Page 6, Terrace Bay-Schreiber News, Wednesday, October 3, 1984 Bicycles Forbidden on Simcoe Plaza Sidewalks After being involved in a collision, Mrs. Mary Dashkewytch wrote' to complain about bi- cycles using the side- walks on Simcoe Plaza. A by-law exists which bans bicycles from the sidewalk. Terrace Bay Town Council decided to publicize the fact that the by-law exists in an effort to make cyclists aware that they are breaking the law. It was also suggested that a bicycle stand be erected near the Nugget Food Store, however no deci- - sion was made concern- ing this possibility. Council is preparing a promotional brochure and: hopes to interest local residents in shar- ing their photographs of life and scenes in Ter- race Bay. A $25 prize will be awarded to photographers for each photograph used in the brochure. -Birchwood Terrace in- vited representatives from council to attend their Open House on Saturday, October 21. Those members who are able will attend. : A donation to the Boy Scouts of Terrace Bay in the amount of $511.42 was approved. Payment of travel ex- penses for Mr. Terry Bryson and Mr. Larry Simons to attend the Confederation College Municipal Management Development Seminar in Thunder Bay was ap- proved. Seventy-five per cent of the expenses will be refunded by the Col- lege in lieu of holding the seminar in Ter- race Bay. Mr. Simons was also authorized to attend the Fall Workshop of Zone 9 of the Association of Municipal Clerk Trea- surers of Ontario to be held in Thunder Bay, October 12 and 13. Councillor Bill Hous- ton reported that Ontar- io Hydro had changed their schedules and brought in extra crews in an effort to do neces- sary work in Terrace Bay. He believes that "because of the loud noises that were made, they have heard us."' In addition, Hydro sug- gested that in order to better serve the com- munity, they complete a street light survey for the town -with a view to eliminating dark spots. Mr. Houston also an- nounced the possibility of a computer being pur- chased by the library for public use. The next Council meeting will be held on Tuesday October 9th at 7:00 p.m. instead of Monday the eighth which is Thanksgiving. Sports North Star Executive Chosen The Schreiber North Stars meeting was held Tuesday, September 25th. A large turn- out of interested peo- ple and players were in attendance. The 1984- 85 North Star executive is as follows: Past Presi- dent - John Souliere, President - Cosimo Fi- lane, Vice President - Peter Speziale, Secre- tary - Mavis Godin, Treasurer - Rosemary Alfarano, Team Conv- enor - Coe Alfarano, Manager - Mickey For- tier, Coach - Frank Fig- liomeni, Assistant Coach - Fred Figlio- meni, Referee in Chief - Ian Fummerton. Directors: Ron Spe- ziale, Nancy Zapor- zan, Susan Fummer- ton, Mary Speziale, Hel- en Neilon, Jimmy Spe- ziale, Frank Costa, Diane Filane. Regular meeting nights of the North Stars will be the 4th Mon- day of each month. Youth Bowling The Terrace Bay Rec- reation Department will be conducting a Youth Bowling League this fall and winter. Interested adults have approached the department and have volunteered their time. Reg Gagg will head up this youth pro- gram. Reg can be reach- ed at home if you are interested in assisting. The program will be open to boys or girls 7-15 years of age with a maximum enrollment of 24. The time will be Saturday 10-12 a.m., October 27 to March 30, 1985. If you are interested in this program we will be offering a FREE in- troductory youth bowl- ing session Satur- day, October 6th from 10-12. Registration forms are available at the Recrea- tion Office. Please note that all participants must be valid recreation members. Men's Slowpitch Windup The Terrace Bay Men's Slow-Pitch League held their wind- up banquet and dance on September 22nd, at the Moose Hall. Andy Lauzon acted as Mas- ter of Ceremonies and grace was said by Albert Cadieux. After supper, awards were given out. Tro- phies were presented for individual achieve- ment during the year. Receiving these tro- phies from Bill Orlesky, Vice-President, were: Joe Dobush, High Aver- age; Guy Kodila, Most Home Runs; Lucien Theriault, Most RBI's; Gary Sutherland, Most Strikeouts by a Pit- cher (Tie); Dave Coo- per, Most Strikeouts: by a Pitcher (Tie); Paul So- daro, Most Valuable Pit- cher. Novelty awards: Leon Theriault, Most walks by a Pitcher; Mike King, Most Strikeouts. One special award, donated by C&D _ Enterprises went to Albert Cadieux as the League's Senior Citizen. Trophies