^^^^^^^^f^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^w^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^M^^^^^^^^^^M^^^ A Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all ! Do you see the boy and pig- ? Yes, but why does t he boy and pig run so fast 9 The pig runsnot the boy, Yes, but why do they go so fast 9 Oh, the boy is in a hurry to have his picture taken at BULMEK'S Photograpn Gallery, Flesherton. Photo and &li kinds of Picture Framing* promptly attended to. JAS. BUL.MBR, - - - THE PEOPLE'S PHOTOGBAPHER l I * . Local and Other Mews. grand Orange 1 Mr*. MIM the Town Hall, ent. Milk Mr. Clayton, our popular Boot and Mhoe maker, always "!iaa a flrv atock >f ' all kind* ft Boot* t Shoe* ; i*l consider- ing tlu- excellent quality of thfe material used in them, hia price* are exceedingly O.UN-.I - i-.f A Soiree will be held in Klesherton. under the auspice* of the Fli-sherti.il L. (). fej., on the evening of and Master Smith wa* excell- Pedlar, Mia* Hattiu Smith, Mi-Mrs. T. Hawkini, R. Porteua, R. Meldruni nid other* gave recitation* and readings, and Rev. Mr. U randy a iplen- did address. In consequence of many Mnl instrumental muiic, and addressee | Dot getting there who intended to have been, it haft been resolved to hold a social on Friday (to-morrow) evening friends in 'dprey will pleate b*-r in mind that Mr. Wm. H. I" 'ili | net rupruicnU eon* of the boat farming implement* manufactured, and it will {iay tlraiu to MO him before ordering elsewhere. EXACTLY. - What about the Cotitfty of ;r.-\ PublUhen' Aaeoektion f What ay the papers that have not y!t ei- l-reaaf d an <>iUiii.>ii concerning too mat- ter T Are y4i for or against the fonua- n 'ii of such an association, gentlemen? Our reader* will plostae bear in mind that Mi-sura. Stnun A Ryder an pre- |>ared to take contract* for all kind* of tone and brick work for the ee*on of 1**4. They have, we believe, aecured aeveral contract* already. They art both g<M>d practical workmen. A Suooaaa, The tea-meeting held in the Orange Hall, Kimberley, on New Year'* day, wai a great locccaa. There waa'a very'farge turnout, khe hall being packed U>'Vrfc*i and the affair paaaed off very 'fleaaantly in every *wy. The receipt* were *%ry amtiaraetOry. ' < !.- r* < w i!nv. flu arid 'kern tit* ide walka in front f your reipectire dwell- 'ing-aoiue* and buiinee* itand* clear of mow. Mr. John Oiborne, and MVeral other* of our citiaen* have observed thi* injunction t. . the letter ; but what ahall we aay of *uch lazy dog* a* the Editor >-f the AIIVAMII and Mr. Sept. Good 7 WARMINO. -The pononi who penut in '-keofwg up an inco**ant chattering during ilivine service, in the Mthodi*t Church here, may not ibe *MM that their action. Jbitv > en. 4Ua*rveW by thoavtlio will nui aarttple te x*ke an exavple of '!i. MI sh"ull,-liiy cuemnue tau ( p*actice. However, aoh w reeiivithe Uklr'x \I.MMI r. IK I'M Tlir beat ^vi-r iaiucd by the enterprtiing publisher*. liTuaiatably funny ; clevvr article*, liuniiiroua article*, good article*. Car t >.<ni i nun n w. The Alnuuiac i* inter- eating from cover to cover advertiau- incnta and vver)'thing el*e. Sold at tin- low price >! 