Welcome to Terrace Bay A warm welcome to Pastor Keith Milne and his wife Wendy, who arrived in Terrace Bay a few short weeks ago. Keith has taken on the duties of Pastor at the Terrace Bay Gospel Assembly, a Church that was built with funds from the denominational system and volunteer labour 4 years ago. The congrega- tion had been meeting for 6 years before building began on their Church. Keith and Wendy had been living in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan for the last 84 years, where Keith ran his own business and Wen- dy worked, as a Library Technician. Keith became involved with the Pentecostal College in Saskatoon working as assistant to the president, while waiting for a position as Pastor.. The Nor- thwestern Ontario District was in contact with the western provinces, and when Keith heard of the opportunity here, he and Wendy made their way to visit our town and meet Anchor Wendy and Keith Milne with the Gospel Assembly's congregation. The Church is operated by a steering committee, members of the Assembly and the congregation make all the decisions on new programs, etc. which works very well. The Gospel Assembly is a renewal of- spontaneous open worship, free from any set form. The service begins with hymns and prayers, and the congrega- tion is able to express themselves comfortably during worship. The con- centration is on their rela- tionship with God, not so much with the Church. We wish Keith and Wendy the best of luck, especially finding an apart- ment or house in town, and again welcome them to our community. The mystery of by BILL LEGRAND '*And while Jesus was speaking, there came a crowd, and the man called Judas, one of the twelve, was leading them. He drew near to Jesus to kiss him; but Jesus said to him, "Judas, would you betray the Son of Man with a kiss?"."' Luke 22:47-48. No greater mystery sur- rounds any Biblical person than Judas Iscariot - friend of Jesus, treasurer, erudite spokesperson of the twelve, betrayer of his Lord. For 2,000 years, the name "Judas" has been villified within the Church and in secular society. This man betrayed our Lord Jesus for 30 pieces of silver, later to throw the blood money away before committing suicide. It's felt by many Biblical scholars that we are sadly deficient in scriptural knowledge about Judas. Questions remain unanswered, as to motive and purpose, why Judas perpetrated the most heinious crime in history. Fhe mystery becomes even more complex when we realize Peter and the disciples also betrayed Jesus. Peter denied our Lord three times out of fear and anxiety, only later to obtain guidance and courage from our Lord to become one of the foremost apostles, a founder of the Church of Jesus Christ. Similarly other disciples, including "Doubting Thomas" grew in faith as ambassador for our Lord. What made Judas' crime and sin more evil than more of his com- panions? Even the 30 pieces of silver seemed not to have been a motive: rather they appeared as an excuse by Judas to cover up his deepest motivation. With his education and social background, Judas would have been the least likely to have been in- Judas fluenced by materialism and power. But, was he? We can only. surmise a con- jecture about Judas. It is possible that Judas, as a knowledgeable man, was aware of the Jewish perception of the Messiah - a person who would be awesome in power and stature, a man inspired by God to lead the people of 'Israel back to their liberty and independence ... an an- cient warrior, not unlike the modern Moshe Dayan of the °67 Arab-Israeli War. If - and this is sheer con- jecture - Judas_ wanted Jesus to fulfill his image of a Messiah of religious, military and_ political power, then our Lord Jesus would have -- surely frustrated Judas' ambi- ~ tions. Our Lord Jesus re- jected the use of force and condemned the powers of this world (which can and continued on page 16 Terrace Bay-Schreiber News, Wednesday, April 3, 1985, page 11 Pvt vecirst BT ons | Ontario ELECTION PROCLAMATION Of which all persons are asked to take notice and to govern themselves accordingly. In obedience to Her Majesty's writs of election, directed by me to the Returning Officer in each electoral district, for the purpose of electing persons to represent the voters in the Legislative Assembly of Ontario, public notice is hereby given of the following in each electoral district. 7 ' REVISION ask about the procedure before the list is finalized. The Phone Number of the Returning Officer for your Electoral District is available from Directory Assistance. Eligible electors (voters), missed during the current enumeration, who wish to have their names added to the preliminary voters' list, must contact their Returning Officer and THE OFFICIAL NOMINATION OF CANDIDATES CLOSES in the Returning Office of each Electoral District Thursday, April 18th, 2 p.m. ADVANCE POLLS THURSDAY, SATURDAY, MONDAY, ~ APRIL 25th, 27th and 29th VOTING HOURS 41 a.m. until 8 p.m. ELECTION DAY, THURSDAY, MAY 2nd, 1985 VOTING HOURS 9 a.m. until 6 p.m. * * ONE HOUR EARLIER IN THE ELECTORAL DISTRICTS OF KENORA AND RAINY RIVER ELECTION RESULTS At atime to be posted locally,' the official tabulation of results will be made by the Returning Officers, in their offices, using the statements from each polling place. GOD SAVE THE QUEEN Given under my hand, at Toronto, Ontario Warren R. Bailie, CHIEF ELECTION OFFICER Elections Ontario KEEPING YOU INFORMED Published by the Office of the Chief Election Officer of Ontario