Page 10, Terrace Bay-Schreiber News, Wednesday, June 17, 1987 Police News continued from page 6 A vehicle owned and driven by Robert E. Thompson of Terrace Bay left the road at 5 p.m. and rolled into the east ditch. No injury was suffered by the driver or its two passengers. The vehicle was demolished and no charges have been laid. : The Schreiber detachment has in its possession four bicycles that have been found in the community recently and have been unclaimed. If any resident is missing a bicycle, please contact the office as one my be yours. During the week, Police were kept busy responding to a number of domestic occurrences, liquor violations, minor thefts plus the usual calls for Policing services. The public is reminded that it is an offence under the Liquor Act to display and or consume liquor in a public place. A number of charges for this offence have been laid recently and police will be making special efforts to curtail this activity especially in the new ball field area. Motorists are advised that it is an added safety feature to turn on your headlights while driving your vehicle during the daylight hours. Studies have proven that when this is done accident experience is reduced. to improve your home Ontario: Home ' Renewal Program This column will be of interest to homeowners living in the unor- ganized areas on the North Shore. The Ontario Home Renewal Program (O.H.R.P.) offers home- owners living in their own prop- erties an opportunity to make nec- essary inprovements to their prin- cipal residence. The program is aimed at reha- bilitating substandard homes, with emphasis on faulty structural and sanitary conditions, as well as the upgrading of plumbing, insu- lation, heating and electrical sys- tems. In unorganized communities without municipal boundaries, O.H.RP. is administered by the Ministry of Housing in conjunc- tion with the Mlnistry of Northern Development and \ . \ \ gor oe ° cae | T ha n k Y ou seee Phemembers of St.Martin of Tours C.W.L., wish to extend our deep gratitiude and heartfelt thanks, , to each and everyone of you who helped in so many ways, to make ' the 34th. Annual Diocesan Convention of the Catholic Women's ) League, which was held May Sth, 6th and 7th, 1987, in Terrace Bay, the outstanding success that it was. It is only through the \ combined effort and committment of everyone, that such an under- taking can be accomplished \ : . . Pi NY Our thanks goes out to the following businesses & organizations: N Red Dog Inn Fee ren vas Beneatvervaver) \ pon coos Stafford Foods = Conader Lotion Br.223 ' Print Shop aioe pay Nee Flowers & Things(Schreiber) , rawbderr atc % ee ee Gebrre's Hardware, ieee . Robinson's Terrace Bay Belluz Realty N imperial Motel Terrace Bay Cleaners Superior Styles & Trends \ Terrace Bay ne ion G&G Hair Fashions Holy Angels Parish Auxiliary yee Schreiber Foodmarket Order of Masons \ Y Lake Superior High School Terrace Bay Public Women of the Moose . Y {lawace Bay Cant ang School Terrace Bay Post Office \ \ Mamnbare: ofthe bes = da Separate Granny's : choo! rat Kimber Clk of Bey Gum nc E ; anat i \ oe pop tmrancony Gtaufiers Lean Cuisine oe er Const N Township of Terrace a Bay Public Ontario Provincial Police Q --_ Ontario Hyd 4 Tenacé Bay Police Costa's Foodmarket Ministry Natural Resources rege f : Knights of Columbus poi S § We would also like to thank any and all the individuals who helped in the follow ing ways: N . \ The convention committee convenors and their assistants. y All those who contributed baking and food supplies. \ All those who served at any of the functions. . Those who did any painting or carpentry. The men who picked up and delivered tables and chairs. Y Mrs. Stella Sadowick, for donating the beautiful needlepoint. \ : . Q If we have forgotten to mention anyone or any organization, please accept our apologies. : The winner of the needlepoint draw was Mrs. E. Rynack of Thunder Bay. 0 = The winner of the 50-50 draw,*500.00, was Mrs. Kitty Kahko of Thunder Bay. TITITTILI LTT DSS Ld Bed OAS Od Ov ed Gs OY OS Be Bd YITVIVILILILe eee oe ee < WITH OUR FRIENDLY STAFF. CONTEST RULES AND OFFICIAL ENTRY FORM 1 Toenter you musi possess a commercial operator's license for teavy Guty trucks. Officiat entry forms are available at Western Star outlets 2° jada_ Please print your name, address and telephone number on Ine official ent answer correctly the "QUESTIONS TO QUALW ¥ FSH DRAW": The correct answers will have to be vaiidated by an authorized Western Star ealer before you maii the official entry form to THE GREAT "SHINING S!Ax CONTEST c/o Price Waterhouse. Box 51. Toronto-Domifior Centre Toronto, Ont. MSK 1G1 NOTE only official entry forms will be validated 2 Contest closes on November 2, 1987 Entries received after November 10, 1987 will not be considered. All entries become the property of Western Star Trucks Inc and will not be returned No responsibility will be taken for lost. stolen oF misdirected entry forms 3. No purchase is necessary. 4. Each entrant agrees to abide and be bound by the contest rules THE PRIZE 5 One grand prize wilt be awarded consisting of a 1987 Western Star Conventional i: ick/tractor Mode! 4964, including applicable taxes. freight. dealer handling and pre-delivery charges. Winner will be responsible for insurance, licensing and registration Colour may vary from that illustrated Approximate value of the prize Is $125,000 6 A random draw will be made from all eligible entries in Toronto, November 20. 