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Flesherton Advance, 17 Jan 1884, p. 8

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\ Excelsior Carriage works It ov manufacturing Farm, Platform. Ludlnw Spring, and John$on Spring | WAGGOXS. Whtte, Dexter Queen, Phaeton and other kindi of BUGGIES and Farmeri 2 tented Carriugtt. Come and tee de*iyM and pricet. Repairing & Re-painting done tn jirtt-clau ityle. HORSE SHOEING a SPECIALTY Satitfaction Warranted. Heiherton, May 4th. 1882. F L 12 S H X! R T O SASH AND DOOR FICI'IHIV PLANING MILL r> WOEKS, WILSON i HcZECHNIE, - - Prourietors. Oar factory is now complete with all the latest, beat, and tnost improved , i.iclimrry necessary for turning oat everything in our various lines of busi- ness, and it will be in thorough running order in a few days. Contract*] for buildings in town or country taken at the most reasonable rates. Work will be guaranteed first-class in every particular, this depart- ment IK-IMS; under the immediate supervision of H. M. McKechnje. Sash and doors made to order on short notice. Scroll sawing will receive prompt and careful attention. Planing a specialty. In Carriage making our reputation .'or first-class work is too well known to need any further comment here. A large and excellent stock of carriages, Ac. for sale. Call at our show rooms and inspect them. Orders for any thing in this line will receive prompt attention and the fact that it is directly un- der the supervision of T. W. Wilson, is a sufficient guarantee that the work and material used will be first-class. A That. >>, What ( !< IVople Hay, and What i li .\ewK|>tt|4>r Hay. Eugenia. From our "ton Correspondent, 'The foregoing honld liar* appeared in our laat week') iuua. ED.] Christ mi times bai come again, bringing their unual quota of viiiton. What a " spicy " time to pet ! t several of our young friend* hav proven : *>ud of eunne the citizen* in general wish them all many years of happiur. and oceans of connubial felicity. New Years l>ay the time for tea meetings, sports, visiting, feastiu' 1 camo and went. The shooting match wag the main feature in the sports line her*. Lota of crack sliots on hand. Some fair wurc. done, bat rold was a little too keen for good work. Several of the Flesherton boys were out. and a lot of jolly, good-hearted fellows they were. Mr. Dick Herrn ot Maimell, w believe, made the best single rifle shot* of the day. But we fail to understand how it can be a " happy Mew Year " to those who mil ibe rial WITER. It seems the stuff fires tie jraiu. fires the blood, fires the tongnr, tires the tint, irri- tates the bump of CninbatiTeness, angers Destructiveness, bort8 Force into Oo- ativenesi, and ends in complete pugilism as urual with sore beads, black eyes, bloody nose, loss of teeth. Ac. Surely its a Happy New Year with a vng>-anee ! On the 2nd inst., Mr. John Llnton had a narrow escape from drowning. On going to the mill pond for a drink, he accidentally slipped off a board platform 00 to the ice> with one foot. The ice being thin just at that point gave way, precipitating him into the water. Fortunately a block of ioe sup- ported his arm and thus prevented nm from going under. However he reached the plat- form in safety, but do not know wut-tuer he forgot to take a drink or not. Jan. 2nd. A terrible snowstorm struck this place to-day. Jan. 3rd Still raging. Thermometer at aero. Jan. 4th. Bliixard still ou hand. Surely it mast be Wiggins' big storm ? Business suspended. DLA.Cli8MI r rHIINC* A.S USUAL. Soliciting public patronage of our business. and guaranteeing good work in every depart- WILSON & MACKECHNIE MONEY TO LOAN. North of Scotland Canadian Mortgage Co'y (Limited). Special :>t leiitn .11 U directed t.