25 cent* per copy. Order now. Nsw BAKN. Mr. John Whitten ha* just completed taking out the limber for a tine ham which i* to be erected on Uiu i n 1.1 of Mr. R. D. Akitt, Artemeaia. Mr. Whitten ha* the auttract for the t-ruction of the barn. Mr. Akitt pur- I...HH building a goixl itone foundation .inUTiieatli the liuilding, which will be a* {i vat improvement. Tu-Mitrrmo. - The annual tea-meet- ingof theMethodUtOburch, Kuxmia. will lie held in that place on Thursday, Jan. -'4th, t8M. Tua served in tlm old achiNil- liuuf* (mm 6 to 7 and Iiutriimcntal <i-'d programme. < !i ililrun 15 cunu lan. o'clock p. v. Vocal Muaic and Speeche*. Admia*ion '.'.'' cent*, See bill* tfor particu- Km lay, lat A good program - *tne, coniistift'g <>f choice (election, in vocal by several eloquent gentlemen, i* being prepared for 'the occasion. Tea served at 7 o'clock. Admission 26 cent*. Seebilla. R. TRJMBL* beg* to announce th* ar- rival of the folk^wini^ good* ifftv in tock : >* kega of S .. 1 Trout 100 Barreb of Km. Salt. 1000 Lb*. uf Dried Apple*. (1000 Lba. of Long Clear Baown 2000 I.U of Outmtal. 20 lUrrvl* of No. 1 Coal Oil . Bnng along your can* and get 6 gallon* Onal n,i for 91.00 ; all other good* at bottom price* for caah. Wanted, a quantity of droned Hog* for whkh the highe* market price will be paid. 3w. when a large nuniKr i* expected. programme will be lint- rate. Tea be (erred at 7 o'clock. TW will Important. Popularity at hmne i* not always the beat teat of merit, but W. J. McKar- land can proudly point t the fact that hi* Pure Japan Tea ha* won for itcelf the approbation of hundred* of tea drinker* all over the country. TRUTHFULNESS ! Courtesy, Xea/.rd Road. From our Corretpondent. Woeley, younge*t K>n of Mr. T. KelU, while l<dmg a revolver, met with what ARTBMniA DnmuiT OBAJIOI LODOE m iht have been a wriou* accident by the was held in tkeir Town 1K11 on Tuesday, i cartridge bunting and lodging theshell in 8th in.t., for the election of officer*, Ac. hi. face. Dr. Sproule wa* aent Election of officer* a* foflbws : Bro. J. Brodie, re-elecKd D. M. Wm Rutludge, D. *D. M. Rev. T. McGregor, D. Chap. Mia*. H. Bradie, ha* been confined to IheV- bed for some time pait witli In flan i Imatory Kbeuin*Wim, she i* alao recover- PV T H. Firth, reflected. aceL 'D. 8 Jr. BoUnd, D. F. 8. ? J. Elliott, re-elected, 'D. It J. 'Blakeley, re-etocied, T>. D. of C. for and successfully removed the ahull from hi* cheek. He is around again. Mr. T. Gilbert ha* been very ill for some time pa*t. He i* on th* way of re- **. Mia*. All Goods -Gold, Silver, Rolled Plate, or Gilded, sold for just what they are in Material and Fineness of Quality. TboM wko with a aie* nrUtjr Melot from ol 'J.V.::::, Clock:, !:;::, and Jew?lry, H~i.ii-. a VEBY FINE STOCK of Electro Silver Plate Ware I Will find It to tli rir Inspect My Stock! AM) GET MY 1'BICES Before Purchasing Else- where. ~ t aik for a tharv of Public Fttroaw on th< bull of HUNKHT DKALINti FLESHERTON Jewelery STORE. J. B. TRIMBLE, *K.41.Kli IS Wm. Wright, D. L E. BrodM, Deputy Lecturer. T. H. FIRTH, Dutrict Secretary. Wrd.llna Itrllv A very plraaant and int*re*ting aflair oocurred at Kimberley on Monday lait, the 14th nut , whereby two loring heart* continued itormy 'weather ha* made the road* almost imiiassalde. Wealey Church Sabbath School Anni- versary wa* held here on Tuesday evening last. The building wa* filled with people, and the programme wa* well carried nut. Proceed* about $40. Pl Railway, He I Ti> the Editor <>/ Tkt Aiimtiff. Sir, lu . recent iaine of Hi noticed the subject of Kailwi In .ll H, .