Page 2, Terrace Bay-Schreiber News, Wednesday, October 14; 1987 I won't forget Roy By Gary Ball It's about this time of the year, as the air takes on the taste of fall, that I start thinking about moose. And, it's now, thinking about moose that I miss Roy the most. He's been gone almost eight years now, found dead under his over- turned tractor on the hill where he was skidding logs for winter fire- wood. But when the tang comes into the air, when the water gets cold, slick and hunting-season black, I keep expecting him to material- ize, rifle hooked over his arm as he leans against a tree, both hands busy on the "makin's" of his next smoke. He had a habit of doing that, of turning up like a shadow, rolling a smoke and grinning that sly, shy grin of his as I combed the bush, determined he'd never pussyfoot up on me again. But he always did and I wish, down deep, that he could come in on me once again, quiet like a cat. Roy was bom probably a hun- dred years after his time, born to hunt. Oh, he farmed and fished and trapped and scratched a living off a Northern Ontario farm for his wife and eight kids but, what Church Listing i cialsiiiaieraidianas aceasta Schreiber Grace Baptist Church Pastor: Rev. Jim Johnson. Phone 824-2402. Sunday School: all ages- 10 a.m. Morning worship service: 11 a.m. Sunday evening service: 7 p.m. Bible Study and prayer: Wednesdays, 7 p.m. Nursery provided for all services. Holy Angels Roman Catholic Church Pastor: Father Jan Rademaker, O.M.I. Phone 824-2010. Sunday Masses: Saturdays, 7:30 p.m. Sundays, 10 a.m. Rossport, noon. Confessions: Saturdays, 4-5 p.m. in Schreiber. Pays Plat Prayer Group: Thursdays at 7:30 p:m. St. Andrew United Church Minister: Ernie Hunt. Phone 825-3346 or 825-3396. Mon) ing Service and Sunday School are at 11:15 a.m. Comn. union Service is the first Sunday of every month. A nurse. y for infants is provided. St. John Anglican Church Pastor, Bob Elkin. Phone 824-2771. Morning prayer at 9 a.m. and 10:30 a.m. All welcome. Terrace Bay Community Church Minister, Ernie Hunt. Phone 825-3346 or 825-3396. Worship service is every Sunday morning at 9:45 a.m. 'Church School is also at this time. Communion service is every first Sunday of every month. A nursery is provided. A warm welcome awaits all. Lutheran Church Pastor, Rev. Mark Moss. We will be meeting every Sunday at 2 p.m. in the recreation room at Birchwood Terrace. For more information contact: Rev. Mark Moss, 887-3020 (office), 887-2612 (home), Lloyd or Hilda Hiebert, 825-3897 or Cathy Withers 825-9495. St. Martin of Tours Pastor, Father Bernard Campbell. Phone 825-3231. Confessions are on Saturday from 1:30-2:30 p.m. Sunday Masses are on Saturdays at 7 p.m. and Sunday at 8:30 a.m. and 10:30 a.m. Birchwood Terrace, 1 p.m. Terrace Bay Gospel Assembly Pastor, Rev. Keith MIlne. Phone 824-3436 or 825~ 9368. Family worship is on Sunday at 11 a.m. Wednesday night is Action Night from 6:30-8 p.m. Friday night is YOUTH ALIVE at 7:30 p.m. If you would like to include a message with your listing, he really did was hunt. The farm wasn't good for growing much but rocks and kids so he worked at it like blazes, hanging on for the hunter's moon to come each fall. 50 pounds of browse When he hunted moose, he hunted hard, light and fast. A biologist once told him that a . moose needed 50 pounds of browse a day to stay alive and. that formed the core of his approach to moose hunting. © "I can walk farther, faster in a day than moose 'cause I don't have to be slowin' down to eat no 50-pound of brush." That's just what he did, taking a fresh track and following it for a day, or two or perhaps even longer, until the moose made a mistake and paused to look back at this strange predator in its track. It wasn't unusual for him to spend one night or, on the odd occasion, two nights in the bush on a moose track. He travelled light, a battered bag hung over his shoulder. There was always a teapail, tea, coffee and something to eat tucked into that bag. If night caught him while the track was still worth following he just built a fire, boiled up a teapail and made himself comfortable. The idea of being lost or wor- rying about being lost never crossed his mind. It was home. He was as comfortable by his lonely fire as he was sitting at his kitchen table. It was Roy who taught me to hunt moose and to travel the bush, not that he really thought much of my. ability on either score. I hunted with him for 10 long, tough years without seeing a live moose during hunting season. He didn't live long enough to enjoy my first moose