By Maurice' Fenelon, Northern Affairs Officer Itinerant Sellers- If you have ever been approached by an itin- erant seller (door-to-door seller) this column will be of some inter- Church Listing est. The summer months in Northern Ontario are usually the most active period for itinerant sellers who see a wide range of oods and services. Schreiber Grace Baptist Church Sunday evening service: 7 p.m. Nursery provided for all services. noon. St. Andrew United Church A nursery for infants is provided. St. John Anglican Church Birchwood Terrace. All welcome. Terrace Bay Community Church Church School is-also at this time. _ | Communion service is every first Sunday of every month. A nursery is provided. A warm welcome awaits all. Lutheran Church Pastor, Rev. Mark Moss. Pastor: Rev. Jim Johnson. Phone 824-2402. Sunday School: all ages- 10 a.m. Morning worship service: 11 a.m. Bible Study and prayer: Wednesdays, 7 p.m. Holy Angels Roman Catholic Church '| New Pastor: Father Francis Pudicherry. Phone 824-2010. Sunday Masses: Saturdays, 7:30 p.m. Sundays, 10 a.m. Rossport. Confessions: Saturdays, 4-5 p.m. in Schreiber. Pays Plat Prayer Group: Thursdays at 7:30 p.m. Minister: Ernie Hunt. Phone 825-3346 or 825-3396. Morning Service and Sunday School are at 11:15 a.m. Communion Service is the first Sunday of every month. New Pastor, Bob Elkin. Phone 824-2771. Holy Eucharist, every Sunday at 9 a.m. and 10:30 a.m. Holy Eucharist every first, third and fifth Sunday. Morning prayer every second and fourth Sunday at 10:30 a.m. Holy Eucharist is celebrated every Friday at 10:30 a.m. at Minister, Ernie Hunt. Phone 825-3346 or 825-3396. Worship service is every Sunday morning at 9:45 a.m. We will be meeting every Monday night in the chapel at Birchw Terrace for Evening Devotions at 7 p.m. For more information contact: Rev. Mark Moss, 887-3020 (office) 887-2612 (home), Lloyd or Hilda Hiebert, 825-3897 or Cathy Withe: 825-9495. St. Martin of Tours Pastor, Father Bernard Campbell. Phone 825-3231. Confessions are on Saturdays from 1:30-2:30 p.m. Sunday Masses are on Saturdays at 7 p.m. and Sundays at 8:30 a.m, and 10:30 a.m. Birchwood Terrace, | p.m. Terrace Bay Gospel Assembly Pastor, Rev. Keith Milne. Phone 824-3436 or 825-9368. Family worship is on Sunday at 11 a.m. Friday night is YOUTH ALIVE at 7:30 p.m. If you would like to include a message with your listing, contact the News at 825-3747. 4 NOTICE NY, The municipality is seeking two interested residents to serve on the Planning Advisory Committee. This committee has the respon- sibility for advising Council on matters related ing and official plan provisions and site plan and control applications. This is a voluntary committee, but members are reimbursed for travel expenses when it is necessary to be out of town. Interested indi- viduals should apply in writing to the Reeve and council before July 22, 1987. Township of Terrace Bay PRO. Box 40 aerr eased ea een ded ie See ee oe eer eeoe In order that you, as a consumer, are protected from improper sales tactics, you should be familiar with your rights and protection. The Consumer Protection Act is among the most important pieces of legislation ever handed down by the Ontario govern- ment. It is designed to do just what the title implies- to protect YOU, the consumer from problems you may encounter when purchasing goods or services or borrowing money: The act states that every itiner- ant seller- selling magazines, vac- uum cleaners, encyclopedias, home repairs, and driveway paving, to name a few- must be registered and bonded under the act. The act requires the registrar to: -require the seller to post a $5,000 bond -require the seller to maintain a permanent place of business ir Ontario -register each separate trade name under which