Page 2, News, Wednesday, January 11, 1989 R.C.L. Ladies elect officers The regular meeting of the Ladies Auxiliary R. C. Legion Branch #223 was held on November 28, 1988 with the presi- dent Lilian Belliveau in the chair. Reports were given on the Fall Bazaar held November 6, sale of poppies by Shirley Love and all convenors' reports were given. Shirley Love and Lillian Belliveau replenished the kitchen with needed commodities. Juice glasses will be added as soon as available. There was no meeting held in December. Lillian thanked the ladies who took part in the color party and who attended the Remembrance Day Services at the cenotaph. She also thanked the members who attended the funeral service for K. Thornsteinson and served the lun- cheon'at the Legion Hall. Pins for 15 and 20 years of ser- vice will be distributed to all mem- bers who are eligible. Donations to Birchwood Terrace and Girl Guides of Canada . were approved at this meeting. Nominations followed after the meeting. The following officers were elected for the year 1989. President, Shirley Love, 1st Vice, Alma Hart (appointed), 2nd Vice, Evelyn Falzetta, Treasurer, Arianne Falzetta, Secretary, Carolyn McLeod, Sgt. at Arms, Stella Gusul with Lillian Belliveau being past president. The following are committee chairpersons: Sick & Visiting, Clara MacDonald, Shirley Caron; Bookings and Kitchen, Shirley Price, Ursula Strapko; Membership, Pamela Above is the new Ladies Auxiliary executive for 1989. Front row, from left to right are: Alma Hart, Ist vice, Shirley Love, president, Lillian Belliveau, past president, Stella Gusul, Sgt. at Arms. Back row: Ursula Strapko, kitchen assistant, Carolyn McLeod, secretary, Shirley Price, kitchen, Yvonne Mellais, assistant Sgt. at Arms, Shirley Caron, sick and visiting, Evelyn Falzetta, 2nd vice. Absent 'from the meeting were, Arianne Falzetta, treasurer, Claire McDonald, sick and visiting, and Pam Jones; Publicity, Lillian Belliveau. Joties, tismmnbership. CONFEDERATION COLLEGE CONTINUING EDUCATION aS TE 111 LIBRARY TECHNIQUES 60hrs. FEE: $90 Thurs., 7:00 - 10:00 Ideal for teachers aids and teacher volunteers. ZA 365 MICROCOMPUTER USE AND APPLICATIONS 24hrs. FEE: $36 Wed., 7:00 - 10:00 An intro., non-credit program covering MS-DOS and computer applications in wordprocessing, database, and spreadsheets. PR 410 OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH AND SAFETY 60hrs. FEE: $90 For members of health and safety committees and people interested in PAO accreditation. SN 016 BOOKKEEPING 30hrs. FEE: $45 This is an overview of bookkeeping offered under the OMDP program. Some experience in bookkeeping is an asset. These and other courses can be offered if 10 or more people are registered. Fees do not include the price of texts or materials. Deadline for application is Feb. 17, 1989. Send a cheque or money order made out to CONFEDERATION COLLEGE to Box 520, Marathon, Ont. POT 2E0. For more information, call 229-2464, or call toll-free 1-800-465-3364. MAIL-IN APPLICATION FORM eo. : . SSutreach DISTANCE EDUCATION IN NORTHWESTERN ONTARIO THE FOLLOWING DISTANCE EDUCATION COURSES WILL BE OFFERED IN TERRACE BAY/SCHREIBER CS 206 (90) REPORT WRITING Prerequisite - CS 101 Wed., Jan. 11 - May 4 9:00 - 11:00 p.m. FEE: $67.50 MATERIALS: $80.00 GR 215 (90) CULTURE & ETHNICITY IN NWO Thurs., Jan. 5 - Apr. 13, 8 - 10 p.m. FEE: $67.50 MATERIALS: $65.00 WR 002 (91) CORE II - CRITICAL CARE Wed., Jan. 18 - Apr. 26, 8 - 10 p.m. FEE: $60.00 MATERIALS: $125.00 ZA 153 (90) LAY PERSON'S PASTORAL CARE Thurs., Jan. 26 - Apr. 6, 7 - 10 p.m. FEE: $45.00 MATERIALS: N/A ZA 172 (90) FRONTRUNNERS - HOW TO START YOUR OWN BUSINESS Mon., Feb. 6 - Apr. 10, 7 - 8:30 p.m. FEE: $45.00 MATERIALS: $35.00 ZA 173 (90) THE SUCCESSFUL LANDLORD Mon., Feb. 6 - Mar. 20, 8:30 - 10 p.m. FEE: $45.00 MATERIALS: $20.00 ZB 336 (90) MARKETING - TOURISM IS YOUR BUSINESS Mon., Jan. 9 - Mar. 20, 6 - 7:30 p.m. FEE: $45.00 MATERIALS: $42.00 ZB 018 (90) WORDPERFECT Sat., Jan. 14 - Mar. 25, 10 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. FEE: $45.00 MATERIALS: $28.00 (Hands-on experience gained by the use of the CONTACT NORTH computer. Limited to 3 students/community.) To register for OUTREACH programs, mail a cheque or money order made out to CONFEDERATION COLLEGE to: CONFEDERATION COLLEGE, _ Distance Ed. Dept., Box 398, Thunder Bay, Ont., P7C 4W1. For more information, call Pam McKeever, CONTACT NORTH, 825-9160, or call toll-free 1-800- 465-6961, ext. 411. The Confederation College of Applied Arts and Technology Student Number (if known) Student Name (last name) (first name, initial) Circle age groun 1 (19 - 60) 2 (over 60) 3 (under 19 with gr. 12) 4 (under 19 no gr. 12) Home Telephone Sex: circle M rE Business Telephone Ext. City Postal Code SUBJECT NO. SECTION TOTAL FEES IF WORKING TOWARDS A CERTIFICATE/DIPLOMA PLEASE STATE PROGRAM NAME SUBJECT NAME Total Payment Enclosed by ___Cheque __ Money Order __ Other Make cheques or money orders payable to Confederation College r I 1 | I I ] |Address I I ! i I I I I Date Year Month Day Student's Signature 1 gp RR Ne a I 1 Christmas Decoration Winners First Place 256 Kinogami, E. Opas Christmas card perfect, fun for children too. Second Place 100 Hudson, L. Bilodeau Depicts the warmth of the Christmas Season. Very welcoming. Third Place 70 Eastgrove, R. Trudeau Appealing to adults and children. Honourable Mentions First 63 Laurier, Denis Landry Very nicely put together with the charm of the sea- son's colors. Second 619 Strathcona, B. Gilmore Candles and lights made one feel the introduction of a new year. Third 24 Southridge, M. McGrath Appealing to adults and children. Just a Reminder that among other things the postal rate has been increased to 38 cents effective January 1, 1989