The lonely child by SANDRA SEBESTYEN Is it too easy to forget about childhood loneliness? If you have become a well- adjusted and preoccupied adult it can be. Is it easy to dismiss the idea that children have no emotional ups and downs? Of course we know. they do, and we as adults, as parents, and teachers can unknowingly contribute to childhood loneliness. In many instances we fail tq recognize the cause and symptems of this loneliness, one of the com- mon being the child's feel- ing of being unwanted, and therefore, unloved. Loneliness, at any ag¢, can be threatening to one's personality. When a child says "My stomach hurts,"' he may be saying, "I'm lonely." He may also ex- Friendly reminder With the coming of spring there is much excite- ment and preparation for for summer. For those of you anxious to get the last blast on your snow machine or ATC, please stay off the golf course. With the snow melting there is no protection of the ° grass, and it has been torn up badly in the past. It should be pretty easy to comply with this request, because if there is not co- operation, snowmobiles and ATCs will be banned from the course Dot Walker. press his unhappiness through patterns of disobedience. Parents frequently reftise to belidve that their chila could be lonely. Too often we forget how dependent children are upon adults, that they look to adults, for survival. No one ever con- dones, or accepts the premise of child abuse, yet many parents are guilty of mistreating children in an emotional sense. If we look through the eyes of a child, we can see how they are literally dwarfed by their surroud- nings, and how this may lead to feelings or isolation and loneliness. We can help eliminate these feel- ings by trying harder to in- ciude the child in family recreation time, watching their T.V. program, reading their funnies, together. It's important chilldren have preparation and guidance when enterting social situations, as the start of school, going to the doctor etec. If you watch a group of children gathered for a party, you can easily spot the child who feels nervous and uneasy. It is a popular misconception that children do not become suicidal because of loneliness and emotional problems, many people are unwilling to ac- cept this as fact. '/ntil the Terrace Bay-Schreiber News, Wednesday, March 27, 1985, page 5 19th century there vere no statistics available on child suicide, however, as more _attention was paid to children as, individuals, more statistical interest was shown. The results shock- ed many people. In recent years there has become an increase in child suicide among young peo- ple, but it has become dif- ficult ,tp obtain reliable statistics as often such deaths are not reported as such. Young suicides are hard to believe and if we try hard enough, we as parents, relatives and friends begin feeling guilt ridden, and perhaps even responsible in some way. It is easier on us fo believe it was an accident. 6 week bran muffins Our Cook this week is Dot Walker, who has been living in Terrace Bay 3 years as of this past February. She is original- ly from Fredricton, N.B. but after a few visits here to see her daughter she lik- ed it so much she decided to stay for good. Dot has spent time in Edsan Edsan Photography is the product of Mr. Ed Taylor's keen interest and ability in the art of taking and printing pictures. Ed- san has been operating since 1981, when Ed registered with Consumer and Corporate Affairs. It all began when Ed began photography lessons for the small group of peo- ple who were interested in learning how to operate their camera, develops negatives, and print pic- tures. The numbers of peo- ple grew, and so did their needs. They began wanting their own equipment, and of course the paper, film, chemicals, etc. needed to start up a darkroom. Ed was beginning to provide a service to many people and therefore registered with the government, enabling him to sell the 70 different types of equipment and products he carries, which includes frames. He also takes passport and age of majority pictures, once working with Schreiber Recreation. B.C. in the past, working in the kitchens of logging camps, which she says was a real experience. She remembers a time when she was on a floating camp, and would throw apples out to this grizzly yearling. It wasn't long before that yearling was anxious to make friends with Dot!! photo Ed is the vice-principal of the Schreiber Campus of the Lake Superior High School, and works with the students on their annual yearbook. He says that he really gives advice to the students and helps them learn to do it on their own. He developed and printed his first picture 20 years ago, following step by step out of a book he still recommends. He real- ly enjoys this hob- by/business and one of his favorite ways of relaxing is to spend time in the darkroom, experimenting with the light, the chemicals and the paper, leaving with some very pleasing photographs. Ed and his wife Sandi have lived in Terrace Bay for 10 years, leaving for one year to travel around the world, where Ed pick- ed up some very interesting apparatus for his own use. Talking to Ed is very in- triguing. It also makes you wonder where your hobby may take you. She spent time at Rivers In- let and Bella Coola, cook- ing for 68 men. She has been away from the kitchen for a while, but enjoys baking for her daughter and family. One of the most asked for . samples is this recipe for Bran Muffins. 6 Week Bran Muffins 2 cups boiling water 2 cups raisins 2% cups: white sugar 5 cups flour 1 qt. buttermilk 4 cups all-brar 4 shredded wheat only (crushed) % cup shortening 4 eggs 2 tsp. salt 5 tsp. baking soda Pour boiling water over shredded wheat and raisins. Let cool. Cream shortening and sugar. Combine shredded wheat and raisins mixture, add eggs, flour, salt, soda, but- termilk, and all-bran. Mix well, put in fridge and cover. Batter improves with age. Do not stir batter before using. Put in well greased muffin tins. Bake at 400 degrees for 20 to 25 minutes. Keeps up to 6 weeks. Major Appliance Repairs Servicing done in your own home to ranges, washers, dryers, dishwashers, fridges, electric hot water tanks and electric heating units. Parts on hand for most makes and models. Bill Campbell Electric 824-2743 or 824-2574 Servicing Jackfish, Terrace Bay, Schreiber, Rossport and Pays Plat. INCOME TAX SERVICE Belliveau Accounting 432 Fort Garry Rd.. Terrace Bay, Ont. 10:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. Phone: 825-3504 CHIMNEY SWEEPS A e Safe © Clean © Efficient Call "Rick" anytime 825-9309 or 825-3824 i.m. dodick co optometrist 1119 Victoria Ave. THUNDER BAY Phone 622-7726 BIRTH Hi, my name is Ryan Terry Rheal Kenny. | was born March 8, 1985 weighing 9 Ibs. Another goalie for my Mom and Dad, but a brother for Jean, Marc, Melissa and Kristopher. Also a grandson for Mrs. Betty Kenny of St. Thomas Ont. qnd for Mr. Rheal Blais of Cochrane Ont. Thank- you Dr. Bailey and the staff of the McCausland Hospit- al for your care toward my Mom and myself. Also, thank-you to Dr. Wilkes and nurse Theresa for my safe delivery. Elise and Michael Kenny beautiful This ad sponsored by: KIMBERLY-CLARK OF CANADA LIMITED PULP AND FOREST PRODUCTS OPERATIONS The McCausland Hospital Gift Shop invites the public to come down to the Gift Shop and browse. We have new shipments of | stuffed animals, dolls, Easter toys and nightware. Drop down any afternoon from 2-4 p.m. Support your Hospital Shop. All proceeds go towards enrichment of patient care. baby toys,