CANADA DAY DABBER BINGO Monday, June 29th Terrace Bay Arena 7:00 p.m. $1000.00 Jackpot MUST GO! For more information call: Chris Joubert at 825-9295 TERRACE BAY CELEBRATION +f CANADA DAY MIXED FUN GOLF TOURNAMENT Wednesday, July 1, 1987 Open to Members and Non-members 19 years & older Limit 84 PEOPLE-Entries Close 7 p.m. Sunday June 28 -- Entry Fee: *4.00/Person Enter by signing on at AGUASABON GOLF CLUB or Contact: Jean Megraw at 825-3372 or Jack Chapman at 825-3289 AA AA AR AA AAAR AR AR AR AA AR AR AA RAAB AR AA AAAA AA RA AA AA CANADA DAY COMMITTEE PRESENTS "1st Annual Baby Pageant" Monday June 29th 10:00 - 11:00 a.m. Birchwood Terrace - Front Lobby Open to Newborns up to 18 months A fun event for families who have small children "'The Future of Tomorrow -- will be judged by the ST pe Seniors of Today" For more information contact Dean Main at the Recreation Office 825-3542 JAA RA AA AR AA AR AR AAAR RA AARAARAARA AA AAAARARARARARARRRARAAA RN LITTVILILIL TILT LT LT LTT LTT TTT TT Te If you have plans for this coming weekend, I kindly suggest you change them in order to take part in this year's Canada Day celebra- tions. Parade This year Terrace Bay is featuring an even bigger and better parade. Polkaroo will be in the parade this year- a definite treat for the younger celebra- tors! So kids, make sure you come out and.say hello to Polkaroo. Committee advised ' The Canada Day Committee has been advised by the Secre- , tary of State that Ter- | race Bay will be receiv- _ ing a substantial grant to assist in the Canada Day celebrations. Many Festivities Come out and join in i the festivities. There is something for every- one. Several new events have been added to the roster this year. These | i} TTTTIVTITLILILILIL IIL LTT LOLI include the first-ever RBBB Terrace Bay-Schreiber News, Wednesday, June 24, 1987, page 9 Spend Canada Day in Terrace Bay annual Baby Pageant on Monday, June 29, from 10 a.m to 11 a.m. at Birchwood Terrace in the front lobby. The contest is open to newborn babies up to 18 months. This is- a fun event for families who have small chil- dren. The future of tomorrow will be judged by the seniors of today. Contact Dean Main at the recreation office at 3542 for more information. Other events Other events planned for the celebrations include a Bridge and Cribbage Tournament for Seniors, a Canada Day Dabber Bingo, a Teen Dance, many fam- ily events, a Bed Race, many children's events, Hospitality Gardens, a giant bonfire down at the beach (a bus cour- tesy of Trottier Bus Lines will be available to go to and come from the beach starting from 7 p.m. and ending at 1 a.m). BLLBLRLLLBLLLBLLRBQ REX RELL LE RELLR = SENIORS CRIB & BRIDGE TOURNAMENT HELD AT THE CONFERENCE ROOM in the TERRACE BAY RECREATION CENTRE SUNDAY JUNE 28th 2p.m. - 4p.m. Contact Liz Mackay at 825-3338 'Potote to totu testes tuteutostoteteto touted tetoto tote totutote totter... x Date: Time: JOIN IN THE CANADA DAY // CELEBRATIONS !!! AND SPECIAL GUEST APPEARANCE BY: '"POLKAROO"' Place: Terrace Bay Arena Saturday, June 27tn 2:00 p.m. For further information call: LIBRARY at 825-3819 There will also be entertainment by the Stereo Club, a free movie for children, a. Horshoe Tournament, a Mixed Slow Pitch tour- nament, a Mixed Teen Golf Tournament, a bar- becue, and a_ fireworks display. : 'Why not meet your friends at the Moose Hall for a pancake breakfast? Don't miss the Cana- da Day celebration Dance on June 30 at the Terrace Bay Arena fea- turing the talented music of Lowdown. So please plan to attend all of these events, Or as many as you can. Don't let this year go by without tak- ing part in your town's celebration plans. Plan to spend Canada Day at home in Terrace Bay. BORUROKORUR ROR OR OR OR ORD FREE MOVIE FOR KIDS! Courtesy of TOWNE CINEMA ON SUNDAY JUNE 28th 2p.m. -4 p.m. Featuring: "An American Tale"