> the very advantageous and favorable * --rio* on which we lend money to Far-iers noil ntherx requiring funds to Lay Land, build Houses, Churclieii. and School, to purchase | Stock, or go to the North-WesL The system we lend on you will find and their trade now extends over the en ><y reading the following EXAMPLE : 7 per cent. ONE-HALF A MILLION DOLLARS FOK I'OHTAGE. Oeorge Stinson A Co. , the celebraUd Art PublinherH, nf Finland, Maine, undoubtedly pay more nsory for poctnge stami* than any other fefm in tl- werid; for the last five ) oars their poatagc bill has avt'ragoil over two thouMud dnllara per week, making a gram! agjjrcyate of over five hundr. 1 and twenty thonsand dollan; this ii nUiut three- hundredth frt of all (instant- of wtery description collected by tin- United Slaten ynvern- ment during that time, and in this conn- iction it must be Inirne in mind that the countrr now hm< over fifty million souls, and 50|000 post-office*. Hut the enonnoua sura paid for poUge represents enly I the cost of aending the li^ht packagua, letters and circulars, for large, heavy packages are aent by oxpresx and fruigKt. Mi n. tStiiwon t Co. publiali every di- $ axtnowed. repayable in 5 annual instalment*, simple iutereal, at jrearlv, the payments will be as follows : lit year, "iaUrest at 7 per cent, on $600 ...................... 13500 lasialment .................................... 10000 1135 00 Sad rear, iut*rt on 1400 I luitalueut . UK) IKI Srd year, intermt '* 1300 91 Instalmeut KM) INI 121 00 4th T**r, interest on 1400 .................................. I 14 00 Instalment .................................... 10000 - 114 00 tifc y*ar, interest on 1100 ........ .. ............. ........... t 700 Instalment ..................................... 10000 - 107 00 Total payment of ................................................. *no5 (K) *Th* borrower u uot obliKml to repay any part of prinrnpaJ br instalments, but can ar- -ij' to do -iif In' wishe*. las"Ixia completed in Ihe sbortMt pnflrfUl tinir. sad ehar- ri-luepil to the lowest possible figurr. tafThe )>orruwpr can alwavn have his pavmentK iier-in* 4ne at whtTer time f the year aulU him best. Wo charge NO FINKS. W. J. Bellamy, - - Flesherton. EXECUTORS' NOTICE I TO THi: rilF.nlTORS OF JAS. THOMPSON. Nntlae In hrebjr iriven that the creditor* of .' JIIM-- Thiini|iMin 1U- of the Towathlp of Arte- cfi*. lu the ( <Mmt> of drey. Fanner, wlio diofl .n r *f >*wt tin- 4Mi 'lay of April. A U. IHKI, at (be i't th. m*4 T<>w*lily of ArtemesU are, on or be- tomtlM TK.NTE Day of JANUARY irrt. to aend tnlthorf ta* widernlgndd Kx.v-n "' >t FUnhertou. tkeirCbrlitlaii amlSuruaniM i"MrcnHf< and cleiH-rivtionf, Ui full iiftrtirulitrn nf th'lr olaim*. * x&tuiiynt ! their a< -remit* ."n't I'M- DKturr "f thSr untie* I l(ny> liel.l liy ihm After tli* H*M F*urth *ny of January iiett the ald Kieruton xlll dlitrlbiUo the. a*wtn ' th* ai'l ,)>im Tkvui|M". animitiit the ]>nr- tlei enMsteil th*r*u>. having r-iiril only ta >urh . :mi a* tile Mtd P/T*cnU>ni *VII thea Jtavv "" : ;rr l,f. Thin iuttioc In Circa is purcvance *f i'btf. IT;. Hec ;w. It K. < lut.-l at n<nh*rtnn I In. lit* AY nf DTMIMI Ml NOTICE. \\ ll.l HM ill I.I. SOLD fur the u-.irklnc; els**. for |K.