iD | Page 12, Terrace Bay-Schreiber News, Wednesday, July 22, 1987 Terrace Bay Recreation Department News Tot Lot Newsletter Well, Tot Lot is on its second week and the Tot Lot Staff are quite busy. So far Tot Lot is having a good turnout this summer. During the past week the children were busy making fowers, wearing costumes for one day and doing many other arts and crafts. Next week the children will be kept busy with the following pro- grams: Crayon or charcoal rubbings, colouring animal pictures, mak- ing chains from bristol board, having fun on water day, collect- ing and painting some exciting pet rocks, There will be another Movie Day, and also some exciting visiis to the hospital, police station and the fire station. Swim Pool news Lessons for the July session are CO ming to an end at the Terrace Bay Swim pool, and everyone is excited about the sec- ond session which will be starting August 4 and running until August 22. Deadline for registra- tion is Friday, July 24. Next week various fun events will be taking place in the morn- ings, some of the events will be a polar-ice day, scuba day, pool toy day and many other fun events. Look for the notice of these events to be posted at the pool. Try not to miss this week at the pool because it is going to be fun- tastic!! Minor Ball report With only two weeks left on this year's Minor Ball Schedule, all players and coaches are asked to make an effort to attend all - games. This past weekend the Seniors and Teen- Ball leagues were scheduled to play in Schreiber, with the Junior League playing in Terrace Bay, but due to the rainy weather all games were cancelled. On Saturday, July 25, the Terrace Bay and Schreiber Junior teams will play against one anoth- er at the Schreiber High School and Holy Angels fields. Don't miss out on the action, come out and cheer your commu- nity on. 'Schreiber- Success after 14 years The North of Superior R.C.S.S. board wishes to announce approval by the ministry of education for new facilities at Holy Angels School in Schreiber. After requesting a new gym- auditorium for 14. consecutive years, funds of approximately $1 million for a gynmasium- auditorium library resource centre and other spaces has been approved. This capital funding is part of nearly $6 million of capital projects~ approved for the North of Superior R.C.S,.S. board. Terrace Bay- St. Martin to get major facelift. St. Martin improvement and renovations. Recent announcements by the ministry of education provides cap- tial funds of approximately $220,000. The funds will update older sec- tions of the school, repair, roofs, and improve -on_ energy conservation. Complex closure We wish to inform the commu- nity that on Monday, August 3, 1987, the Terrace Bay Recreation Complex and pool will be closed for public use due to the Civic TANK TOPS = Selected Styles Reg. $9.98 SALE SS Selected AWA $7.00 N /pkg. Reg. $6.98 LADIES SUN DRESSES SALE ase $7 OO ™, Selected Vf Reg. to $27.98 GIRLS' SUMMER' PANTS Variety of colours SALE ose $7,00 Selected -- V7 ¥ \ MENS' SUMMER PANTS 7 $1 MENS Reg. $29.98 SALE VN PANTS SALE MENS' TUBE SOCKS 30,00 SE "SUMMER Holiday. Sorry for any inconvenience. TABLECLOTH SETS Variety of colours SALE .. $20.00 20 Pce. FLATWARE SETS 4 colours to choose SALE osu 27-00 GLASSWARE SETS | SALE 18 pce. = $40.00. BEACH TOYS 25% OFF 2 sitar S=WHITE -Reg.$16.98- GIRLS' TUBE SOCKS | | 3/pkg. SALE « Reg. $4.79 Assorted Styles MENS' CAUSAL PANTS Selected SALE Reg. $24.98 $9 : 00 A Selected LADIES PLASTIC SHOES \ CHILDRENS'4 => "RUNNERS = So, Reg. $18.98 SALE Sx 7) pine NS b"$12.00 ff MULTI-Reg.$11.98 --~ "-S9 00 - SOLARAY HAIR DRYERS | 1250 WATT 3Heats 2 Speeds SALE =o $12.00 I ------ oll rr eRLReE ORe ; "5a, Customer satisfaction, we guarantee it at the Bay eg SS SS Fudsons Bay Company