[1886 auditors' report for Glenelg]
- Publication
- Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.), 3 Mar 1887, p. 5
- Full Text
Abstract Statement of the Treasurer's Receipts and Expenditure for the Township of Glenelg, For the Year Ending 31 Dec., 1886. [tables reformatted for plain text.] _Receipts.] To ballance on hand: $2392.05. Assessments: $10404.05. J.P. Fines: $11.40. Interest Durham Debenture: $24.00. N.R. Taxes: $427.85. License fund: $269.01. Land Improvement Fund: $2536.26. Clergy Reserve Fund: $8.80. Miscelaneous: $33.31. [Total] $16106.73. _Expenditures._ By Salaries & Commissions: $527.11. County Rates: $6159.19. School Monies: $4682.99. Election Expenses: $48.50. Board of Health: 20.00. Refund Taxes: $4.09. Road Bridge & Surveys: $813.50. Charities: $122.64. Printing, Postage & Stationery: $115.19. Sinking Fund & Interest By-law 171: $3248.00. Miscellaneous: $116.00. Balance in Treasurers hands: $249.52. [Total] $16106.73. _Winking Fund Account By-law 171._ Dec. 31st, 1886. To Amount Debentures: $20000.00. [Total] $20000.00. By Durham Debenture: $400.00. Amount deposited in Bank, 31st Dec. 1885 as per last audit: $8445.48. Deposit: $2000.00. Interest on bank account: $434.50. Interest on Durham Debenture: $24.00. Amount unpaid: $8696.02. [Total] $20000.00. _Collectors' Rolls._ _No. 1_ Amount on Roll: $2528.53. [Total] $2928.53. Collected in 1886: $1123.99. Ballance uncollected: $1404.54. [Total] $2528.53. _No. 2_ Amount on Roll: $2177.66. [Total] $2177.66. Collected: $2094.17. Ballance uncollected: $83.49. [Total] $2177.66. _No. 3_ Amount on Roll: $3305.02. [Total] $3305.02. Collected: $2350.50. Ballance uncollected: $954.52. [Total] $3305.02. _No. 4_ Amount on Roll: $2293.79. [Total] $2293.79. Collected: $1501.00. Ballance uncollected: $792.79. [Total] $2293.79. We the undersigned Auditors have examined the Books, Accounts and Vouchers of the Treasurer of the Municipality of the Township of Glenelg, for the year 1886, and find them correct with a cash ballance on hand of $249.52 as shown in detailed statement. We also give a statement of Sinking Fund Account and of Collectors' Rolls, all of which is hereto appended. We have much pleasure in testifying to the clear intelligent and satisfactory manner in which the Treasurer keeps the books. Adam Turner, John Nichol, Auditors.
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- Media Type
- Newspaper
- Item Types
- Articles
- Clippings
- Notes
- Date of Publication
- 3 Mar 1887
- Subject(s)
- Personal Name(s)
- Adam Turner ; John Nichol
- Local identifier
- Ontario.News.234380
- Language of Item
- English
- Copyright Statement
- Copyright status unknown. Responsibility for determining the copyright status and any use rests exclusively with the user.
- Contact
- Grey Highlands Public LibraryEmail:contact@greyhighlandspubliclibrary.com
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