Creator of 'The Furbuls' By Angie Saunders The News Marvin Fulton 15, of Terrace Bay, is the creator of "The Furbuls" cartoon which appears in the News. Marvin attends Lake Superior High School and is currently in was." Marvin said, "He was a lit- tle furry and looked like a ball. that's where I came up with the name Furbul." Marvin has liked drawing ever since he was very young and passes time doing pencil draw- ings, sketches, and has even done playing the keyboard. He has composed songs for school con- certs. Marvin composed the song "Icedrops" on his keyboard, and will play it at the High School band concert on June Sth. "I would like to go into Arts and Music in University," Marvin Grade 9. He started "The a painting. said of his future, "I'd like to Furbuls" about a month and a half He has won contests all draw cartoons for a newspaper or ago. through school to do with his maybe be ina band." Marvin mentioned that he likes to draw cartoons after watching T.V. "I was messing around on a piece of paper and a shape came out... and there he drawing. Last year ie won 2 con- test for drawing the new part of the Terrace EBay high school cam- pus. Another favorite pastime is Until you see Marvin Fulton's cute characters gracing the pages of the New York Times, you can catch him every week or so in the Terrace Bay/Schreiber News. Coming soon to a tree near you That's right, trees may be the next coming attraction for an insect known as the Tent Caterpillar. Malacosoma disstria is the sci- entific name for this voracious lit- tle guy. This cool weather recent- ly has slowed this insect a little, but in the coming weeks, poplar trees could well be breakfast, lunch, and supper (plus a few snacks, in between meals.) Severe defoliation is expected in scattered locations near Lake Nipigon, Geraldton, Terrace Bay, and Thunder Bay. this is the local scenario, The Provincial scenario differs from region to region. This severe defoliation prediction is based on surveys taken last fall. Entomologists (technical term for "insect expert) count deposits of forest tent caterpillar eggs on twigs and branches in sample for- est areas and are able to forecast infestation severity for the fol- lowing spring. The egg masses are described as being brownish-black and area approximately one-half inch in width on the twig and are located, generally, in the upper reaches of the tree. The egg masses look like a swollen section of the twig from the ground. The full grown caterpillar appears in mid-June and has long - SOLLICITE DES DEMANDES LE CONSEIL DES ECOLES SEPAREES CATHOLIQUES DU DISTRICT SUPERIEUR NORD tufts of yellowish hair, a blue stripe running the length of each side and a row of diamond- shaped white spots along the mid- dle. The insect, in this part of the Province, feeds primarily on poplar leaves and is of great nui- sance in June. There is only one generation a year and outbreaks usually subside after 3 or 4 years. Population decline is generally attributed to a number of factors: adverse climactic factors, starva-' tion in severely defoliated areas, virus diseases and natural preda- tors and parasites. This insect, since it feeds on trees early in the year, is known as an early defoliator. As an early defoliator, this means that the trees will usually be able to grow back their leaves by late June or early July. Healthy trees easily 'survive the successive stripping, some weak trees may not. If further information is required, please contact your local Ministry of Natural Resources District Office. Us ra 2 ae \ SECRETAIRE A TEMPS PARTIEL a. (9 heures par semaine) A L'ECOLE SAINT-MARTIN - TERRACE BAY Les personnes intéressées sont priées de faire par- venir leur curriculum vitae avant le 15 juin 1990 a: Léontine Cormier, Directrice ECOLE SAINT-MARTIN C.P. 459 Terrace Bay, Ontario oes POT 2WO Classifieds : 25 words or less 1 week...$3.50 R. Frenett G.J. Matys Président s Directeur de l'éducation 2 weeks...$6.00 Section de langue frangaise 4 weeks...$10.00 THE LAKE SUPERIOR BOARD OF EDUCATION ALLERGY FORMULA INVITES APPLICATIONS FOR THE POSITION OF FREEDOM OF INFORMATION COORDINATOR The coordinator position is responsible for implementing the Freedom of Information and Protection of Individual Privacy Act. The duties include: Completion of a records inventory Review of current information management practices Development of relevant procedures and policies "SUMMER STUDENT REQUIRED FOR SCHREIBER PUBLIC LIBRARY" | Ifyou enjoy working with books and children and Location: 12 Hemlo Drive, Marathon, Ontario would like to earn some money for the summer Individuals interested in applying should do so in writing with two references by June 14, 1990, from: = : tts JULY 3 TO AUGUST 10 (6 seeks) Contact us. Mis. S..eybauenl Applicant must be registered at Student This is a term contract involving 0.5 time from June 1990 to December 31, 1990. The successful candidate will possess excellent organizational and human relations skills. Accountant , shay F ; Employment Centre. Deadline for application is Lake Superior pagare onder Poy pet Spee p ) ey ae Please send written application to: MARATHON, Ontario. POT 2E0 Schreiber Public Library (807) 229-0436 plete P. Richardson D.I. McQuarrie a | Schreiber, Ontario Chairman Director of Education | oe POT 2S0 3 : bs tae Ute eG tot 8 yf cn --