Pag e 2, Terrace Bay-Schreiber News, Wednesday, July 23, 1986 Schreiber to consider Recreation Master Plan Bike LD. Alana Harper, 13, was the first bicycle owner in Terrace Bay to get her cycle registered under signing the necessary form, an unremoveable s the Terrace Bay Police Force's new Bike |.D. program. After ticker was affixed to her vehicle. Shown here supervising the registration last week are Terrace Bay Police Chief Russ Phillips, standing at left, and program co-sponsor Gord Moorey of Superior Shoreline Insurance. Later on, a Social Insurance Number will be engraved on Alana's- bike. To have your own cycle registered, drop by the Police Office. Mr. & Mrs. Giovanni Trichilo and Mr. & Mrs. Giuseppe Costa are pleased to announce the engagement of their children Luciana and Tony The wedding is to take place Saturday, July 26, 1986 at 2:00 p.m. in Holy Angels Roman Catholic Church Contest The Molson Big Fish Contest, operated by the Ontario Federation of Anglers and Hunters, is on again this year and is open to anyone fishing in Ontar- io waters between April 15 and November 30, 1986. Eligible species include lake trout, rainbow trout, speckled trout, largemouth bass, smallmouth bass, sal- mon, northern pike, wall- eye, muskellunge, and brown trout, an OFAH news release dated July 10 Schreiber with Father Joe Gurka M.S. of Thunder Bay officiating announced. Prizes will be awarded in the Live Release cat- continued on page 5 Thank You! We wish to express our thanks to everyone who helped and supported the Rossport Fish Derby. Our special thanks to the following contributors: Adey Bros. Const. Airlane Motor Hotel Altywood The Bay Belluz Realty Beno 'Insurance Birch's Berkley Can. R. Brearley & Staff Rainbow Falls Burton Phillips - Carling O'Keefe Cebrario's Hardware Schreiber Cebrario's Hardware Terrace Bay Cedar Salon : Churchley's Jewellers Costas Cullmar Construction Cy Brassard D&R Sports Desrosiers & Son District P.C. Assoc. Don Neilon Eatons Fitzsimmons Food Service G. Figliomeni & Sons Flowers-N-Things Forget-Me-Not-Gift-Shop Hookers Sportsman Supply Jim Mikus Jimy Shell Jim Vandenende John's Texaco Ray & Jos Kenney Joe King Liars Rest Linda Trapp Lorne's Camera & Fishing Tackle Lynne's Hairstyling Mayfair Hotel Midtowne Hardware Moore's North Shore Motors Odd's Bodkin Petal Patch The Print Shop Red Dog Inn Red Dragon Apts. Rossport Inn Scotty Schreiber Food Market Shoreline Insurance Spadoni Bros. Sportsworld Strawberry Patch Sun & Fun Sports Terrace Bay Insurance Terrace Bay Plymouth Chrysler Terry's Sight and Sound Towne Cinema Township of Schreiber Township of Terrace Bay Valhalla Inn Voyageur Gift Shop Waghorn's Pharmacy Weibanair Western Tire Zwaresh & Son Electric -- THE ROSSPORT FISH DERBY ASSOC. 1986 continued from page } with a final total of up to $30,000, under the govern- ment's funding program the township will only have to pay $7,500 of that. Larivee then requested that a motion be passed by Council, but Quinton felt it would be best to have the Recreation Committee it- self come up with the spec- ific wording for such a motion. Such a motion will prob- ably come up for a vote at the next Council meeting, to be held next month. Later at the July 15 ses- sion, Larivee was also questioned about his pro- posed increases for rental rates at the Recreation Hall and Arena at the Complex. Councillor Bob Krause asked about the 150 per cent increase in the price for renting the arena which Larivee was recommend- ing, and Councillor Godin noted that the rates have been the same for at least four years. Larivee pointed out that it costs the town $200 a nightalone to set up and then clean up the arena for events there. '*Also, our insurance at the Complex is more this year," he added. Liability insurance for the building is now at $20,000. Last year it was $11,500. Larivee also told Coun- cil that the town must also pay for equipment rental, where no such expenses existed before. That will cost up to $1,200 per year. Krause still felt the pro- posed rental fee increases were "ridiculous."" '*You are going to price yourself right out of bus- iness," he said. "We are here to serve the public, after 'all, make money." : '*Yes, but what about weddings?" Quinton asked him. "We shouldn't sub- sidize these private ev- ents."