^ti;. and K.-uM will inaO ou pnai a royal, vsjualili- hoi of i (3'Ht.ln Us ut irtU put J-.i-.viiy if* mailing more money Is a few fimn yruev*r thouulit pemiiHle at My ' > |iital I "I enquired We will t*n you . on -.' all I1i t inn- i.r In i|! r. tlm* - n i ii u-nvi'msiily axlapted to both nly Ton Th _ _ _ .. yimliR U'l <4<t ^ mi. cat; e*>*llv earn from M emit* to *1> i vory AvenlnF That all who want work may tHn. i i.'iiii".M, -e make thin nnuarallolli d 0or 10*11 who r*M>t'Wll Mtinflnd w* w'll MW* *l 10 par for th* trout)}* of writ inn u> Full s*r- 11 -'ilar*.. dlrMtlonii.te Kent free. Fmtnnanwlll V< m<4 by those &> give their whole- tiw la t le wolfc. Oraat (wane** absolutely ure iwut nelay tttart now. Ati4s*M HTINHO* * Co , lv,rt- UnC Maine. p >Un,SUANT TO HKCTIOX 84 OF CHAP- ter 107, of the llcvined Statute* of th Province of Ontario, notice in herdy tfKen that all Creditors nd ntln-rs linvinp rliiiuiK afrainxt the eiitate of M1CIIAI.I, 111 HXS. ate of tiie Township of Onprry, In lln> County of Orcy, Fannnr, decflaned, who <!- iHit''il thin life on or about the twenty- mil tli ilay nf Annl la*t past, arc required to eiiil by pout, pre-pld. I>T to deliver to KKiiR.' MOIIERl.Y <C <1 \MiiS . of tlie Town of CollinRwiMiil, in the s*id Province, Snlii-i torn to the Eiecntorn. under the l.i-t Will anil Teitam<'nt nf tli' aiil drceawd. on OT before the Twenty-Third Dy f Jnu^ry. A. I). frtMl, a stHlciiH-iit of their namex nnd ilri'fsn- and the full jmrt1rnliir< of tli. ir claiinx and of the svetiiilies (if any) held by 'tii.miil tliat after the id date lut Hf.irr aiA tli said F.xeoutorn will proeer-d tn Hi*. triiinti' thr- axsc'tn of tli<- xniil ileceHKeH iininnp the fiortleii i-nlitli-il thereto. regard beiiiR hail i-l% tn Hi" I'liijiiH .if whlcb notice tin' lioi-n triv.ui Kl.ive required; and the tuiid Kr editors Mil not be Imblp for the xiti.l ii"-i is r aiy pt thereof to ny person or ppron f whose rt\bm* notice anall not have been eceitfA by the said Solicitors at the time of such dirtr rti Y\H T W1 U U I *fm, Me. Mi'l receive free, s 1 li.1 jUjTl-X tly ho of unodi A MI*V*W**Mtnok will help rout* more mon*v rig-fat away th*p nrthinR !" In tbl* world. All, W- *|th*r*x. lueoDed from flrnt aaiiofoitiiiMo|i*n*lHforf tho tbl . hour. Thk*ad w-ker*, t%nli .* t . auf usta, llssju Iltl this 2r,lilay of Nov., 1888. JOB* DfltCAV. I KiKcntorsofsaid ANDRBW McCtlRB. ] MICHAIL Brass. .O. BOAR FOR SERVICE. A CWter Whj* BA*X It* Service Lfcafe MUla. tire world, vis an illustration . .f the fact that their trade reaches the ftirthemost parlH of the varth, the following may be interesting: A short time since an order for an assortment of over three thousand ge and exjieiiKive pictures was receiv- ed fnmi Tasmania, away down under the South Pole. Not many years ago Tasmania was pi-iial colony of England, and its population waa entirely sT con- victs and tlu-ir keepers. Since the removal of the convictH, it haa become a thrifty coluny; thia place is soremote, that three months are required for answer to a let. ter. Tons of pictures arc sent to South America by Messr*. Stinson ft Co., and West Africa sends to Portland for works of art ; they have trade in every quarter nf tne globe whore civilisation has gained a foothold, commencing at the bottom, they have worked their way up to the top, Ktep by -i.