Page 6, Terrace Bay-Schreiber News, Wednesday, May 20, 1987 Schreiber Recreation Department News Fun Run Only 10 days before the Fun Run is here! As of yet no challenges have been issued- come on Schreiber, let's get something going; get your challenges into the recreation of- fice before Thursday at 4 p.m. and they will appear in the next issue of this paper. Plan to be at the high school Monday, May 25, 7 p.m., and be a part of making Schreiber the 3-time champs for the North Shore Directors' Fun Run!! See you there. Canada Day Dance Bill Can will be be back!! On Saturday, June 27, in the Schre iber Arena the recreation com- mittee is sponsoring its annual Canada Day Dance. spoken. ZAITZEFF ARNONE SOMERLEIGH Barristers & Solicitors 291 South Court Street Thunder Bay, Ontario SPECIALIZING IN FAMILY MATTERS; WILLS and ESTATES: CRIMINAL AND CIVIL LITIGATION; REAL ESTATE and CORPORATE COMMERCIAL LAW. CALL TOLL FREE 1-800-465-3912 MARYLIN J. ZAITZEFF and DINO DIGIUSEPPE attend weekly office hours Thursdays in Terrace Bay. Italian Receptionist available daily at Simcoe Plaza Office, call 825-3292 for appointments and further information. ag: Porthis DRYCLEANING SERVICES Top Coats Piain Pants & Skirts Heavy Winter 7 Simcoe Plaza Terrace Bay 825-3776 PROMOTIONS FOR MAY 11th TO MAY 23rd Men's & Ladies Coats & Parkas 5.49 2.99 6.29 TRAILER PARK Schreiber 824-2617 This year we are in for a special treat. Bill Can (Elvis Im- personator) will be here to help us rock and roll the night away. Those who attended the con- cert last fall know exactly how Great this night will be. Tell your friends and plan to attend this exciting evening. Swim Program The recreation department will again be offering Red Cross Auxiliary Events The Auxiliary to the McCausland Hospital held their Annual Meeting on April 21. New officers for the coming year were elected as follows: -Past President- Daphne Monks -President- Elaine Mannisto Ist Vice-president- Sheila Cassie -2nd_ Vice-president- Monica Baldwin -Treasurer- Irene St. Rose -Recording Secretary- Elise Kenny --Corresponding Secretary- Pad- dy MacKay. The Reverand Keith Milne was. the guest speaker and explained to the auxiliary his role as chaplainto the hospital. He will be available to the pa- tients and staff at regular times as well as acting as liason with the other area clergy as needed. Sheelagh Hamilton was presented with a distinguished service award by the auxiliary. Sheelagh has been active in the auxiliary for 13 years, holding various executive positions in- cluding president. She has convened numerous fund-raising activities including Spring Balls, Membership drives, and countless raffles:as well as acting as convener of patient services. 5 Her organizing abilities and faithful service will be missed by the members of the auxiliary and we wish her well as she and her husband will retire to the Ban- croft area. The next meeting of the aux- iliary will be May 15 in the cafeteria of the hospital. Anyone interested is welcome to attend or may contact any member of the auxiliary. Thunder Bay Community Auditorium SECOND SEASON WELCOME TO SUMMER Featurin The One and Only! Roy Orbison Sunday June 14, 8 p.m. Tickets$18.00 Treat yourself to accommodations to the Ramada Inn. Special Room Rate of $40 with up to four in a room. Book your tickets & accommodation through the TBCA BOX OFFICE - 343-2300 collect Good (June 12-14) Box Office is Open Monday to Saturday 10 am to 5:30 pm, Wednesday 10 am to 1 pm, Sundays and Holidays 1 hour prior to performance. (One dollar convenience charge per ticket on all phone. orders) Swim Classes this summer. We will be holding two, three-week sessions. The first commencing July 6, and the second commencing Ju- ly 27. Registration forms will be distributed through the schools in the near future. Mixed Slowpitch Find yourself walking around with nothing to do? Well then take a walk down to the ball field starting June 3 and you will catch an exciting game of baseball. Fifteen teams have registered and are busy gearing up for what looks to be a great season of ball. This Week in Fire The Ministry of Natural Resources reports a total of 75 forest fires burning in the province. There were 46 new fires reported yesterday, May 13, with 18 of these caused by lightning. A fire in near Kapuskasing com- prising of 200 hectares caused the evacuation of 800 people in the town of Balrita. This was enacted as a safety measure and people returned home in the evening. Another fire in Upsala caused the near evacuation of that town also. It should be noted at this time that as members of Northern On- tario communities, we must be prepared to accept evacuation as a~ fact. The procedures are outlined in your municipal evacuation plan. MNR crews are being utilized to the limit and woods industry per- sonnel and civilians are augmenting their forces. The Victoria Day weekend caus- ed the ministry to set up stations at strategic locations to notify forest users of the hazardous conditions and the requirements of a restricted fire zone. Restricted hours, full closure of bush operations and fuel wood- cutting restrictions are still in effect. If you have any questions on these subjects, contact your local MNR office. Mother's Day Draw -- The Horticultural Society of Terrace Bay held a Mother's Day draw» at Granny's two Saturdays ago for a potted geranium, (shown. above is Taina Baker, society executive, Hyacinthe Landry, presi- dent of the society, and Janet Moorey, owner of Granny's). There were 12 draws and 12 geraniums given away. The winners were: Myra Smilsky, Mary Teniuk, Annette Landry, June Jeffrey, N. Hubelit, Dorothy Kenney, Ann Querry, Rosaire Lidkea, Elaine LaBarge, Cathi Stachiw, Mary Hubelit and Valerie Stortini. (Note: There will be a bedding plant sale for members of the society at the arena on May 23 from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. On May 26, the society is holding "Baskets, Bowls and Boxes" at the rec centre at 7:30 p.m. CORRESPONDENT 7 WANTED looking for a part-time person to WRITE and take PHOTOS of NEWS EVENTS IN TERRACE BAY: The Times-News is F For details CONTACT: THE DISTRICT EDITOR TIMES-NEWS 75 Cumberland St. S. THUNDER BAY, ONT. P7B 1A3 PHONE 1-800-465-3914 a