Page 3, News, Tuesday, March 27, 1990 Reeve Mike Cosgrove (right) and Ron Brown, manager of 'Northern' in Schreiber, cut a cake at the grand opening of 'Northern' which was formerly 'The Bay'.. Photo by Angie Saunders Terrace Bay Police Report By Angie Saunders The February Monthly Report from the Terrace Bay Police Force resulted in a total of 105 occurrances. The Eighteen crimi- nal code offences in February resulted in 5 charges, 6 charges laid, 5 cautions, and 10 occur- rances under investigation. There were 10 charges laid and 9 cautions for offences to the Highway Traffic Act. Nine motor vehicle accidents occurred in or around Terrace Bay last month. Twenty-seven _ incidents occurred where police were called in to assist citizens. Three commercial vehicle blitzes will take place in 1990 in conjunction with Schreiber OPP, Terrace Bay Police Force, Ministry of Transportation and the Ministry of Environment. These blitzes could take place at anytime without warning. All commercial vehicles will be stopped and safety conditions, documentation, and the loads they are carrying will be checked. Last year, two community blitzes occurred where approxi- mately 500 vehicles were stoppped resulting in changes in numerous safety procedures. Don Kidder, Police Chief of the Terrace Bay Police Force, would like to remind parents to keep children away from any frozen creek, river, or lake because of dangerous thin and melting ice. -- MURRAY & COURTTS Canvassing for Cancer Terrace Bay, Ontario -- More than 30 Canadian Cancer Society volunteers from the Terrace Bay area will look to the community for $6,000.00 during Cancer Month, April 1 - 30, 1990. Cancer Month is the Society's key fundraising period, and focuses on a door-to-door canvass of homes and businesses in more than 5,000 communities across Canada. Highlights of the cam- paign include the sale of fresh daffodils, at Costa's, during the 1st week of April. "We are counting on the peo- ple of Terrace Bay to open their doors when we call," says Mary Prusky, Campaign Chairman. "This is the one time of year we turn to them directly for the financial: support we need to help us beat cancer. Every year we are impressed with the generosity of Terrace Bay. Your continued help means so much to so many." In 1990, the Canadian Cancer Society expects to raise a total of $70 million nationally from the April campaign and other sources throughout the year such as bequests, deferred giving, corpo- rations and special events. Over $36 million will come from the province of Ontario. A portion of every dollar raised will be allocated to each of the four main functions of the Society: research (57 cents); patient services (18 cents); educa- tion (15 cents); fundraising (6 cents); and to general administra- tion (4 cents), the cost of which is kept to a minimum because the Society involves so many volun- teers. If you missed the canvasser in your neighborhood and would like to make a contribution, or if you are interested in volunteering your services, please contact Marianne McDougall at 825- 9194. For further information con- tact: Marianne McDougall (President) or Mary Prusky (Campaign Chairman) at 825- 9074. INCOME TAX RETURNS Personal & Rental L. Belliveau 432 Fort Garry Rd. Terrace Bay Phone: 825-3504 When it comes to hiring the Deaf, seeing is believing. EMPLOYER HEALTH TAX In January 1990, the Employer Health Tax (EHT) replaced OHIP premium payments as a method of contributing towards the cost of health care in Ontario. Liability for the tax began in January. All employers with permanent establishments in Ontario are required to pay the EHT ona monthly or quarterly basis, depending on gross salaries and wages paid to employees. Employers who are on a quarterly remittance schedule are required to make their first payment no later than April 15, 1990. Any employers who have not yet received information or remit- tance statement materials from the Ministry should call any of the following numbers to avoid incurring penalties and interest for tax payments due: Barristers and Solicitors © Metro Toronto Ross W. Murray, B. Comm., M.B.A.. LL.B. e All other areas Richard W. Courtis, B.A., M.A., LL.B iT1 . . : . e Randall V. Johns, H.B. Comm., LL.B., C.A. Frengi ienpuage oe Bruce I. Leaman, B.A., LL.B. Renseignements _ francais ¢ Telephone device for the deaf TERRACE BAY OFFICE THUNDER BAY OFFICE 7 Simcoe Plaza Suite 410 (Lower Level) The Chapple Building Terrace Bay, Ontario 101 N. Syndicate Ave. POT 2WO Thunder Bay, Ont P7C 3V4 Telephone (807) 825-9379 965-8470 1-800-263-7965 1-800-668-5821 1-800-263-7776 Telephone (807) 623-7961 Ministr Remo Mancini (807) 825-9395 Facsimile (807) 623-4417 ? Minister Facsimile (807) 825-9506 of Revenue TERRACE BAY OFFICE HOURS: Monday to Friday 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Ontario