Page 8, Terrace Bay-Schreiber News, Wednesday, June 17, 1987 Pollen blown by wind resembles fire smoke detect fires within the various dis- tricts throughout the province. The aircraft carries an observer with the pilot and their object is This Week in Fire Smokes in Basemap 505872 In periods of hazards, grid sys- tems are flown by aircraft to FUC GUC GUC CUU GUN CUUCUUEUU FUN CUUEUUEUUUEUUES CANADA DAY COMMITTEE PRESENTS "1st Annual Baby Pageant" Monday June 29th 10:00 - 11:00 a.m. Birchwood Terrace - Front Lobby Open to Newborns up to 18 months A fun event for families who have small children "The Future of Tomorrow -- will be judged by the . ST Seniors of Today" BABY Pre CUS FUG FUG FUG FU FU FU PU For more information contact Dean Main at the Recreation Office 825-3542 fe te Whe Oe Oe ad Te Be Bd Ws ee es le DAD AD Al A Al OD AW OF Tel Od Bal Ad A A Hal Caf Tal OFS OA af el Raf TAd Oh Har Ral Ad aT Ha Oar ed Od to spot smoke from fires and report them for suppression action. This is another reason- why fire permits are necessary. Recently, a detection plane reported a possible smoke in basemap 505872. As the story goes, Armstrong was picking up lightning fires and two Cansos and another bird dog aircraft were enroute from Geraldton to this area. They were diverted to check out the area for smoke, when they encountered more smokes. A 205 helicopter and fire crew enroute from Thunder Bay were diverted to take initial attack on these possible fires. When they arrived in the area they encountered more smokes. It is hard to visualize all these air- craft in one area with no contact of a positive fire location. As the scenario continued, it . was ascertained that the pollen from the conifer trees was being blown by the wind which caused the same effect as smoke coming from the forest. Oh well, all was safe and we were all a little wiser. As the fire scene returns to a more normal situation, fire crews are returning to their assigned ENS CANADA DAY DANCE TERRACE BAY ARENA TUESDAY, JUNE 30th 9am.-1pm. Music by: LOW-DOWN (London, Ontario) ADMISSION - *6.00 Per Person LICENSED EVENT - AGE OF MAJORITY REQUIRED ga a a PD ES I ee ee areas. This year's fire crews are as illustrated. Let's welcome these hard-working fire fighters to our community. Crew 1- Doug Scott, Steve Smith, Gary Bellemare, Steve Cooke; Crew 2- Jim Morrison, Shaun Walker, Gunther Schneider, Jeff Beattie; Crew 3- Peter Harris, Steve Anderson, Mike Small, Randy Oldford; Crew 4- Barnyard Burnett, Norm Gladish, John Irwin, Earl Zotter, Mike Strassburger; Crew 5- Maurice Demers, James Bull, Mike Robichaud, Dave Welbourne; Warehouse- Roy White; Fire Prevention and Safety- Al Turner; Assistant Warehouse- Ricky Hamilton. Regular Fire Base Personnel- Fire Operations Manager- Chuck Currie; Senior Fire Control Technician- Daryl Curran; Prescribed Burn Specialist- Mike Klem; Unit Crew Leaders- Ernie Ptok, Steve Hill, Fred Hampton, Ken Martinsen; Fire Operations Clerks- Maureen Phillppe, Dawn LaChapelle, Sherrie Lou Glaab. See you out golfing, fishing, baseball or just having fun. New books in at the library There will be a fine-free period for overdue books between June 15 and July 1. Please return all over- due books at this time. - Summer hours start June 15 to September 15 and the library will be closed on Saturdays during this period. : New Books Windmills of the Gods by Sidney Sheldon, Bandits by Elmore Leonard, More Advice from the Back Doctor by Hamilton Hall, Fatal Shore: Epic of Australia's Founding by Robert Hughes, Every Woman's Guide to the Law by Lin- da Silver. Dranoff, Consumer Guide Automobile Book, Popular Mechanics Do-it-yourself en- cyclopedia, and Dan McGrew, Sam McGee and other great Ser- vice (this beautiful volume is a col- lection of 57 of Robert Service best-known poems). New Videos Spa Style- secrets of the super spas, Living language courses in French and Spanish. New Books on Tape The Aquitaine Progression, Tough Guys Don't Dance, The Danger and several more. Try a talking book to help pass the time when you're travelling, sewing, knitting or exercising. Children's babysitting kits pro- vide books to read and things to do when you are babysitting. We have a new supply of how- to, crafts, gardening and cooking books to fill your needs. 'What is the best gift which can be given to a community?...a free library occupies the first place..." Andrew Carnegie, 1889. Racing Rules: 1. Bed must be 54°° wide requirements y ed by. four (4) persons best dressed rider. information CANADA DAY 4 BED RACE / Terrace Bay, Ontario ] Sunday, June 28th, 1987 1:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. i 1:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. Come celebrate Canada Day in Terrace Bay by entering W& your group, business or organization in the Canada Day y] Bed Race. Challenges encouraged: Course | km. in length. #}| 2. Fitted with 54°" standard mattress 3. One (1) set of wheels must be in fixed position - no size 4. Bed must be occupied by one (1) person in sleeping attire and push- 5. Bed and bed pushers must cross finish line together. te Prizes awarded to Ist, 2nd, 3rd and last place beds -- also i Contact Gary Callaghan at 825-3831 for further / i] Entry forms may be dropped off at: Y | CONTACT PERSON ..... PONE NO... ..... (PRES te Terrace Bay Municipal Offices or / 34 Parkway Place i] no later than 25th June, 1987 4 CANADA DAY BED RACE / j) So ee ADDRESS..... 452... ° 332 er 1 6 oD a a ee FS Ve ee te eee & et oEtUe Oe 69 eb tet ent 6 4 6 9 snetlniiaiian hath ana tii amano