Terrace Bay-Schreiber News, Wednesday, May-20,. 1987,.page-9 Winnie Campbell By Winnie Campbell The Chimo Club's Senior Citizens Shuffleboard held their an- nual windup dinner at Restaurant Le Blanc Wednesday, May 12. Everyone enjoyed the Chinese Food. Following the dinner all return- ed to the Chimo Club for games. Al Slater acted as MC for the presentations of prizes for the two By Helene Ballard Hello! It's that time again- boy time sure flies. Before I go on here I would like to say a big "Thank-you"' to Rita McBride ffor _ her thoughtfulness for all the mothers here at Birchwood. When we went down for din- ner on Sunday, May 10, we were presented with lovely corsages made by Rita. This made Mother's Day special for all the ladies at the home- it was very kind of you to donate your time and talent fo us. We are so fortunate to have such nice friends, so once again Rita, our heartfelt thanks. If our weather-can warm up we will have some nice flowers to plant- Mina Mahoney has been busy in the greenhouse. She has several kinds of vegetables which are ready for transplant now. One: of our residents, Cliff Barker, was busy this morning getting the ground ready for Breathalyze Shown above is Terrace Bay Counc. Jim Ziegler tak- ing a breathalyzer at the Curling Club as part of Police Week which ran from May 10 to May 16. At far left is Bernard Chasse, of the Terrace Bay Police Department and at far right, Dave Smeltzer, who con- ducted the breathalyzer test. Chasse, Ziegler and Ziegler's wife took part by consuming alcohol and then by taking the breathalyzer. It gave the participants the opportuni- ty to see how much it took for them to be impaired. (Photo by Ken Lusk). tournaments. The winners of the first tournament were, first, Beth McAdam and Jack Handel; 2nd, Marg Handel and Ken Davis. Big Ends, Pat Guina and Mary Inatko. Most winner for a spare, Raymo Spilula. Winners of the second tourna- ment, first, Jack Handel and Freda Gerow, second, Mary Inatko and Marg McKenna. Big Ends, Celia Valentino and Bill Gerow. Most planting so we hope to have nice warm weather so we can soon en- joy fresh vegetables. Our bridge playing friends were in on Tuesday, the 12th, and as usual a good time was had by residents and visitors alike. As this is about all for this week I'll close with this wee bit of nonsense. "'Two friends met on the street wins for a spare, Myara Holmes and Marg Tiboni. The happiest player, Irene Morin. Winnie Campbell, on behalf of the Shuffleboard players, presented Jack Handel with a gift thanking him for the work in convening the shuffleboard games throughout the seasons. He was given a round of ap- plause by all present. Cards and games were played one day- not having seen each other for a long time, they had a lot of news to catch up on. One of the friends had been married for only a short time so he asked his friend if he was now a mar- ried man to which he replied, 'No way man, women are fun to be with, but they are hell to live with'."' "'Adios'"' Moose News Terrace Bay Chapter 1426 held their chapter night meeting on May 5 with 21 co-workers present. Due to the absence of Senior Regent Gisele Legacy, the meeting was chaired by Junior Regent Sherrin Krachling. Gloria Benoit, Academy of Friendship chairman, introduce d her committee and stated a penny auction, lunch and raffle would take place following the meeting. Financial report was given. Donation to be made to the Cystic Fibrosis Telethon and On- tario Moose Scholarship fund. Ladies will cater for Hockey Banquet on May 23. Raffle was won by Margeret Mauger and pot of gold was Clara MacDonald. Co-workers enjoyed a lovely cold buffet, cake, tea and coffee served by the Academy of Friend- ship committee following the pen- ny auction. S. Benko. 7 To find out more about Mary Kay's proven effec- tive skin care system and receive a complimentary facial in the privacy of your own home, call for an appointment, Independent Beauty Consultants Cathy Riley 824-2001 Michelle Malashewski 825-9494 * Now Available - MENS SKIN CARE! JUST IN TIME FOR FATHER'S DAY! With MARY KAY COSMETICS, skin T care isn't just something you buy. It's something you learn. ; and coffee served. Shuffleboard winners this even- ing were first, Mary McKenna and Bart Kusik, second, Beth McAdam and Betha Bridge, Bena Welbourne- Snooker- first, Al Slater and Pat Guina, second snooker, Alec Gordon and Stan Kusik. Get well in hospital to Mima Duggan, Mrs. Cataford, Mr. Noonan, Geno Cacc and Huck Gerow. Congratulations to Mrs. Violet Nesbitt on her 90th birthday, May 10. A tea was held at her home. Helping with the lunch was Fora Bryson, Beth McAdam, Dorothy Rummery and Fran Nesbitt. Rec. at the door was Linda and Nellie Stewart. Mrs. Nesbitt wishes to ~ thank all who sent gifts and nice flowers- also plaques from the government. EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY WITH TOWNSHIP OF TERRACE BAY RECREATION DEPARTMENT "NIGHT SUPERVISOR" Mature person required to supervise activity lounge and the Recreation Centre, evenings and weekends. Person we are seeking will also be responsible for Cash Con- trol and the Distribution of information on courses available. Rate of Pay: $6.73 per hour Hours of Work: Approximately 16-20 hours per week. Letter of application and a resume to be submitted to: Terrace Bay Recreation Committee PO. Box 460 Terrace Bay, Ontario POT 2wo Deadline for submission - May 22nd. More information available by contacting D. Main - 825-3542 [[ the Corporation of the Township of Terrace Bay [aa] gal Set U7 '\ by fe S Ly NOTICE The municipality is seeking two interested residents-to serve on.the Planning Advisory Committee. This committee has. the responsibility for advising Council on matters related to land use in the Township, particularly zoning and official plan provi- sions and site plan and control applications. = This is a voluntary committee, but members are reimburs- ed for travel expenses when it is neccessary to be out of town. Interested individuals should apply in writing to the Reeve and Council before May 22, 1987. For further information, con- tact the undersigned. L.H. Simons Clerk - Co-ordinator Township of Terrace Bay PO. Box 40 Terrace Bay, Ontario POT2WO "AN INVITATION" To Ali Coaches, Umpires, and Parents Interested in Minor Ball The Terrace Bay/Schreiber Recreation Departments will be hosting the following: MINOR BALL UMPIRE CLINIC Saturday May 23rd - 10:00 a.m.- 12:00 noon - Schreiber Recreation Complex This clinic is designed to provide the recreational umpire with an introduction to the basic rules of the game. MINOR BALL COACHING CLINIC Saturday May 23 - 1:00 p.m.-4:00 p.m. - Schreiber Recreation Complex This clinic is designed to provide the recreational coach with an introduction to the basic skills of the game. In- cludes methods of skill instruction, useful drills,and ideas on how to organize a practice. Transportation will be pro- vided to all Terrace Bay Parents, Umpires and Coaches. For further information and to register, please contact the Terrace Bay Recreation Office at 825-3542 or the Schreiber Recreation Office at 824-2317. PLEASE PLAN TO HAVE FUN......REGISTER EARLY... This program is made possible by a Best Ever Develop- ment Grant.