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Flesherton Advance, 20 Dec 1883, p. 1

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Flesherton Advance. "TRUTH BEFORE FAVOR"-"PRINCIPLES, NOT MEN." VOL. III., NO. 131. FLESHERTON, ONTARIO, DECEMBER 20, 1883. SINGLE COPIES, 5 CENTS EACH. THE ADVANCE. The leading Local and Family Newspaper in this section of the County of Grey, is published Every Thursday, From the Office, Collingwood St, -- Flesherton, ONT. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION: $1.00 per annum in advance; $1.25 if not paid at the end of six months and $1.50 if not paid at the end of one year. ADVERTISING RATES, &c. Casual advertisements, - 8 cents per line for the first insertion, and 3 cents per line for each subsequent insertion. This arrangement to be confined to the ordinary business of parties advertising. Transient advertisements to be paid for when ordered. Advertisements without special directions will be inserted until forbid and charged accordingly. Liberal inducements to regular advertiseres. Rates on application. Notices in the news columns intended to benefit any individual or society, will be inserted at 8 cents per line each insertion. No paper or advertisement will be discontinued until all arrearages are paid up, unless at the option of the publisher. To ensure insertion in current issue, copy for advertisements should reach our office not later than noon on Wednesday. A.R. FAWCETT, Publisher & Proprietor Al.\l.ill !MN, KAI.-S r\iat *UtitiiDwnla, 8 e*nt >per line j for Ural tnsrttion, ssid K oruta pet line far arli aiintequeul insoftioa. Thia aprani;i inrnt to be confined to the or- dinarr l.uMmm *t p*ri> a.l\t rtinnr Transient aih-rrtia iiici,Ui lo b jiaiJ for i wlifM i>r<r M-il. Aifrrrltaerni'iiv witbniit special iHrwtions will be iaaerted Until forbiil ami barged Liberal in lrvrnrtiU to rrgalar advertisers. Katet on f iiplV-atioti. NK.CCK iii tlir news coluraS)* intended to beutfflt any iuaiviilnal or sticietT. will be in- ! htrti .1 at H rents per line each inarrtion. NrtTap'r or advertiiwinfiil will 1* ilinoon- tinncd until all arrearages are paid np, unless at tin' option of tin- publisher. |y To emure insertion in eartent issnr. . cony fur acUprtiaeinenli MhmiM t< ach ourj uffictnt later tbsu noon nn Wefcu-sday. A. B. FAWrr.TT. Vubliaher & Ihoprietor JOB PRINTING in every style of the art, promptly, neatly and cheaply executed. Orders by mail will receive our prompt and careful attention. Terms, Cash on receipt of copy: 2 per cent. per month when not paid. Advance Job Department. iuvsrytvle of tbi art. pn-miillr. iifittly,| and ebesply eK.cuttd. Order* kv mail will reesivs our prompt auil f artful atten- tiou. Turnis. Caah on n<t If t of c-"V.v : * p*r cent, per uioutli wbi-u IK* so paid. j 9 Jvb Department. A.O.U.W. Flesherton Lodge No. 142, meet in their Lodge Room in M. Richardson's new block on the 1st and 3rd Mondays in each month at 7:30 p.m. sharp. S. DAMUDE, M.W. M.P. McMASTER, Recorder DUFFERIN LODGE NO.186 I.O.O.F. FLESHERTON Meets every Tuesday Evening at 8 o'clock Lodge Room, Strain's block, Toronto street Degree Lodge, 1st Tuesday in each month. Visiting brethren cordially invited. A.S. Vandusen, N.G. Jos. Blackburn, R.S. Flesherton MONTHLY CATTLE FAIR The next fair will take place on MONDAY, DEC 10th, 1883. Jan1-lypd. Business Cards yieherton I,.idge N<i. 11-'. tueet in their I<ed(e ttooiu iu M. Uicbardtoo new block, on Id* Itt mni 8rd Muudaj't iu *acli uiuiitb, ! at 7..i" p.m. ibarp. R. i . M.W. XI. P. McMuiTEk. Hecoroer. Column 2 Vegetable Sicilian HAIR EENEWER wu tlic flnt preparation |>crfcct!y mtupint to eurx Jui-.u.ii of Un KH||>, nn-l Ilic Ami mo- cvulul restorer of fiulud or yri*) hair to iu i-ituraJ color, growta, ttinl > uihf-il Uauty. It luu h:ul uuiii) tiuiuilort, but ti4* liuvr M> fully nitan ihe rciiiiirfiiiciili nvt-dful fur Hie prnpcr IreatniBiii of Un ami ial|i. ll.ii. I.'