with me. This starts to sound sad and solemn and that isn't right. Roy could be serious enough, all right, but he really celebrated the joy of the hunt and saw every bit of humour that moose hunting could possibly offer. "Gary," he said in that peculiar Mattawa River lilt, "just you remember that with moose, once you squeeze the trigger, the fun's all over." Ay Mortimer --- " St pea? Islands A, of ra Cas Ce SLATE J (102 2, { Sey On the .. a Slate---." Who actually goes to Church? By Keith Milne, pastor, Terrace Bay Gospel Assembly ze Leadmar oe hE ge isi ANOS" ill : eae Jt 4 Px any < I have heard a'lot of different answers to that ques- tion. Interestingly, it is those who never attend church that have the most opinions. A geat variety of people _-go to church but the better queston is WHY? Some people go to church to be seen by others. They want the recognition that they are "good, church-going folk". Others go to church because they always have; it is their tradition. Then there are those who go to church because it makes them feel good and they sit beside people who are there because it is their duty. Reasons vary with the variety of individuals. Those outside the church like to say that the people who go are the hypocrites. Some non-atten- ders think that attenders think of themselves as if they are "holier" than their neighbours. Others think that church is just for wimps. Then there are those who consider church to be suitable for women and children but not for the "real" man. Who actually goes to church and why do they attend? To this question- ignorance is not bliss! It is true that 'some people do attend church: with the wrong motivations. There is however a very posi- tive attitude that I have found with most church atten- ders. The majority of church-goers have realized their personal lack of perfection before God and go to church to find assistance and acceptance from God and His People. I like church attenders who view themselves peo- ple "under construction" or with the request "Please be patient with me... God is not finished: with me 3: There is a positive and realistic attitude of church attenders that recognizes that no one is perfect but God has provided an opportunity to everyone to find His love, forgiveness and acceptance. Sharing his love and acceptance is what going to church is all about. We go to church to thank God for His love towards us and to find opportunities to share 'His love with others. That is who and why people go to church. NOTICE And then he proceeded to _was squeezed. show me just how much fun a man could have moose hunting, both before and after the trigger Gary will show you On my first serious moose hunt, Roy and I had worked a chain of hardwood ridges from daylight to mid-day without even so much as seeing fresh sign. We arrived back at the lake contact the News at 825-3747. Superior STyles 'N' Trenas will be CLOSED Saturday October 17, Monday October 19 and Tuesday October 20. Due to an EDUCATION- AL HAIRSHOW in North Bay that Lorraine, Lise & Aggie will be attending in order to Serve You Better! 'We regret any inconvenience this may cause: THANK YOU GEBSKI- The wife and family of the late Walter Gebski would like to thank the McCausland Hospital, Mrs. Audey, Wilkes and Bailey, nurses and staff for their care while my husband was a patient there. Also thanks to friends and neigh- bors for the donations of flowers at home and a the funeral. Also for the mass and sympathy: cards and contributions of food and baking, the ladies'in the kitchen for the beautiful lunch. Special thanks to the pallbearers. appreciation from Zofia Gebski and 1 I I i l | i I ti Tl Thank you to Father Campbell for the mass and. Sincere H | TERRACE BAY - SCHREIBER NEWS | P.O. Box 579 satay... God Bless, . ' <a eae nD | i ly hE ee, Oe Pe, RS I Ae % 6 4 4 ak we RO AL Terrace Bay, Ontario, POT 2wo ar con MG Bw ee Ane NAS cee -- amen meee -- Se mT -- a... Sutacnbe: Today! Schreiber News. Name Address ° 'Please check the appropriate box below and mail cheque or money order-to: , Clone year... ....$14 RENEWAL.................:.. $14 {] one vear Elsewhere in Canada (J one year : Ragoare . TAI "hens "heci teat ls Seg agli phi Sham sina "aaa "ata cong eal i hea: iia ne i ~s Please enter the following subscription to the Terrace Bay- | | i i ! i } 1 Local : é | | I : a and a big marsh in the early after- noon about 20 minutes after Bert. see page 8 TOWNE CINEMA for a great night out and the best in new theatre releases 825-3771 THE LOBBY who knows movies better VHS & Beta rentals 825-9281