* Larivee said it now costs more to rent the hall than it does to leave it empty. "'The charges are not really that much now any- way,"' Godin pointed out. For licensed functions, it currently costs about $320 to rent the Recreation Hall. This would go up to $475 under the proposal. '*That $475 includes all of our overtime for clean- ing plus the SOP (Special Occasion Permit) super- visors," Larivee noted. "Thing is, before this we would tell people that it was $200 to rent the hall plus the overtime and other things...we got complaints about that." He added that under the proposed increase it would be "a straight $475 charge and that's it."" Rental fees are somewhat different be- tween fund-raisers and no- sale permits, he added. The matter will be dis- cussed again at the next Council meeting. A motion was passed to increase the rental rates for the township's other rental facilities, such as the Med- ical Centre, the Town Hall basement, the Health Unit bureau, and the ambulance office in town. "This is a 10 per cent in- crease," Godin said. **We have not had one for five years now...these really should be reviewed every couple of years or so."" '| don't think (an av- erage) increase of $10 is asking too much,"' Krause said. The motion was then passed, effective August 1. By-Law 86-15 to strike the mill rates and the 1985 estimates was also passed. CWL to host convention Submitted to the News by Marylyn Turcotte On May 5, 6 and 7 of 1987, the St. Martin of Tours Council of the Cath- olic Women's League in Terrace Bay will have the honour of hosting the an- nual Diocesan Convention of the CWL. This yearly event is held each May in different parishes throughout the Thunder Bay Diocese. It has been 20 years since Terrace Bay last hosted the convention, and it is our hope to make the 1987 con- vention a memorable one for our guests. We will be doing all we can to make everyone feel welcome and at home in our Parish and in our community. This event is a large undertaking involving a great deal of preparation. Dolores Morriseau, our Council President, is the general convenor of the convention. Lillian Belliv- eau is her co-convenor. The remainder of the committee is made up of several league members, each of whom is responsi- ble for a different area of the planning and the prep- arations. The convention will last three days and will bring approximately 150 to 200 ladies to Terrace Bay - This event will consist of meetings, workshops, disc- ussions, celebrations of the Eucharist, luncheons, and a banquet. We have already been kindly offered assistance from our fellow league members in Schreiber. We have also been asking local businesses for donations for our convention "Kit Bags." Anyone seeking more information on the conven- tion or wishing to volunteer their assistance, please call Dolores Morriseau at 825- 3549. Also check future issues of the Terrace Bay- Schreiber News for updated information on the conven- tion as we draw nearer to the event. Updated information will also be available at all regular CWL meetings. We ask that everyone-- CWL members, local bus- inesses, and local groups be generous with their ideas and their help. It is an honour to be able to host this event and it will be a benefit not only for our parish but for the entire community. Family helps child Mr. and Mrs. Michael Reid and family of Schreib- er recently became foster parents, according to a news release from the Foster Parents Plan of Canada. Through the Plan, the family have "adopted" 10-year-old Ahmed Abdel- Satar of Cairo, Egypt. The Reid's small monthly con- tribution brings help to Ahmed, his family, and the whole community. 'The objective is not dependency, but to help the family become independent and self-supporting through programs of medical and dental care, vocational training, and counselling Rose Marie Dakin is pleased to announce the forthcoming marriage of her daughter * KIM to ROBERT IMBEAULT of Schreiber Ceremony will be performed at St. Martin's of Tours Church August 1, 1986 at 4 p.m. For Classified - Ads Phone 825-374/ by social workers,"' the release noted. All Foster Parents are advised annually of their adopted family's progress, and there is also a regular exchange of letters. Ahmed, who attends the third grade at a local prim- ary school, has three sis- ters and three brothers. His father is an "auto-tinker" while his mother is current- ly a housewife. The monthly income of the family is $62.50. Food takes up the largest portion of the budget at $40.20. The family lives in two rooms on the ground floor of a building, with just one bed, one table, and a kero- sene stove. Michael Reid serves as Schreiber's Health Inspect- or while Mrs. Reid is the kindergarten teacher at Schreiber Public School. Ahmed Ten-year-old Ahmed Abdel-Satar of Cairo, Egypt, is now a foster child, being sponsored by Mr. and Mrs. Michael Reid and family of Schreiber. According to the Foster Parents Plan of Canada, Ahmed has three brothers and three sisters, though the monthly income of his whole family is just $62.50.