Council has so proclaimed it, so be it! It is time again for Police Week. This year it will run from Sunday, May 10, to Saturday, May 16. Agenda Tuesday, May 12, 1987 A drinking and _ driving awareness program at the Lake Superior High School Campus, Terrace Bay, with both Gr. elementary classes in ae The event is planned for 2:30 p-m. with Wendy Crawford and the film, "'Make Sure it isn't You". School board receives grant The North of Superior District Roman Catholic Separate School Board has received a grant of $60,363.30 from the Ontario Ministry of Northern Development and Mines. This is part of a total of $7.5 million provided to schools in Nor- thern Ontario for the purchase of: -equipment for science and technology labs * equipment for instruction in science and technology in regular classrooms Here is that elusive picture of the Easter Contest win- ners. On the far left and far right are the Luxmore sisters, Jennifer and Crystal, who won in the 10 and -microcomputers for individual classrooms -equipment for business studies, technical studies, art and music -resource books and materials The board's grant has been allocated to the following schools: St. Brigid School/Ecole Saint Brigette, Nakina- $10,063.15 St. Hilary School, $5,062.50 Red Rock- Easter Contest St. Edward School, Nipigon- $6,296.52 Holy Angels School, Schreiber- $6,334.44 St. Martin School, Terrace Bay- $6,588.73 Holy Saviour School/Ecole Saint Sauveur, Marathon- $12,608.46 Our Lady of Lourdes School, Manitouwadge- $7,117.00 Ecole Notre Dame de Lourdes, Manitouwadge- $6,292.50. over category; second from left is Kevin Lydon, win- ner in the Up to 6 years; and second from right is Shauna Singleton, winner in the 7 t 9 years category. to the passing thereof. this 6th day of May, A.D., A.J. Gauthier Clerk-Treasurer Township of Schreiber PUBLIC NOTICE TOWNSHIP OF SCHREIBER Take notice that the Municipal Council of the Township of Schreiber will take into consideration the passing of, and if approved, will pass at its meeting to be held on the 9th day of June, 1987, or at an adjourned meeting thereof, at the hour of 7:00 o'clock in the afternoon, at the Council Chambers, Municipal Office, 608 Winnipeg Street. A By-law to stop and close the public street or highway more particularly described as follows: All and Singular, that parcel or tract of Land and Premises\lying and being in the Township of Schreiber, in the District of Thunder Bay and Province of Ontario, and being composed of the whole of a Lane 20 feet wide by 50 feet long, situated on the West side of Winnipeg Street on a Plan filed in the Office of Land Titles for the District of Thunder Bay as number 826, Lying between Brunswick Street on Plan 826, and Columbia Street on Plan 826. And take further notice that the said Council will at the time and place above mentioned hear any person who claims that his land will be prejudicially affected by the said By- law, and who applied to be heard. Thesaid By-law may be inspected during business hours by any interested party at the Office of the Clerk-Treasurer, Township Municipal Office, Schreiber, Ontario prior Dated at the Township of Schreiber, 1987 " Cs"? a «9 . Fg "eo : --" 2 Q 3 '" fos _ lis 2 ? oe c . = 2 ba =e | ms 3 Zz Ms F / } 38 REM. INST. N& B55 inst. © ne 136168 3 Ee : : : py/§ 3 = e010 ( ace. ]_ 20% ieee. ret wd ae's0"" ~/ : A A (998-3080 © wes.) i 1 56z= 2 n a mw -- ; WINNIPEG ont STREET Terrace Bay-Schreiber News, Wednesday, May 6, 1987, page 9 Many events on agenda for Police Week- May 10-16 At 7:30 p.m., this same program will be offered to the public in the Curling Club Lounge with Con- stable Fenton and Chief Russ Phillips. Thursday, May 14, 1987 At the Curling Club Lounge, from 1-4 p.m., there will be a Police Week Display with Con- stable Fenton. Drinking and driving awareness- Const. Fenton. Bicycle Safety and indentification and Summer Bicycle Safety Program- Const. Callaghan. Drug Information Display and Robbery Prevention- Const. Smeltzer. V.I.P. Program- Const. Callaghan, Chief Phillips and the Gr. 6 class. Neighbourhood Watch, Opera- tion Provident, Operation Indentification- Const. Chasse. Child Find Block Parents Friday, May 15, 1987 There will be an elementary school Bicycle Rodeo at the Ter- race Bay Arena from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. with Constables Callaghan, Chasse and Fenton. The rodeo is sponsored by Jim Mikus, your local Shell Agent. Plan to attend! \ Theme. ( CANADA HEALTH DAY ) The theme for 1987 Canada Health Day is '"TAKE CHARGE OF YOUR HEALTH'. The Board of Governors of the McCausland Hospital invite you to stop and review your personal contribution to the National Canada Health - 'Day STARTING RIGHT THE FIRST TIME! So...How Do You Start A Business The Right Way? Take the time to plan before you start your new Business. Starting Right the FIRST TIME is a Pro- gramme that shows you how. STARTING RIGHT OFFERS YOU: 1. 8 weekly sessions of 3 hours 2. 6 hours of private discussions with a Centre Advisor 3. You will be given a STARTING RIGHT Resource Manual WHO IS ELIGIBLE? Those serious about Business ownership and those ready to make a $200.00 investment. WHEN DOES IT START? MONDAY MAY 11th at the RECREATION CENTRE TERRACE BAY at 7:00 p.m. WHO TO CONTACT? or CALL FOR MORE INFORMATION: northwest enterprise 4; centre ies Nancy Gale or Ruth Roos at 229-2036 in MARATHON