf i-ntirr witi.sf.ictii.n or minify rufiinilud. Sold V fifty cents a kottle by Riclmrdsuns. * J. W. BATES, Fur nil u n' lh'<tl<>r and Undertaker, FI.lislIERTON, .... ONT . ' Repairs kept constantly on Laud. Sewing machine oils in stock- i Also Stoves, &a, for sale. WM. STRAIN. - - FLESHERTON. ^^^aamasia^awawaia^^iavamBM^aMaa^awwwa^awamavaBa^avawawawaiaiaiaw^a^^awamwa^^HammBwaiaKi Wm. Clayton BOOT & SHOEMAKER ! Thankful for past favors, has always a stock of BOOTS & SHOES on hand to supply his cus- tomers with. CUSTOM WORK MADE TO ORDER ^Repairing Promptly Executed. j0 Durham St., - - - Flesherton. ihe Seed Bundle cantalni a of aach of the TIIE ,JM! ETS NEW SEEDS \ViuTTirs FK.WKBS KKVUL.-. M. drWMl, "f Forest, says that-Sn one year M family plirchM*a l.ftf Lottie, of ; _,.,,. c , llmun HK.xiird's Pfclnrnl Hntiam.f<ir llmir own w :uid ilr:i nf various ft; 'Uils. lie ' I this iiic.iliiulili. tliruat ami 1mm re- > .1y i>vtr ki.xtueii yc:uii, ai.^ itt salt are I'rivat.' Sales. FarnaStiK-k ami Impli-menta; by Mr. W. O..Duni:aii, Arti-incaia ; C4h or time on p|inivei| pajK-r. Suo a TORONTO MARKETS. r.n Wheat,. $1 ni to *i n.i Spring Wheat Hurley ('.its Farm, Kiirm Stock, Im|ilincnts- alao Farm t.) Ki nt, l,y Mr. D. L. White, Keannnalilu tenns. See advertisement in another colunui. 1 d.'i 52 M 72 Mutter .................. 22 '^7 o M) Pork ____ ................ 7 ."' Hay ....................... 7 00 <! ..................... CO Ducks .................. CO I'hiekciw ..... ...... . GO Flour I'ltinVlirut Spring Wheat 40 Hurley 35 < tilts o 20 Peas ii (in ttuttcr 17 ; ! Kgga, fresh 020 M i Potatoes H3 11 : j l Pork 7 00 [> J* Hay, per ton 7 50 1 Hides ft 00 3 Wool 17 ;!_ Sheepskins 50 " '> (lecHC 17 > Ducb, por brace 40 9 Chickeni, pcr-bract..., 39 i> 70 00 to 5 50 Crma-Brad Mediterranean Dk-l.i. . .-.,. |W| banliehi and moftt nro'ilk of Whcai;Cleve " land "Kural New Votkrr Pe. the 1 00 originator ptf which nays he woultl not ell . hi.Mn'kf.ii tiofx. liiuhcl; The "Rural" U o() Union OorA, *. yean atlection from ihr il or. kimU; ANewRrai.f great iiroiniie: Hor>fare's ;'_ Market Oardan Pea; Black Champion 05 Oata, M selection from main- forttKn vnrirtiea; O. ..The "Rural" Carden Treaaure, enough for a imall KArJta of the choicest Animal*, -f ^ie^ni*^ and Ferennialu ; TortfJItoet a ~ mixed packet of ail the new kin.l .. -M _____ 7 2.'. H W< 6,tt J .,n. I uui4l,d In Ihr Unilcd Sui lined, full ..K~| .udu^ uxlteiiad i. kl, A v . tl a h , i,,lv. ,. _i Ofl ._ v Th Rural New Vrlpr l.> the rnd of ii, 7"l Tha Waaklr Mailtoihem lof ,88, and The Ratal Seed Bundlr . 50 ALL FOR $2.75 . /J Arfdrm III idr> I , '.0 I M, MAIL, . " I Orfc. ll\ J Mlt a V a

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