(dm* Alwajw kept. All WaAcii work BY and WarradBNL BROWN. lYIarkdale. army of mar no, Markdale papi-r also upraks out at some ' were iii*li- one, and another happy man added to the noble bonedicta. we mean. The event referred , -eogth. Well, Sir, if there Is any (how of a to wa* the marriage of Mr. W. H . railwaj running from Durham via Kleiner- I'M bex GORDON'S HARNESS SHOP .aivl wa* Thurt*,- formerly .KdiU.r priet..r,<.Kh:Owri Sotind now of Tonmi-to Mu. Kate O . udin , i of Kimberlev. The knot wa, .killfully! _. ' and gracefully tied by the Rev. Tho*. i Urandy, at the residence mother. tn. throofhEageoia, and on ! point 00 tht< """' > "" '* Tumpet tone. bpd th- O. r ' "7 "!'.' snme tine tbmuH in favor (if that villac>-. in <pemkinf of ,,, pro j ,.,,,,., railway ; H uf the bride'* ' iayt nilhiuK about the rvntral (") location All unite in wiahing the newly ' M"kd*Je for a County town. N . MarkilaJt- h quit* Rood runu^b railway uiarnetl pair much happmesM. Thai Hor*r Dral. Mr. * Juitun P. Sherwood, a hard- w<irking, industrious and honeat Art. facilitim ; and aa to it* ci-iitral locali. n l..r County town, .to., why Kugenia, poMetws much t-tvsU" advantage*, a. any uur .-an ee at a glance. But, coming back to rail- wav* ; did our railway niagnat** bat kn..w tbe inducement* EuKruln can bold nut, uo 1 FLESHEKTOX Watches. Clocks. Jewelry, Spectacles, Violins, fc. No Bogus Discounts I or other Clap-Trap Induce ments offered, but ftfll you. Goods as low an they can '^ be u'iik Repairing specialty- Mi Work Guaranteed- I^lesher-ton. Meat Market. SEPT. UOOD. . Paormnroi Cash paid for fat Cattle an J I'ri -h Mi-ats coimtaiitly on band foi Cash. Orders promptly tilU.l. rneiia farmer, ha. an adYertitc-mont in ' '" "K woald mi., luiiiuug hi. ruad through tliv place. Lvt tb railway com* tin. i**ue of the ADVAMCB, oautioning the ,| t |,.r f r ,, m n,,. sonth, KH.I.T \\ni. It I* public againct nc|(otiatirtg for a note ' nonnens* to ay tbc road tuniuil be hunt I drawn in favor of Mr. a note '. n Wilni.it U Pickell, llo T nthri " 1 K b V* V llev The writer ill t iiuiifrtaLc t>- pilot a paity of enjrlnsen down by hiin, for the aum of fifty dollar*, dueif roln EURMU* to KinibVrlry, so that they March Ath 1886. Mr. Sherwood* 'would fin I an easier i[r.l' , with less entfiii- r,*.t, fc.r adv,.rt..in this note will be """ JimcnUl.a. upll .ill. more ^ i 'rMioioK v;**aud li.vrle- sc'i cry than that gathered from the following :- A ahort O f n le f r (mui-d Credit ValU-y Railway. The time *> he l Mr. Sherwood) purchased a '" fr-dit Fork.." as a summer n-. u ..[ wid*' ho, fr,,,,, Mr VM for the .urn ^^^,'^^ ^"j^K fifty dollar*, givini< his note for that |, ft v mi'Uiituius, its pure water. it trout' amount. Mr. Sherwuud wa* given to'ii-lnn*. it" building Btoue and freestone: quarries, Ai 1 ., Milks iutu tin- i-lmdi* it c mi pure.! with FLESHERTON. MARBLE WORKS ! E. VANZANT, uutioraUnd that he waa gi-tting good value for his money. Ho was told the horse could uai hay well enough to work upon -that, in (fact he had fed -linn on of thoK* mi-nil.. ned and ullii'r attraction* that Kiu 1 ma |).- -.- Why, voiuparativi'ly (.- know that ' iiiitarin ban MI. li a R. II. t-IJ.irado. Snob a 1 SnrntoRa as thin shonM nut ionn rvmain 01 rruker* fell POETRY. A lot of poetry about the 'Kimberley girls" just received. W.- 1 v(ive two line*, a* sample, und if i i-iiuisiiu .n i* got up and signetl by about 500 of ottr reader*, w* may puhlinh the rust in a year or twv Here are the .lines: All hail to Kimbe/ley Und of the sweet? Land of the beautiful Und of big feet : : nothing but hay all ' winter. Mr Kher-,i n e shades of obso*rit^ wood took the hone away, but -abort ly afterwanU brought him tvu-k, .ill.