donated by OV were then present- ed by Linda Orlesky, Statistician, to the most valuable player and most improved player on each team. These went to: MVP's - Gerry Boutilier, Doug Ross, THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF TERRACE BA SES | ASS | ae | Business Opportunity Terrace Bay Recreation Centre Restaurant Concession The municipality will receive applications for operation of the Restaurant Concession Community Centre until 5:00 p.m. on Monday, October 29, 1984, The restaurant is part of a major recreational complex including the arena, curling club, racquetball courts, library and other facilities. Major equipment for the operation of the restaurant is provided by municipality. Further information is available from the undersigned. L.H. Simons Clerk Co-Ordinator Township of Terrace Bay Box 40 Terrace Bay, Ont. POT 2W0 Phone 807-825-3315 in the squash and Gary Sutherland, Doug Chadwick, Terry Milan, Joe Dobush, Dan Gu- sala, Ken LeBlanc, Al Jensen, Paul Sodaro. MIPs - Ron Sitko, Al Papineau, Richard Evoy, Doug Roberts, Chris Cano, Dave Sitko, Al Lavigne, Dennis Reid, Gord Lang, Ro- saire Dutil. Most Valuable Player awards were presented to each team in the play- offs. These went to Jim Corrigan - Tigers and Harold Sutherland - Truckers. Rick Smeltzer, League president then pre- sented the League Championship Plaque to the Tigers as well as the Team play-off trophy, generously donated by Kimberly-Clark and in- dividual trophies to the Tigers who defeated the Truckers three games to one in the play-offs. The Tiger team con- sisted of: Brent Bertin, Bill Caron, Tom Chis- holm, Pat Commisso, Jim Corrigan, Curtis Evoy, John Gillen, Al Jensen, Gord Lang, Ron Stortini, Brad Mc- Millan, Jamie Stachiw, Dan Vienneau, Brian Walton, Rod Walton, Tim Wilson. One more special pre- sentation was made by Rick to Linda Orlesky in appreciation for the time and efforts she put in as statistician. Andy Lau- zon also presented Linda with a special gift on behalf of the Truckers, which. will probably come in really handy next season. It was announced that there will be a general meeting on October 8th to elect a new executive for next year. All intere- sted slow-pitch players are asked to attend. Following the pre- sentations, dancing was the order of the evening with music provided by. the High School Kids. Mixed Volleyball Mixed Adult Volley- ball begins Tuesday Oc- tober 9 at the Terrace Bay Campus of Lake Superior High School at 8:00 p.m. Everyone is welcome. Based on the turn-out it will be decid- ed if teams are to be formed or "'pick-up" games will be played weekly. Enjoy a bit of physical activity this winter. dd] <--<--|@|@Hz eeeec TERRACE BAY MINOR HOCKEY is holding a final skate and } equipment exchange on Thursday, October 4th, 7-9 i Terrace Bay Recreation Centre { 1 odV~e<2--4 << < _ a Hockey Coaches Take Note The Thunder Bay Amateur Hockey Asso- ciation and Hockey On- tario announce that a National Coaches Certi- fication program (NCCP) level three (3) clinic has been sched- uled for Saturday, Oct- ober 13, Sunday Octo- ber 14, and Saturday October 20 to be held at Confederation Col- lege in Thunder Bay. The three day technical program is open to all hockey coaches who have previously taken the NCCP level 2 hockey technical clinic. The level three pro- gram deals with much more of the technical as- pects of the fundament- als of hockey. Topics . such as growth and de- velopment, _ checking, goaltending and offen- sive and defensive sys- tems are but a few of the many topics dealt with during this three day program. Ice sessions complement the class- room sessions. Interested coaches can contact Dave Fitz- patrick at 622- 4792 for further informa- tion or registration. SCHREIBER PARKS AND -- RECREATION DEPARTMENT has openings for the following positions: TICKET SELLERS GAMES ROOM ATTENDANTS PUBLIC SKATING REFEREES Applications will be accepted at the Recreation Office until Friday, October 12, 1984 5:00 p.m. to attend. THE TERRACE BAY LADIES CURLING CLUB will be holding their Annual General Meeting on Tuesday, October 9/84 at 7:00 p.m. in the Curling Club Lounge All women interested in curling this year are urged registration. Contacts: Friday Night Draws: 6:30 p.m. 8:00 p.m. 9:30 p.m. Julie Johner 825-9345 Mike Serre 825-9332 | TERRACE BAY CURLING CLUB MIXED CURLING will begin on Friday, Nov. 2nd We are accepting team registrations or individual = CHIMNEY SWEEPS - Clean - Efficient Call anytime 825-9473 oan