Page 8, News, Tuesday, January 28 1992 TERRACE BAY PIZZA & SUB --$2975900 YRADISON ACROSS FROM FIRE HALT) TERRACE BAY HOURS: MON.-SAP.-9.1.M. - 12 MIDNIGHT SENDAY---10 VE SP. *EXCELIOR ENTERPRISES sud * Custom Systems iP * Quality Products *Personal Service *Free Estimates "Service is Our Speciality" 768-1996 |. Murray Dodick OPTOMETRIST 1119 VICTORIA AVENUE THUNDER BAY, ONTARIO P7C 1B7 1-622-7726 MICHAEL D. CONWAY Barrister and Solicitor Law Office of Kajander, Blanchard, Conway, Heerema & Paivalainen BOX 280 Salls Street, Red Rock, Ont. POT 2P0 WEDNESDAYs 2-5 p.m. 886-2923 Thunder Bay - 344-9161 MURRAY & COURTIS Barristers & Sol citors Ross W. Murray, B. Comm., MBA., LL.B. Richard Courtis, B.A. LL.B Randall V. Johns, H.B. Corhm., LL.B., C.A. Bruce |. Leaman, B.A., LL.B. Terrace Bay Office Thunder Bay Office 7 Simcoe Plaza (Lower Level) Suite 410, Chappel Bidg. Terrace Bay, Ontario POT 2WO 101 N. Syndicate Ave. tel 807 825-9379/807 825-9395 Thunder Bay, Ontario P7C 5V4 Fax (807) 825-9506 Tel 807 623-7961 Fax 623-4417 No Charge Dial 1-800-461-8831 TERRACE BAY OFFICE Mon -Fri 9 amto 5 pm MILL ROAD SERVICE CENTRE TERRACE BAY, ONTARIO Home of ARCIIC Cnr A Top of The Line- x2 Arctic Cat NIPIGON RED-ROCK |) PLUMBING @ HEATING = For all Your Plumbing and Heating needs BOX 426 NIPIGON, ONT. PRA 1997) 927.9727 | OO) gs TASES oe Ee re Ii CUSTOM #1 GOR COVERING ' sip bc. Wall to Wall Carpets & Vinyl Flooring Commercial and Residential You deserve the Best, INSIST on QUALITY WORKMANSHIP Serving the North for 20 years Call Jim in Rossport 824-2106 Thunder Bay Office DUNKHOODY 1095 Barton St. j Thunder Bay, Ontario y) P7B 5N3 623-4444 .. Craneed Accouniasis Terrace Bay Office TERRACE BAY 7 Simcoe Plaza OFFICE (Murray & Courtis) 2nd & 4th Tuesday Terrace Bay, Ontario of each month POT 2wWO : 825-9379 TOLL FREE 1-800-465-6868 Rac's Repair @ Service 825-9152 BEAVER _ YOUR LUMBER LUMBER Beaver Lumber will continue to serve our Nipigon customers from the Memorial Avenue location in Thunder Bay. If you wish to order merchandise, simply phone collect 807- 345-0501 and we'll be pleased to serve you. You don't even have to drive to Thunder Bay of pick up your purchases. Beaver Lumber will try to group all Nipigon area orders together to make delivery charges as applicable and as small as possible and also try to maintain a regular service to the area You can order and receive all your building and hardware goods. EXPERTS in HOLIDAY & BUSINESS TRAVEL Marlin 508 Victoria Ave @4¥%\ World - Wide Thunder Bay, Ont. NY Travel Canada, P7C1A7 807-623-8353 One North Cumberland Street Thunder Bay, Ont. P7A 4K8 (807) 345-7737 CALL TOLL FREE 1-800-465-6922 Owned and operated by World-Wide Travel Service (Lakehead) Ltd. Travel Planners since 1954 Cooperman's AutoBody 30 Overpass Road P. O. Box 1030 825-9360 *Complete collision & rust repair service with Total Frame Measuring equipment. Very competitive prices and personal small town service. Full snow machine repairs & parts. = nb Baits' monk maar 2 Ee = eo ee a Le ___Prescription__Optical_Co. QUALITY PERSONAL SERVICE COMPETITIVE PRICES EYE EXAMINATIONS ARRANGED 1119 Victoria Ave. 1-623-4252 Thunder Bay, Ont. DODICK BLDG. ROBERT E. SOMERLEIGH LAWYER Law Office Of ERICKSON LARSON 31 Third Street Nipigon, Ontario WEDNESDAYS 2-6 p.m. Phone 887-2326 9 - 5 p.m. Call Thunder Bay Office Toll Free 1-800-465-3912 Commercial Residential kaM & R SEPTIC f* SEWAGE - GRAVEL PRESSURE WASHING 824-3460 824-2365 Box 291 Schreiber, Ontario POT 2SO CONTACT NORTH Get a College Diploma, a University Degree, or take a general interest course PHONE 825-9160 Distance Education For You!!! Full-Time, Part-Time, Day or Evening Right in your own Community Drop by today - Terrace Bay Public School Rear Door QUICK LUBE JOBS *regular oil change & new filter oF ©5S0) *all levels checked Yvan's Esso --__ .17& 11 Nipigon, Ontario POT 2JO JORNNY ON THE SPOT CLEANING €* Rugs \ a Carpets IN Upholstery oy". | : Heat Ducting Call Northland Motel 887- 2032 for appointment OR 824-3197