Locomotive '5468' is NOT a Diesel. If you mean Oil-Fired, write Oil-Fired ! Diesel means Internal Combustion.
CPR '5468' represents a high pressure oil-fired, heavy freight locomotive. It is one of the last class freight steam locomotives built new for a Canadian Railway. It is currently under lease to the Selkirk Division of the CRHA, Revelstoke, B.C. and is on display at the Revelstoke Railway Museum. Built in Montreal, Ontario.
Montreal, Ontario, where is that ?
Posted by Thunder Bay Public Library, 9 May 2011 at 9:50
Thanks for the clarifying information Brian. Many of the historical photos included in this collection came with little descriptive information and we always welcome identification assistance from the public.
I have updated the photo's record to clarify the title and the location as Montreal, QC as opposed to Montreal, ON.
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Locomotive '5468' is NOT a Diesel. If you mean Oil-Fired, write Oil-Fired ! Diesel means Internal Combustion.
CPR '5468' represents a high pressure oil-fired, heavy freight locomotive. It is one of the last class freight steam locomotives built new for a Canadian Railway. It is currently under lease to the Selkirk Division of the CRHA, Revelstoke, B.C. and is on display at the Revelstoke Railway Museum. Built in Montreal, Ontario.
Montreal, Ontario, where is that ?
Thanks for the clarifying information Brian. Many of the historical photos included in this collection came with little descriptive information and we always welcome identification assistance from the public.
I have updated the photo's record to clarify the title and the location as Montreal, QC as opposed to Montreal, ON.
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