* HAIR Itt.NKwrr. b nimlili cnmii tnfafur, au>i |<reiul iu l.m.r il wlulutw to erry ijuurtur of llu f'"\*: lli u|*rl- Icled auci'i-Mi oui be allnbutcil tu 1 ut one cuuae. tltctut Tie pni;>ritnr bare often brrn lurprisrd at ilio rcei|ii uf nnlcra (nun i.muif f.on-, wlit-ru iliuy had uvtcr itAtiuau ctlorlior iu liitrotlucliou. Tlir ne fnr u ulinrt lltnr of llti.l.'a ItAlk I!i M:\VKR t, I. rfully lm|ir>ir<i the |*r- aonal np}nntncr. H'-l- m>-.n tlirii-al|ifrom all ltn|iur)iltM t rnrM all limno:*, (rver, an4 .:.!... nti. I tlini prcvruu llilu<- It miniuint'^i tin; w*akcntit >-l,,i il ainl rimbKa llii*iii tn |nili |iranl a nt jiii.l n^eror^ yrnwth. Itie elfcrti nf Hi - atirl are i t ii n.-li'iit. like thoM of iili-nli"i . tiiiiin.bilt rt-imln a loee t mr, l,lcb Iu ILMI a luatK-r uf econeui). BUCKINGHAM'S DYE rou i n WHISKERS Will flmii tlic I *r-l H> a t mural l.mwn. or Mftrh, ii)e5iird. It pmlurcm |K-riuMii*-iit f<)'T tliAt will IH>| iull .t^my. < >niilin;' t M hi|[l0 yrvftarailon, U I ritti'.\nr.i> nr CORRESPONDENCE. [7V Rdilur duet *vt ntrrttn riij/ erviortt (A n/ii itiM.< rjcjirtmii by KuU by all loalcn In I 3DUFFERIN LODGE NQ. 186 I.O.O.P.. FLKSHEBTON. Mtfit vrv Toecdav RrtninR at H o'clock Lrtc lUom, Strain' 1 ! lilovk, Turonto ttrwi Betireo Ixi.lms l>t Tnetday in i-arli niiiutli. VuitiuR brethrau r..r.lmil> iurited. A.B.VanQin. S.O. JIM. lilaokbarn TOE ALL TEE IORKB or rtcrf)ilii. M.-rmrlnJ. nivil Bloori Iintil i-. Ihe \*-+l r*m !. **; ti* tit** t p4*Rrnhittg fciiil tHMi-|Miiibr. it Ayer's Sarsaparilla. 8^)J br all Droce1IS* ft, ill kotlles, 98. J. P MARSHALL. L.D.8. 1 ).!! I I -I . What U ArralnlanUm?" T-i (*- Editor uf The A J..,,.. DIAK SIK, I nlinerve in your laiit imue a long article by "Beta." headed, "What iti Aniiiumnisiii," whowiyahe wu "amus- od " by what he cll a ' new catechism," JMUud in your columns a r< k j iwiouv " Beta " says he likewise received one of tliuse naiii|ihlvta by the Hfv. I) Wbadm. It 11 nut my intentum to ask tliii writer any quetious, fnr it la tiiure thau prolia- blu that " Keta" it \r individual who * kindly an<i chnntiaiiliku ('i dropped those pamplil.'tJi intu the Kli-sherton 1'nst Orhiv a a studied insult to his Presbyterian neighbors. It i* i resumed that none l.ix IVvihytoriaiM reii-ivl any of thaw pam- phlets throuuh tliat FOUICU. That tin \ wrru not jiostcU by a Pruehytfriau is suru, anil iioni- iitluT than our Methodint neigh- bors ouulil have any object to aurvu by no doing. It iiniiht well bu aakud what ob- ject the indiviiliial could have. Mutho- I|I.M anil I'l efthyteniina in general are on MTV friendly lorma with each other. | NII ill ffi'Hnii exista between them. have bci-n, it may he Raid, in perfect mace with each other, but there eenis to * an enemy in the camp, one who is iu>t Jor peace t but whose turbulent spirit must lie itt work, and can tind n Utter i in- pl<i>iiiriit tlian in suwiug discord among friends ! It ia difficult to know what the witter would wish unless it be mischief. He find* fault with the ^notations fn.m ! the pamphlet in i|uetimn, and yet they 'are all won! for wort! with the original ; but when he give* a quotation from the " r'imt (.'atei -hum," (I don't know whore lie ireM it, unless it be son 10 Mrthodut liaim hi- say* : "wherein is stated 'nmrlhui'1 like tlii*, thai (iod from aJl it. i nit > ilicl. In tlk niiNit wise and holy counsel. of Hu own will, freely and un- chantrealily ordain whatsoever cornea to |M." It u to he feared that " Hi u " ia not to tr*U acquainted with Scripture na he ihnulfi bu < le ho would never have written these words." TLsp- want the true sound, u even liible ntudt lit will readily pcrccivu. Thu qunetionl think hu rvfeis to, it very different and Las ample proof in K-i i|.tme. Tbo tint i|uuutin frirn Dr. Wkedon't winch ) L-MVM in the article I '.i " tnca lo-bvlittle, ia said by him to bo ~'a creed in a nutshell, without el- aboration, and at precisely tlwt which ia adojited by I'rvslrrteriannim- see ronfua- ion of Faith." It in rather anrpnainR that tliit astuto writer due* nt " crack " the nutnliell and tliow his readert the ker- rimbrrlon MONTHLY CATTLE FAIR The neit fair will take place on MON DAT DEC. 10th, 1883. Jaul.lypd , 17lh Mar, 1H8*. FROST & FROST. BARKIS THUS. SOUCITORH, CONVET- ANC'KRH. Ac. Otlir. Poolett Mr-.t. I Owen Sound rton. and overv TliurnUv al r'lesb STRAIN & RYDER. Builders nnd Contractors^ j. w. FROST. L. L.B. FLE3HERTON. ALFRED FROST, Crown County Attorney. Am prepared to sltvnil to llrick <t8toni-' _^ _ _ work in all ita branches. All urdera left at the ADAAXCK Oflioe will recsiTe prompt at toaUuu. Good work at fair prices. J. 1YI. Webster, EUGENIA, Licensed Auctioneer fur tho Co. of Grey. Money I" I.' inl as iiaiial, at rea<>n:il<le rate*. Fire and Life Iniuranoe. All comniuliicttioiii ndilrenneil t Knirvu P.O. will receive prompt atuiition. 89 FI.MHBHTOM, Co. GHKT. DIVISION COtlltT CI.KKK. COMM1S- innor in U.K.. I Kiin-vanoer. fie. Atient far pnrch> and eal of landa. Appraiser fur ' O. L. C. Companr, and V. I'. H. A H. Sooictr. : > Lnan on the moat r^aaiinablt* teriual or MAiiaunr LiciKiwa. Alexander Brown, 1SSVKH of AK^HI, Ac. Couut}' of (Vrey. PRICRVILLE, MarriaK 1 ' Licences. General Lioenaed Aaclioneer for the 0.\T. At \X\\V.M-, .... ONT. Ja. ALMSOI, . Pmomntron. Ooorl aeommn4atioB ; best brands Cigars aid Liquors. Good Stabling and atteatir* hosUsr. The only Hota4 in the place. is the I'realiytenan creed, it may l said without the least fear of ountradiction, to he a mitrmhlr mrie-iturr. Th next <|iio- tatioii "Beta" notices, is " 1'ivdeterni- ination fixes the itrt, yoroknowledi;e ia fixed l>y the act," and j{us on to aay tlmt "he," lr. Whedon, " simply Meant tlntt [God not manTf)- predetermines the art baforu his foreknowledge seizes it ; " or prfsiitiiahly, in oUiur words, (iml acU IH-- foro He knows that He has actd I and this " lleta " oalla lovnal and ronvmcini;. If this be loifu- it certainly is not common sen**! "Beta's" aversion to Scripture is very marked. He s-o nothing wnn WT H K T T A MV in the R-v. Dr. pning Imck to the early . U . Oljljlj/ViJl A . - Fatlu-rs." hut it ia ultogi-Oipr useless to rwr. CI.KBK ABTiMsiu. R ),tU f ur thr, and draw from the ENTATK& ISSURAW1E AGENT .fountain head. Poor reasoning tlii% to COLLECTOR, AUCTIONEER, ip'*' the teaching of man toth.t of c,, Uonty Loaned on .iod a-uril.r on Uie moat wfajFeno* to tfce 8<-ripJur quotati.. iriven in thu article rplerrrd lo. ' ileta " says : " He haa iriven n irrist of Scripture midtationsto su|>|irt what? 8alvation lor every "inner ( Theehuvof (jiiotatltnia clearly indicate not. Souie r"" r unfor tunatcs are predestined to he lUmiii ', not for acts of their own, bnt by a pred- termined decree of Hi>d. " Now onaerM' the i-iiliatatellcy of " IJeta. " lie aV* "tl e clajis of quotations cleiuly indicate," "some |>oor unfortiiiistes are preiluatineil to b<> ilanined," and yut hu finds fault with Ood for aayinir so. The W'.inls <|iio- t<?d wcrt) nil S'nptifre and " Hetti " call- not say otherwise." Indeed he a.