RR. oss port Notes Ins and Outs by ANNE TODESCO Mr. and Mrs. Dave | Mushqush motored to Thunder Bay during the week. Mrs. Camilla. Le- gault is visiting rela- tives at the Lakehead this week. A group of Rossport- ites working under the Ministry of Northern Af-_ fairs, are cleaning and landscaping the vil- lage park and installing booth facilities. Several pine trees will be plant- ed, bridges and foot- paths improved, and St. John Berchmen's Altar Society by ANNE TODESCO Beverly Legault heads the St. John Berch- men's Altar Society and was on hand when elec- tions took place at the Annual meeting of the organization. The meet- ing was held at the home of Mrs. Ray Kenney last Thursday evening. Rev. Father Peter Groulx presided for the elections. Other memb- ers of the executive are: Ist Vice: Mrs. Anna Bain 2nd Vice: Prina Gerow Secretary: Laura Le- gault Treasurer Doris Le- gault. Following the open- ing prayers and exer- cises, the minutes were approved as read. The financial statement was adopted as given and showed a_ substantial cash balance to start the new term. The Penny Auction re- ceipts were satisfactory. The church pews are to be sanded, varnished and fastened to the floor. It was decided to put the job out on con- tract. Correspondence re- lated to the Society or- dering pins was heard, and the secretary was instructed to write for more information as to cost and design of the pins. Several thank you cards were received. Following closing prayers which were lead by Father Groulx, Mrs. Kenney served a lun- cheon. Terrace Bay-Schreiber News, Wednesday, June 6, 1984, page 11. JLsttews picnic tables built. 'Mrs. Anne Todesco has returned from Thunder Bay where she visited friends. Mr. and Mrs. Keith Mahoney of Kenora were guests of Hilda and Dave Mushqush this week. Peter Mushqush and family of Sioux Look- out and Della Mushqush of Dryden visited their parents over the week- end. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Nicol and family of Thunder Bay spent a few days here this week. Bicentennial Update by ANNE TODESCO The Rossport Bicen- tennial Committee met on Sunday to budget for their grant money which will be used to cover costs of food, entertain- ment, etc. It didn't take long to find out that $1100 could soon be spent. All prizes for the various events will be in cash form. The pen- nies and dollars had to be stretched in order to cover existing events that have already been planned for. Some had to be dropped due to prizes not being able to be offered. Mrs. Todesco is to take care of the bread, butter and milk supplies while Mrs. Stefurak will be purchasing the food supplies. Mrs. Tympko is to compile the various recipes received, into a cook book and will type a master copy. Very few pictures are being loaned for the old-time picture display and commentary. It is quite disappointing. The Bicentennial but- tons are moving at a good rate in sales and it 'was decided to reorder a few more. Charles Hutterli an- nounced that the flag pole was ready to be erected in order for the Bicentennial flag to be flown. It was decided to do so this week. The vil- lagers are urged to fly the Ontario or Bicenten- nial flags at their homes during this anniversary of Ontario's 200th birth- day. Dear Editor: Last weekend I was one of the Pathfinders from Sault Ste. Marie who came to Thunder Bay for the "Pathfinder Scout Pioneer Festival". On the return trip we stopped at Terrace Bay for lunch. Lunch was provided for us by some of the mothers of guides in the basement of a church. We were greet- ed enthusiastically by the ladies. The decor- ations, time and effort put into the lunch were most appreciated. The food was excellent - a Fond Memories of Terrace Bay | welcome change. from camping fare! Thank you Terrace Bay! We have fond memories of your town. Sincerely, Jeannette Hansen, 120 Chartwell Dr., __ Sault Ste. Marie, Ont. Thunder Bay, Ontario There are many devices to help people hear better at Church and at Meetings; TV too. More information, contact: The Canadian Hearing Society No. 203 - 135 N. Syndicate Avenue Phone (807) 623-1646 for Sept./84. Applicants must - be 21 years of age - be in good health Rossport - have a safe driving record SCHOOL BUS DRIVERS required for Terrace Bay Schreiber convenient working hours-excellent pay benefits. a class "B" drivers licence is desirable, but we will train any suitable applicants at our expense. Contact: Trottier Bus Lines P.O. Box 1449 Geraldton POT 1M0 Phone 854-0479 June 9th 8:00 a.m. - 12 noon 14' = 360C Special Special P) 1' CX2020C Special $ §$9°° Spring baseboard special FPEM27-5 500W FPE M27-7 750W FPE M27-10 1000W FPE M27-12 1250W FPE M27-15 1500W FPE M27-17 1750W FPE M27-20 2000W FPE M27-22 2250W FPE M27-25 2500W FPE M27-011A Built in state 14/2 MmD7 House wire 75m coil Special *129" Ae *550°° $16.70 each $19.50 each $23.25each $27.75 each $30.60 each $36.30 each $39.10 each $41.20 each $44.00 each $7.75 each $28.00/lot B4 & I Supply Ltd. Head Office: 933 Tungsten Street, Thunder Bay, Ontario, P7B 5Z3 Sales Outlet: Mill Road, Terrace Bay Phone 825-3203 Telex 0764126 TOSHIBA SO MONTH WARRANTY Parts and Labour In-Home. The most comprehensive Warranty in Canada. (7