-i . and thereby, added to tin- greatest |m*h and enterprise, they have tbntanliil, practical experience that is always neociwary to the best resnlta, in all thing*. They carry in stock null ions of picture", and are at a moments notice ready to fill n five cent order, or one tor thousands of dollarp; they employ some five hundred artists, clerks, and workmen ; tlu-ir machinery and appoint- ment* are on a nmgmticent scale, and a trade of ten tlnnisund dollars n ili.y, on an dvcraKi', \* required to keep them IIIIIMII^ in lull I. last. Tin ir assortment of tteul plittfH is especially fine, and ranks very high in artintic merit ; many tliou Handh of dollars air often spent on it single plat. . Tin y appreciate the value i>( pnnter'r ink, and know bow to use it to i i.i In -i iiilvaiilage ; therefore they nil vi-rtihf Ian." ly and iilxrally in the newa- |ia|.i r ii-w|i<iper advcrtimug waa an tinpinlftiit tactnr in laving th sound d, uniliitiiii.- nf their great KUccesx, and without it, they state that it would have brin uiti-rlv impossii.U 1 fur them to have rcacln il tlu j ir prenrnt poKition. Stinson ( t'n. arc a striking illiftrutinn of whnt can IK- Hr<-oin|ilisbp(l by cneri; industry, and ynod jiuiginent. There is "room ut the tup"- -all honor to tlios<- who light tlii-n way up; This Knn believes in . -an. I. ml goods uii'l low pr;ccs, and on |niiiri, i. their business is oonUiiet- ed. An., n. n homes should In- insxle beautiful liy rnlincd and mtritonous works of art ; nomii! bn any excuse for not adding to tl.uir homox the charms of picture*, lor line works of high art are within .In- reach ol all. Aytr's Hair Vigor improves the heauty of the hair and promotes its growth. It i MI [..-I MN an attractive appearance, a deliglitfnl and lasting perfume. While it atuuulat. a tin- roota, cleanses the acs>lp, and adds elegance to luxuriance, ita effects are endurii g and it proves itaclf to be the bant an I .-h- apst ariicle for toilet SCROFULA *uU nil M/ofulou* diM>H>, Sore*. Kryilpe- I .- I n.-m.i. IlluK hi . llliiKWOl III, lu- ....... Carbuncle*, Boll*. <"l Eruption* of the Skin, aro the direct r**t of an impure ttale of the blood. T.I cure them diMaae* the blood miut be pundeil, and restored to a healthy and iia- twmloondltlon. AVER'S SAHAPAHILLA hua for oer forty yean len recugulieil by emi- nent medical authorities at the matt pow- erful bkl furider In exltnc. It fm UM iviteiu from all foul bunion, eurtclie il irentitWm the blood, remove* all trace* of mercurial treatment, nail prove* it-it o>ni|>lftr nuwter of all cr>.f ul.iun tltieue*. A Keccit* fun of (M-rofulou* bore*. "Some iniwtlin > I was triml.le.1 nlt n-r.ifiil.iiu i*re (ulr> on my legt, 'J|je limb* writ badly nwolleu nnd niflmm .1. nisi tli.- ton* dl*chari;e4 lar|i .)"'"" of (.rliiiwive matter. Kvery reumly I irieil fnlleil, unlli 1 uws.1 A Vila's KAUAI-AHILLA, of Inch I have now tnkrn Ihrru beUMa with the mult that the tore* are htalrd, i. I my geueral hrallU grratly liuuroiW. I !<! \rr> cruiiliil for the good your iii04iclii ha* oin- me. Yiir r.-|.. . KM !> , MR ANN O'BniAK." 1 i- .-.iiiian St., N- York, .i"i.- -I. 1MB. ff All prraon* InUrritrd an- Invlteit to iMlliHi Mr*. 0-KriMii. Hi... ii|.iin I liw II. > -1. f. Wild* of 7H Kant .Mill M i. . i . New Vork City, who will t*a- pleaiuni In I. -i if> IIIK to the i.nili. rfnl i-nii . i of A > r' tterMparllla, not ol> In the run. f till* laxly, but In lit* ii ' ami many ether* within hi* knowledge. The well-known irrtlrr on / Itotlini llcrnlJ, B. W. BALL, of JtaclHttrr, A-Jf, write*. J uue 7, IM2: " Having nuffi-red neverrly for nme rear* with Kc/.