Terrace Ba Schreiber ces | Wednesday, June 10, 1987 y Vol. 42, No. 23 Serving Terrace Bay, Schreiber and Rossport 35% Touching base Students Placement office now open- many jobs listed By Ken Lusk Once again the Student Place- nent Centre of the Canada tmployment Centre for Students CECS) is open for business. The tudent Placement Officer, Moni- 1e Parise, would like to help hun- ureds of local students find work . for the summer. Parise, who took over from last year's officer Jaclynne Speziale, officially opened her office on Monday, June 1. Her role, and the role of the cen- tre, is to help find summer employ- ment for secondary and post- secondary students in Terrace Bay, Schreiber, Rossport and Pays Plat. (Employment does not necessarily end for the students once the sum- mer is over. In addition, there is no age restriction for registering. The student must have gone to school in the last school year and be plan- ning to go back in the next year). Parise also assists Gr. 8 students who are going into Gr. 9 at the high school. Hours for business Parise would like the students who need work to know that she will be in Terrace on Mondays, Tuesday, Wednesdays and Fridays. Her office in Terrace Bay is in the multi-purpose room of the recreation complex and her hours are from 8 a.m. to noon and | p.m. to 4:45 p.m. see placement page 6 umpire\coaching clinics, skills development clinics and exhibition games between communities. Come out and cheer your community on! (Photo by Ken Lusk). The Terrace Bay-Schreiber Minor Ball Programs started on Monday, June 1 (shown in evidence above). This year the Minor Ball program includes Take this job and love it! The student placement office of the Canada Employment Centre for Students (CECS) is now offi- cially open. The placement officer is Monique Parise (above) and she is ready and willing to help all stu- Recreational questionnares will help to identify needs By Ken Lusk The Recreational Masterplan for the Township of Schreiber is well- underway and Barb Hodgins, plan- ner for Conlin Engineering and Planning Limited, (the company doing the study), was in town last Wednesday and talked to the News about the plan. (Conlin also. did Schreiber's Of- ficial Plan about 12 years ago. The Official Plan defines land use in a community. Hodgins said that the recreational plan could possibly bring about a need for amendments to policies in the Official Plan). Hodgins said that a good rapport has evolved between herself and the groups, organizations and per- sons in the community that she has been talking to about the plan. Hodgins talked to represen- tatives from the Girl Guides, the Boy Scouts, baseball leagues, the legion, the Curling Club and the Chimo Club, just to'name a few. These discussions are taking place in order to pinpoint possible . future recreational needs of -the community. Another such group was the study team for the community, the Recreation Committee. The com- mittee is composed of Councillors Tom Quinton and Gerry Godin, Recreation Director Ron Larivee, Chairman Irene Borutski, Vice- chairman Janet Moorey, Jack Han- dle, Alice Scott, Gary Dament, Keith Scott Sr., Reeve Mike Cosgrove, Bert Logan and Tammy McParland, the student represen- tative on the committee. Questionnare A questionnare will be distributed to every household in Schreiber on or around June 10. It will basically ask what type of recreational facilities people believe there is or will be a need for as well as whether respondents would support an increase in the tax base for such facilities, said Hodgins. There will be many drop-off _ in Schreiber for the com- have until June 19 to fill it in and drop it off. Tammy Meister, a Schreiber resident, has been hired by Conlin to assist anyone in the community who may have questions about the questionnare once they receive it. Tammy can be reached at the recreation centre at 824-2317. Hodgins said that right now Conlin is in the information- gathering stage of the plan. Discus- sions are held and information is' analyzed in order to indicate what people want in the way of - recreation. A wide eye will definitely be kept on cost, because as Hodgins said, people don't want a "pie in the sky". Whatever grants can possibly be utilized will be, said Hodgins, so that the citizens' tax dollar can go further. Below is an article written by Conlin and submitted by Hodgins to the News. It basically touches upon the what is involved in the three steps of the plan. ee see masterplan page 6, dents find jobs for the summer. (Photo by Ken Lusk).