Terrace Bay-Schreiber News, Wednesday, March 5, 1986, page 5 Block Parent Program being organized for Terrace Bay By Terrace Bay Police Chief Russ Phillips (A Block Parent Pro- gram is being created for the Terrace Bay area. The following is an article by Police Chief Russ Phillips outling exactly what the program is.) The Block Parent con- cept is very. simple, very efficient, and very essential to the welfare of every neighbourhood. The Block Parent is any responsible adult who cares enough - about the well being of children and other people as to volunteer his or her home as a safe refuge when a need arises. A sign in the window, like the onw Letters to the Editor Dear Editor: Re: Monica Kripalani's letter of Feb. 20. I was: most impressed with Ms. Kripalani's vehemence, if not with her logic. In response: (1) Ms. Kripalani ac- cuses me of implicitly im- posing my "prescribed view of raising children."' No more so than anyone who writes a letter express- ing an opinion to a newspaper, including Ms. Kripalani! However, my opinion is based on principles given us in the Bible: that children are important, that parents bear responsibility to God for them, and that selfishness is no virtue! These ideas did not originate with me and I can take no credit for them. (2) Ms. Kripalani's com- ments indicate that she em- braces no universal stan- dard other than "freedom of choice."' In theory, this '*freedom" méans that we can all do what we like without being criticized by others. It appears very liberal, modern and enlightened. In practice, however, it means -that those legally able to choose (in this case, parents) have the freedom to indulge themselves at the expense of those legally unable to choose (in this case, children). That's not freedom, that's tyranny! (3) Without universal standards from a consistant morality, we have not freedom, but anarachy. This is what Ms. Kripalani is unwittingly propounding. There is nothing moral- ly wrong with woman working. There is nothing morally wrong with a KK AK KK KKK KK Dear Editor: This letter is to thank you for printing the article '*You May Be A Diabetic And Not Even Know It," on Wednesday, January vf The article sparked some interest among residents in your community, and they may soon be forming a local Canadian Diabetes Association (CDA) chapter. Thank you for par- ticipating in the CDA goal of providing better care for diabetics in our northern communities. I hope you will continue to support us in the future. Lorrie Gragnary Northern Development Officer Canadian Diabetes Association shown below, let children know that a Block Parent is home to provide a haven. Block Parents have no legal status except their natural status as private citizens. They are volunteers who have agreed to act as sensible responsible adults in an emergency situation in their community. The program is a na- tional one which has been adopted by many com- munities to ensure the safe- ty of its children and adults. In order for a Block Parent Program to be suc- cessful, total community involvement is required. This involvement includes woman staying home to raise children. But combin- ing the two does justice to neither and should not be citizens, Police, Municipal Government and _ local Boards of Education. Any responsible citizen 16 years of age and. over can be a Block Parent if they care about the well be- ing of everyone, especial- ly children. These citizens have been screened by the Police Force and are will- ing to help at any time. The official symbol of the program across Canada is an easy to identify graphic design which is placed inside a window where it is clearly visible from the street. This sym- bol is an indication to children and adults who allowed. Children have "'rights'" too! Pete Anderson Sudbury, Ontario pass by that they will receive immediate help at that home for = any emergency. The Block Parent Pro- gram for Terrace Bay will hopefully be in place by mid-April, when busing for the school year is com- pleted. With this in mind, BLOCK PARENT ALWAYS THERE WITH A HELPING HAND the program requires a number of volunteers to serve as Block Parents and to form a Committee to ad- minister this program after it has been put in place. On Tuesday, March 18, the Terrace Bay Police Force will host an open meeting to discuss this Block Parent Program and to answer any questions which you may have. The final arrangements for this meeting as to place and ex- act time are not yet com- pleted, but will be publiciz- ed in this newspaper next week. In the meantime, residents will be receiving a pamphlet outlining the program which contains a form that can be filled out and returned to the Police Office should you wish to become a Block Parent. In order to make this a suc- cessful program, your sup- port would be appreciated. Major Appliance Repairs Servicing done in your own home to ranges, washers, dryers, dishwashers, fridges, electric hot water tanks and elec- tric heating units. Parts on hand for most makes and models. Bill Campbell Electric 824-2743 or 824-2574 Servicing Jackfish, Terrace Bay, Schreiber, Rossport and Pays Plat. Students and young entrepreneurs! Ifyou qualify you can get.an interest-fre your business. Pick up an application al your oruniversity placemer a Ministry of Skills Development Ontario Minister, Hon. Gregory Sorbara Premier, Hon. David Peterson ree loan to help you start high school, ey centre)Or phone free: F800-387-0//7/ ©