1987 at 20:00 hours. In order to win. the selected entrant will be contacted by telephone and must LILTITTILILILI LILLE TTT TUTTI SHOW TRUCK ON DISPLAY AT WESTERN STAR THROUGH JUNE 28th, 1987. DROP IN & COMPL first correctly answer unaided a time-limited skill- testing question to be administered by telephone. at a pre arranged mutually convenient time and submit a written release and dec! «ration confirming compliance with the contest rules and stance cf the orize as awarded No substitution for or 2! orize will Le allowed No cash settlement will be Qiven in leu ot tne prize 7. The prize will be delivered to Ine winner at the Western Star location nearest the winner's home 8 The contest 1s open to all resigents of Canada wh, Nave a valid commercial operator s .icense 'er heavy duty frucks except employees of Western Star Turks Inc. its representatives. agents. dealers, its advertising agericy and the independent judging organization and members"Of their respective immediate families The decision of the independent judging organization is final The chances of being selected depend upon the total number of entries rece:vec The contest 1s Subject to all applicable Federal. Provincial and Municipal laws 9 By-entering the contest. eri:ants consent to the use of their name and/or photograph 1 any oublicity carried out by Western Star Trucks Inc 10 Any litigation respecting the conduct and awarding of a prize in this publicity contest may be submitted to the Regie des Loteries et Courses du Quebec 11. The name of the successful entrant will be provided upon written request to the address above, 6 months after the date of the draw Contest closes November 2, 1987 Es ATTENTION ALL TRUCKERS THE GREAT "SHINING STAR" YOU COULD WIN "YOUR DREAM MACHINE" WESTERN STAR'S 1987 SHOW TRUCK SALES WEST ARTHUR ST ETE YOUR ENTRY FORM A CONTEST $125,000 Value Name Brvee} 0 Prov Tel __ Postal Code___ I certity that | wali comply with the contest rules and reguiahons and that | posses a valid Commercial operators license for heavy duty trucks No __ issued in the Province ot Signature QUESTIONS TO QUAL'FY FOR DRAW + Name one Canadian company which manufactures a heavy duty diese! truck 2 Name two North American companies manulacturing diese! engines tor heavy Guty trucks 3. Name two North American companies manutacturing axies for heavy duty trucks | 4 Name two North American companies manutacturing transmissions for heavy duty trucks REET THUNDER BAY JUNE 22nd, ND ENJOY COFFEE & DONUTS ""SPECIAL" DURING THAT WEEK ONLY, SOME NEW & DEMO STOCK TRUCKS WILL BE DISCOUNTED BY SEVEN PERCENT . FOR MORE INFO CALL 1-939-2537 yy THE GREAT YOU COULD WIN "SHINING STAR" CONTEST "YOUR DREAM MACHINE" WESTERN STAR'S 1987 SHOW TRUCK ) FUR FUR FUR FUR PU BU A &<- TARA AA AA AA AR AR AR AAAR AR AR AAI | AUR FUR PUR FUR FU FUR A y HA BLA BU eee AAR AR AR AA RAR AR AR AR AR AR AR AR RRAARAAAAT AR AA AR AR AR AR AR AR AA AAAAAARA AA Pd Mines. A system of loans, repayable and forgivable, to pay for the property rehabilitation is avail- able to qualifying individuals whose "adjusted family income" does not exceed $21,000 (effec- tive April 1, 1987). The maximum amount of the loan, repayable and forgivable is $7,500. The forgivable portion of the loan is based upon family income and may not exceed $4,000. ° The interest rates charged range from 0 per cent to 10 per cent and are based upon family income. Before proceeding with the work it is necessary that at least two written estimates of the -Home renewal program helps approved work be submitted by contractors willing to do the work. Upon final approval and pay- ment for work carried out the owner-occupant is required to make monthly payments on the loan. A"maximum of $600 for each full year of occupancy can be for- given. If you have any questions on this program or believe you may qualify contact the Northern Affairs Officer at the Ministry of Northern Development and Mines, Peninsula Building, Box 280, Marathon, Ontario, POT 2EO, or by calling 229-1153. For areas outside of Marathon ask your operator for Zenith 33160. More endangered species Above and at right are projects done by the Grs. 7 and 8 Science class from the Terrace Bay Public School. Above is the Eastern Cougar project. This was done by Renee Kaizer, Debbie Cosswell, Robin Douglas and Bonnie Brake. The project top right was the Right Whale. It was done by Shelley Smrke, Ryan Singleton, Sherri Daniels, and Sian MacKay. Below right is the Beluga Whale project. The students who did this one were Kelly Wilson, Samantha Dodd, Andrea Capy, Rosemary VanEe and Michelle Cebrario. (see story on page 1). EXCELLENT EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY One Full Time Plant Maintenance Supervisor Nipigon District Memorial Hospital is seeking an in- dividual to assume responsibility for maintenance and plant operations and wishes to become involv- ed in the planning and construction phases of anew building. Nipigon is located 65 miles east of Thunder Bay along the Northshore of Lake Superior and of- fers excellent recreational and leisure activities. This golden opportunity requires a self motivated in- dividual with experience in electrical, heating, mechanical and piumbing systems. Excellent salary and benefits accompany this position. Interested candidates must be a qualified Class IV Stationary Engineer. Direct Enquiries To: Personnel Department Nipigon District Memorial Hospital P.O. Box 37 Nipigon, Ontario POT 2J0 (807) 887-3026