Page 8, Terrace Bay-Schreiber News, Wednesday, August 28, 1985 Recreation News Terrace Bay Fall Fair: What a ter- rific response to date! The 4th Annual is: scheduled for September 15th and it looks like it will be the largest event since the Fair began. At time of writing we have a few booth spaces available but no guarantee if you delay any longer. The deadline to register for the Fall Fair is August 31st. Unfortunately we can't accept any late registration so please call us today at 825-3542. Numerous new as well as out of town participants will be in attendance. Science Centre to Visit Terrace Bay: The Ontario Science Centre will occupy the Multi-Purpose Room at the Recreation Centre September 15, 16, 17th. Great exhibit for the entire family. We are also accep- ting bookings by school classes to tour the exhibit. The exhibit will open to the public at 12:00 noon September 15th, Fall Fair Fime. No admission. Fall-Winter Special In- terest Courses: The brochure is almost com- plete and it looks like we will have approximately 25 _ programs for all ages. We are still interested in new programs and need instruc- tors for programs. All in- structors for programs are paid $15.00 per hr. Share your skills, hobbies with others. Give us a call and we will do our best to organize programs. Watch ' for registration details pro- gram information in this paper as well as at the Fall Fair... : Tot Lot and Swim Pro- gram Closes for another Season: I would like to ex- tend a sincere thank you on behalf of the Recreation Committee and full time staff to this Sumnier pro- gram staff for a job well done.. Thanks Shelley, Curtis, Jody, Tammy, Danny, Karen, Gord, Janet, Susan, Heather and Sheilah. You've been a great summer staff. Upcoming -- Events: Thursday September 5th Conference Room: Mom and Me Registration 8:00 p.m. On August 15th and 16th The Summer Playground Leaders took 15 "night- owl' kids on an overnight camping trip to Rainbow Falls Provincial Park. The kids enjoyed swimming and hiking and the beautiful view of the Falls. Thank- you to. Bruce and Robert and Jodi for their help. On Wednesday August 21st Summer Playground Pro- gram held its Family Fun Day Wind-up. Everyone enjoyed the hot dogs and Koolaid lunch which was followed by the races. Winners of the Races included: 3 legged race: (3 and 4 year olds) 1. Olin Penna 2. Jack Pluta 3. Siobhan Falzeta. (5 and 6 yr. olds) 1. Marco Roy 2. Lisa and Jeff Cornect. 3. Cindy Morrissette and Kathy Lafreniere. (7 and 8 yr. olds) 1. Meghan Jowitt and Dyanna Engler. 2. Amy Stachiw and Josee Roy 3. Kathy Lafreneire and Sylyie Larochelle Tracy Bryson and Mandy Hnatuk. (9 to 12 yr. olds) 1. Kerry Robinson and, France Bilodeau 2. Josee Roy 3. Jody Dobush and Kathy Lafreniere. Wheelbarrow: (3 and 4 yr. olds) 1. Olin Penna 2. Mandy and Nathan Hnatuk (5 and 6 yr. olds) 1. Jason Leclair Zs Sylvie Larochelle 3. Lisa and Jeff Cornect. (7 and 8 yr. olds) Amy Stachiw and Josee Roy 2. Kathy Lafreniere 3. Meghan Jowitt and 'Dyan- na Engler (9 to 12 yr. olds) 1. Tim Fillion and Matt Scollard 2. Jody Dobush and Josee Roy 3. Lisa Cor- nect and Kerry Robinson Insure your home Insure your life It's a tact that more homes are lost through the death ofthe owner than through tire Insure that your home is completely protected. For lite insurance. call: Mary Cashmore Terrace Bay, Ontario 825-9152 OF CANADA Get your life in shape. Kathy Lafreniere and France Bilodeau. Running: (3 and 4 yr. olds) 1. Nathan Hnatuk 2. Taylor Hirt 3. Michael Bryson (5 and 6 yr. olds) 1. 