The Terrace Bay-Schreiber Stand 50 cents incl. G.S.T. BELLUZ Realty Ltd. Simcoe Plaza Box 715 Terrace Bay Ontario Pe POT 2Wo JURIS ZDANOVSKIS --_ Office - 825-9393 BROKER / MVA Home - 824-2933 TERRACE beac BAY ) BIANCA INN snes ACCOMODATIONS ACCOMODATIONS ase CONVENIENCE GREAT FOOD STORE - Viveos - (Daily Specials) | Free Membership Volume 45 No. 45 News 825-3285 nn bss Tuesday November 5, 1991 - SUPERIOR SHORELINE INSURANCE LTD. We represent 8 different insurance companies so that we can get the best rates for you: Liz Boutilier Broker *Home *Auto *Business *Air Craft *Mobile Home 825-9492 ee TR MED Disaster averted at Terrace Bay Tourist Centre by Darren MacDonald The News d Some quick work prevented a "disaster" at the Terrace Bay Tourist Information Centre last Tuesday evening. The centre was flooded in rain that also washed out parts of Highway 17, and flooded many area schools. At their highest point, water levels in the Information Cen- tre were about four centimetres high. "Quick work by (Tourism: Director) Susan Johnson, (Recreation Director) Dean Main. public works, the fire department, the police depart- ment and volunteers saved us from disaster," said Terrace Bay Reeve Jim Zeigler. Zeigler, who grabbed a mop himself to help get the water out of the Tourist Centre, said close monitoring of water lev- els prevented any damage. "These people (relief crews) haven't even had supper yet," he said Tuesday evening. "They've been working all day." "We're ship shape in here now," Susan Johnson said Wednesday. Johnson was also impressed by the relief effort. "There was a lot of water (inside)," she said. '"'And using two pumps, they got all of it out of here in a couple of hours." Johnson said the centre's drainage system worked prop- erly, but was just overwhelmed by the amount of water. "We were getting it from all sides," she said. "There was a big lake by the Ministry (of Natural Resources), and (the water) headed all the way bere." "Nothing was plugged, there was just too dam much water." Johnson said she hopes the flooding problems will be rec- tified when a new highway is built in Terrace Bay, along with continued on page 10 Crews work to pump rain water out of the Tourist Centre parking lot. Water levels were monitored all day, and no damage was done to the interior of the centre. Inside Community briefs -- Schreiber Library News..2 Distance educa- 2 Sn Students shad- ow potential employers......8 Market- place.......11-14 TBSO comes to Terrace Bay More than 100 people braved an early November blizzard last Saturday night to hear the Thunder Bay Sym- phony Orchestra (TBSO) per- form at the Terrace Bay Cam- pus of Lake Superior High School. The TBSO had already performed a concert on Fri- day for high school students, and played Monday night in Homepayne. "This gymnasium is a nice place to play, as far as gym- nasiums go," TBSO Conduc- continued on page 3 by Darren MacDonald The News The expression 'and baby makes three' took on a new meaning on Halloween morn- ing, when a Schreiber woman gave birth to two girls and a boy in the space of four min- utes. In a phone interview from her hospital bed at the Port Arthur General Hospital in Thunder Bay, Susan Webb said she and the babies are fine. "I'm still on cloud nine," she said. "I've been on cloud nine ever since I found out we were having triplets." The first, Katherine Carol, weighed 3 Ibs., 9 oz., and was bom at 8 am. The second to come was Christopher Patrick, who weighed 3 Ibs., 5 0z., and was born at 8:01 am. And two minutes later, Kelly Yvonne was bom, and she weighed 2 Ibs., 13 oz. "She didn't want to come out," Webb said. The triplets are the first chil- dren for Webb and her husband Healthy Halloween triplets born seconds apart to Schreiber couple Pat, an engineer for CP Rail. "The first and probably the last," she said. "But then again, who knows." Webb and her husband knew from the ultra-sound that they were going to have triplets. "We heard three little heart- beats," said Webb, whose brother has twins. Webb said the babies will be in the hospital until they weigh five pounds, but they should be home in time for Christmas. "It'll be the best Christmas oven" she said. A COMPLETE INSURANCE SERVICE COMPETITIVE RATES FOR QUALITY COVERAGE TERRA CE BAY INSURANCE LTD. * Home * Business * Auto * Cottages * Recreational Vehicles * Etc. SIMCOE PLAZA TERRACE BAY 825 - 3246