Page 8, Terrace Bay-Schreiber News, Wednesday, January 8, 1986 ma able to move a MUSC gine not being e for the rest of your life. be like if you couldn't move a muscle for the rest of your life. A debilitating disease or chance accident can strike anyone, At any time. People lose arms. Legs. The ability to move at all. That's where the Ontario March of Dimes comes in. The Ontario March of Dimes works with your donations to develop ability in disabled adults. With everything from artificial limbs and wheelchairs to - computer job training. But we need your help. Imagine for a moment what it would Imagine if it happened to your best friend. . Or a member of your family. Could you just walk away? Please, give as generously as you are able. L] | would like to volunteer my time. Please contact me. L] | am enclosing a cheque or money order for the sum of L] | would like more information on the Ontario March of Dimes. Please mail in sealed envelope to: Ontario March of Dimes | understand my tax deductible receipt 60 Overlea Blvd. will be mailed to me in 6 to 8 weeks. Toronto, Ontario M4H 1B6 NAME ADDRESS CITY PROV. POSTAL CODE TEC. Please, help us break the bonds of disability. This year, give as generously as you are able. ONTARIO MARCH im df OF DIMES