-"in that Mr. Picked had miiAnformed him ."inu-riiiiii; it. Mr. I'n k. II then acknow- ledgeil that the borne had other up *y wi- will never Have a railway bore. in. think* 1 bur ' wtiv not through the lovi-ly, fprtile Ueavor \ nil. \ r.'iiMi'K troni On r.iiycu'u falls, uniriuuinii- from tli i evur fiuliiig pcwer-iitlvriiiy H^ri-itin, eracklmi; from tliemarbl. [nundt-d |>i.-i-4>ice, r. Ilinii up i nt of 11 ir |>r<--|n i-tiv.- luinPk, in -r. niij; R..11I) from the uingaiDwiit ALL MM - ,. Me Siirh as MonumenU, Tomb Table*, Counter and Table TOJI* in Ain< nca ainl Italian Marble and Uranitr, and nuJc .x liort notice. Also JsUuik'H in MarUo Miirlili'i/.i J SlaU'. At., Ac. ri.-li.-tf.il i. \u_- 30, -i>i-riu|; t.loi | besides buy, but refnsrd to give up the r note. Mr. Sherwuud then left the huno ' 'on si., ulioinf iaugbin^lv I..-L from Art* Mid went away. '.Several ,.rti. wte^^^J^g,? 1 ^ H ^ Ug have soon thu In .UK- referred to, aay he' Tai look thronKh our fniiioiu Caledon is not worth f(V inrlivd one went so far | "" tl "' *' v - " Tiuuk what ^..uld t.l { . ., ., Aln 'devolitt valley have bei-ii. what rational laan a* to *ay h<- wa* not worth mon- than f 10. , v((ll |,| ^ HVO N ",j,| t| lt>r( . ,] | i^,, ^iy u itraot He this a* it may, Mr. Sherw.Hid states ion iu ilnmo frliiddin_; cia^uetl mountain > miwt pntphatirnlly thnt th<> horse was Det' 1 ***** ; 1 " 1 - r< l ""* wl " a "" '>' l "' utiful WILLIAM HOGG, FLESHEETON STATION. l.fil'iH-if nlly aunoanoes that be ha* received a Large Supply of \ew AUCTION SALE. Farm Stock 4kinl Implement*. By _; -uliln- auction, aa Lot 7, Con. 5, Arte- i Hi-mil Township^, on Thunday.'.Tan. '24th, < oiniiii-iioing tf i'i o'clock noon, sharp. Withoat re**fye. 12 months credjit on .ill sum* orar |6. John M.- 1. <..*,_ pro- prietor ; Doasaid MoCormick,uctiaieer. *** pill* for oarticalan. what Mr. 1'ickell i r|nrH-i.til him to be, and there the matter rot for the i>re*ent. Trn-Hrrtlnii. nj...K'tiii'.' wiut lu'ld on \Vt-.l in-B.l.-i\ i-^i-niiik lust w-i-k. It having j^,,, p |i n . w |,,. ri , they ca-j, ljv bapplly and ; nowed i>l Htorinrcl for nearly t'-ntv In-nply, away from city b.tl and exorbi I tli. uld IIIIM- > the brat advantage, i be sold cheap for Cash ..r Country rVoduf*. Tl;e MW arrival* are Kit uiv a*d varied In Wiind H niKiiway i i, . i^uii.-u ; what mtttli>i> uf wi-ultli are lirinn .juarrird (rmo tl- n lulling i ! i> ^s and M nt V> dec.irat* and up the tfr.itl ritu H .! ID- continent. . tin. fuct.iriea along tV **}', turning . , jot *Jso- full supply of Hnrdwarr. Crurrrlr. Prw^lsjouv. Crocker). i f .).. ti'.n of Hi.- Mtork invited. , Winter &c., <Scc., &c. IB- four hum BO full n* it w< li-i n very |>li-iiniiiit n< ing^waa *|ent. Thu u, pied IhvA'liuji, Tl'V "'' > . l.invli wot ma Wn, n. .iitli. ..nl'H) e^en- l> lit OCl 'I- n t 1fJT(^ at & u (r With \rTJt<L'a-nt4,tll,, !,./ YL.f fceptfitlly supplied od* nae I wu uj.-r >vU this here ' in Kugrnia. U'oiu* ' and see i|) we osiiiiot prove what we aa^t to be the I j offer po B 8ALE . TO LIT. my SAW MILL tt I.ilti, Fall, , ***. U nVr 8 n ^rutb. the whole truth, and iMtbmg but U hexj of water ; all in good order, with about m aro. of Tmilxr Land on which the HST1 1*. PTC .io*'J. There are also several c&n UouJ-lliU Sit*s on tb vr..j*rty. Ukerkl Tmaa. jr.l.W ' on tiilinr purchssi' or leas* to a cnsMHiteBt Lau. tt'M UOQO r 'iiatiikist I JsV '/WtiL IMSA. ^na******'^ ' V * 1 ' A> > rie*berko HlaUoo, 1*1 Nov.. IbKt