-iys the MetliodiaU very cordially sayi-pt all these quotations thankfully, and at the same time ridicule* Presbyterians for bolienn^ them. It ini|>ht here bi-statvd that 1'rea bytrians behove I'll the word of (iod nnd no toxt is to them more valuable thnn the one quoted by " licta, " "Und so loved he wurld that he frave his only li.-i-oti. n favorable terms aad al moderate rale* of intrreat. MortffaKeii bought. , nearly opposite town hall, Pleaherton James Sullivan, John W, Armstrong. The Tinsmith, - Flesherton. "" ' lte|iir inr. Bavi'tronghinR. ind in fart every- i I ut & I. i Hint-. BaYctronghing. ind in fart every- ng in tlif buaincK* will rereiv* my prowut and careful attention, at rraaonable prioe*. i& Jttrdical. W. 3. GRIFFIN, M. 0. M . C. F*. S. Out. Will be in FleaherUm *?ry Tiimday and I'riilny from 19 to 4 p.m. Office, in Win Strain'* block. Sun that wnoaoimsr Mierrihoii Him alumld not priah but have everlasting life," and I wo aliin Iwlieve mir Savior'l saying (John 6 c. 44 v.) " No man oan come to me ex- cept the Father whieh hath sent me draw him, and I will raise him up at the lait day." It is not my intention to enter into a Money to Loan. AT 6| !'<'" CENT. ON 8TRAIU1IT LOAN trrith Interoatpaid yearly, nol In advance.! discussion on" the loading features of Ar At?!n mM D ch " r|(wl - miiiianisua and Calvinism ; this has been aatiafied with the result. It ia a fact that Presbyterians are at least aa earnest atu- ilt-nta of thu word of Ood a* Methodists are, and the morality and intelligence of member* of the Presbyterian church will eomiiart favorably with that of their Me- thodist frienda. Toward the end uf " Beta's " article he ays, that, I'ruabyterian niinisten are "Calviniat in tliuory Anninian in prac- tice. " This shows either that " lieU " U ^i. iipinntnt of what I'rotliyterians do |>re:ic)i, or that he knows very little of what t'alvinuiiu is. U is nut to be expec- ted that ail Ui>- members iu Miy congrega- tion should think exactly alike on any [-lint of doctrine' I have listened with pfauiure to the discourses of some Metho- diat miniatern, one particularly that mij;ht he named, who preached within a dozen mile* i if Kleslierton, waa sn C'nlviniitic in his sennons, that several Presbyterians aid he ought to have been one of that tt< nomination. Indeed if a minister rciich " the Truth, the whole Truth, and nothing but thu Truth," Presbyterians are content. I will conclude with the words of an old Scotcfe woman, who, addressing a friend, said : "Iain a lone, poor woman, Robert. Child and husband have gone down t the Krave, one by one ; and now for twenty vears, I have been childleaa and a widow. Hut do you think that tho |xir lne wo- . 'in wanted a guard, and a comforter, and a provider, through all the long dark nights, and all the cold, scarce winters of these twenty years? No, my son: I knew that Himself was with me ; I knew it by the provision Ha made, and thu care He took, and the jov he gave. And how, think you, did He comfort me must I Just by thu blesaed assurance that all my trials and all my sorrows were no hasty cbniuv matter*, but dispensations for my irood. and the good of those He took to Himself, that, in the perfect love and wisdom of His nature, He