This week's cook is Sudha Arora from Terrace Bay. Arora has lived in Terrace Bay for eight years with her husband, Yash Pal. They have two daughters, Rama, who is 11'4 years old, and - Angie, who is 6% years old. Sudha is a housewife and her - husband is an instrument mechanic for Kimberly-Clark. Before the Aroras lived in Ter- race Bay, they resided in Toronto for a short while. Both are original- ly from India where they were born and raised. Sudha Arora said that her brother-in-law, who lived in Toronto at the time the Aroras liv- ed in India, sponsored them to come to Canada. Sudha said she plays badminton and racquetball in her spare time. Sudha's recipe is Tandoori Chicken and_it serves four to six people. Tandoori Chicken 3 pounds oven-ready chicken salt juice of one lime of lemon 5 fluid ounces (74-cup) natural yogurt, unflavored l-inch piece of root ginger fine- ly chopped | clove garlic crushed "4 teaspoon chilli powder 3 tablespoons ('4-cup) oil approximately '2 teaspoon red food colouring Above is Sudha Arora who has supplied this week's delicious chicken recipe. Sudha calls herself a housewife but she also en- joys playing badminton and racquetball in her spare time. Sudha's husband is an instrument mechanic at Kimberly-Clark. He is also a photographer. He had his first-ever photo exhibition at the recreation centre a couple of months ago. DID YOU KNOW that many of the deaths from lung cancer among non-smokers were caused by exposure to SECOND-HAND SMOKE? Garnish lemon wedges, onion rings Remove the skin from the chicken. Make slits in the flesh and rub salt all over the chicken. Then, sprinkle the lime or lemon juice on the chicken. Terrace Bay-Schreiber News, Wednesday, February 25, 1987, page 11 Chicken is the choice for this week's recipe garlic, and chilli powder. Stir in one tablespoon of oil and food col- ouring. Spread the mixture all over the chicken and leave to marinate in the refrigerator for 12 hours. Drain the chicken, reserving the marinade and pour a little oil over it. Wrap the chicken in aluminum foil and roast it in a moderate oven of 350 degrees. Allow 25 minutes of cooking time for each pound. About 15 minutes before the chicken is cooked, remove the foil and pour a little more oil and baste with marinade over the chicken. Garnish your Tandoori Chicken with lemon wedges and raw onion Beat the yogurt with ginger, TRAVELLING ANYWHERE? LET US HELP YOU! America Travel Agency Lid 217 Simpson St., P.O. Box 964 pee Thunder Bay, Ont. P7C 4X8 j--_ Authorized Agents For v & ALL AIR LINES! ITALY and EUROPE TRAVEL SPECIALISTS 1-800-465-6964 rings. Serve with rice and salad. J poe Terrace Bay OPEN THURSDAY NIGHTS! 9:00 a.m.- 8:00 p.m. Tripaway Reg'd Kennels LARGE HEATED BOARDING DOGS INDOOR AND CATS OUTDOOR RUNS 995 GRATTON RD. FRANK & MARG 935-2891 CARTWRIGHT Breeders of English Cocker Spaniels THUNDER BAY IWESTCOR KITCHEN & SUPPLIES INC. - Aladdin kitchen & Bath Cabinets - Frigidaire Appliances and Windows & Doors Complete Renovations Call Colléct 1-800-345-4858 | Smith's Contracting Painting, Drywall, Textured Ceilings, Etc. RESIDENTIAL OR COMMERCIA' CALL KIM SMITH Home Phone 824-3333 "FREE ESTIMATES" TYPING Professional typist available for all your typing requirements. - essays - resumes - any other types of personal or professional work in need of being typed. For more information Call Laura 825-9390 Guaranteed Fast, Efficient and Confidential ad Contracting Terrace Bay, Ont. 825-9468 after 5 p.m. Painting, Wallpapering, Trim finishing, Renovations, Lloyd Snider [superior STYLES 'N' TRENDS PROFESSIONAL STYLING -COLORING. -PERMING mmm, STREAKING -EAR PIERCING CALL AGGIE or LORRAINE at 825-9694 call toll free 1-800-465-3939 Plumbing Repairs = nphleo FRI, $20 5:30 pam. FREE ESTIMATES SAT. 4 9:00 - 2:30 pm. Thunder Bay Travel - Tilden Rent-a-car Service CANADIAN CANCER SOCIETY SOCIETE CANADIENNE DU CANTER - Serve you. *Agents for *Professional Agents to Spadoni Bros. Ltd. Cars & Trucks. daily, weekly. mon- thly, & long term leasing. NATIONAL NON-SMOKING WEEK JANUARY 15-21, 1987 AX Travellers Besar ESS Cheques. Representative tw We make great vacations. Call Stan at 824-2043 Toll Free 1-800-465-3360 INCOME TAX SERVICE Belliveau Accounting 432 Fort Garry Rd. Terrace Bay, Ont. 10:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. Phone: 825-3504 -- REID'S ENGRAVING and TROPHY'S Specializing in -Engraving, Jewellery -Trophies -Making Plastic Signs -Name Tags -All Engravables Call: 824-2153 109 Columbia St. & *Sthreiberns t * a? Diane's Place 825-9262 Take out orders welcome _ Open 8 a.m. to 10 p.m. ante ee wm John's Texaco Your service centre Your Mini-Mart for for gas, car repairs & groceries, milk & towing. cigarettes. SERVICE Mon.-Fri. 7:30am - 9pm MINI MART Saturday 8:00am - 7:00pm Suaday 12:00am - 7:00pm oe ee oe ee '