Page 6, News, Tuesday, January 7 1992 New year marks the start of the year long McCausland calendar draws The McCausland Hospital has sold about 950 calendars, with Benoit Rioux selling 338. Cal- endars are still available at the Hospital's administration office. The winners include: the Jan. 1 draw for $1,000, Rolande Imbeault; Jan. 2 for $10, Curtis Evoy; Jan. 3 for $10, Dot Thompson; Jan. 4 for $50, Miles Fournier; and Jan. 5 for $10, Linda Robin- son. Pictured above: Art Beaulieu of the Knights of Columbus, present Benoit Rioux a cheque for 20 calendars; left, Mannisto chooses one of the first winners. Pre- Puucetery Sale fan. 00 -80 ear 25- 50 % Off es Mens & Ladies Footw Selected Sewalry 50% Off (left) and Serge Querry (right) the McCausland's Richard r The provincial government has released draft legislation designed at reforming the way municipal governments oper- ate. Specifically, the legislation proposes changes in municipal conflict of interest laws, set- ting stricter limits on what meetings can be closed to the public, and restricting the ways municipal governments dispose of public property. Open process In a press release, Munici- pal Affairs Minister Dave Cooke said the aim of the leg- islation was to "make the deci- sion making process at the local level more open and the || standards of municipal office || clearer and more stringent." New conflict of interest rules would require council- lors, school board trustees and public utility commissioners to disclose their assets, liabilities and sources of income when they took office. However, only the exis- tence of their assets, liabilities Province plans reforms of municipal governments and income would have to be disclosed, not their value. Restrict employment The legislation would also prohibit officials from work- ing for their former employers for six months after leaving office. The right of municipalities to hold closed meetings would be restricted to "matters such as security, litigation and negotiations, subject to the mandatory exemption under the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act." The third set of reforms deals with the way municipali- ties dispose of public land. It also outlines procedures to be followed before a municipality could sell land, and covers areas such as public notifica- tions and appraisals. The government will take comments on the legislation until the end of March, when a final bill will be introduced in the legislature. making giving a family affair. When you save for your ---sgpees holidays, mortgage or new car, put some away for giving L | pe too. Let everyone in on the decision of which causes to 3 help and you'll be a real Local Hero family. ; A national program to encourage giving and volunteering. to be a Local =A) : Talk. Have a talk about S Anew spirit of giving Order Bill me later PLEASE SEND ME A COPY OF THE PAPER EACH WEEK Enclosed is my cheque NEWS Box 579, Terrace Bay, Ontario POT 2W0 GAZETTE Box 1057, Nipigon, Ontario POT 2J0 Within 40 miles...$18 Outside 40 miles...629 USA...$38 Seniors...$12 Inside 40 mile radius only Please add 7% G.S.T. a ee ee ee eel Subscription Form Pat a ee . RA BSE ME ASE ORE, Wee EG SLES ORK SS SNS K&S LW ay we oD ery cy "WAS MELEE KEE Ss XS. OS SPS DF DIS GS. Qe es ae ee ee ee eee ee BE Ss. 3S wes Thank You '¢ 7K> im 2 ¢3 Special Thanks to Mary Paul & Amy Jean, Fern', 3 ~=0«& Lucien Bilodeau, Curtis Desrosiers and the ¢ es Terrace Bay Moose Lodge for their recent ¢.": A contributions of personal name tags for the ges ng? . re Dd aoe Pee-Wee, Atom & Novice Hockey Clubs. ¢- "sm? < . ¢: Coaches: i3€ SG3 Fred Polesky, Rick Cosman, Wally Robson i¢ <.o. @ and Players tug . SP PRAARARARAHARAAAKRARAARARARARANAAARAAAAN EP OE je id x BOSE OM OSS AS ASES SASS RRS ASO IS ' f