business is carried on. If you are approached by an itinerant seller ask if they are reg- istered and bonded, ask for a business card or such proof, and ask if they have a hawkers and peddlers licence from the town- ship or municipality. Remember, if the sales pitch sounds to good to be true, it prob- BDI AS tip csanccatencaniincinnsesaicnincs When dealing with an itinerant seller, ask questions about repairs and service to products, location of nearest dealer or office, war- ranties and guarantees. Often prizes are awarded or you may be selected a winner of valuable merchandise. The best advice is buyer beware. Should you decide to purchase and a contract is to be signed, remember to read it very carefully Terrace Bay-Schreiber News, Wednesday, July 8, 1987, page 9 Summer months bring out itinerant sellers sumers, there is a cooling-off period during which you may cancel a contract valued at $50 or more. Recission applies only to those contracts negotiated and signed away trom the seller's permanent place of business, your home for example. The letter of recission must be personally delivered or registered at the post office within two clear working days after the contract comes into the hands of the con- sumer. If you have any questions on this consumer matter or any other, contact the Ministry of Consumer and Commercial Relations office in Thunder Bay at 807-475-1641, or your nearest office of the Ministry of Northern Development and Mines at 2 Gilbert Street, Peninsula Building, P.O. Box 280, Marathon, Ontario, or call 229- 1153. For areas outside of Marathoa, ask your operator for Zenith 33160. TOWNSHIP OF TERRACE BAY p The Township of Terrace Bay is Accepting Applications for the Position of Chief of Police. The Terrace Bay Police Force is comprised of six members and two civilians, in a Town with a population of approximately 2,600 2,600 located in an ideal setting for an outdoor enthusiast. The successful candidate must meet the following qualifi- cations; * Be qualified as required in the Police Act of Ontario, Regulation 791, Section 32. * Secondary School Diploma or equivalent. * Have successfully completed at least the Level | Police Management Course and /or the Senior Police Administration Course at the Canadian Police College. * Possess proven communication and administration skills. * Be experienced in Police budget preparation. WRITTEN REQUESTS FOR APPLICATIONS FORMS SHOULD BE MADE TO THE UNDERSIGNED. ITION OF CHIEF OF POLI Candidates must be prepared to Attend a personal interview in Terrace Bay, at their own expense, and to submit to a compre- hensive medical examination. Position to be available as of August 31, 1987. Salary to be negotiated. Excellent benefit package. For confidential consideration, please submit application form and resume no later than July 24,1987 to: Councillor Jim Ziegier, Chairman, Personnel Committee and do not sign if you do not fully TOWNSHIP OF TERRACE BAY understand the terms and condi- PO. Box 40 --_ TERRACE BAY, ONTARIO To add protection for con- POT 2WO TERRACE BAY SWIM:POOL REVISED JULY SCHEDULE - EFFECTIVE JULY 13 to land use in the Township, particularly zon-}' TIME MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY | SAT & SUN _ 8:00 am 8:30 am to SWIMMING LESSONS to ADULT 1:30 pm 10:00am |SWIM 2:30 pm OPEN SWIM 2:00 pm to ty OPEN 5:00 pm 4:00 pm |SWIM 6:00 pm to BRONZE | AQUABICS | BRONZE | AQUABICS| BRONZE] 4:00 pm 7:00 pm to FAMILY 5:00 pm [SWIM 7:00 pm OPEN OPEN OPEN| 7:00 pm |_- to SWIM SWIM SWIM | to OPEN 8:30 pm 8:30 pm SWIM 7:00 pm 5 to OPEN OPEN 8:00 pm SWIM SWIM 8:00 pm to" ADULT ADULT 9:00 pm SWIM SWIM 2 OP AO ees. # BD ****NOTICE THE FOLLOWING CHANGES***** on Tuesday and Thursday Evenings, Open Swim from 7:00-8:00 pm and Adult Swim ftom £:00-9:00 pm. =