-iim. an.l ha\iiv L.U'd to lind relief lr.Hi|.ilh.-r i. 1 lime liiiulr I*H-. ilurillg tin- part three ninnllm. ..f A> rii'n HARAI-A- llll.l.t. which ha rnVrlMl mmmlilr i-itrr. 1 ennmdrr it a uiagiitticeut rvinew) for all blood di*ea***." Ayer'sSarsaparilla limolate* and regulates tli action of the digestive and aulmilatlTe organi, renew* ami itrenftWiii the vital force*, and ipee>lily rare* RheiiaaatUm, Neuralgia. Itliruiim- tlr i. CMtarrh, General Uebllilv. and all disuse* a/1iug from an m |*n<-i lil or .-.irruplwl condltiim ol tbc blood, and a eak- vued vitality. It U iuconipankly (lie cheapen blood medi- cine, on account of III concentrated itnaf th, and gnwt power over dine***. lit RT Dr. J.C.Ayeri Co., Lowell, MM. old by all LtruggUU: price 11, tix bottle* for |1. EUGENIA Grist Mill, y ui iith 11. HavinR Mite rxUiiMv* iinprovstceuts In my CiriM kill, I in amfident I CUD gin- gooH satutaetion. CHOPPING DONE ANY DAY. Good Flour always on bud. Custom Sawing, nd BilU tillrtl on tho *hort. st notice. Lum- ber and Lath iilwiOMin iiand. WANTED : Cherry, Butternut, White AJi. Bli>:k Ash, Basswuod, Vine and Hemlock Log* wanted. AI. AKITT, EUGKHIA 1 May HI. 1H88. Burdock BLOOD WILL. CURE OR RELIEVE BILIOUSNESS, DIZZINESS, DYSPEPSIA, DROPSY. I H DIGEST I OH, FLUTTERING JAUNDICE, t \ OF THE HEART. fRYSfPELAS, MIDITT OF SALT RHEUM, | THE STOKACH. HHKTBUHN, DKYNESS HEADACHE, OF THE SKIN. And every *pecl*s of dl**M arl*ln*- from liorderd LIVER. KIDNEYS. STOMACH. BOWELS OR BLOOD, T. I1LBURN & 10., "Hello, Pat ! where are you going to tins tin. morning ? " " Och, now Pliil ine b'bye is tlmt M mi s-lf : sure yi r not afther callin this a t. ui ii- in. iniin ? " " Wby to be mire it a fine niorniii)/ good sleighiiiK, and uot a breath of air why what tinder tin 1 HUH would you call it, if not a fine morning ? " " Sim- thin, it may be a fine mom in ; but be UK.- same token its a ni'ii^hty oowld one til my way or thinkin." " Well, it M cold, but where nnder the sun are you going to in sncli a hurry nobody sick at home, I hope ?" " No ; there's nobody sick, except Mike's got tho hoopin cough, and liiddy's got the roomatz, an' Patsy cut his fut wid a broadaxe, an' " " Christopher Columbus I I slumld say you'll be going into the hospital bimincBs if things keep on like that. I'.MI , by the way, you didn't tell me where you were going ?" " Och, now, where shnd Ibrpoin, but til TOMMT DUNCAN'S tin tailors beyant til get meself a new sluiii- av clothes for the cowld wcaUicr." " Why, 1'at, that's just wlut* I am going ; we'll keep each other company." " An faix, Phil me jewel, ye couldn't get yer clothes made by a better man than that saiut> Tommy Duncan. An he'n Rich an obligin chap that ye cuddint butloike him." REMOVAL! j i ()n and after Saturday nxt, December :, IHKt, MISS G. A. N. PAGE, . I . M I OF OWCK HoCNIi) will be found in Mr- Ilulmer'* lioji. nearly opposite Mr. M. Riohardaon'sirnn- cral store, FlpRlierton, where ahe wil) be prepared na usual to DO OVER aud MAKE l"P LADIES' and GE.NTLEMEN'H FELT, STRAW, BEAVER <t- CAMEL'S HAIR HATS, and make EQUAL TO NEW. The public are reapeetfully inrited to i;i\ i- her a trial. Good work gnaranteed at nasonahle pi-ices. MISS G. A. X. PAGE. I Pleeherton, K* 1'Jth. 1863. YELLOW OIL CUREb RHEUMATISM FREEMAN'S WORM J POWDERS. AraplsataDttotak*. Cootaia tb*4r own Port tiT ! a sals, swe, and /rrr u ' * -V

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