had ordained from Ihe beginning. Truly he has led us by ways we Knew not of . " B. BrrriUeo. Snow. imow. mow! BaiheU of poetry for aal*. -ChrUtmaa llwf at Dm barton Meal Mark*. -Our old " bo?" Jalu la In Iowa ipvudinc Uts holl lav> He looki iplrnrtld Mr. John Martin left ua a fine "ample of While Fjrf* Wheat last Wednesday, and wauls to know who ran t*at U. Mr. J. O . Canon, tbs wen-known sad popular Eugenia Iniol. mi nt man. baa iwen appointed (riu-ral agent fur Ulia County, fnr the North Am- orloan Inipluoiant and General Manufactorlnn Co. of Louil. . i int A nulPD A-QKIKR, TTTI ill Nini'nv THOBNBURY dono often by able divnuwoB both sidea, , nd Preabyterian. hav. much cauae to be A H>r Hit Krr' Kania. Thoa wha In Ihe hesTrna itrwi dwell, Wha aa It pl*aea beatthreal', H.i.,1, ano to hMren and iau to hell. A' lor Uiy iil..r> An' nac for nny i MM nr 111 They're dim* afore Tnee. 1 Meaa an' praJno Thy matohtor* mlrht, \VMlf Iho.i.anrl. Thou hwtkfi In iitoht, Tha* here I am lf>re Thy alofal Kor ifi~ . Krace, A buruln' an' a >>tilnin' Iu ht To a' Dili plare. Wliat wax I or my |{fneratl'>n, That 1 ohiMil.1 ); t : UK Ii i >ltat I wha Jim damnation, Kor broken lawa, Sal tbou-aii 1 ii-an 'for* my cr ' am't rauee. A Goon HrroKM. Children are not often tortiirt'il nnw-a-dnya wilh hi't^r Al- oes, Rrintatonp andTr*acle. sn>l the ninny naiisnoiis rein. , lira of ihu oldfu timea. Freeman'* Worm Powders are pIcaaaM lo lake, contsin their own pnivatif*. and afely and rlfertually remove all nrdinarr upeciea of worms afflicting children or adult*. Several letters and some poetry un- avoidably crowded out of thia issue. Ax ArvLKTrn CLEKUVM*!*.- The Rev. Wm. Stout, an Kiiclisn clergyman, of WiHrton, w.i* lr .'.'! \t.ii< a tciiiMe anl- ferfrwitli Serolulous Al^orai. which the lient nieiiuil skill fai>d |ociin>. Th<- iiitirniil nn' 1 external use of Iturdock Bitnd BitUrs curr>l him, nnd for nearly three years he r. m lined li.ile and hearty. WM. LUCAS & CO- BANKERS, ' i., i-: w 1 1 i: i T o .x . A c*n*ral hanklnf hnlnaa I raiKNol*** . Drsiiflita laaueil pnyahlx al any oittce of the Merchants Bank. Notrs dlaccMi in i<ii, and moiify to loan atrts miMHbie reieii. Savings Bank Department. Inlrreit ultowett ondri'i ma s H BOOTS, S Jutt Arrived at Wright's A LlttGE New Stock ! Comprising 500 |>airs Mens Boots, ling nlid short, buttoned And laced Flannel-Lined Boots, in Oiled Caifakin, Pebbled and Huff Leather, also a large Mfort- luent of Missea and Children * Boob* fc Shoes. Ajo a Freeh and Well-Assorted Stock of at lowevt possible price*. OUR Ready Made Clothing \ pepnrtment is, *i nsuai, well filled f with goods of fii-st-cltM value., Our Overcoats defy competition.' Our Flannels are the best value <m tlie market. OUR DRESS GOODS oomjirise the neW.1 in Cashmeres, Surges, Broi-aded Sateene, Coxtume Cloths, Winceys, &c. SEE Oi'it Lace Curtains at 75 Cents ! our immense line of <;, Cottons uneotiHlied for quality. Our Blankb's and Guernst-\ ^ nr^d no comment tliey are widely known. OUR MILLINERY, includes the latest Novelties in Hairnet.* and liata, nUn a full nui^o 'Jl riuslies. Wlvcut. Satins Silks, and Ottomni. Curds. A 'Vv>.li and w.ll a*niirte<l .stuck of Birds, Fi'ntlier^. Flowers nd WIII^H Cull :in<l inspect. o Trouble tr> .SV/^w A. Manager, Kleslitrtuo lirauch Jane lit, I III. WANTED: Five llioiisai.d Turkeys. (Jeese and Chirkeus for the New York Market. Don't Feed your Poultry for 12 hours before killing and vou will get Highest Market Prices. WM. WRIGHT.

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