'Sylvie Larochelle 2. Marc Bilodeau 3. David - Peters (7 and 8 yr. olds) 1. Jeff Cornect 2. Mandy Hnatuk 3. Meghan Jowitt and Tracy Bryson (9 to 12 yr. olds) Girls: 1. Kerry Robinson 2. Kathy Lafreniere 3. Jody Dobush and France Bilodeau. Boys: 1. Tim Fillion 2. Matt Scollard 3. Yves Morrissette. Hopping: (3 and 4 yr. olds) 1. Cheylene Young 2. Nathan Hnatuk 3. Taylor Hirt and Bryanne Peters (5 and 6 yr. olds) 1. David Peters and Marc Bilodeau 2. Jeff Cornect 3. Joy (7 and 8 yr. olds) Girls: 1. Dyanna Engler 2. Meghan Jowitt 3. Amy Stachiw and Tracy Bryson. Boys: 1. Jeff Peters 2. Jason Leclair 3. Steven Lafreniere (9 to 12 yr. olds) Girls: Kerry Robinson 2. France Bilodeau 3. Josee Roy. Boys: |. Yves Morrissette 2. Tim Fillion 3. Matt Scollard. Piggy Back: (3 and 4 yr. olds) 1. Olin Penna 2. Taylor Hirt 3. Siobbhan Falzetta (5 and 6 yr. olds) 1. Marco Roy 2. Jeff Cor- nect 3. Sasha Olganby (7 and 8 yr. olds) 1. Meghan Jowitt 2. Amy Stachiw 3. Tracy Bryson (9 to 12 yr. olds) 1. Jody Dobush 2. Kerry Robinson and Lisa Cornect 3. Josee Roy, Tim Fillion and Matt Scollard, Yves and Cindy Mor- rissette. The winners of the Bubble Gum Blowing Con- test were: Sylvie, Tracy and Kathy. The kids then enjoyed the Candy Toss, The Water Balloon Fight and the Water Slide. Schreiber Liquor Management Policy The Recreation Depart- ment with the assistance of the Alcohol Research Foundation will commence development of a Liquor Management Policy in September. If anyone is in- terested in assisting in the development of this policy or wishes to sit on this committee they should con- tact the Recreation Office at 824-2316 before 5:00 p.m. Wednesday, September 11th. Ice Time All groups requesting ice time for the 1985/86 season are reminded of _the meeting to be held Wednesday, September 11th at 7:00 p.m. All re- quests should be specific with days and times re- quired and are to be hand- ed into the Recreation Of- fice before 5:00 p.m. Mon- _ Cross Terrace Thunder Bay (807) 475-1331 Prospectors-Exploration Companies: Schreiber-Terrace Bay-Marathon The Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources will provide an Economic Geologist to visit, assay and advise you on the potential of any mineral occurrence you may have staked, or know the location of in the Schreiber-Terrace Bay-Marathon Areas. This service is provided free of charge. The Schreiber- Bay-Marathon encompasses an area from Nipigon east to Marathon. This program is funded by the Ministry of Northern Affairs. For Further Information Call (Collect): Bernie Schnieders or Allan Speed Resident Geologist's Office Ministry of.Natural Resources economic Geologist program Gy Ontario day, September 9th. It is our intention to have the ice ready for October 14th. Fall Programs The Recreation Depart- ment will offer the follow- ing courses if enough in- terest is shown: Babysitting, Cake Decorating, Age of Ma- jority Cards, Aerobics, Ballet, Tap, Jazz, Jazzer- cise, Super Stretch, Karate, Move to Music and Self- Defense. If you are in- terested in any of these pro- grams please contact the Recreation Office at 824-2317. Only the pro- grams that have enough in- terest shown will be offered. Swim Program The Schreiber Swim 'Program held a swim-a- thon on August 17th. The weather was good that day after cancelling twice due to rain. Our turnout was much better in comparison with previous years. Par- ticipants were to swim as many 15m lengths as they could in one hour. Everyone did Very well. Participants included Loralie Johh, Robert John, Dana Luke and Barb Roen in the younger category. In the older category Karen Birch, Christine Courtemanche, Jason For- tier, Billy Roen and Lawrence Saindon _par- -ticipated. From the first category the winner was Barb Roen with 68 lengths. The second category came out to a tie with Jason For- tier and Billy Roen with 138 lengths each. Jason generously gave the win to Billy. Prizes awarded were large fun float tubes. A prize went out to the par- ticipant collecting the most money, which was Dana Luke. Dana won a Red Walter Safety Towel: Fun was had by