'No' to splitting campuses Dear Editor: In response to the article '"Twin high school system to be reviewed by Board"' (Terrace Bay-Schreiber News Oct. 15), the teachers of Lake Superior High School wish to com- ment on and clarify some of the points made by the Superintendent of Education for the Lake Superior Board of Education. (1) The amalgamation of Schreiber and Terrace Bay High Schools took place in 1969 and created ill feelings among staff, students, and parents in both Schreiber and Terrace Bay. Over the years, these ill feelings have disappeared and people have realized the wisdom of amalgamat- ion. (2) The article states that "the Board should proceed on this" (the idea of eliminating the link between the high schools). The Board minutes of May 28, 1986 do not indicate any motion to study detwinning. The only motion which refers to Lake Superior High School is as follows: Moved by M.C. Papineau, seconded by R. McBride, resolved that: we request OISE to do a study of our twin campus at Lake Superior High School to see how these twinn- ed campuses can be worked most effectively. (3) The taxpayers will have to pay for a study which has already been done. The attempt by the Lake Superior Board of Education to close the Schreiber Campus of Lake Sup- erior High School in 1981 and 1982 was very emotional and resulted in the Allan Report, commissioned by the Minister of Education. The Allan Report, which was com- pleted by 1983, made several recom- mendations with the first one being "that the Board maintain the two- campus organization for the Lake Superior High School."' Allan further stated "it is in the Letters to the Editor Dear Editor: So often we focus on the problems, tragedies, and the down side of life. I would like to bring to the attention of your readers, a positive aspect of your community life with which I have had the pleasure to be ass- ociated. In the district of Thunder Bay, there is available a professional health service for people in their own homes. This is the Thunder Bay (Dis- trict) Home Care Program. Through this program, those qual- ifying are offered nursing, physio- therapy, occupational therapy, and medical social work. In the Terrace Bay, Schreiber, and Rossport area, McCausland Hospital has been pro- viding a large part of the service. They have provided excellent' home care nursing which has greatly enhanced the well being of many peo- ple. These dedicated nurses have, in addition to their hands-on skills, a ge- nuine concern and commitment to assist those who wish to stay in their own homes. Appreciation is sincerely extend- ed to the nurses, Nancy, Barb, Sharon, and Nancy; the Board and administration of McCausland Hospital, for a job well done. I look forward to an ongoing and expanded association with the per- sonnel of McCausland Hospital. Jane Sunahara Thunder Bay (District) Home Care Program Administrator Thunder Bay, Ontario best interest of students, staff, and the two communities to maintain the status quo."' (4) Mr. McQuarrie said "some- thing similar happened about seven years ago to public schools in Terrace Bay and Schreiber."' The twinning of Lake Superior Public School did not involve the movement of students. High School students travel between the com- munities to obtain credits which are not offered in their own community. The twin campus high school is very successful and does not require change just for the sake of change. (5) Mr. McQuarrie also comment- ed that the report will be done in a '*fairly speedy" amount of time. The concept of detwinning which would have a major effect on the educational system of Terrace Bay and Schreiber should not be examined in a hasty manner. The OISE study raises many quest- ions: (1) Who pays for the study? (2) Why does the study team not include any parents, students, or teachers? (3) Why do we need an "outside study team," and will their recomm- endations be binding? (4) Has the Board considered the loss of course options due to small enrollments (ap- proximately 170 students at each school under a detwinned system)? (5) What will happen to sports and other extra-curricular activities? Two schools would mean twice as many teams, twice as many coaches re- quired, a doubling of transportation costs and half the number of students available to play on a school team. (6) Is it necessary to further frag- ment a high school which, at the pre- sent time, cannot offer enough courses to meet the needs of the students, particularly at the senior level? John Vandergraaf President, Lake Superior Division Ontario Secondary School Teachers' Federation (OSSTF) Terrace Bay, Ontario Terrace Bay-Schreiber News, Wednesday, October 29, 1986, page 5 PRELIMINARY DRAFT SLATE ISLAND PROVINCIAL PARK MANAGEMENT PLAN OPEN HOUSE MNR OFFICE TERRACE BAY NOVEMBER 13, 1986 2:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m. The Ministry of Natural Resources has prepared a draft management plan of the Slate Islands Provincial Park for public review and comment. Please address comments to the Terrace Bay District Office prior to December 15, 1986. For further information please contact: Mr. Jim Chappel Outdoor Recreation Supervisor Ministry of Natural Resources P.O. Box 280 Terrace Bay, Ontario POT 2wW0 (807) 825-3205 Ministry of Hon. Vincent G. Kerrio Minister Natural Mary Mogford Resources _ Deputy Minister ©) Ontario Modern riorities Evening. The options are plen- tiful for hair that's easy to create and always fabulous. 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