Wednesday, September 27, 1989 TERRACE BAY/SCHREIBER NEWS Page 3 Ata Glance... Criminal Court Judge S. Sargent presided:over the September 20, 1989 Criminal Court held at Schreiber's Legion Hall. Edward Comeau of Schreiber pled guilty to Possession of a Narcotic and was given a $500 fine. Comeau also pled guilty to an assault charge and received a $300. Emmet J. Houston of Terrace Bay pled guilty to a charge of Drive Over 80 mgs. Houston was given a $400 fine and the manda- tory one year drivers licence pro- hibition. Trevor Roberts of Terrace Bay pled guilty to Impaired Driving and was given a $500 fine and the mandatory licence suspension. Andre Salesse of Terrace Bay pled guilty to an Impaired Driving and a Fail to Appear charge. He was fined $500 and $100 respectively, along with the mandatory one year licence sus- pension. Garth R. Wilson of Terrace Bay entered a guilty plea to Terrace Bay Police Force charge of Impaired Driving. Wilson was given a $500 fine and a one year licence suspension. Above charges are Schreiber O.P.P. unless otherwise indicated. Next criminal court date is October 18, 1989 at 10:30 a.m. Northwest Newsweek Beginning October 1 at 6 p.m., CHFD-TV Thunder' Bay Television will launch a news ser- vice specifically oriented to com- munities across Northwestern Ontario. "Northwest Newsweek" will feature coverage of current events outside the city of Thunder Bay. a team of contributors from White River to. Kenora will supplement Thunder Bay Television's own news staff to provide a weekly summary of news from the region. Randy Thoms, formerly news director at CJBN-TV in Kenora, is principal reporter for the show and will be on the road several days a weck to bring back stories of interest. Barry Third is region- al editor and Rob Gibson will be the news reader. TBT News Director Gary Rinne says he hopes residents of communities will feel free to sug- gest story ideas. Comments or suggestions can be directed to Barry Third, regional editor, Thunder Bay Television, 87 N. Hill St., Thunder Bay, Ont., P7A 5V6 or call (807) 345-4444. Enrollment up Full-time enrollment at Confederation College is up by 2.5 per cent over last year accord- ing to September 12, 1989 fig- ures. A total of 2715 students will study in 61 post-sccondary pro- grams. Early figures for Continuing Education indicate 3956 students ° registered to date - a modest increase over last year is expected for the Fall semester. As registration is still pro- gressing for both full-time and continuing education courses, final figures will not be available for two to three wecks. Confederation College is in its 22nd year of operation and offers programs in campuses located in Atikokan, Dryden, Fort Frances, Geraldton, Kenora, Marathon, Sioux Lookout and Thunder Bay. Hunting and angling closures The Terrace Bay District of the Ministry of Natural Resources has announced the following clo- sures to hunting and angling. Hunting is prohibited in the Provincial Nature Reserves listed below: : - Gravel River - Schreiber Channel - Prairie River - Red Sucker Point - Craigs Pit : This is in accordance with the provincial government's announcement in May, 1988 on new provincial park policies. These changes offer increased protection to these unique areas. Business car expense limits raised by Wilson There's some good news for people who use their personal vehicles for business purposes. Finance Minister Michacl Wilson has announced new limits relating to the value of passenger vehicles for purposcs of capital cost allowance (CCA). The corresponding lease limits and the exempt kilometer allowances will also be raised. The existing limits were set dur- ing income tax reform in June 1987. At that time, wilson indi- cated that a review of the limits would be undertaken every two years to ensure their appropriate- ness as prices change. As a result, the new limits will come into effect Scptember 1, 1989. The $20,000 cciling on the cost of a passenger vehicle for CCA purposes will be rdiscd to $24,000. Wilson also indicated that upon implementation of the proposed Goods and Services Tax on-January 1, 1991, the threshold chase costs exclusive of all feder- al and provincial sales taxes. both for CCA purposes as well as the stand-by charge. In addition, the $600 per month limit on deductible leasing costs will be increased to $650 per month, and the allowable interest deduction on a purchased passenger vehicle will be raised from $250 to $300 per month. Finally, the limit on the deductibility by employers of tax exempt allowances paid to their employeés will be raised by four cents per kilometre. This will result in exempt allowances of 31 cents per kilometre for the first 5,000 km driven and 25 cents for each additional km. Wilson said that the new limits will fairly compensate taxpaycrs for the cost of owning and operat- ing passenger vchicles in the course of business cmployment in Canada. Further revicws of the limits will be undertaken at Icast every two years. Visiting Thunder Bay? Shopping? Skiing? ) Find comfort at Paradise Motel -- In addition, hunting will con- tinue to be prohibited in Rainbow Falls, Slate Islands and Neys Provincial Parks. The season for Lake Trout angling in division 23 (Lake Superior) will be closed from October 1 to November 30 cach year to help rebuild Lake Trout populations by increasing oppor- tunities for spawning. For more information on any | of these closures contact Jim Chappel at the Outdoor * Very clean rooms at Budget rates * Close to all major attractions * Variety of family restaurants within one block * Reservations - phone ahead (807) 475-8628 Dianne Koivumaa (mgr) 221 W. Arthur Street (Highway 11-17B) © Thunder Bay. Ontario P7E 5P7 * NEW Telephones in rooms Recreation Department of the Terrace Bay District, Ministry of Natural Resources at (807) 825- 3205. Saturday, September 20th selling at Red Dog Inn Terrace Bay In kindergarten she wore her hair in ringlets Here she is in Grade 8 NOW she's "30" HAPPY BIRTHDAY "NICKS" Garrttys DINNER SPECIALS Friday Stuff Chicken Legs $8.95 Sunday Roast Pork Dinner $8.95 Wednesday Stew $6.95 Thursday Linguini & Clam Sauce $8.95 Saturday Filet Mignon Rapped in Bacon $11.95 Monday Tuesday Crepes $6.95 Meat Loaf $6.95 No reservations necessary 824-2494 4 ] Garrtty's Three atmospheres to choose from NIGHTLY ENTERTAINMENT Fully Licensed