all. We hope to see a good turnout, if not better for next year. Summer Fun Did you know that Youth Drop-In this year has been very successful and it's getting better every year?! Well, it's true; and we hope that it was as much fun for the kids that participated as it was for us. Our first event and most successful event of the summer was_ the sleepover. Thirty-eight kids signed up for this event. The many events to follow which included a hike, a move day, camping trip to Rainbow and a dance were also very suc- cessful drawing an average (20 - 25) number of kids. Some events that were not as successful or rather popular with the kids were the car wash, a camping trip to Pukaskwa and a C.P.R. tour. Our general days were usually fairly successful drawing kids up the Recreation Centre to participate in basketball, floor hockey, board games and helping with the tots on Tuesday and Thursdays. Overall the Youth Drop-In this summer has proved to ~ have been well worth the work judging by the par- ticipation of kids and in- terest of outside organiza- tions and businesses. that helped to make our sum- mer successful. Tot Drop-In Tot Drop-In saw a very * successful July and slight- ly lesser success during August. Kids from ages 4 to 8 flocked to the Drop-In on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 1-3 to make Library Day, Swim Day, Film Day, Crafts continued on page 10 Terrace Bay's Mateev rocks Timmins champ Dan Mateev's presence on the Schreiber Boxing Club's team proved to be an awesome addition dur- ing their recent fights in Timmins. ; The Terrace Bay boxer accepted the match on just two weeks notice. What Mateev proceeded to do shocked his teammates and everyone in attendance at the Timmins Arena. Timmins' top boxer, and Ontario's number one heavyweight, Reg Moran, was expected to make short. work of Mateev. In the first round it looked like everyone's assumption would be right The powerful Timmins boxer rocked Mateev with a barrage of punches that backed Dan up and had him covering up to survive the round. The second round was different. Mateev came out on his toes and shook Moran with hard combina- tions and a crisp, hammer- like jab. The third round had the Timmins crowd on their feet, screaming their enthusiasm for the all-out war going on in front of them. It was a see-saw bat- tle with both warriors giv- ing and taking. The pun- ches were hard and loud and it was amazing that 'they were both standing at the fight's end. This writer saw Mateev the winner, the Timmins judges saw their fighter the winner. Even with the loss, it was the kind of action- filled fight that saw everyone happy and satisfied, with witnessing the ultimate in sporting competition. Come November, and the Ontario Championships in Toronto, a_better- prepared Dan Mateev is a good bet to give Terrace Bay its first Ontario Heavyweight Champion. © Box 1113 Terrace Bay, Ont. Superior Mini Warehouse Check out our dazzling new display of Glitters, Gels, Perfumes, Lipsticks, Fluorescent Hair Sprays, Earrings etc. Call Diane or Neldine Now for Information and Appointments 824-2325 NELDINE'S 8th ANNIVERSARY SPECIALS : ripe , THE CEDAR SALON Downtown Schreiber are just in time for back to school PERM SPECIALS From $30.00 ing times: day. M. Reid Chairman THE LAKE SUPERIOR BOARD OF EDUCATION Schreiber Public School REGISTRATION 1985 - 1986 Registration for new students who have not already registered and who will be attending Schreiber Public School in September, 1985, will take place at the follow- Monday, August 26, 1985 through September 3, 1985, from 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. daily School opening will be at 9:00 a.m. on Wednesday, September 4, 1985, and this will constitute a full school For further information, call 824-2082. M. Twomey Director