Canada Day Pageant '87 The response to the Baby Pageant this year was over- whelming, with 47 babies being registered. The babies ranged in age from birth to 18 months-old and they competed in the following cate- gories: Prince: T.J. Long- 16 and-a- half months (winner); Princess: Courtney Gerlach- 16 months (winner); Honourable mention is given to the following babies who won distinction in the following cate- gories: Youngest Baby- Maycock- 5 weeks; Smallest Baby- Cody Fraser- 6 weeks; Shane Auxiliary News The Auxiliary wind-up pot luck supper was held on June 15. The auxiliary has very grate- fully accepted the donation of two infant love seats from Georgette Sheridan and Judy Joubert to be loaned to new parents to transport their babies home from the hospi- tal. Members bade farewell to two very active auxilians, Sheelagh Hamilton and Marilyn Chisholm, as they leave our area to pursue greater gcals. Beth Macadam of Schreiber and Elaine Mannisto of Terrace Bay will look after the McCausland Hospital Corporation In-memorium dona- tions. Donations can also be made at the Schreiber Library and the hos- pital Administration office. Our Christmas Fashion Show will be on the evening of Sunday, November 29, at the Lake Superior High School, Terrace Bay campus. The $500 Cash Father's Day Draw was won by Dick Mannisto. The winning ticket was drawn at Costa's by Luigina Costa. The need for volunteers to keep our Gift Shop a viable oper- ation was discussed. We really need workers. It has also been brought to our attention that some people who have auxiliary memberships do not realize that this entitles them to attend the monthly meetings. We meet the third Monday of each month from September to June in the hospital cafeteria. Please mark us on your calen- dar for September. Memberships are available at the meeting if you don't have one. The auxiliary needs YOUR support! The members present unani- mously agreed to work towards 'he purchase of a Welch Allyn Video Endoscope System for the hospital. This is a flexible sygmoido- scope which is used for bowel examinations. We have estab- lished a two-year time-frame to achieve this goal. Auxiliary members were sell- ing popcorn at the Canada Day celebrations on June 27 and 28 and we entered a float in the parade. We wish everyone a safe, relaxing summer. See you at our meeting in September. E. Mannisto 825-3613, Tallest Baby- Collins- 17 months; Baby with least or no hair- Callan Zborowski- 8 months; Baby with most or longest hair- Natasha Holman- 16 months. The Canada Day Committee would like to thank the recreation department's Tot Lot staff for all their assistance in making this event such a success. Special thanks is also extended to the following seniors from Birchwood Terrace who did such a terrific job of judging the pageant. They are: Blanche Speck, John Hachey, Helen Ballard, Felix Legault, Melvin Cady- we appreciate your assistance. Tot Lot Canada Children's Events Our own Tot Lot staff of Heather Lohnes, Tracey Clark, Tracy Moon and Paula Dodd had their work well-organized when they presented the children's. Canada Day events at the golf course on Wednesday afternoon on July 1. Three events took place at the Golf Course for the children of all age groups. They were the Penny Scramble, where the children had two minutes to scramble through sawdust for shiny new pennies. The Fish Pond had quite a lineup at times where the children were rewarded with prizes when they caught a fish from the box. The Crayon Drop was a little more difficult when the children had to drop crayons into a pop bottle. During the time that these events took place, approximately 150 children took part and were rewarded with small prizes and they rounded-off the afternoon with a piece of watermelon that was enjoyed by.all. Special thanks to all the Tot Lot staff and all others who made this event such a success. Swim Pool Events- Canada Day Celebrations This year's Canada Day events at the pool were held on June 29 and were very successful. The pool doors opened on Monday, June 29, to a crowd of ae . NORTHSHORE SELECTS HOCKEY CLUB "PRESENTS" FROM THE VOICES. DOWN TO THEIR BEATLE BOOTS, YOU'LL THINK YOU'RE SEEING JOHN. PALL. GEORGE & RINGO! Anthony Day IF YOU MISS THE BEATLES .. DON'T MISS eee ee eAS THE BEATLES SATURDAY JULY 11 - 1987 SCHREIBER COMMUNITY ARENA SCHREIBER, ONTARIO Advance tickets $10.00 At Door - $13.00 at: TERRY'S SIGHT AND SOUND TERRACE BAY & VOYAGEUR RESTAURANT, SCHREIBER DOORS OPEN 7:00 p.m. Proceeds to DISABILITY ACTION GROUP approximately 100 children. Part of the afternoon's events were Canada Day: games such as Dominoes, Fireman, Conveyor Belt and Sticky Popcorn. Later in the afternoon the par- ticipants took part in some Mini- pool Olympic events. They were as follows: Longest Underwater Swim, Long Jump event, Style Competition and finally the Endurance events which consisted of four lengths of front swim, a quick run around the Fitness Trail and a final length of strenuous flutterkick. Congratulations to all the win- ners and participants for their co- operation and enthusiasm in this year's events. See you all next year! Swim Pool News During the July schedule, Family Swim Time occurs on Saturday and Sunday from 4-5 p.m. Participants in this event can bring along their favourite "Bath Tub" toys. ONE PARENT MUST BE IN ATTENDANCE. So blow up your dingy and come . down to the pool! Adult Swim Times Due to popular demand, we TERRACE BAY TUESDAY Terrace Bay-Schreiber News, Wednesday, July 8, 1987, page 5 Terrace Bay Recreation Department News have added two. Adult Swim ses- sions to the weekly schedule. The times are Tuesdays and Thursdays from 8-9 p.m. and Saturdays and Sundays from 8:30-10 p.m. We are encouraging all those who called the recreation centre to come out and show your sup- port for these swim times!!! Adult Swim Lessons We wish to remind you once again that the deadline for the August Swim Lessons is July 24. Register early and do not be dis- appointed!! Programs Tennis Lessons Several persons have expressed an interest in having a Tennis Lesson clinic established through the recreation depart- ment. If you are interested in learn- ing the fundamentals of tennis or how to improve your serve, call the recreation office at 3542 to register. 100 year old Railroad Inn 824-3213 ROSSPORT INN Est. 1884 "Overlooking '. Rossport Harbour" Open for Greak fast. tunck and dinner Licenced dining in the charming atmosphere of a Comfortable overnight accomodations Rossport, Ont. JuLy 14 MEMORIAL ARENA 8:00 P.M. WRESTLING CHRIS COLT ?Z vs. The Canadian 2S WILOMAN. ™wWOLFMAN ( SWEET DADDY cf "SIKI *~-- x . = = vs. <a SOHNSON, LADY WRESTLERS aMIDGETS PLUS GENTLE BEN THE WRESTLING 900 ib BEARS Ont. Supreme Court Ruling Ben's Back Wrestling